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offer him their most sincere Thanks; and in testimony of the grateful sense which this Meeting feel of the spirited, firm, and upright manner, in which, amidst great discouragements, he instituted, conducted, and persevered in the Inquiry. That the Common Seal of this Ancient and Loyal City be affixed to this Resolution; and that the same be forthwith transmitted by the Mayor to Colonel Wardle.

And this Meeting having observed, with high approbation, the independent efforts of those Members of the House of Commons who assisted Col. Wardle in the progress of the Investigation, and who, on its termination, voted in favour of the Address moved by him, or of the Amendments proposed by Henry Bankes, esq. and Sir Thomas Turton, bart.; and also of those who divided against the Motion of the Right Honourable the Chancellor of the Exchequer upon that occasion: And this Meeting being of opinion, that efforts, at once honest and constitutional, and so well directed to promote the public welfare, should be rewarded with and should receive public support:

Resolved, therefore, That the grateful Thanks of this Meeting be, and they are hereby given to all those Members of the House of Commons who voted or divided in the Minority upon the Questions above adverted to

That the thanks of this Meeting be given to Mr. Mayor for having convened, and for his conduct at the Meeting.

By Order, WILKINSON, Town Clerk. Ordered-That these Resolutions be advertised in the Newcastle Chronicle and Courant, and in the Morning Chronicle and Courier Newspapers.

CITY OF LONDON, COMMON COUNCIL. A Common Council, holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, on Thursday, the 6th day of April, 1809,

to resign a situation of which he is unworthy, is entitled to the esteem and gratitude of this Court and the Country.

Resolved unanimously: That the Thanks of this Court and the Freedom of this City in a Gold Box, of the value of One Hundred Guineas, be presented to Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, esq., in grateful testimony of the high sense they entertain of the zeal, intrepidity, and patriotism, which is so eminently evinced in that arduous and laudable undertaking.

Resolved: That the Thanks of this Court be presented to sir Francis Burdett, bart., (Seconder), lord Folkestone, Samuel Whitbread, esq., sir Samuel Romilly, knt., General Fergusson, Harvey Christian Combe, esq., Alderman, and one of the Representatives of this City in Parliament, and the rest of the 125 Independent Members who, upon the important question on the Conduct of his royal highness the Duke of York, attempted to stem the torrent of Corruption.

Resolved: That as a considerable number of those who voted in favour of the late Commander in Chief, on the 18th of March last, hold lucrative appointments at the pleasure of the Crown, a vote of acquittal under such circumstances must at all times appear extremely equivocal, but when given, as in the present instance, in direct contradiction to the evidence produced, which led to a decision so contrary to the legitimate expectations of the people, affords ground for apprehending that the decision has arisen from that preponderating influence of which this Court before has complained.

Resolved: That these and other Public Abuses call loudly for constitutional correction and redress, and evince the necessity of a radical and speedy reform, as essential to the safety and security of the just prerogative of the Crown as to the ancient and unalienable rights of the People.

Resolved: That the foregoing Resolutions be signed by the Town Clerk, and published in the Morning and Evening Papers. WOODTHORPE

Resolved unanimously-That this Court has, on frequent occasions, evinced its detestation of the Public Abuses, which have been found to exist in various Departments of the State, and it cannot but equally condemn the corrupt practices developed COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. by the late Investigation before the House At a numerous Meeting of the Freeof Parliament. holders of the County of Middlesex, conResolved: That Gwyllym Lloyd War-vened by the Sheriff, at the Mermaid at dle, esq., having, unawed by Ministerial Hackney, the 11th day of April instant, Threats, exhibited serious Charges against pursuant to a Requisition, "For the purthe late Commander in Chief, which have pose of expressing the sentiments of the been clearly substantiated, and which County on the Abuses which have been have, in fact, induced his Royal Highness disclosed by the Investigation into the Con

duct of the late Commander in Chief," the the late Inquiry, has been a complete defollowing Resolutions were adopted: reliction of that duty, which, as Represen1. That circumstances of public noto-tatives of the People, they owe to their riety have, for a considerable time past, Constituents, and has proved them wholly placed beyond all doubt the existence of unworthy of the confidence of the Country. gross and scandalous Abuses in various Carried unanimously. branches of the Executive Government of the Country.-Carried unanimously.

2. That the Abuses which have been found to prevail in all those departments of the Government in which inquiries have been instituted, have fully satisfied the Freeholders of this County of the necessity of further strict investigation into the remaining Public Departments of the State. -Carried unanimously.

3. That Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, Esq. by the unexampled courage, ability, and perseverance, with which he has pursued and completed an Inquiry into the conduct of the late Commander in Chief, has faithfully discharged the duties of a Member of Parliament, and has in an high degree merited the thanks and approbation of his Country.-Carried unanimously.

4. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Sir F. Burdett, bart. who seconded Col. Wardle's motion; to Lord Viscount Folkestone, for the active,uniform and able support which he afforded Mr. Wardle during the whole of the above Inquiry. Carried unanimously.

5. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Samuel Whitbread, esq., Sir S. Romilly, Henry Martin, esq., Sir Thomas Turton, Major-General Ferguson, Thomas William Coke, esq., John Christian Curwen, esq., the hon. Thomas Brand, hon. W. H. Lyttleton, Lord Viscount Milton, Lord Viscount Althorpe, Charles Watkin William Wynne, esq., Lord Stanley, and the Minority of 125, who divided in favour of Mr. Wardle's Motion for an Address to the King on the subject of the late Inquiry. Carried unanimously.

6. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Minority of 137, who on the above occasion supported the Amendment proposed by Sir Thomas Turton, bart. Carried.

7. That George Byng, esq. by the uniform, upright, and independent conduct which he has observed during the time he has represented the County of Middlesex, and more particularly by the support he gave Mr. Wardle on this occasion, has highly merited the Thanks and Approbation of this Meeting. — Carried unanimously.

8. That the conduct of Ministers in the House of Commons, during the course of

9. That from the part which Ministers appear to have taken on the above occasion, no hopes can be reasonably entertained of any effectual reformation of evils so generally and loudly complained of, until the executive Departments of the State shall be entrusted to men who will honestly endeavour to detect, not shield abuses, and to whom the People may look up as the avengers, not the abettors of corruption.-Carried unanimously.

10. That it is the fervent hope of this Meeting that the people of the United Kingdom will be animated by the result of the late Inquiry to prosecute a Reform in all the departments of the State, by returning honest and independent Representatives, who shall faithfully and zealously exert themselves to correct and annihilate corruptions, which weaken and even endanger the existence of the Empire. -Carried unanimously.

11..That William Mellish, esq. one of the Representatives of this County, by his conduct in the late Inquiry, and generally since his election, has proved himself unworthy of the confidence of his Constituents.-Carried.

12. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Sheriffs, for their prompt and constitutional compliance with the Requisition of the Freeholders to assemble this Meeting, and for their impartial conduct this day-Carried unanimously.

13. That these Resolutions be published in the Public Newspapers.

J. J. SMITH.-C. S. HUNTER, Sheriffs.

TOWN AND BOROUGH OF SOUTHWARK. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the ancient Town and Borough of Southwark, April 12, 1809, John Townshend, Esq. Deputy Bailiff, in the Chair, in the absence of, and at the request of Sir Watkin Lewes, kt. High Bailiff.

1. Resolved, That the late Inquiry be-fore the House of Commons, into the conduct of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, as Commander-in-Chief, has exposed the most flagrant abuses in the administration of public affairs. It appears peculiarly alarming, that at a time when the Continent of Europe has been nearly overwhelmed by military power, such facts have been proved as tend to sully

the honour and damp the ardour of our brave Soldiers, and thereby threaten the safety and existence of the British Empire. -Passed unanimously.

4. That the hostile conduct of ministers threats of infamy against the hon. Member who proposed the Inquiry; and above all the large majority who voted for the acquittal of the Duke, have convinced the Meeting, and, we trust, will convince the people of England, that a substantial Reform in the Representation of Parliament is the only barrier against corruption, and may afford some indemnity for the past, and security for the future.-Passed unanimously.

8. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to Sir Watkin Lewes, the High Bailiff, for his readiness in convening the Town Hall.-Passed unanimously.

9. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to John Townshend, esq. Deputy Bailiff, for his able and impartial conduct in the Chair.-Passed unanimously. (Signed) JOHN TOWNSHEND, Dep. Bailiff. (To be continued.)

OFFICIAL PAPERS. REVOLUTION IN SWEDEN.-Address of the Duke of Sudermania, (Continued from page 544.)

2. That the Independence and Patriotism of Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, esq. in the institution and conduct of the Inquiry, have eminently intitled him to the Thanks of this Meeting, and the gratitude of his Country; and they trust that the result of such singular perseverance will encourage him, and every other honest Member,. to detect and bring to question the Agents of Corruption in every department of the State. Passed unanimously. 3. That the Thanks of this Meeting be-A continental peace was on the point given to Sir Francis Burdett, Lord Viscount of being concluded at Tilsit, and Sweden Folkestone, Lord Milton, Lord Althorpe, invited to form one of the contracting, Samuel Whitbread, esq., J. C. Curwen, parties; Sweden refused; and in conseesq., T. W. Coke, esq., Sir S. Romilly, kt., quence of this refusal she was compelled General Ferguson, and the rest of the 125 to fight France, and her numerous allies, honest Members who voted in the Mino- single-handed, on the Continent of Europe, rity on Mr. Wardle's motion.-Passed and the siege of Stralsund was carried on unanimously. with increased vigour. Even during that siege, nay, after the conclusion of the convention, which stipulated the evacuation of Pomerania and Rugen by our troops, offers of peace were made by the enemy, and rejected; and the German possessions of Sweden, the last remains of the conquests of Gustavus Adolphus the Great, were lost. Sweden had, however, to sustain losses still more severe. The winter of 1807, and the following year, serious apprehensions arose of an impending rupture with our neighbours, both on the East and West of our empire. These apprehensions and dangers might have been warded off a few months before by the Swedish government, by its accession to the Peace of Tilsit; a peace which Sweden was not prevented from concluding by her only ally, which was offered on terms by no means irreconcileable with the public interest of Sweden--The war broke out in Finland, and its gallant defenders, at the end of a severe and honourable conflict, with an enemy far su perior in number, were obliged to give up to him their beloved country. This misfortune, the most calamitous event which has befallen Sweden for centuries past, might have been avoided, if the powerful preparations of defence, which the situa tion and nature of the country admitted, had been conducted with wisdom and skiH, and if the plans of resistance, no sooner adopted than relinquished, had been conceived and carried into effect, with

5. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to Sir Thomas Turton, bart. and the 137 Members who voted for his Amendment. We observe, with pleasure, that he manifested an open hostility to corruption, in which, if he steadily and uniformly perseveres, he will insure the confidence and support of his Constituents.-Passed with only five dissentient.

6. That from a conviction that an honest Representation of the People in Parliament is the best and only security against the existence of abuses similar to those which have now been brought to light, we will, whenever we shall be called upon to exercise an Elective Franchise, support those only who shall pledge themselves worthy by a steady opposition to corruption, and a firm attachment to the pure and uncontaminated principles of the British Constitution.-Passed with a great ma


7. That these Resolutions be printed in the Morning and Evening Papers. unity and firmness. Finland, which, in Passed unanimously. point of population and intrinsic value,

formed one third part of the Swedish Em, pire, was lost, and this loss bore with the most destructive pressure on the two remaining thirds. In this state of affairs, the means of waging war aagainst such numerous enemies could not prove sufficient for any length of time, and no other resource was left than to burden with new taxes a people unable to bear them. The public necessities increased in proportion as the means and resources of the State were destroyed. Trade and navigation were at a stand; our mines and agriculture were unproductive from want of hands; universal ruin was spreading wide and far; and yet it was universally known that His Royal Majesty had again repeated his former firm and unalterable determination not to conclude a peace with the present Government of France, without which, however, no reconciliation with Denmark and Russia could take place. In this situation of affairs a considerable part of the Western army formed a resolution to march to the capital with the patriotic view which appears by the Proclamation issued on their part. Similar movements took place among the rest of the Swedish troops, and it was in this critical position his Royal Majesty came to the unfortunate resolution of leaving Stockholm, and directing his family, and several officers of the state, to follow him. The garrison was ordered to file off, and it was intended to assemble an army in the South, to oppose the troops who were approaching from the North and West. Two distinct governments were thus to be formed, two armies to be asembled, and a civil war was to fill up the measure of our calamities and distress

SIR JOHN MOORE.-The following Extract from the last Letter of General Sir John Moore has been printed, in pursuance of the order of the House of Com


Extract of a Letter from Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, to Viscount Castlereagh; dated Corunna, Jan. 13.

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Situated as this army is at present, it is impossible for me to detail to your Lordship the events which have taken place since I had the honour to address you from Astorga, on the 31st of December: I have therefore determined to send to England Brigadier-General Charles Stewart, as the Officer best qualified to give you every information you can want, both with respect to our actual situation and the events which have led to it.-Your Lordship knows, that had I followed my own opi nion, as a military man, I should have retired with the army from Salamanca. The Spanish armies were then beaten; there was no Spanish force to which we could unite, and I was satisfied that no efforts would be made to aid us, or to favour the cause in which they were engaged. I was sensible, however, that the apathy and indifference of the Spaniards would never have been believed; that had the British been withdrawn, the loss of the cause would have been imputed to their retreat, and it was necessary to risk this army to convince the people of England, as well as the rest of Europe, that the Spaniards had neither the power nor the inclination to make any efforts for themselves. It was for this reason that I made the march to Sahagan. As a diversion it succeeded; I brought the whole disposable force of the The King's departure was, however, post- French against this army, and it has been poned until the 13th of March, at noon. allowed to follow me, without a single An universal consternation prevailed. The movement being made to favour my remost respectful remonstrances against his treat. The people of the Gallicias, though Majesty's determination were rejected, and armed, made no attempt to stop the pasno other means remained even to secure sage of the French through the mountains. the safety of the King's own person, than They abandoned their dwellings at our to prevent him from carrying his unfortu- approach, drove away their carts, oxen, nate resolve into effect. In these circum- and every thing that could be of the smallstances all the officers of state, in conjunc-est aid to the army. The consequence has tion with the states of the Empire, who were present in Stockholm, expressed to his Royal Highness the constitutional wish that he might take the reins of government into his hands; a wish to which his Royal Highness, notwithstanding his ad

age, thought himself in duty bound
to accede, confiding that this step will be
viewed in its proper light by every honest
patriotic Swede.

been, that our sick have been left behind; and when our horses or mules failed, which on such marches, and through such a country, was the case to a great extent, baggage, ammunition, stores, &c. and even money, were necessarily destroyed or abandoned.--I am sorry to say, that the army, whose conduct I had such reason to extol on its march through Portugal, and on its arrival in Spain, has totally changed

its character since it began to retreat. I can say nothing in its favour, but that when there was a prospect of fighting the enemy, the men were then orderly and seemed pleased and determined to do their duty. In front of Villa Franca the French came up with the reserve, with which I was covering the retreat of the army; they attacked it at Calcabellos. I retired, covered by the 95th Regiment, and marched that night to Herresias, and from thence to Nogales and Lugo, where I had ordered the different divisions which preceded, to halt and collect. At Lugo, the French again came up with us. They attacked our advanced posts on the 6th and 7th, and were repulsed in both attempts, with little loss on our side. I heard from the prisoners taken, that three divisions of the French army were come up commanded by Marshal Soult; I therefore expected to be attacked on the morning of the 8th. It was my wish to come to that issue; I had perfect confidence in the valour of the troops, and it was only by crippling the enemy that we could hope either to retreat or to embark unmolested. I made every preparation to receive the attack, and drew out the army in the morning to offer battle. This was not Marshal Soult's object. He either did not think himself sufficiently strong, or he wished to play a surer game by attacking us on our march, or during our embarcation. The country was intersected, and his position too strong for me to attack with an inferior force. The want of provisions would not enable me to wait longer; I marched that night; and in two forced marches by advancing for six or eight hours in the rain, I reached Betanzos on the 10th instant.-At Lugo, I was sensible of the impossibility of reaching Vigo, which was at too great a distance, and offered no advantages to embark in the face of an ene


My intention was then to have retreated to the peninsula of Betanzos, where I hoped to find a position to cover the embarkation of the army in Ares or Redes Bays; but having sent an Officer to reconnoitre it, by his report I was determined to prefer this place. I gave notice to the Admiral of my intention, and begged that the transports might be brought to Corunna; had I found them here on my arrival, on the 11th, the embarkation would easily have been effected, for I had gained several marches on the French. They have now come up with us, the transports are not arrived; my position in front of this place is a very bad one;

and this place, if I am forced to retire into it, is commanded within musquet shot, and the harbour will be so commanded by cannon on the coast, that no ship will be able to lay in it. In short, my Lord, General Stewart will inform you how critical our situation is. It has been recommended to me to make a proposal to the enemy, to induce him to allow us to embark quietly; in which case he gets us out of the country soon, and this place, with its stores, &c. complete; that otherwise we have the power to make a long defence, which must cause the destruction of the town. I am averse to make any such proposal, and am exceedingly doubt ful if it would be attended with any good effect; but whatever I resolve on this head, I hope your Lordship will rest assured, that I shall accept no terms that are in the least dishonourable to the army or to the country. I find I have been led into greater length, and more detail, than I thought I should have had time for; I have written under interruptions, and my mind much occupied with other matter. My letter, written so carelessly, can only be considered as private. When I have more leisure, I shall write more correctly; in the mean time, I rely on Ge neral Stewart for giving your Lordship the information and detail which I have omitted. I should regret his absence, for his services have been very distinguished; but the state of his eyes makes it imposs ble for him to serve, and this country is not one in which cavalry can be of much use. If I succeed in embarking the army, I shall send it to England; it is quite unfit for further service until it has been refitted, which can best be done there.


PORTUGAL.His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has appointed General William Car Beresford, Field Marshal and Commander in Chief of the Portuguese army. It appears from an Extraordinary Gazette, published at Seville on the 1st inst. that the division of Spanish troops commanded by the Duke of Alberquerque, was attacked on the 22d ult. in the posi tion of Consavigra, by a French force of 11,000 foot and 3000 horse; which attack was made with the enemy's usual impetuosity, but completely failed, owing to the uncommon intrepidity displayed by the Spanish troops. The French were repulsed and defeated with the loss of upwards of 400 men.-Field Marshal Beres

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