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spite of the greatest difficulties and the most formidable discouragements, has rendered an important service to his country, and merits the grateful thanks and warmest approbation of this Meeting.

been paid in the House of Commons to the investigation of the Charges brought in this particular instance, ought to animate the people to prosecute Inquiry and Reform in all the departments of the "3d. That the Thanks of this Meeting be State; and they recommend to every given to our worthy Representative, sir F. county, city, and borough of the United Burdett, bart. for the independent manner Kingdom, in which the present state of in which, at a very important moment, the Elective Franchise will admit it, to and under very critical circumstances, he follow the example which it has been the seconded the Motion for Inquiry; for the duty and pride of the City of Westminster assistance which, as far as his health per- to set them, of returning, free of expense, mitted, he afforded during its progress, honest and independent Representatives; and for the able and patriotic Speech who shall have no interest but that of rewhich under the pressure of great bodily storing what is obviously wanted-integ pain, he delivered on the result of the In-rity and economy, in the receipt and exvestigation thus adding one more to the many proofs he has already given, that he is the faithful steward of that body, by whose free and spontaneous voice he was so honourably elected.

"4th. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to lord viscount Folkestone, for the active, judicious, and firm support he afforded to col. Wardle during the investigation; and for his manly, able, and perspicuous Speech on the Conduct of the Commander-in-Chief.

5th. That the Thanks of this Meeting are particularly due to Samuel Whitbread, esq., sir Samuel Romilly, knt., major-gen. Ferguson, Henry Martin, esq., sir Thomas Turton, bart., Thomas William Coke, esq., John Christian Curwen, esq., the hon. Thomas Brand, the hon. H. W. Lyttleton, lord viscount Milton, lord viscount Althorp, Chas. Watkin Williams Wynne, esq., lord Stanley, and the Minority of 125, who divided in favour of colonel Wardle's Motion for an Address to the King, on the Conduct of the Duke of York, and the Minority of 137, who supported the Amendment proposed by sir Thomas Turton, bart.

penditure of the public money, and of preserving inviolate the rights and privileges of the people.

"ARTHUR MORRIS, High Bailiff. "It was then also unanimously Resolved,

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That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Arthur Morris, esq., high bailiff, for the promptness with which he called this Meeting, and for his able and impar tial Conduct in the Chair.”

-There is but one word, that I dislike in these Resolutions, and that is the word Colonel. Not Colonel, but Mister. After what we have recently seen, let us, I pray you, have it plain Mr. Wardle.These are good sentiments. It is useless to talk: they must prevail. There must be a sa lutary, constitutional, legal, loyal refor mation; a radical reform, from Christs' Hospital to St. Stephen's Chapel, or this nation sinks into everlasting ruin.—Mr. Whitbread was, I hear, at this meeting, and took an active part. That is good. It shews. that he has broken through the cursed trammels of faction; that he is, at last, weary of an association with the Sheridans "6th. That the Thanks of this Meeting and Fitzpatricks. Foh! Oh! it was truly be also given to the Minority, on the molamentable to see him so yoked.- Well, tion of Henry Bankes, esq.; and also to now, were these ten thousand jacobins ? the Minority who opposed the Motion of Tremble, then, Mr. Yorke, for the "conthe right hon. the Chancellor of the Ex-" spiracy" is formidable indeed, though chequer; and it is their unanimous opinion, that, after the concurring declaration of so many Independent Representatives of the People, whoever shall, at any future time, advise His Majesty to teinstate his royal highness the Duke of York in the situation of Commander-in-Chief, will, by such advice, prove himself an enemy to the country.

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you can, I think, no longer complain, that it does not appear in a " tangible shape." Is it not the best, and wisest, and safest way, for the government to set about a radical reform at once, to anticipate all these jacobins, and so spite the rogues? Perhaps you will tell me, that there are millions upon millions of good and solid reasons why this will not be. But, there are 126 men, even in the House of Commons, who demand a statement of these weighty reasons. They, who are almost all of them,

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men of great property, do not seem to fear the consequences of a reform. Poor fools! what, I warrant, they do not understand what is good for them half so well as Mr. Huskisson and Mr. Canning and Mr. Ward and General Fitzpatrick and Lord Castlereagh do? Poor silly young fellows! they are, as the Morning Post says, misled by designing men;" or, as Mr. Perceval has it, by "cooler heads." And so, they, however plain the thing may be, cannot see, that it does them good to take out of their estates immense salaries for Mr. Huskisson and Mr. Ward, and pretty decent pensions for their wives. They cannot see, country cubs that they are, how it is that they and their children are to be benefited by paying £.300 to Lady Louisa Paget, upon the English pension list, and another £.300 a year to the same identi cal person, under the name of Lady Louisa Erskine, upon the Scotch pension list. It

is useless to enumerate any more cases; for if they are blind to the benefit here, so they would continue to the end of the chapter, which, by-the-bye, is a pretty long one.To be serious, these 126 men shew that a Reform must take place. Truth has triumphed, and the vile writers, the vile traders, the reptile and venomous traders in Anti-Jacobinism must be trodden under foot; a triumph, for which amongst other things, we have to thank

Mr. Wardle.

Botley, Thursday, 30th March, 1809.

In speaking of the List of the Minority upon Mr. Wardle's Motion, I observed, that there were only two lawyers in it. I did not know that MR. HENRY MARTIN was a lawyer, and I overlooked the name of MR. FRANCIS ORNER. I beg these gentlemen to be assured, that the omission to mention them as gentlemen of the law was not intentional.

A correspondent points out an error in my statement respecting Mr. Adam's son's

promotion. Any one must see that, sup

posing the thing to stand as my correspondent supposes, it was a mere error; because it is impossible, that it should have been intentional, as I myself furnished the means of detection.Nor does it at all alter the merits of the case. But, the thing is even worse than I represented it ; for, a Captain in the Guards ranks with a Major of other foot regiments, and a Lieutenant with Captains of other foot regiments; so that, in any Garrison, or Camp, Lieut. Adam, just warm from school, in 1799, at the age of sixteen, might have

taken the command of other regiments as well as of his own company; for, how often does it happen, that the command of a regiment is left to a Captain Lieute| nant ?- -An account, which I will give, one of these days, of the way in which it was managed to get this young man on, with a positive and direct violation of the rule not to promote one man over the head of another, in the same corps, will be highly amusing.

The Electors of Westminster have published the Speech of Sir Francis Burdett, upon the Conduct of the Duke of York.

It is my intention to have published a List of the 125 members, who voted with Mr. Wardle. To have it printed upon fine ́ and stout paper, capable of being framed, and preceded by the motion, and a succinct history thereof; so that it may be hung up, and read as one sits before the fire. -It would be very desirable to have the List of those who voted against him. Can no one assist me in this? It would be a most valuable thing for the nation to possess. Much more valuable than "Our Empire in the East."



State Trials:

To be completed in Thirty-Six Monthly
Parts, forming Twelve large Volumes in
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The FOURTH PART of the above Work

is this day published. One Part will appear, with the greatest regularity, on the Subscribers who have expressed their infirst of each succeeding Month. Those tention of taking the Work in Quarterly Volumes, are respectfully informed that the First Volume is now ready for delivery.


Parliamentary Debates:

The TWELFTH VOLUME is in the Press. All Communications for the above Work, if sent to the Publishers in due time, shall be carefully attended to.

OFFICIAL PAPERS. TREATY BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND SPAIN. Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Alliance between his Britannic Majesty and his Catholic Majesty Ferdinand VII. Signed at London, the 14th of Jur. 1809.1 In the name of the Most Holy and

and without any regard either to time or place, shall be restored by both parties. And as the accidental occupation of any of the ports of the Peninsula by the common enemy, might occasion disputes respecting any vessels, which, in ignorance of such occupation, might direct their course to these ports from any other harbour, either of the Peninsula or the colonies; and as cases may occur in which Spanish inhabitants of the said ports or provinces, so occupied by the enemy, may, with their property, endeavour to escape from his grasp; the High Contract

Undivided Trinity :-The events which | date of the said declaration, in any seas or have taken place in Spain having termi-ports of the world, without any exceptions, nated the state of hostility which unfortunately subsisted between the crowns of Great Britain and Spain, and united the arms of both against the common enemy, it seems good that the new relations which have been produced between two nations. now connected by common interest, should be regularly established and confirmed by a formal Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Alliance: Wherefore his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Supreme and Central Junta of Spain and the Indies, acting in the name and on the behalf of his Catholic Majesty, Ferdinand VII, haveing Parties have agreed that Spanish vesconstituted and appointed; that is to say, sels, not aware of the enemy's occupation his Majesty the King of the United King- of any harbour which they are desirous to dom of Great Britain and Ireland, the enter, or such as may succeed in making right hon. George Canning, one of his their escape from any harbour so occupied, Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, shall not be captured, nor themselves nor and his principal Secretary of State for their cargo be considered as a good prize; Foreign Affairs; and the Supreme and but, on the contrary, that they shall meet Central Junta of Government of Spain and with every help and assistance from the the Indies, acting in the name and on be- naval power of his Britannic Majesty. 3. half of his Catholic Majesty Ferdinand His Britannic Majesty engages to continue VII. Don Juan Ruiz de Apodaca, Com- to assist, to the utmost of his power, the mander of Vallaga and Algarga in the Spanish nation in their struggle against military order of Calatrava, rear admiral the tyranny and usurpation of France, and of the royal, Navy, named by the Supreme promises not to acknowledge any other and Central Junta of Government of Spain King of Spain and of the Indies thereunto and the Indies, as Envoy Extraordinary appertaining, than his Catholic Majesty and Minister Plenipotentiary of his Catho- Ferdinand VII. his heirs, or such lawful lic Majesty Ferdinand VII. to his Britan- successor as the Spanish Nation shall acnic Majesty; their Plenipotentiaries, to knowledge; and the Spanish Government, conclude and sign a treaty of Peace, in the name and on the behalf of his CaFriendship, and Alliance; who, having tholic Majesty Ferdinand VII. engages communicated their respective Full Pow- never, in any case, to cede to France any ers, have agreed to and concluded the part of the territories or possessions of the following Articles Article 1. There Spanish Monarchy, in any part of the shall be between his Majesty the King of world. 4. The High Contracting Parties the United Kingdom of Great Britain and agree to make common cause against Ireland, and his Catholic Majesty Ferdi- France; and not to make peace with that nand VII. King of Spain and of the Indies Power except by common consent. thereunto appertaining, and between all The present Treaty shall be ratified by their kingdoms, states, dominions, and sub- both parties, and the exchange of the ratijects, a Christian, stable, and inviolable fications shall be made in the space of two peace, and a perpetual and sincere amity, months (or sooner if it can be done), in and a strict alliance during the war against London.-In witness whereof, we, the unFrance; together with an entire and last-dersigned Plenipotentiaries, have signed, ing oblivion of all acts of hostility done on their side, in the course of the late wars, in which they have been engaged against each other. 2. To obviate all complaints and disputes which might arise on the subject of prizes, captured posterior to the Article I. Separate.-The Spanish Ga declaration published by bis Britannic vernment engages to take the most effec Majesty on the 4th of July of the last year tual measures for the preventing of the it has been mutually agreed, that the ves-Spanish squadrons in all the Ports of sels and property taken posterior to the Spain, as well as of the French squadron,


in virtue of our respective full powers, the present Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Alliance, and have sealed it with the seals of our arms. (L. S.) GEORGE Canning, (L. S.) JUAN RUIZ DE APODACA.

taken in the month of June, and now in the harbour of Cadiz, from falling into the power of France. For which purpose his Britannic Majesty engages to co-operate by all means in his power.-The present separate Article shall have the same force and validity, as if it were inserted, word for word, in the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Alliance signed this day, and shall be ratified at the same time.-In witness whereof, We, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, have signed, &c. &c. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING. (L. S.) JUAN RUIZ DE APODACA.

Article II. Separate.-A Treaty shall forthwith be negociated, stipulating the amount and description of succours to be afforded by his Britannic Majesty, agreeably to the third Article of the present Treaty. The present separate Article shall have the same force and validity, as if it were inserted, word for word, in the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Alliance, signed this day, and shall be ratified at the same time.-In witness whereof, we, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, have signed, &c. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING.

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was secured, the following Proclamation
was issued:
Proclamation issued by the Duke of Suder-
mania on his assuming the Government.

"We Charles, by the grace of God, hereditary prince of Sweden, the Goths, Vandals, &c. duke of Sudermania, grand admiral, &c. &c. do declare, That, under existing circumstances, his majesty is incapable to act, or to conduct the important affairs of the Nation: We have, therefore, (being the nearest and only branch of the family of age), been induced for the time being, as Administrator of the Kingdom, to take the reins of Government into our hands, which, with the help of the Almighty, we will conduct, so that the Nation may regain Peace, both at home and abroad, and that Trade and Commerce may revive from their languishing state. Our inviolable intention is, to consult with the States on the means to be taken to render the future time happy to the People of Sweden. We invite and command, therefore, all the Inhabitants of our Nation, our Forces by Sea and Land, and also the civil officers of all degrees, to obey us, as our real intention, and their own welfare demand.-. We recommend you all to the protection of God Almighty-Done at Stockholm Palace, the 13th of March, 1809.—

(L. S.) JUAN RUIZ DE APODACA. Additional Article.-The present circumstances not admitting of the regular negociation of a Treaty of Commerce between the two countries, with all the care and consideration due to so important a (Signed) CHARLES.-C. LAGERBRING." subject, the High Contracting Parties mu- CARLSDADT, March 10.-An alarming tually engage to proceed to such negocia- occurrence took place here within these tion as soon as it shall be practicable so to last few days: colonel d'Addesparre, who do, affording in the mean time, mutual fa- commanded the troops on the frontiers of cilities to the commerce of the subjects of Norway, after having seduced them, marcheach other, by temporary regulations ed in here on the night of the 6th inst. founded on principles of reciprocal uti- and demanded of the Burgomaster quarlity. The present additional Articlesters for his troops, which was refused; in shall have the same force and validity, &c. consequence of which, he made applica&c. &c. (L. S.) GEORGE CANNING. tion to count Rosen, the governor, stating, (L. S.) JUAN RUIZ DE APODACA. that if his request was not granted, the troops he commanded should enforce it, and take quarters wherever they could find them. Count Rosen still persisting in the refusal, he was ordered under arrest, as was the Burgomaster; and the troops forcibly obtained what their leader had demanded. Colonel d'Addesparre, at the head of 2,000 regular troops, and about the saine number of peasantry, are now on their march to Stockholm, to demand of the King to call a Diet of the States, as well as to obtain payment of the troops under his command.


We have to record another political Revolution. The king of Sweden has been deposed by his subjects; and his uncle, the duke of Sudermania, has assumed the Government of the Country as Regent. The Revolution took place on the 13th of March. The King was arrested as he was about to depart for his country residence; and when the last advices came away, he was a close prisoner at Stockholm. When his Majesty was first surrounded by a guard, he drew his sword, but was soon overpowered, and prevented from making resistance. When the person of the King

Proclamation of the Commander of the Troops stationed in Weimland.

A considerable number of soldiers have taken up arms, in order to march

to the capital, and relieve our com- than suffer a single inch of Swedish ground mon, now unfortunate, and dismembered to be taken by our enemies, or transferred native country. As all our fellow-to them.-Our Ally, Great Britain, shall citizens must be sensible that our views learn to appreciate and value a nation, are such as public spirit and honour dic-which knows how to break its fetters, and tate to virtuous minds, we cannot be rescue liberty from its chains; France shall mistaken in our implicit confidence, that learn to respect a people, anxious to rival our brethren in arms and our unarmed her military prowess; the rulers of Rusfellow-citizens, will not form any incor- sia and Denmark, incessantly engaged in rect opinion of our sentiments and views. pursuits tending to promote the prosperity They are merely these, that the States of of their people, will not disturb the peace the realm and our Legislators shall be at and tranquillity of a nation which merely liberty to assemble and deliberate uncon- desires to live or die independent.-We trouled on the means of restoring the pros- have seen with sorrow the most important perity of our suffering country,--We have concerns of Sweden managed in a mansolemnly contracted the engagement to ner which was as destitute of any well lay at their feet the arms which we have conceived plan as of success.-Might not taken up to procure them freedom. We the remaining strength of Sweden have will form a wall round the hall where been wasted by folly? but if directed by Swedish Legislators hold their delibera- wisdom, may it not be employed for the tions, which no power upon earth shall be real benefit of the country? Such are able to beat down. We have solemnly our wishes for our country, and we shall contracted the engagement to destroy ali | readily sacrifice our lives to obtain their such as shall still endeavour to prefer fo- fulfilment. It is of the utmost importance reign connections to the internal welfare for Sweden, that every Swede should at and tranquillity of Sweden. -Sweden's length be allowed to return to a peaceful German dominions are delivered up to the home, as far as it can be done without any enemy, and Finland, the native soil of a disparagement to the honour and indenoble and gallant people, is lost. We pendence of Sweden.-The frontiers of have solemnly contracted the engagement, the kingdom are for a short time left withthat not a single inch more of the Swedish out defence, on account of our departure territory shall be given up to the enemy. from thence; but should the enemy, conSweden's trade and mines are ruined and trary to his solemn promise, avail himself deserted; Sweden's youth are taken from of our absence to attack them, we shall agricultural pursuits, in order to be de-speedily return, take a severe revenge, and stroyed by sickness and the sword. The convince him of the difference of a warburthens laid on Agriculture are such that fare carried on by personal hatred of the they cannot be boine any longer. Grind-rulers, and a war urged by a nation, anxiing taxes are exacted without mercy; ous and determined to assert its independdesolation and misery are spreading wide ence.--We implicitly confide; that all miand far, and threaten universal ruin. litary Commanders will readily co-operate We have contracted the solemn engage-with us, to secure, by speedy and vigorous ment, that the fathers of the country shall enjoy full liberty to restore the welfare and prosperity of the country.-May the higher and lower States of the common weal also join heart and hand to assert the freedom of the country, and thus, by harmony and well-concerted efforts, ensure success to our enterprize and views. May the Fathers of the Country offer peace and amity to our neighbours, but accompany this offer with the assurance that every Swedish hero will rather be buried under the ruins of his country,

exertion, the restoration of our lost prosperity, in the destruction of our foreign foes.-To conclude, we venture to express the wish, that our beloved countrymen and fellow-citizens of every rank and description may suspend their judgment on all further proceedings, until the decision of the States of the realm shall be known.


The Commander of the Troops stationed in Weimland."

LONDON :-Printed by T. C. HANSARD, Peterborough - Court, Fleet - Street; Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges - Street, Covent Garden :-Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall - Mall.

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