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Crisp; containing also a Fournal of bis Life, giving an Account of bis Convincement, Travels, Labours and Sufferings in and for the Truth. price_5 s. Truth's Innocency and Simplicity shining, through the Converfion, Gospel-Ministry, Labours, Epistles of Love. Testimonies and Warnings, to Profeffors and Prophane (with the long and patient Sufferings) of that ancient and faithful Minister and Servant of Jesus Chrift, Thomas Taylor. price bound 5s.

The Memory of the Righteous revived, being a Collection of the Books and written Epistles of John Camm and John Audland: together with several Testimonies relating to those two faithful Labourers. p. 25,

The Design of Chriftianity testified, in the Books, Epistles and Mаnuscripts of that ancient and faithful Servant of Chrift Jesus, Jokn Crook, who departed this Life the 26th Day of the ad Month, 1699. in the Fighty-second Year of his Age. price 3s, 6d.

A Collection of the writings and Epistles of our ancient deceased Friend Fohn Whitehead, price 3s.

Sion's Travellers comforted, and the Disobedient warned. In a Col lection of Books and Epiftles of that faithful Minister of Jesus Chrift Charles Marshall, price 3 s.

A Collection of the Christian Writings, Labours, Travels and Suffer. ings of that faithful and approved Minifter of Jesus Chrift, Koger Haydock, with an Account of his Death and Burial. price 1s. 9d.

An Apology for the true Chriftian Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the People called in Scorn Quakers; Being a full Examination and Vindication of their Principle and Doctrines, by many arguments deduced from Scripture and right Reason, and the Testimonies of Famous Authors, both ancient and modern, with a full Answer to the strongest Objections usually made against them. By Robert Barclay, the fifth Edition in English, price bound 4s.

Robert Barclay's Apology translated into French, Spanish, and in Latin the 2d Edition, for the Information of Strangers, price 5 s. each.

New-England Judged, In two Parts. First, containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in New-England, from the Time of their Arrival there, in the Year 1656, to the 1660. Wherein their Merciless Whippings, Chainings, Finings, Imprifonments, Starvings, Burning in the Hand, Cutting off Ears, and putting to Death, with divers other Cruelties, inflicted npon the Bodies of innocent Men and women, only for Conscience-fake, are briefly described. Second Part, being a farther Relation of the cruel Sufferings of the People called Quakers in New-England, continued from Anno 1669. to Anno 1665. Beginning with the Sufferings of william Leddra, whom they put to Death. Published by George Bishop, in Anno 1661 and 1667 and now somewhat abreviated. with an Appendix, containing the Writings of several of the Sufferers; with some Notes, shewing the Accomplishment of their Prophecies, and a Postscript of the Judgments of God, that have befallen divers of their Perfecutors. Also, an Anfwer to Cotton Mather's abuses of the said People, in bis late History of New-England, printed anno 1702. price 5s.

Vindiciæ Veritatis: Or an occasional Defence of the Principles, and


BOOKS Printed and Sold by the Assigns of J. Sowle... Primitive Christianity Revived, in the Faith and Practice of the People called Quakers. Written in Testimony to the present Dispensation of God, through them to the World; that Prejudices may be removed, the Simple informed, the Well-inclined encouraged, and the Truth and its Innocent Friends rightly represented. by VV. Penn. Price 1 s.

An Account of VV. Penns Travels in Holland and Germany, for the Service of the Gospel of Christ; by way of Journal. Containing also divers Letters and Epistles, writ to several great and Eminent perfons whilst there; the third Impression. Corrected by the Author's own Copy; with some Answers not Printed in the First. To which is now added Two Epistles, formerly Printed in Dutch, but never in English, till thisthird Edition. price 25.

VV. Penns Key in English new Edition. price 4 d. French 4 d.

The Hiftory of the Life of Thomas Ellwood. Or, an Account of bis Birth, Education, &c. with divers Observations on bis Life and manners when a Youth: And how he came to be convinced of the Truth; with his many Sufferings and Services for the same. also several other Remarkable Paffages aud Occurrences. written by his own Hand. pr. 33.6d.

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No Crofs, No Crown. A Discourse Shewing the Nature and Discipline of the Holy Cross of Christ; and that the Denyal of Self, and daily bearing of Chrift's Cross, is the alone way to the Rest and Kingdom of God. to which is added, the living and dying Testimonies of divers Persons of Fame and Learning, in Favour of the Vertue and temperance recomended in this Treatise. by W. Penn. he Sixth Eddition. price 3 s.

The Harmony of the Old and New Testament, and the fullfilling of the aProphets concerning our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and bis Kingdom nd Glory in the latter Days; with a Brief Concordance of the Names and Attributes &c. given unto Christ : and some Texts of Scripture col lected, conerning Christ's Humiliation and Sufferings, also bis Excellent Dignity and Glorification. Published for the benefit of Christians and Jews by John Tomkins. with an Appendix to the Jews, by W. Penn. the 3 d Edit. with Additions. price 1 s.

The Works of the Long Mournful and sorely-Distresffed Ifaac Penning ton, whom the Lord in his tender Mercy at length visited and relieved, by the Ministry of that Despised People, called Quakers; and in the springings ef that Light, Life and Holy power in him, which they had truly and faithfully teftified of, and directed bis Mind to, were these things written, and now published as a thankful teftimony of the goodness of the Lord to him, and for the Benefit of others. In two Parts. price 12 s.

The Vorks of thar memorable and ancient Servant of Christ, Stephen Crisp; containing also a Fournal of bis Life, giving an Account of bis Convincement, Travels, Labours and Sufferings in and for the Truth. price 5 s. Truth's Innocency and Simplicity shining, through the Converfion, Gospel-Ministry, Labours, Epistles of Love. Testimonies and Warnings, to Profeffors and Prophane (with the long and patient Sufferings) of that ancient and faithful Minister and Servant of Jesus Chrift, Thomas Taylor. price bound 5s.

The Memory of the Righteous revived, being a Collection of the Books and written Epistles of John Camm and John Audland: together with several Testimonies relating to those two faithful Labourers. p. 25,

The Design of Christianity testified, in the Books, Epistles and Manuscripts of that ancient and faithful Servant of Chrift Jesus, Jokn Crook, who departed this Life the 26th Day of the 2d Month, 1699. in the Fighty-second Year of his Age, price 3s, 6d.

A Collection of the writings and Epistles of our ancient deceased Friend John Whitehead, price 3s.

Sion's Travellers comforted, and the Disobedient warned. In a Col lection of Books and Epiftles of that faithful Minister of Jesus Chrift Charles Marshall, price 3 s.

A Collection of the Christian Writings, Labours, Travels and Suffer. ings of that faithful and approved Minifter of Jesus Chrift, Koger Haydock, with an Account of his Death and Burial. price 1s. 9d.

An Apology for the true Christian Divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the People called in Scorn Quakers; Being a full Examination and Vindication of their Principle and Doctrines, by many arguments deduced from Scripture and right Reason, and the Testimonies of Famous Authors, both ancient and modern, with a full Answer to the strongest Objections usually made against them. By Robert Barclay, the fifth Edition in English, price bound 4s.

Robert Barclay's Apology translated into French, Spanish, and in Latin the 2d Edition, for the Information of Strangers, price 5 s. each. New-England Judged, In two Parts. First, containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in New-England, from the Time of their Arrival there, in the Year 1656, to the 1660. Wherein their Merciless Whippings, Chainings, Finings, Imprifonments, Starvings, Burning in the Hand, Cutting off Ears, and putting to Death, with divers other Cruelties, inflicted npon the Bodies of innocent Men and women, only for Conscience-fake, are briefly described. Second Part, being a farther Relation of the cruel Sufferings of the People called Quakers in New-England, continued from Anno 1660. to Anno 1665. Beginning with the Sufferings of william Leddra, whom they put to Death. Published by George Bishop, in Anno 1661 and 1667 and now somewhat abreviated. with an Appendix, containing the Writings of several of the Sufferers; with some Notes, shewing the Accomplishment of their Prophecies, and a Postscript of the Judgments of God, that have befallen divers of their Perfecutors. Also, an Anfwer to Cotton Mather's abuses of the said People, in his late History of New-England, printed anno 1702. price 5s.

Vindiciæ Veritatis: Or an occasional Defence of the Principles, and


BOOKS Printed and S ld by the Assigns of J. Sowle. Practices of the People called Quakers: In Answer to a Treatise of John Stillingfleet's, miscalled, Seasonable Advice concerning Quakerifim, &c. by Daniel Phillips, M. D. price 1s. 6d.

A Differtation concerning the Lord Supper. The second part, by the Author of the First part. Price 3 d.

An Encouragement early to Seek the Lord: And be Faithful to him: In an Account of the LIFE and Services of that Ancient Servant of God, Thomas i bompson. Price 6 d.

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Piety Promoted, in a Collection of Dying-Sayings of many of the People call'd Quakers. with some Memorials of their Virtuous Lives The Fourth and Fifth Part by J. F. price bound 1 s. each Part.

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A brief Testimony to the great Duty of Prayer; sewing the Nature and Benefit thereof; to which is added, many mat and Select Instances of God's Answer to Prayer: Collected out of the Record of Holy Scriptures, by F. Tomkins, one of the People called Quakers. With a Postscript by F. F. The Second Edition, with Additions. price, 6 d.



BOOKS Printed and Sold by the Assigns of J. Sowle. The Poor Mechanick's Plea, against the Rich Clergy's Oppreffion Shewing Tithe's are no Gospel-Ministers Maintenance: In a brief and Plain Method, how that Tithes, (as now paid) are both Inconsistent with the Defpenfation of the Law, and Difpenfation of the Gospel. also how they were brought into the Church many Hundred Years after Christ, and testified a gainst by several ancient Chriftians and Martyrs. with several fober Reasons against the payment of them, By J. Bockett. price 3 d

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Anguis Flagellatus; or a Switch for the Snake. Being an answer to the third and last Edition of the Snake in the Grass, wherein the Author's Injustice and Falfhood, both in Quotation and Story, are discovered and obuiated; and the Truth Doctrinally delivered by us, stated and maintained, in opposition to his Misrepresentation and Perversion. By Joseph Wyeth, 10 which is added, A Supplement, by G.W. price 4 s.

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A Brief Concordance of the Names and attributes. with sundry Texts, Relating unto our Blessed Lord and Saviour Fefus Chrift. Collected out of the Scriptures. by John Tomkins. price 4 d.

A brief Apology in behalf of the People called Quakers. written for the Information of our sober and well-inclined Neighbours in and about the town of Warminster in the county of Wilts. By W. Chandler. A. Pyot. J. Hodges. and some others. price 6 d.

The Saints Travel to Spiritual Canaan; wherein are discovered several

false Refts, Short of the true Spiritual coming of Cbrift in his people, wish

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