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the comfort of parents; these, forming the great features of happiness, are full as much "public property" as are the characters of princes and men in high offices of state; nay, they are, in truth, a great deal more to; and, shall the public have no means of redress, when this inestimable property is assailed, and that, too, through the misuse of those means, which are furnished by the public themselves? Shall they, when they return from church, and from hearing "the king's Proclamation against Vice and Immorality," be drily told, that princes are under great temptations"?Of the endeavour to chip and shave and scrape and rub and polish down the charges against the Duke of York to a mere matter of crim. con., I think as Mr. Whitbread does; but, while, considering the Duke in has high public capacity, as Commander in Chief, I lose sight of this, when I am contemplating the Charges and the Evidence before the House; I cannot, when this is made a subject of separate discussion, think it a matter to be treated in the light manner, in which Mr. Whitbread attempted to treat it.

done much more than could be expected of him or of any human being, that these Thanks of the ministers should be moulded into a "tangible shape," and put upon the records of parliament; and the intention, as expressed by Mr. Canning, of opposing such vote, if proposed, does appear to me to be capable of no consistent explanation; unless, indeed, the ministers are prepared to assert, that, owing to their clever mode of proceeding, the Duke owes his fall to them, rather than to Mr. Wardle; and, that, therefore, in voting thanks to him, they should be loading him with their own trophies. Upon any other ground, I cannot see how they can have the face to oppose such a motion. Whatever they may do, the nation will thank him, and will esteem and love him as one of its very best friends and greatest benefactors; as one of the few men, who, in these times of corruption, have shown themselves uncontaminated. The people will thank him. They have began to thank him, some proofs of which I here insert:

In the close of his speech, Mr. Whit- "A JUST TRIBUTE TO COL WARDLE. bread did justice to the conduct of Mr. As a wish has been very generally exWardle. In alluding to what Mr. Can-pressed by the inhabitants of this city and ning said, about a Vote of Thanks to that its neighbourhood that COLONEL G. L. gentleman, and which vote, if brought WARDLE, M. P. should be publicly ac forward, the latter declared himself ready knowledged, for his manly and disinterestto oppose; Mr. Whitbread observed, as ed conduct in his present arduous underthe public will remember to have been the taking; an opportunity will be afforded fact, that, when Mr. Wardle first brought them of doing so, by subscribing an ADforward his charges, the ministers, with DRESS to that independent member of the one accord expressed their joy, that the British Parliament, of which the tenor folimputations against the Duke had, at last, lows:-We, hereunto subscribing, Inhabiassumed a " tangible shape." The COURIER tants of the city and suburbs of Glasgow, news-paper, to which the public are in- hereby testify our unbiassed and unpreju finitely indebted for its exertions upon diced opinion," That COLOnel Wardle, this occasion, and particularly for its good," by first stepping forward, and by his conplain, thumping arguments, rallied them" duct throughout the whole of the Investigamost delightfully upon this "tangible" tion now pending in the honourable the House shape;" but, still they appeared insen-" of Commons relative to his royal highness the sible. They thanked Mr. Wardle too. "Duke of York, has proved himself to the Yes, they thanked, the " d-d good-natur-" world, to be one of the most Magnanimous, "ed friend," as Sir Fretful does in the "Patriotic, Firm, and Candid Men in kis Maplay, for having told the parliament what "jesty's Dominions."--All those who wish the wicked world said of the Duke. They to mark and distinguish the conduct of this might, indeed, grind the word between intrepid and persevering Representative their teeth; but they really did say, one of the People, and who concur in the plain and all, that they thanked him. Well, now and obvious sentiment contained in the the affair is over; for a few days, at least, above Address, will have an opportunity (for Lord Folkestone has given notice of of joining in expressing it, by signing suba motion about the Duke for the 17th of scription papers, which will be opened on April, and his lordship is not given much Thursday first,-At the shop lately posto joking;) Mr. Wardle's Charges are now sessed by Mr. Steel, Shoemaker, No. 97, over; and, it seems but reasonable, since Trongate ;-D. Grieve's Stocking-shop, he has had so much labour, and has really No. 408, at the Cross;-The Session-House,

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not seem to perceive the effects of the apoplexy; but, good Lord! is it possible, that such a man as Mr. Whitbread should not see the indifference that prevails; the total, the worse than death-like indiflerence, that prevails, with regard to all their motions and debates? Is there, in the whole kingdom, one town or city containing a dozen men, free from all views of gain, who would give the toss-up of a half-penny for their return to power and place? From my heart I believe there is not. The public mind has taken a new turn; the farce of Opposition no longer captivates, or amuses. It is a stale trick.

head of Havannah-Street ;- Both the to wish to render the cause such service. Burgher Session Houses, Campbell-Street; In him; in his closing acts, Mr. Wardle, -Bridgetown Session-House;--The House and this nation, has an instance of what of John Low, Grocer, Cross-Loan, Street, party leads to.-One would think, that Calton ;-And at the Relief Session-House, those who call themselves the Opposition, Anderston.-Glasgow, March 14th 1809." must be blinded by infatuation equal to that ascribed to the Duke of York, not to -The City of Canterbury has also, see, that the nation cares not a straw for in the most formal manner, voted him their them, their motions, or their speeches; thanks, and the freedom of that City, as nay, that to cool the indignation of the appears from a Letter, which I have this people at any act of the ministers, the efday received, enclosing a copy of their fectual way is for them to appear to partiResolution, in the following terms:- cipate in that indignation. Their blindCITY OF CANTERBURY, AND COUNTY ness must surpass the blindness of moles, THE SAME CITY.--At a Court of if it prevents their perceiving, that, into Burghmote, holden at the Guildhall of such disrepute have they fallen, that their "the said City, the twenty-first day of acting in a body is sure to blast their indi"March, 1809;-Resolved: That this vidual exertions. Mr. Whitbread regrett"Court duly considering the very laud- ed that princes "wanted an admonishing "able and patriotic conduct of G. L. "friend;" and so do parties. The Oppo"WARDLE, Esq. M. P. in calling the at-sition, like the Archbishop of Granada, do tention of the House of Commons to the "conduct of the Commander in Chief, do return him their grateful and sincere "thanks; and in testimony of the high approbation this Court entertain of the "able, manly, and spirited manner, in "which he conducted the proceedings, "that the FREEDOM of this ancient and loyal City be granted to him.-And it "is ordered by this Court, that the City "Seal be affixed to the above Resolution. By the Court, HAMMOND, Town-Clerk." -This, upon which, probably, Mr. Wardle will set as much value, as he would upon a vote of Thanks from Mr. Canning, is, I dare say, a mere beginning, in an of-mockery of patriotism is not calculated ficial way, of giving utterance to an ex- any longer to impose upon a public that pression of what is felt by every impartial pays fifty millions a year in taxes. The and independent man in the country.- Morning Chronicle calls this a new era in I was surprized to hear Mr. Whitbread the history of the parliament; but this is say, that he was not prepared for a vote of only the effect of a new era in the poputhanks. It would be curious to hear his lar view of politics and politicians; and reasons for this; and I do hope, that he what has been done is but a mere beginwill have an opportunity of stating them.ning, a mere breaking of the ice, in that I am certain his objection to such vote (if, salutary and constitutional change, which, indeed, he has one) has not arisen from without destroying (as the anti-jacobins any little motives of personal pique, or, would fain have us believe it will) any which would be still worse, envy: I fully part of the King's just prerogatives, will acquit him of that. But, if he does op- be a great blessing to his people. The dispose such a vote, I shall ascribe his oppo-mission of the Duke of York! I, who have sition to those motives of party, which have so long been the bane of this country. The good, the very brightest gem, of this affair, is, that it has been unsullied by the mear, the ugly smear, of party. If it had been brought forward by a party, it would have failed. Mr. Sheridan did the cause, by his disclaiming it, a service never to be sufficiently praised; and, not less because it was the farthest thought from his heart



taken openly, and who have inwardly felt, as much interest as any body in the proceedings, have never cared one farthing about it; that is to say, unless it was to be the forerunner of some general measure, some effectual check, some radical change of a great constitutional nature. I should hate myself if I could have written so many papers, with such a pitiful object in view. I would as lief the Duke of York

should now be at the Horse Guards as Sir David Dundas, if no effectual remedy be to follow; and, though I think Mr. Wardle entitled to the thanks of the nation, I should not be very eager to give him mine, if I thought it possible for him now to stop.

"Think nothing gain'd, he cries, 'till nought re"main,"

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omitted in the papers now, I shall be glad to have the error corrected.Mr. TIMOTHY BROWN, who has lent so much assistance to us, was so good as to send me, yesterday, an extract of a letter from a friend of his, who, in consequence of the base insinuations, against this young woman, published, last week, in the Morning Post news-paper, took the trouble to make, in person, particular inquiries, at Chelsea, must be the maxim of the man, who which extract, from motives similar to those, means now to render his country service. from which the inquiry was made, I here He must give corruption no rest, 'till he insert.- "With respect to Miss Taylor, I has destroyed her and the very spawn of "felt myself called upon to inform myself her. And, are feats like these to be ex- "whether I was advocating the cause of pected from a prating, pleader-like Oppo- "a deserving unprotected female, or supsition? A disciplined corps; a set of "porting a worthless woman. With this hunters after office; who like and dislike "view, I proceeded to Chelsea, and, after in a body? No, it never can be and never "the most rigid scrutiny into her history, will be; and of this the country is as well "character, and connections, among her assured, as I am of this pen's being in my "neighbours, I could find nothing against hand.- -Mr. Whitbread seems satisfied;"her but her poverty. The very circumI am not, and never shall be, as long as I see an Apothecary General, who meddles with no business whatever; who rides in his coach and four, deriving 12,000 pounds a year out of the taxes, and who (oh! indelible shame!) pockets ten shillings a day, as an officer upon the staff, and who declares this, at the same time that he declares that

"stance of her endeavouring to obtain an "honest and reputable livelihood, by

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keeping a school, is an argument of a "virtuous disposition. Her scholars having "been withdrawn by their parents the in"stant it appeared she was a relation of Mrs. "Clarke, is a proof that her scholars were respectable; and her merit will appear the greater when it is recollected, the temptations held out to her by the "blandishments of prostitution were more ❝than sufficient to warp her from the "line of right, if her mind had not "been well fenced with good principles. "She had it also in her power to have "corrected the errors of fortune by taking "up the business of an Army Broker. "Her credit with her relation, Mrs. "Clarke, might well have induced her to have recourse to such ways and means, "if she had been disposed to engage in such dishonorable traffic; but it no "where appears that she ever mixed her "self with such concerns, or that she "neglected the most sacred trust, with "which she had charged herself, to parSUBSCRIPTION FOR MISS TAYLOR. "take of the revelries at Glo'ster Place. This Undertaking promises very fair for "My enquiries were rigid: I asked this success. The Public have felt and acted," question, whether male visitors frequentupon the occasion, as I expected they "ed her house; or any of her scholars would, The names of Subscribers, as 66 accompanied her to Mrs. Clarke's? To they come, are inserted, in THE TIMES, "these important questions I received a MORNING CHRONICLE, COURIER, STATES-direct negative. These facts I will beg MAN, and other news-papers, through the li- " you to communicate to your friends." berality of the proprietors, whose conduct merits great applause. When the Subscription is closed, I intend to publish the List complete in the Register; and, if any Lady or Gentleman should see their name

he never meddles with any business. This is
upon record, in a Report before the House
of Commons; no measure has been taken
upon it; and, while this is the case, I am
not satisfied, nor can I be satisfied. To
those who merit pensions for real services
to the public, or for real losses sustained for
the sake of the public or the king, I grudge
nothing. But, I do grudge every single
farthing that goes in the way above de-
scribed, or in any such manner; and if it
was not that I hope to contribute towards"
the overthrow of such abuses, I never
would write another line as long as I

Botley, Thursday, 23rd March, 1809.


The several communications that have

recently been made to me, I shall, the writers may be assured, not fail to make

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Pedronara. On the 13th, the division of Villatte marched directly against the enemy; while the duke of Bellune, with the division of Ruffin, took a circuit by Alcazar. As soon as general Villatte discovered the Spaniards, he advanced to the charge, and put to the rout the enemy's 12 or 13,000 men, who immediately endeavoured to retire by Cara-cosa on Al, cazar. The 9th reg. of light infantry, the 24th, and the 96th of the line, presented to the enemy a wall of bayonets. The Spaniards threw down their arms. officers, two generals, seven colonels, 20 lieutenant-colonels, and 12,000 men, were made prisoners. Thirty standards, and all the artillery, have been taken. One Venegos, who commanded these troops, has been killed. The whole of the captured


OFFICIAL PAPERS. PRUSSIA.Letter of the King to the Magistrates of Berlin.-24 Dec. 1808. WORTHY, beloved, and faithful subjects, my provinces being evacuated by the French, my attention is now directed to the accomplishment of my heartfelt wish of returning to my capital of Berlin, with the queen my spouse, and my family-an object which I have by all possible means endeavoured to attain since the conclusion of peace. I have given orders that the constituted authorities shall leave this place for Berlin, as soon as the districts on the other side of the Vistula have begun to breathe a little from the effect of the hea-army, with its colours, escorted by three vy burthens they have sustained in furnishing carriages and supplies, both before and during the evacuation of the country. This short interval I shall employ in a journey to St. Petersburgh, in consequence of the repeated friendly and urgent invitations, both verbally and by letter, of his majesty the emperor of Russia. I shall expedite my journey, and hope, within a few weeks, to revisit my provinces on the other side of the Vistula, to which I owe so many proofs of exemplary fidelity; and I shall in particular hasten my return to Berlin, to testify to my subjects of that city my gratitude for their firmness and good conduct, and to assure them of my attachment and satisfaction. I inform you hereof, and command you to notify the same to my loving and faithful citizens of that city; and I am your loving sovereign


SPANISH REVOLUTION.-Twenty-ninth Bulletin of the French Army of Spain, dated

Valladolid, Jan. 16, 1809. "On the 10th Jan. the head-quarters of general the duke of Bellune were at Aranjuez. Here he learned that the remains of the army, which had been beaten at Tudela, were re-united in the neighbourhood of Cuenca, after having been joined by the new levies from Grañada, Valencia and Murcia. The king of Spain conceived the possibility of drawing out the enemy. With this view, he ordered all the posts to fall back, which had advanced to the mountains of Cuenca, beyond Tarancon and Huete. The Spanish army followed this movement. On the 12th, it was stationed at Veles. The duke of Bellune then took post at Tarancon and Fuente de


battalions, will, to-morrow, (the 17th), make its entrance into Madrid.—This success does the greatest honour to the duke of Bellune, and to the conduct of his troops. General Villatte manoeuvred with skill, and general Ruffin distinguished himself: so did general Latour Mauburg. young Sopransi, chef d'escadron of the 1st dragoons, threw himself into the midst of the enemy, displaying a singular bravery. He brought six stand of colours to the duke of Bellune. The general of artillery Senarmont conducted himself as he has always done: when the enemy's army found its retreat was cut off, it changed its direction. General Senarmont then occupied a narrow pass with his ar tillery, and upon this pass it was that the enemy directed his course, in order to find out an opening. The artillery had little escort; but the canoniers of the grand army had no need of it. General Senarmont placed his guns in square battalion, and fired with grape shot. The enemy's column again changed its direction, and turned to the quarter from whence it came, to lay down its arms.-The duke of Bellune praises M. Chateau, his first aide-decamp. He recommends also general Semele, and colonels Jaimin, Meunier, Mouton, &c. officers whose bravery and skill have been tried in a thousand actions.-In Gallicia the English still continue to be pursued at the point of the sword. After having been chased from Lugo, three parts of them took the direction to Corunna, the fourth that to Vigo, where they have transports. The duke of Dalmatia has advanced towards Corunna, and the duke of Elchingen to Vigo. tations of the Council of State of Spain, Depu

of the Council of the Indies, of the Council of Finances, of the Council of War, of the Council of Marine, of the Council of Orders, of the Junta of Commerce and of Money, of the Tribunals of Alcaldes, of the Municipality of Madrid, of the Clergy regular and secular, of the Order of Nobility, of the Corporation, major and minor, of the inhabitants and parishes of the different quarters of Madrid, were presented to the Emperor and King on the 16th, at Valladolid.-The following Addresses have been presented to his Majesty:

by the wisdom and the assemblage of the lofty virtues which he possesses, as by the powerful support of the Hero of Europe, upon whom the Council of the Indies founds the hope which it has of seeing re-united those ties which ought always to unite the American possessions with the Mother Country."

Address of D. Manuel de Valanzuela, in the name of the Council of Finances.

Sire; The Council of Finances has the honour to offer to your Imperial and Royal Majesty the homage of its profound respect. Uniting its entreaties to those of the city of Madrid, it implores your Imperial and Royal Majesty, that you will be graciously pleased to confer upon it the favour to permit it to behold in Madrid the august and beloved Brother of your Majesty. The Council expects from this favour the felicity and repose of the kingdom, which is its sweetest hope.'

Address of M. le Count de Montarco, in the name of the Council of State.-Sire, The Council of State is happy in having the honour of being presented to your majesty the Emperor and King, in order to return you its homage of thanks for the generous clemency which you have deigned to manifest towards the supreme Council of the monarchy.. What gratitude does Speech of the Marquis de las Amarillas it not owe you for having snatched Spain in the name of the Council of War. — from the influence of those destructive Sire; The Supreme Council of War has councils which fifty years of misfortunes received with the most lively gratitude had prepared for it for having rid it of the honour which it had solicited of laying the English armies, which threatened to at the feet of your Imperial and Royal fix upon its territories the theatre of con- Majesty its respectful homage, and most tinental war, and to inflict upon it the humble thanks, for the clemency which disorders and the ravages which are usu- your Majesty has displayed towards the ally in its train! Grateful for all these city of Madrid.--It unites its supplications benefits, the Council of State has still ano-to those of the Representatives of Madrid, ther supplication to lay at the feet of your Majesty. Deign, Sire, to commit to our loyalty your august Brother, our lord and king. Permit him to re-enter Madrid, and to take into his hands the reins of government; so that under the benevolent sway of this august prince, whose mildness, wisdom, and justice, are known to all Europe, our widowed and desolate Monarchy may find a father in the best of kings. Sire, we have sworn to obey him; we have offered him the homage of our fidelity: we will keep our oath: and your Majesty shall have no cause to regret, either the confidence you shall deign to repose in us, or the clemency which you have exercised towards us,'

Address of Don Bernardo Iriarte, in the name of the Council of the Indies. Sire; The Council of the Indies has the honour to present itself to your majesty the Emperor and King, in order to offer to you the homage of its profound respect, in beseeching you to grant it your sovereign protection. It entirely submits itself to the decrees of your Majesty, and to those of your august Brother the King our Master, who is to create the happiness of Spain, as well

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that your Majesty, through an effect of your august beneficence, will confer upon this capital and its district the felicity of granting them the presence of their King, Joseph the 1st, in order that his government may confer upon us the tranquillity and the advantages which we expect from it, and of which the Spanish nation has so urgent a want under the actual circumstances.'

Speech of the Lieutenant-general of Marine, D. Joseph Justo de Salcedo, in the name of the Council of Marine.

Sire; The Council of Marine has the ho nour of presenting to your Imperial and Royal Majesty the homage of its profound respect. It unites its intreaties with those of the Council of State, and others which have preceded it, imploring your Majesty, that for the welfare of the country you will be pleased to confer upon it the favour that your august Brother may reign in Spain for the repose and tranquillity of all the kingdom. The Council desires that the zeal of the body of the Marine, and its labours for the service of the country, may, under the influence of such wise laws, contribute to the liberty of the seas,

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