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TORTELLIUS (JOANNES). Commentariorum Grammaticorum de orthographia dictionum e Græcis tractarum opus. fol. Ven. per Hermanum

Lichtenstein, 1484.

TOTTIE (THOMAS WILLIAM). A Statement of the Trust and recent Administration of Lady Hewley's Charities, as now in proof in the Suit of the Attorney-General, v. Shore, Esq., and others. With an appendix. 8° Lond. 1834.

TOULON. A Letter from a Minister of State at Turin, relating to the expedition into Provence, and siege of Toulon. Done from a French copy. 4° Lond. 1707.

TOUREAR. Arte de Tourear. 4o.

Arte de ser toureado. 4o 1752.

TOUROS. Cometa de Fogo, ou Finomeno terreste, no infeliz successo, com que se queimou, e reduzio a cinzas o artificiozo Carro de fogo, na tarde quatro de Setembro, e segunda do Combate de Touros. 4°.

Exposiçam verdadeira da situaçam da Praça do Terreiro do Paço, e dos primeiros tres dias de Touros. 4°.

Nova, e curiosa Relaçam anti- primeira das memoraveis Festas de Touros, escrita por Thomas Frango irmam gemeo de Thomas Pinto. 4o Catalumna.

Nova Relaçam do sumptuoso Aparato, com que o Supremo Senado pertende celebrar o primeiro dia da segunda celebridade de Touros. 4o.

Nova Relaçam de toda a festividade do primeiro dia de Touros. 4° Catalumna.

Nova Relação do que ha de constar toda a Festividade de Touros que se ha de celebrar em 28 de Agosto de prezente anno.

4° Lisboa.

Nova Relaçam das peças, e moveis, que se empenharao para hirem ver os Touros. 4° Calahorra.

Relaçao verdadeira, em que se dá conta de todo o sucedido na segunda tarde de Touros; com huma Carta de Pezames, que mandou Neptuno do Rocio, a seu amigo Apolo do Tereiro do Paço. 4°.

Relaçam verdadeira de todas as Perdas, Roubos, e achados que ouve, e se fizerao nos primeiros tres dias de Touros, desde 28 de Agosto, até 11 de Setembro. 4o.

Relaçam de toda a festa de Touros celebrado pelo Supremo Senado, em o dia 18 do mez de Setembro de 1752. 4° Lisb. 1752.

TOURS. A Tour through the South of England, Wales, and part of Ireland, in 1791. 8° Lond. 1793.

Notes of three Tours in Ireland, in 1824 and 1826. By J. G. 12o. [Not published.]

TOWERS (SAMUEL). A Thanksgiving Sermon. 8° Lond. 1723.

TOWGOOD (MATTHEW). Remarks on the profane and absurd Use of the monosyllable Damn. 8° Lond. 1746.

TOWN-TALK; No. v. 4° Lond. 1748.

TRĄBCZYNSKI (-), Abbé. Grammaire de la Langue Polonaise. 80 Varsov. 1778.

TRACTS. The Scotch Cheap Repository Tracts. 8° Edinb. 1815.

Cheap Repository Tracts; entertaining, moral, and religious. 12° Lond. 1827.

Lond. 1827.

Shorter Tracts. 12° Lond. 1827.

for Sunday Readings. 12°

TRACTATUS varii Latini a Crevier, Brotier, Auger aliisque conscripti, et ad rem cùm criticam, tùm antiquariam, pertinentes. 8° Lond. 1788. TRADE. A Dissertation on the Question: In what manner do Trade and Civil Liberty support each other? [By W. Weston, B.D. ?] 4° Lond.


Another Dissertation on the mutual Support of Trade and Civil Liberty. [By Benjamin Newton, M.A.] 4° Lond. 1756.

The Case of going to war for the sake of Trade considered in a new light. 8° Lond. 1763.

An Appeal to Manufacturers, on the present state of Trade, &c. 8° Birmingham, 1795.

TRADES' UNIONS. Character, Object, and Effects of Trades' Unions. 8° Lond. 1834.

TRAGEDY. The Countess of Essex. A tragedy. 8° Lond. 1834.

Orfred; a tragedy, in five acts. 12° Canterbury, 1834. # TRAGI-COMEDY. Spirit of Peers and People. A national tragi-comedy. 12° Lond. 1834.

TRANSUBSTANTIATION. The Summ of a Conference on Feb. 21, 1686, between Dr. Clagett, and Father Gooden, about the point of Transubstantiation. 8° Lond. 1689.


A Sermon on John xvii. 36. 8° Lond. 1717.

High-Church Doctrine prov'd to be Popish; or, reflections on Mr. Trapp's Sermon, entitled “The real nature of the Church or Kingdom of Christ." 8° Lond. 1717.

Reality without Existence; or his Sermon, called "The real nature of the Church and Kingdom of Christ," proved to be unnatural. 8° Lond. 1717.

12° Lond. 1742.

Lectures on Poetry; translated, with additional notes.

TRAVELS. Voyagie naer Africa, Tunis en Algiers in't jaer 1625. 4o.

TRAVELS. Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Religion; 2 Vol. 8" Dubl. 1833. .

TREATIES. Sommier verhael van de wreede handelinghe der Calvinisten teghen de Remonstranten buyten Rotterdam opden 20 October, 1619. 4o 1619.

Tractaet nopende de Navigatie ende Commercie van de Zee tusschen den Koninck van Hispangien ende de Vereenighde Provintien, besloten den 17 Decembris 1650. 4° Gravenhaghe, 1651.

Een Praetje over Tafel, behelsende Consideratien over den Vrede-Handel, nu tusschen de Remonstranten en de WaterlandscheDoopsgesinden tot Rotterdam voorgevallen. 4° Amsterdam, 1671.

Tractaet van Assistentie en mutuele Defentie op den 22 September 1672 geslooten tusschen den Roomsche Keyser, den Koningh van Denemarcken enz. 4o 1672.

Tractaat van Commercie, Navigatie en Marine geslooten tot Utrecht den 11 April 1713, tusschen Vrankryk en der Vereenigde Nederlanden. 4° Amsterdam, 1713.

Tractaet van Barriere tusschen sijne Keyserlijcke Majesteyt Karel VI., sijne Majesteyt van Groot-Brittannien en de Staten Generael gemaeckt te Antwerpen. 4° Gravenhage, 1718.

Free Thoughts on the late Treaty of Alliance concluded at Worms. By a Member of Parliament. 8° Lond. 1744.

Articulo Ix. del Tratado de Limites de 1750, que se cita en

el Articulo XII. del Tratado Preliminar de 1777. 4°.

Tratado Preliminar sobre los limites de los Paises pertenecientes en América Meridional a las Coronas de España y Portugal, ajustado y concluido entre el Rey N. S. y la Reina Fidelisima, y ratificado á 11. de Octubre de 1777. 4o Madr. 1777.


Tratado de Amistad, Garantia y Comercio, ajustado y concluido entre el Rey N. S. y la Reina Fidelisima, y ratificado por Magestad en el Pardo á 24 de Marzo de 1778. 4o Madr. 1778. TREATISE. A short Treatise on these heads, viz. Of the Sins of Sodom, of Pride in Apparel and Contempt of God in his Judgments, &c. &c. By a learned Bishop in Ireland. 12° Lond. 1689.

TREBUCHET (ADOLPHE). Jurisprudence de la Médecine, de la Chirurgie, et de la Pharmacie en France. 8° Par. 1834.

TREDWAY (THOMAS J.). Statistics of the United States of America. 12° Lond. [1834.]

TREE of Life; No. 1. 12° Lond. 1834.

TREFFRY (R.). Conversations concerning Children. 12° Lond. 1834. TREFFRY (RICHARD,) Jun. The Infidel's own Book: a statement of some of the absurdities resulting from the rejection of Christianity. 12° Lond. 1834.

TRENCHARD (JOHN). The History of standing Armies in England. 8° Lond. 1739.

TRENCHIN. Tijdinghe hoe dat de Cosagghen d'weers door Hongherijen ende Moravien geslagen zijn ende de stadt Trenchin in genomen hebben. 4° Antwerpen, 1620.

TRENOR (K.). The Colonial Par of Exchange. fol. Lond. 1834. s. sh. # TRÉSOR. Le nouveau Trésor; or, English students' companion. By M. E*** S*****. 12° Lond. 1835.

TRIALS. The Trials of the Smugglers, and the other Prisoners, at the East-Grinsted Assizes, March 1748-9. 4° Lond. 1749.

The Trials of William Jackson, William Carter, Benjamin Tapner, John Cobby, John Hammond, Rich. Mills, sen., and Rich. Mills, jun., for the murder of William Gally and Daniel Chater. With an appendix. 4° Lond. 1749.

TRIBBECHOVIUS (JOANNES), Præs. Dissertatio historica de Vita et Scriptis Clementis Alexandrini. Resp. Fridericus Tribbechovius. 4° Hal. 1706. TRICALET (PIERRE JOSEPH). Les Motifs de Crédibilité; 2 Tom. 12o Par. 1763.

TRIENNIAL BILL. A Letter to a Friend in Suffolk, occasioned by a report of repealing the Triennial Act. 8° Lond. 1716.

A second Letter. 8° Lond. 1716.

A Letter to a Country Gentleman, shewing the inconveniences which attend the last part of the Act for Triennial Parlia8° Lond. 1716.


An Epistle to a Whig Member of Parliament, concerning the Triennial-Bill. By a Clergyman. 8° Lond. 1716. The Alteration in the Triennial Act considered. 8°

Lond. 1716.

Lond. 1716.

The Innkeepers Opinion of the Triennial Act.

An humble Petition from the October-Club to a

certain eminent M- -r of the H. of C- s concerning the Triennial

Bill. 4° Lond. 1716.

TRINITY. Directions to Archbishops and Bishops, for the preserving of Unity in the Church, and the purity of the Christian Faith, concerning the Holy Trinity. 4° Lond. 1714.

TRITHEMIUS (JOANNES). Opera pia et spiritualia; ab Io. Busæo edita. fol. Mogunt. 1604.

TROCEDORFIUS (VALENTINUS). Methodi Doctrinæ Catecheticæ, in schola Goltbergensi propositæ. Adjectæ sunt sententiæ Rosarii. Opera Laurentii Ludovici. 16° Witeb. 1565.

TROLLOPE (FRANCES). Belgium and Western Germany in 1833; 2 Vol. 12° Lond. 1834.

TROLLOPE (WILLIAM). A History of the royal foundation of Christ's Hospital. 4° Lond. 1834.

TROMP (MARTEN HARPERTZ.). t'Samens-praeck over de daden, gelegentheden ende afkompste van Marten Harpersz. Tromp. 4° Hollandt. Famaes Tromp, wtblasende de Victorie die God ons heeft verleent onder 't kloeck en wijs beleyt van Marten Herperssz. Tromp. 4° Dordrecht, 1639.

Een Praatje van den ouden en nieuwen Admiraal zynde een verantwoordinge van Marten Harpertzoon Tromp tegen valsche beschuldigingen. 4° Amsterdam, 1653.

TROTTUS (ALBERTUS). De vero et perfecto Clerico. 4° Ferrara, per Severinum Ferrariensem, 1475.

TROUBADOURS. Le Parnasse Occitanien, ou choix de poésies originales des Troubadours, tirées des manuscrits nationaux. [Par M. de Rochegude.] 8° Toulouse, 1819.

Essai d'un glossaire Occitanien, pour servir à l'intelligence des poésies des Troubadours. [Par M. de Rochegude.] 8° Toulouse, 1819.

TRUMAN (JOSEPH). A Discourse of natural and moral Impotency. With a biographical introduction by Henry Rogers. 8° Lond. 1834.

TRUTH. A Mirrour of Truth. 4° Lond. 1688.

TUCKER (JOHN). Sermons; 2 Vol. 12° Lond. 1834.

TUDOR (HENRY). Narrative of a Tour in North America: with an excursion to the island of Cuba; 2 Vol. 12° Lond. 1834.

TUINMAN (CAROLUS). De Nederduitsche Spreek worden; 2 Deel. 4° Middelburg, 1720-7.

Fakkel der Nederduitsche Taale. 4° Leyden,


Vervolg. 4° Middelburg, 1731.

TULDENUS (DIODORUS). Commentarius in Digesta sive Pandectas; 2 Tom. fol. Lovan. 1702.

Libri IV. fol. Lovan. 1702.

Lovan. 1702.

Lovan. 1702.

De Causis corruptorum Judiciorum et Remediis
De Civili Regimine Libri octo. fol. Lovan. 1702.
De Jurisprudentia Extemporali Libri tres. fol.

De Principiis Jurisprudentiæ Libri quatuor. fol.

In iv. libros Institutionum Juris Civilis Commen

tarius. fol. Lovan. 1702.

Initiamenta Jurisprudentiæ tredecim. Adjecta est laudatio funcbris Stephani Weymsii. fol. Lovan. 1702.

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