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his first essay, afforded to the "persons of consequence," in the county, a pretty good proof, that talents are not wanted, amongst the yeomanry, when occasion calls them forth. These " persons of consequence" did, we have been told, keep away, lest, by their presence, they should give weight to the proceedings. Now, it appears to me, that the natural thing for them to do would have been to come to the Meeting, and convince us of their consequence; make us feel their weight, by opposing, and setting aside, the Resolutions, moved and seconded by persons of "no consequence.""If those "persons of consequence" approved of thanks to Mr. Wardle, and yet did not like to see the business in the hands of persons of "no "consequence," why did they not take it in hand themselves? Oh, no! They did not approve of such thanks. That is very clear; and, it is equally clear, that they knew that the county in general did approve of them.Let me take the liberty to tell these "persons of consequence" that, it seems to me, that they are in a fair way of losing their consequence, unless they very soon begin to bestir themselves; for, they will be so good as to excuse me, if I think it the oddest of all possible ways of keeping up their consequence, to let the world see that they are afraid to face those, whom they represent as possessed of no consequence at all.Say what they will about the matter, the county will want no one to tell them, that nothing but conscious weakness could induce them, upon such an occasion, to keep away. This is what the whole county will be well satisfied of, and that being the case, the ultimate effect, as to themselves, it is by no means difficult to foresee.- The High Sheriff, Sir CHARLES MALLET, who appears to be a very clever man, conducted the business of the day in a very fair and impartial manner. ———— It was said, in the morning, that there were several gentle men, come with a firm resolution, to oppose the vote of thanks; but, the result shewed, that, either they became converts themselves, or despaired of making proselytes; for, not a man opened his lips in the way of opposition. With their hats, indeed, a very few expressed their dissent; but, the decision was of that sort, which may be fairly called unanimous. There was a little of division upon the question of censure of the two county members; but, it was very small; and, indeed, the impression produced by the whole of the proceedings, was, that this county, so long apparently

dead, and in which there had not been a County-Meeting for thirty years, was beginning to rouse from its lethargy.The whole of the Proceedings were taken down by MR. WILLETT, a gentleman connected with the London news-paper, the STATESMAN, whose unsolicited attendance was gratefully acknowledged by anumerous company of gentlemen, who, after the Meeting was over, assembled at dinner. Indeed, this paper, which is published in the evening, and which, therefore, is convenient for the country, deserves the particular encouragement of all those, who are enemies to corruption and friends to reform. It is the only London news-paper, that I have heard of, which has shown any disposition to do full justice to the CountyMeetings; and, those who are sincere in any public cause, should always make a point to support, in every way that they are able, that part of the Press, which stands forward in that cause.— -For this reason, as well as for the sake of more extensive circulation, I shall take care, that the proprietor of the STATESMAN has an opportunity of publishing my letters upon Parliamentary Reform, on the same day, on which they are published in the Register; so that those, who take an Evening Paper, and do not take the Register, may avail themselves, if they think it worth their while, of the means of possessing these Letters in the Statesman.

MR. PALMER'S CLAIM. This question, which is, I perceive, to come on for discussion, in the House of Commons, on the 25th instant, had escaped my attention until it was too late to enter upon it in a manner that would be worthy of such a question. My intention was to have compared Mr. Palmer's Claim, and the objections made to it, with the sumis lavished upon many others, and the reasons, or, rather, the no reasons, by which the granting of such such sums are at tempted to be justified. Mr. Palmer's services the whole nation feels and acknowledges; and yet his Claim has been denied, while advocates in abundance are found for the sinecures of the Seymours and the Garniers and the Pensions of the Pages! But, let us hope, that, after what has come to light, there will, at east, be found a disposition to grant this claim. I have never met with any man, who did not wish to see it granted. This is a ca e, in which the nation most anxiously wishes to pare with its money. How much have we heard, in other cases, of not being niggardly! How

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much have we heard, in other cases, of the liberality of a great nation!" How much have we heard, in other cases, of the reward due to national services! Aye, and in cases, too, where it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to make the existence of those services evident to any common understanding. Mr. Palmer demands bare justice; the bare fulfilment of the contract, on the part of the public, he having fulfilled his part of it, and that, too, at his own risk; a contract, according to which he was sure to lose, unless the public gained; such a contract as no man ever, before or since, made with the public, and such a contract as few men, after his fate, will be tempted to imitate.

Salisbury, 18th May, 1809.


In COUNTIES, CITIES, BOROUGHS, &c. relative to the recent INQUIRY in the House of Commons, respecting the Conduct of the DUKE of YORK (Continued from p. 736. TOWN OF LIVERPOOL.

At a Meeting of the Friends of Constitutional Freedom and Enemies of Political Corruption, held at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool, April 21, 1809.-George Williams, esq. in the Chair.

It was Resolved, that the grateful Thanks of this Meeting are due to G. L. Warde, esq. for the undaunted, firm and patriotic manner in which he brought forward and prosecuted the late Inquiry into the conduct of his Royal Highness the Duke of York; a measure which has not only occasioned the removal of his Royal Highness from Office, but by having opened the eyes of the Country to the conduct of their Representatives, is likely to be productive of the happiest and most important consequences to the nation at large.

Resolved, That the practice of persons holding Offices or enjoying Pensions under the Crown, and having at the same time a Seat in the Commons House of Parliament as Representatives of the People, although it has been guarded against by our ancestors with peculiar jealousy, has now arisen to an alarming excess; and that it is become highly expedient to resort to those methods for remedying the evil which have formerly been adopted by the Legislature of this Country, and to use our endeavours to obtain the entire exclusion of Placemen and Pensioners from the House of Commons.

Resolved, that the sending of Members to Parliament, by places where the popu

lation is so far diminished as to render them liable to corrupt practices and undue influence, whilst other towns and places, of great importance and considerable population, do not enjoy such right, is inconsistent with the spirit of the Constitution, and is a defect introduced by inattention and lapse of time, which ought to be speedily and effectually remedied.

Resolved, that a letter be written to Mr. Wardle, testifying the deep sense which this Meeting entertains of his great and meritorious services, and that the same be signed by the Persons now present, and be left for the signature of such other Inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Liverpool as may think proper to subscribe the same.

Resolved, that the Thanks of this Meeting are also due to sir F. Burdett, bart. who seconded and supported the Motion of Mr. Wardle; to lord Folkestone, and S. Whitbread, esq. by whose able and strenuous exertions, through a long and intricate investigation, the nation is indebted for the fullest information on this subject; and to lord Stanley, sir S. Romilly, gen. Ferguson, T. W. Coke, esq. J. C. Curwen, esq. and the other Members of the House of Commons, who, by the manly avowal of their sentiments, and their conscientious and unbiassed votes, have evinced their integrity and independence.

Resolved, that the Thanks of this Meeting are due to Wm. Roscoe, esq. for propo sing the Address to G. L. Wardle, esq. and the above Resolutions, which have been unanimously adopted by this Meeting.

Resolved, that this Meeting views with great regret and just indignation the refusal of the Mayor to call a Meeting of the Inhabitants to take into consideration those public proceedings in which the best interests and most valued rights of their Country were deeply involved, and that it is the opinion of this Meeting that the Inhabitants be convened to exercise those privileges which are secured to them by the laws of their Country, without any further application to the Mayor.


THE Portmen of the Borough of Ipswich, at whose instance a Great Court was held April 21, for the purpose of returning Thanks to Lieut. Col. Wardle, for his meritorious conduct in Parliament, feel it due to their own character to submit to their Brother-Freemen who were not present in Court, and to the Public at large, a Copy of the Resolution which they

moved on the occasion, that the spirit and temper by which they were guided in the bringing forward of this measure, and that of their Opponents, by whom it was defeated, may be perfectly understood.

"That the Thanks of this Court be given to Lieut. Col. Wardle for his meritorious and patriotic exertions in the House of Commons, by which, gross misconduct in the Chief Direction of the Army has been detected and exposed, and an example set from which the most beneficial consesequences may be expected by the loyal Subjects of this Realm in a Reform of those Abuses which tarnish the lustre and impair the energies of our happy and glorious Constitution."

Such was the Resolution, and the only Resolution of a public nature with which they were provided; and having scrupu lously avoided in it every thought and every expression which they supposed could possibly give offence to any personal or party feeling, they hoped to have conciliated the concurrence and support of all their Brother-Freemen, and deemed it impossible that sentiments and wishes so perfectly congenial with those of the great Body of the People, could be negatived at a Great Court of the Borough of Ipswich, till they found a Party industriously formed there to frustrate altogether, by noise and tumult, the purpose for which it was convened.

May their opponents longer enjoy the full credit of the victory they gained on the occasion. The Portmen, on their part, are quite content to take to themselves the whole obloquy of bringing forward a measure, which they are satisfied must meet the approbation of all but the miserable tools or dupes of those who thrive on that System of Corruption and Abuse against which it was levelled.-H. Seekamp, John Spooner, W. B. Clarke, Wm. Hammond, John Forest, F. F. Seekamp, Fred. Cornwallis, B. Brame.


At a Court of Common Council, held in the Guildhall of the said Borough this 22d day of April, 1809, Samuel Manning, esq. Mayor, in the Chair.

Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be transmitted to G. L. Wardle, esq. for his patriotic conduct in bringing forward and steadily persevering in an inquiry relative to certain Abuses which appear to have existed in Military Promotions tending to the degradation of the Army.

Resolved, That G. L. Wardle, esq. be elected a Burgess of this ancient Corpoporation.

Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be presented to sir John Dashwood King, Bart. and Thomas Baring, esq. the worthy Representatives of this Borough in Parliament, for their independent couduct on the late Investigation.

Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to sir S. Romilly, knt. one of the Burgesses of this Borough, for his able defence of our Constitutional Rights on the late important Question.

Resolved, That such Votes of Thanks be communicated by the Deputy Town Clerk.


At a Meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Monmouth, convened on April 28, 1809, at the Town Hall in Usk, by the High Sheriff of the said County, in pursuance of a Requisition for that purpose, in order to return the Thanks of the County to G. L Wardle, esq. for his able and patriotic conduct in bringing forward and investigating the recent Charges against his Royal Highness the Duke of York.

Resolved, That G. L. Wardle, esq. by his firm and persevering exertions on that memorable Inquiry against a host of talents and other great discouragements and difficulties, has deserved well of his country, and that the Thanks of this Meeting be given to him.

That the Thanks of the Meeting be also given to Henry Bankes, esq. for his Amendment, which, by being supported by two hundred and one Members, produced the resignation of the late Commander in Chief, and the Meeting gladly avails itself of this public opportunity of expressing its admiration of, and obligations for, his high-spirited and independent conduct on the formation of the present Finance Committee, and for his essential services as Chairman of the last.

That the Thanks of this Meeting are also due to the Minority on Mr. Wardle's Motion, the Minority of Mr. Bankes's Amendment, the Minority on sir T. Turton's Amendment, and the Minority on Mr. Perceval's Amendment.

That it is the opinion of this Meeting a very considerable number of Placemen and Pensioners who have seats in Parliament, are under the influence of Government, and that a temperate Reform in Parliament is therefore necessary, and that

it is the duty of this County to express its wishes to their representatives, that they would support a strict investigation into the various abuses of the public expendi


That the abuses attacked by Col. Wardle and Mr. Bankes form only a part of a corrupt system long acted upon, and that no permanent good will arise from the late investigation, unless followed up by a general reformation of the public abuses in many departments of the state.

STEWARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT. At a General Annual Meeting of the Commissioners of the Land Tax for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, April 29,1809. James Murray McCulloch, Esq. of Ardwall, chosen Preses.

The Meeting came to the following unanimous Resolutions ::

1st, That the investigation lately made in the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain, into the conduct of the late Commander in Chief of the British Army, has discovered gross corruption and abuses in the administration of the military depart


2d, That the Thanks of the County be given to G. L. Wardle, esq. member of Parliament, for the independent spirit with which he undertook, and the great ability and undaunted perseverance with which he conducted, an enquiry, the consequences of which the Meeting trust will be of permanent advantage to the interests of the Country. And,

3d, That the Preses do transmit a copy of these Resolutions to Mr. Wardle; and that the Clerk cause the same to be advertised in the London, Edinburgh, and Dumfries Newspapers.

TOWN OF MANCHESTER. At a very numerous and respectable Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Towns of Manchester and Salford, convened by a Requisition which was signed by upwards of Two Thousand Persons, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of passing a Vote of Thanks to G. L. Wardle, esq. M. P. and to those Members of the House of Commons who so honourably supported him during the late arduous and important Investigation, and held at the Bull's Head Inn, in Manchester, on Wednesday, the 3d day of May, 1809, Robert Philips, esq. in the Chair.

The following Resolutions were unanimously passed:

That the gross and corrupt practices

which have been proved to exist in various departments of the State have excited in us the deepest regret, and we feel that G. L. Wardle, esq. M. P. by the manly, temperate and impartial manner in which he brought forward his Charges against the late Commander in Chief, and by the zeal, firmness, and intrepidity with which he prosecuted the Inquiry, has faithfully discharged his duty to his country, and does in a high degree merit the Thanks of this Meeting.

That the Thanks of this Meeting are also due to those Members of the House of Commons who so honourably supported col. Wardle during the late arduous and important Investigation.

That the Chairman do transmit these Resolutions to G. L. Wardle, esq.


At a numerous and respectable Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of Doncaster, held at this day at the Town-hall, pursuant to a Requisition for that purpose, the Worshipful the Mayor in the Chair:

Resolved unanimously,-1st. That the grateful Thanks of this Meeting be given to G. L. Wardle, esq. for the faithful discharge of his duty in Parliament, by instituting and prosecuting an Inquiry into the conduct of the late Commander in Chief, by which means circumstances have been brought to light highly injurious to the real interests of the Crown, and subversive of the welfare and prosperity of the people.

2d, That the particular Thanks of this Meeting be given to sir F. Burdett, bart. lord Folkestone, Mr. Whitbread, sir S. Romilly, adm. Markham, lord Althorpe, and the rest of the 125 Members who supported Mr. Wardle's motion.

3d, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to all those Members of the House or Commons, who voted in the several Minorities, on the different Divisions, which took place during the late important and patriotic Inquiry.

4th, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the two worthy Representatives of this County, Wm. Wilberforce, esq. and lord visc. Milton, for their honourable and independent conduct in the able support they gave to the recent Investigation.

5th. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to major gen. Ferguson for the honourable, independent and distinguished discharge of his parliamentary duty on the late occasion.

That the Thanks of this Meeting be also presented to W. Wilberforce, esq. and Lord Viscount Milton, the Members for this County, together with the Independent Minority, for their votes and exertions on that occasion.

That the Chairman be requested to sign these Resolutions as the act of this Meeting, and to transmit copies thereof to G. L Wardle, esq. J. Wharton, esq. W. Wilberforce, esq. and Lord Milton.

6th, That this Meeting, anxious to presented to John Wharton, esq. one of the serve unimpaired the purity and blessings Representatives of this Borough, for his of that excellent form of Government, support upon the said Inquiry. which our ancestors have transmitted to us, and ardently wishing to see all the constituted authorities preserved and reverenced in the due exercise of their respective functions, feels it to be an indispensible duty at this eventful moment, when all the nations that surround us have paid the forfeit of their corruption in the annihilation of their Government, to call for a strict, a temperate, but an effectual inquiry into every species of public abuse, and to express a hope that hereafter, on similar occasions, the sense of the House of Commons may appear to be less at variance with the sense of the Nation; and that a larger body of the representatives of the people may be found to defend the constitution, by correcting public abuses, so effectually as to secure to the country honest application and economical expenditure of public money.


7th, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to Wm. Wrightson, esq. for the independent, moderate, and truly constitutional manner in which he has expressed his sentiments on the present occasion.

8th, That the County Members be requested to transmit to Mr. Wardle the Thanks of this Meeting as expressed in the first Resolution: and that the Chairman be

desired to convey the Thanks of this Meeting to those gentlemen mentioned in the 2d and 5th Resolutions.


At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of Beverley, held at the Guildhall, in Beverley, on Wednesday the 3d day of May, 1809, for the purpose of considering a Vote of Thanks to G. L. Wardle, esq. for his patriotic exertions, in instituting and prosecuting the Inquiry into the conduct of his Royal Highness the late Commander in ChiefRichard Fox, esq. Mayor, in the Chair.

Resolved Unanimously, That this Meeting deeply deploring the too evident existence of abuses and other practices of evil tendency in various branches of Public Affairs, do highly approve of the firm and independent spirit evinced by G. L. Wardle, esq. in instituting and steadily prosecuting the Inquiry into the conduct of the late Commander in Chief, and that by his patriotic exertions he is deservedly entitled to and has the Thanks and Gratitude of this Meeting.

COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON. At a Meeting of the Freeholders of the Huntingdon, in the said County, on Frisaid County, held at the Shire Hall in day, the fifth day of May, 1809, pursuant to a Requisition to the High Sheriff for that


Resolved unanimously, 1. That it is the vestigation by the Honourable House of opinion of this Meeting that the late InCommons into the Conduct of the late nite importance to this country, inasmuch Commander in Chief, is a matter of infias it has furnished a strong incitement to that Honourable House to exert themselves the destructive effects of Corruption in to defend the Throne and the People from every department of the State.

2. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to G. L. Wardle,esq. for his cou rage, candour, and perseverance in conducting the said Investigation.

much satisfaction the steps taken by the 3. That this Meeting have seen with wisdom of Parliament for the suppression of any abuses that may exist in the State, and hope and trust they will continue their exertions until the same shall be effectually reformed.

At a Meeting of the inhabitants of Guild-
ford, held in the Town-hall, the 25th of
April 1809.

Resolved unanimously, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to G. L. Wardle, esq. for instituting an Inquiry against the late Commander in Chief, which has led to the discovery of certain abuses highly injurious to fair and honourable promotion in the Army, and detrimental to the public service.

Resolved, That the Resolutions and Address be signed by the Mayor, and preThat the Thanks of this Meeting be pre-sented by him to G. L. Wardle, esq. and

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