A TREATISE ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Volume I. By Sir W. THOMSON, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, and P. G. TAIT, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh; formerly Fellows of St Peter's College, Cambridge. New Edition in the Press. ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. By Professors Sir W. THOMSON and P. G. TAIT. Part I. 8vo. cloth, 9s. "This work is designed especially for the use of schools and junior classes in the Universities, the mathematical methods being limited almost without exception to those of the most elementary geometry, algebra, and trigonometry. Tyros in Natural Philosophy cannot be better directed than by being told to give their diligent attention to an intelligent digestion of the contents of this excellent vade mecum."-Iron. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON QUATERNIONS. By P. G. TAIT, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh; formerly Fellow of St Peter's College, Cambridge. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. 145. ILLUSTRATIONS OF COMPARATIVE ANA TOMY, VERTEBRATE AND INVERTEBRATE, for the Use of Students in the Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. Second Edition. Demy Octavo, cloth, 2s. 6d. London Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. THE COMMENTARIES OF GAIUS AND RULES OF ULPIAN. (New Edition, revised and enlarged.) Translated and Annotated, by J. T. ABDY, LL.D., Judge of County Courts, late Regius Professor of Laws in the University of Cambridge, and BRYAN WALKER, M.A., LL.D., Law Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge, formerly Law Student of Trinity Hall and Chancellor's Medallist for Legal Studies. Crown Octavo, 16s. "Without endorsing all that has been uttered from time to time respecting the beauties of Roman law, we readily admit that its study must prove useful to the English legal aspirant, partly from its intrinsic merits as a system, and partly from the contrast which it presents to the chaotic agglomeration which Sir William Blackstone pronounced to be the perfection of common sense. As scholars and as editors Messrs Abdy and Walker have done their work well. . . . . For one thing the editors deserve special commendation. They have presented Gaius to the reader with few notes and those merely by way of reference or necessary explanation. Thus the Roman jurist is allowed to speak for himself, and the reader feels that he is really studying Roman law in the original, and not a fanciful representation of it."-Athenæum. "The number of books on various subjects of the civil law, which have lately issued from the Press, shews that the revival of the study of Roman jurisprudence in this country is genuine and increasing. The present edition of Gaius and Ulpian from the Cambridge University Press indicates that the Universities are alive to the importance of the movement, and the fact that the new edition has made its appearance within four years from the original production of the book, should encourage the Syndics to further efforts in the same direction. The auspices under which Messrs Abdy and Walker produce their book are a guarantee that it is a scholarly and accurate performance; and Mr Abdy's practical experience as a County Court Judge supplies a link between theory and practice which, no doubt, has had a beneficial effect upon their work."-Law Journal. THE INSTITUTES OF JUSTINIAN, by the same Editors. In the Press. A SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE BRITISH PALEOZOIC ROCKS, by the Rev. ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., Woodwardian Professor, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; with a systematic description of the British Palæozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge, by FREDERICK McCoy, F.G.S., Hon. F.C.P.S., Professor of the Natural Sciences in the University of Melbourne; formerly Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the Queen's University in Ireland; author of "Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland;” “Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland;" "Contributions to British Palæontology," &c. with Figures of the New and Imperfectly known Species. One volume, Royal Quarto, cloth, with Plates, £1. Is. A CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN FOSSILS contained in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge, by J. W. SALTER, F.G.S. With a Preface by the Rev. ADAM SEDGWICK, LL.D., F.R.S., Woodwardian Professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge, and a Table of Genera and Index added by Professor MORRIS, F.G.S. With a Portrait of PROFESSOR SEDGWICK. Royal Quarto, cloth, 7s. 6d. London Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. SELECT PRIVATE ORATIONS OF with Introductions and English Notes, by F. A. PALEY, M.A. Editor of Aeschylus, etc. and J. E. SANDYS, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of St John's College, Cambridge. PART I. containing Contra Phormionem, Lacritum, Pantaenetum, Boeotum de Nomine, Boeotum de Dote, Dionysodorum. Crown Octavo, cloth. 6s. PART II. Nearly ready. M. T. CICERONIS ORATIO PRO L. MURENA, with English Introduction and Notes. By W. E. HEITLAND, M.A., Fellow and Classical Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge. Crown Octavo, 3s. 6d. M. T. CICERONIS DE OFFICIIS LIBRI TRES, New Edition, much enlarged and improved, with Marginal Analysis, an English Commentary, and copious Indices, by H. A. HOLDEN, LL.D. Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Classical Examiner to the University of London. Crown Octavo, 7s. 6d. NALOPAKHYANAM, OR, THE TALE containing the Sanskrit Text in Roman Characters, followed by a Vocabulary in which each word is placed under its root, with references to derived words in Cognate Languages, and a sketch of Sanskrit Grammar. By the Rev. THOMAS JARRETT, M.A. Trinity College, Regius Professor of Hebrew, late Professor of Arabic, and formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. PLATO'S PHÆDO, IOS. literally translated, by the late E. M. COPE, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. 5S. GREEK AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT, In parallel Columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, M.A. late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Fourth Edition. Small Octavo. 7s. 6d. GREEK TESTAMENT, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small Octavo. 3s. 6d. London Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. THE COMMENTARIES OF GAIUS AND RULES OF ULPIAN. (New Edition, revised and enlarged.) Translated and Annotated, by J. T. ABDY, LL.D., Judge of County Courts, late Regius Professor of Laws in the University of Cambridge, and BRYAN WALKER, M.A., LL.D., Law Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge, formerly Law Student of Trinity Hall and Chancellor's Medallist for Legal Studies. Crown Octavo, 16s. "Without endorsing all that has been uttered from time to time respecting the beauties of Roman law, we readily admit that its study must prove useful to the English legal aspirant, partly from its intrinsic merits as a system, and partly from the contrast which it presents to the chaotic agglomeration which Sir William Blackstone pronounced to be the perfection of common sense. As scholars and as editors Messrs Abdy and Walker have done their work well. For one thing the editors deserve special commendation. They have presented Gaius to the reader with few notes and those merely by way of reference or necessary explanation. Thus the Roman jurist is allowed to speak for himself, and the reader feels that he is really studying Roman law in the original, and not a fanciful representation of it."-Athenæum. "The number of books on various subjects of the civil law, which have lately issued from the Press, shews that the revival of the study of Roman jurisprudence in this country is genuine and increasing. The present edition of Gaius and Ulpian from the Cambridge University Press indicates that the Universities are alive to the importance of the movement, and the fact that the new edition has made its appearance within four years from the original production of the book, should encourage the Syndics to further efforts in the same direction. The auspices under which Messrs Abdy and Walker produce their book are a guarantee that it is a scholarly and accurate performance; and Mr Abdy's practical experience as a County Court Judge supplies a link between theory and practice which, no doubt, has had a beneficial effect upon their work."-Law Journal. THE INSTITUTES OF JUSTINIAN, by the same Editors. In the Press. A SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE BRITISH PALEOZOIC ROCKS, by the Rev. ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., Woodwardian Professor, and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; with a systematic description of the British Palæozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge, by FREDERICK McCoy, F.G.S., Hon. F.C.P.S., Professor of the Natural Sciences in the University of Melbourne; formerly Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in the Queen's University in Ireland; author of "Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland;" "Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland;" "Contributions to British Palæontology," &c. with Figures of the New and Imperfectly known Species. One volume, Royal Quarto, cloth, with Plates, £1. IS. A CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN FOSSILS contained in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge, by J. W. SALTER, F.G.S. With a Preface by the Rev. ADAM SEDGWICK, LL.D., F.R.S., Woodwardian Professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge, and a Table of Genera and Index added by Professor MORRIS, F.G.S. With a Portrait of PROFESSOR SEDGWICK. Royal Quarto, cloth, 7s. 6d. London Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. SELECT PRIVATE ORATIONS OF with Introductions and English Notes, by F. A. PALEY, M.A. Editor of Aeschylus, etc. and J. E. SANDYS, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of St John's College, Cambridge. PART I. containing Contra Phormionem, Lacritum, Pantaenetum, Boeotum de Nomine, Boeotum de Dote, Dionysodorum. Crown Octavo, cloth. 6s. PART II. Nearly ready. M. T. CICERONIS ORATIO PRO L. MURENA, with English Introduction and Notes. By W. E. HEITLAND, M.A., Fellow and Classical Lecturer of St John's College, Cambridge. Crown Octavo, 3s. 6d. M. T. CICERONIS DE OFFICIIS LIBRI TRES, New Edition, much enlarged and improved, with Marginal Analysis, an English Commentary, and copious Indices, by H. A. HOLDEN, LL.D. Head Master of Ipswich School, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Classical Examiner to the University of London. Crown Octavo, 7s. 6d. NALOPÅKHYANAM, OR, THE TALE containing the Sanskrit Text in Roman Characters, followed by a Vocabulary in which each word is placed under its root, with references to derived words in Cognate Languages, and a sketch of Sanskrit Grammar. By the Rev. THOMAS JARRETT, M.A. Trinity College, Regius Professor of Hebrew, late Professor of Arabic, and formerly Fellow of St Catharine's College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. PLATO'S PHÆDO, IOS. literally translated, by the late E. M. COPE, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Demy Octavo. 5s. GREEK AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT, In parallel Columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, M.A. late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Fourth Edition. Small Octavo. 7s. 6d. GREEK TESTAMENT, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small Octavo. 3s. 6d. London Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. |