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Alexander, F. Roadside songs of Tuscany; ed. by J: Ruskin. Pt. 5. Contents. The jessamin window. The story of Gigia. -The story of Fortunato. - First part of the ballad of the Madonna and the gipsy. Alexander, Sir W:, Earl of Stirling. Register of royal letters relative to the affairs of Scotland and Nova Scotia, 1615-35. 2 v. 8DSP+9ST Alhoy, P. M., and Lurine, L: Les prisons de Paris; histoire, types, mœurs, mystères. Ed. illust. 1846. EIFP+AL3 Asmodée à New York; rev. crit. des institutions politiques et civiles de l'Amérique, etc. 1868. B67N48-AS

Aubryet, X. Les jugements nouveaux; philosophie de quelques œuvres. 1860.

B., D. J. C. Los Papas y el cónclave. 1878. T Bailly, Mme. E. de, née Béranger, (pseud. C. de Chandeneux). Un cœur de soldat. 1882.

VPFC36c Bautain, L: E. M.. Psychologie expérimentale.

1839. 2 v.

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"Jusqu'ici tous les livres qui avaient été publiés étaient ou fort défectueux ou partiels. Il est à peine besoin de rappeler combien peu l'Architecture byzantine' de Pullan et Texier tenait les promesses de son titre. ... La publication de M. de Salzenberg faisait connaître les plus beaux monuments de cet art dans la ville qui en devint le centre; celle de M. de Vogué se restreignait à une région et une période determinées. M. Choisy a tenté une synthèse méthodique, une classification originale des formes de la construction et on peut assurer déjà que son livre est de ceux qui, même après de nouvelles recherches et de nouvelles découvertes, resteront toujours un des meilleurs guides pour tous ceux qu'intéressera l'histoire de l'architecture byzantine." - C. Bayet in Rev. critique, 23 juin.

Church, Mrs. F. (Marryat now Mrs. F. Lean). The ghost of Charlotte Cray; and other stories. 1883. VM346G

How they loved him; a novel. 1882. 2 v. Vм346но Clemens, S: L. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; Tom Sawyer's comrade.


"In Tom Sawyer' we saw Huckleberry Finn from the outside; in the present volume we see him from the inside. He is almost as much a delight to any one who has been a boy as was Tom Sawyer. But only he or she who has been a boy can truly enjoy this record of his adventures, and of his sentiments, and of his say. ings. Old maids of either sex will wholly fail to understand him or to like him, or to see his significance and his value. ... There is scarcely a character of the many introduced who does not impress the reader at once as true to life-and therefore as new. In no other book has the humourist shown so much artistic restraint, there is no straining after affect; one might almost say there is no waste word in it." Sat. rev., Jan. 31.



Clerc, N: G. Yu le Grand et Confucius; histoire chinoise. 1769. Clingman, Gen. T. L. The tobacco remedy. T Coke, T: History of the West Indies; with an account of the missions in those islands. 180811. 3 v. :9E-c66 Vc693A

Collins, W: W. After dark. 1856.

Colquhoun, A. R. Amongst the Shans; with hist. sketch of the Shans, by H. S. Hallett; prec. by an introd. on The cradle of the Shan race, by T. de Lacouperie. A4SH1-L11

"Mr. Colquhoun is an accomplished traveller, and a skilful engineer. The records of his journeys, therefore, are full of interest. His descriptions of the manners and customs of the people are graphic and lively, and his accounts of the physical features of the country as well as of its products are valuable contributions to our knowledge... Professor Terrien's introduction is a paper of great ethnological importance." - Athenæum, Feb. 28.

Conference of Charities.

Proceedings, Louisville, Ky., 1883; ed. by A. O. Wright. Cooper, Mrs. K. S. Heart salvage by sea and land.

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"The former volume, which throws a great deal of light upon French politics during the decline of the Empire, is by far the more important, while the latter, in which Proudhon, with his vagaries and eccentricities, occupies the foreground, is, in a certain sense, more amusing. Piquant correspondence of unquestionable authenticity, and conversational reminiscences demanding much allowance for more or less unavoidable slips of memory and egotism, abound in both." - Nation, Dec. 11.

The other volume referred to is "Histoire de douzeans, 1857-69."

Histoire de douze ans., [1857-69] notes et souvenirs. 1883. 8FL D24 Dinwiddie, R. Official records; with introd. and notes by R. A. Brock. 1883-84. 2 v. Doucet, C. La considération; comédie. 1861. VFD D74C


Douglass, F: Life and times; by himself; with introd. by G: L. Ruffin. 1883. 65-D743 Duentzer, J: H: J. Charlotte von Stein und Corona Schröter; eine Vertheidigung. 1876. 5G-ST34DS

Dumas, A., fils. Les idées de Mme. Aubray; comédie. 1867.

VFD-D89112 Le roman d'une femme. 1860. VFF D891R Dumas, A. D. Crimes célèbres. 1853, 51, 46. 8 v. EG+D89

Edwards, A. B. Miss Carew. 1865. 2 v.

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Un début à l'opéra; étude. 1865. VFF.F436DE


Filex, D. Uu roman vrai. 1876.
Florence. Galeria Impériale. Galerie impériale

et royale de Florence. 1832.

Forgues, P. E. D. La Chine ouverte; aventures d'un fan-kouei dans le pays de Tsin; illust. par A: Borget. 1845.



Forrester, Mrs. June. 1883. 2 v. Fulda, K: William Shakespeare; eine neue Studie über sein Leben und sein Dichten. 1875. ¶VE S71F Garat, D. J., comte. Mémoires historiques sur la vie de M. Suard, sur ses écrits et sur le 18e siècle. 1820. 2 v. 5F-sul Gaskell, Mrs. E.. C. S. Ruth; a novel. 1853. 2 v. VFF G213RU3 Goblet d'Alviella, le comte E. Le clergé belge en 1881. ¶ Goethe, J: W. von. Faust; a drama; with tr. by Lord F. L. Gower. 1825. 2 v. VGD G55F EG Gore, Mrs.. C. G. The snow storm; a Christmas story; illust. by G: Cruikshank. [185-.] VG668 Gozlan, L. Les tourelles; histoire des chateaux de France. 1839. 2 v. AFOC-G

Green, S: A. Inscriptions on the bronze tablets on the gates on the older burial grounds in Boston. 1883. 1664B65-G82 Hague, The. Musée Royal. Les principaux tableaux du Musée Royal à La Haye; gravés au trait, avec leur description. 1826. Hall, H. History of the custom-revenue in England, to 1827. 2 v. CVE-4H14 Heath, F. G. Tree gossip.

"Some seventy papers upon the most notable facts of tree-growth and tree-beauty. ... Perhaps the best pa. per in the volume is one on the mistletoe, and the different trees on which it has been found."

Hebler, C. Aufsätze über Shakespeare. 2e verm. Ausgabe. 1874. ¶VE.S71H

Hetzel, P: J. (pseud. P. J. Stahl). Les quatre peurs de notre général; souvenirs d'enfance. [18-]. VFF H47Q Hewes, F. W., and Gannett, H: Scribner's statistical atlas of the U. S. [1883]. Hopkins, J: H. The Church of Rome in her primitive purity, compared with the Church of Rome at the present day; being a candid examination of her claims to universal dominion. 1837.

Hostein, H. Historiettes et souvenirs d'un homme de théâtre. 1878.

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Joubert, I.. Lééna; histoire athénienne; La mort d'un dieu; Epiménide de Crète; contes antiques. 1867. VFFJ821 Jurisprudence général; rec. period. et crit. de ju risprudence, etc.; table alphabétique; (184577). 3 v.

Kingsley, C: Two years ago. 1857. 2 v. Vк61т3 Kock, H: de. La voleuse d'amour. [18-.]

VK812V Lamartine, A. M.. L: de P. de. Euvres; éd. complète. 1836. VF+L164 Much V1868

Lang, A. (pseud. A. Huge Longway).

darker days.

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Lear, F. Le roman d'une Américaine en Russie; accomp. de lettres orig. 1875. VFF D47R Lenormant, F. Les tableaux du Musée de Naples. 1868. Lescure, M. F. A. de. Rivarol et la société fran

çaise pendant la Révolution et l'emigration (1753-1801); études et portraits hist. et litt. d'après des docs. inéd. 1883. 5F-R524L Lévi, E. Le sorcier de Meudon. 1861. VFFL573s Library Association of the United Kingdom. Monthly notes. Vol. 1, 2, 3, no. 1, 2. 188082. 3 v. XJ-8161

Longfellow, H: W. Poems. 4th ed. 1846.

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Voices of the night; and other poems; illust. by J. E. Benham, B. Foster, etc.

1852. W5P-186V Lucy, H: W. Diary of two parliaments. Vol. 1: The Disraeli parliament, 1874-80.


"In the House of Commons, though not of it, he has proved the proverb that Onlookers see most of the game.' From picture, as well as from narrative, we are enabled not only to read what our representatives but also to learn in what way they comport them. selves, and even how they dress. Of this new school of reporting Mr. Lucy is the recognised chief. He is in perfect touch with his subject, as with his readers; and, though sometimes hovering on the very verge, he contrives just to escape the pitfall of vulgarity." — Acad emy, Feb. 28.

Macé, G. Le service de la sureté. risienne.)

(La police paEGPFP M1 "Votre premier volume, très intéressant, très utile aussi en ce sens que l'exposé de vos griefs personnels amènera sans doute les modifications urgents, ce premier volume a déjá eu un immense succes. nous-en un second, moins utile peut-être, mais plus dramatique, romanesque, et pittoresque."— Rev. pol. et lit., 28 nov.


Malot, H. H: Marichette, 1884. 2 V. VFF M295MD

"Un des meilleurs romans de M. Hector Malot." Polybillion, Oct.

Maquet, A: La belle Gabrielle. 1861. 3 v.

VFF M32B L'envers et l'endroit. 1862, 63. 2 v. vFF M32E Martens, baron C: de. Guide diplomatique. 1832. 2 v.

Masson, F. Le cardinal de Bernis depuis son ministère. 5F-B457M "Mr. Masson's sketch of the career of the Cardinal de Bernis after his loss of office was needed to supplement his former book on the subject, and deals at length with a matter of great interest, the suppression of the Jesuits. M. Masson handles with some minuteness the disputed question as to the death of Ganganelli, and decides against the hypothesis of poison. But we are bound to say that he brings forward no testimony of fact to support his opinion, and that his arguments from probability seem to us the reverse of conclusive. Far be it from us to say that Clement XIV. perished A. M. D. G. in the peculiar and restricted sense. We only say that the likelihood of his having met such an end is not much weakened by M. Masson's argument."- Sat. rev., Dec. 13.

Mathers, H. As he comes up the stair; Jock O'Hazelgreen; "Who maketh the deaf to hear." 1882. VM42A Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. B. John Marchmont's legVB725J acy. 1864. 2 v.

Mount Royal; a novel. 1882. 2 v. VB725M Mercer, A. G. Bible characters; selections from

[his] sermons; with memoir by M. Marble. Mettais, H. La pupille du vieux garçon. 1878.

VFF M56P Meurice, F. P. La vie nouvelle; comédie. [1866.] VFD-D89112

Money-makers, The; a social parable. VM743 Nettement, A. F. Histoire de la littérature française sous la Restauration. 2e éd., corr. et augm. 1858. 2 v. XVFV-N38 Nineteenth century, March.

"The most striking article is that by Lord Acton on 'George Eliot's Life." Although the subject is one on which many able writers have been busy, nothing which has yet been written upon it can be compared, for insight and felicity of expression to this remarkable paper." Academy, Mar. i. Olías, J. M. de. Influencia de la religion católica apostólica romana en la España contemporánea; introd. por E. Castelar. 1876. Payn, J. For cash only; a novel. 1882. 2 v.



Pisani, F. Lettres sur les Etats-Unis d'Amérique. B5 P67 Pitman, B. The manual of phonography. [1860.] :X2U P68

Poole, R. L. Illustrations of the history of medieval thought in the departments of theology and ecclesiastical politics.

"The defect of the book is that it reads too much like a series of essays written for an academic prize. ... The great merit is that he estimates justly and soberly the general tendency of the intellectual life of the Middle Ages. He deals mainly with the more original and independent thinkers of the time; but he never exaggerates the importance of their opinions, or distorts them into accordance with modern ideas."— M. Creighton in the Academy, Jan. 31.

Portalis, J: E. M. De l'usage et de l'abus de l'esprit philosophique durant le 18e siècle, préc. d'une essai sur l'hist. et les progrès de la litt. française et de la philosophie. 1827. 2 v. Pougin, F. A: A. P., called Arthur. Dictionnaire historique et pittoresque du théâtre et des arts qui s'y rattachent; illust. "An admirable piece of work. M. Pougin loves his subject, and knows it, vast as it is, in all its details; his style is clear and expressive, his method excellent both in purpose and effect; and his achievement whether as history or as technology is one to be considered with


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"On vient de réunir en un volume qui mérite d'être lu tous les feuilletons de Paul de Saint-Victor sur Victor Hugo. Il eût été dommage, en effet, que ces pages étincelantes fussent perdues. Cependant ne cherchez dans ces feuillets épars, réunis et consus après coup, ni corps de doctrine ni véritable esprit critique. Paul de Saint-Victor était un enthousiaste, un fanatique du Maître. et il admirait sans se permettre de juger. C'est ainsi qu'il Balue avec le même lyrisme et les œuvres vraiment ma gistrales et celles où l'on sent un peu soit la fatigue, soit la confiance excessive que donne la certitude du succès." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 14 fév. Sauniére, P. L'agence Aubert. 1876. VFF SA82A Schiller, J: C. F: von. Die Räuber; ein Schauspiel. 1858. VGD SCH3R VFFSCUỘC VFF SE22A Descrip

Scudo, P. Le chevalier Sarti. 1857.
Secondigné, A. L'assommé. 1877.
Selwyn, A. R. C., and Dawson, G. M.

tive sketch of the physical geography and
geology of Canada.

Sermons du 13e siècle en vieux Provençal; pub. d'après le ms. 3548в de la Bibl. Nat. par F: Armitage. 1884.


Sewell, R. Lists of inscriptions, and sketch of the dynasties of southern India. 7B5+8E8 Shakespeare, W: Amleto; trad. in versi e prosa. ¶VE S5H'I The tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke; a study with the text of the folio of 1623, by G: MacDonald. VE-85H-4 Silvestre, A., etc. Gallery of contemporary art; illust. review of the recent art productions of all nations; ed. by J. E. Reed. Silvestre, T. Histoire des artistes vivants, français et étrangers; études d'après nature. [18-] Stevens, A. de G. Old Boston; a romance. 3 v.


"A genuine romance, linked to a chapter of history which has rarely since Fenimore Cooper's time been touched.... The battle of Lexington and that of Bunker's Hill have a place in the story, which is one to be enjoyed by all readers who like a skilful and picturesque blending of romance with reality."- Spectator, Apr. 5. Swinburne, A. C: A midsummer holiday; and other poems. VEP'SW6M

"Shows a vigour of hand, a brilliant mastery over artistic means towards artistic ends such as Mr. Swinburne has never surpassed and rarely equalled." - Athenæum, Nov. 22. Sympneumata; or, evolutionary forces now active in man; ed. by L. Oliphant.

Theuriet, A. Les œillets de Kerlaz; éd. orig., illust. VFF T340E "Ni une tragédie, ni un drame, rien qu'une simple et touchante histoire. - Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et

lit., 17 jan.


Thomas [Haemmerlein, Lat. Malleolus], à KemL'imitation de Jésus Christ; tr. du latin par M. de Marillac; éd. nouv.; rev. et corr. par. M. S. de Sacy. 1860.

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Le livre de l'internelle consolacion; première
vers.françoise de L'imitation de Jésus-Christ.
Nouv. éd. avec une introd. et des notes par
L. Moland et C. d'Hericault. 1856.

Thomas, E. M. A new year's masque, and other

poems. W5P 36T Thomson, J. Through Masai land; a journey of exploration among the snow-clad volcanic mountains and strange tribes of eastern equatorial Africa; narr. of the Roy. Geog. Soc.'s exped. to Mt. Kenia and Lake Victoria Nyanza. 1883-84. AXM37-T

"The London times' calls Mr. Thomson the Mark Tapley of African explorers, and says that it would be difficult to find another man who could have gone through what Mr. Thomson has done, and have come out of it alive, and with stainless hands. "So far as novelty is concerned, we have had nothing from Africa to compare with the present volume since the publication of Mr. Stanley's Through the Dark Conti


Trowbridge, J: What is electricity? Ulrici, H: Ueber Shakspeare's dramatische Kunst und sein Verhältniss zu Calderon und Göthe. 1839. VE-871UL Véron, P: Monsieur et Madame Tout le monde. [18-]. VF.V59 Villemain, A. F. La tribune moderne en France et en Angleterre; 2e pte. 1882. XVF6-V7 Virgilius Maro, P. Bucolica, Georgica, et neis; acc. clavis metrica. not. anglicæ et quaestiones; cura B. A. Gould. 1826. VJ-V1826 Vose, G: L. Notes on early transportation in Mass. [188-.] ། Wahlen, A: Ordres de chevalerie et marques d'honneur, histoire, costumes, et décorations. 7K+W12 Wille, J: G. Mémoires et journal; pub. par G. Duplessis, avec une préface par E. et J. de Goncourt. 1857. 2 v. 5G-W66


Published by the Boston Athenæum, Beacon St., Boston, Mass., tri-weekly. Price by the year 25 cts.; by mail, 50 cts. Entered at the Post Office, Boston, Mass., as second class matter.

Advent tracts. Vol. 1, 2. [184-.] 2 v. Almanach américain, ou état physique, politique, ecclésiastique et militaire de l'Amérique.

1784. Almanach pour rire, 1857-59; illust. par Cham. [1856-58.] VFA 7AL American almanac and treasury of facts, statistical, financial, and political, 1885; ed. by A. R. Spofford.

Amerval, E. d'. La grande diablerie; poème du 15e siècle. 1884. $VFP AM3 Argles, Mrs. M. In durance vile; and other stories. VAR341 Ashmole, E. The visitation of Berkshire, 1664-66; ed. by W. C. Metcalfe. 1882. 7LEB4+AS Avenel, G., vct. d'. Richelieu et la monarchie absolue. 2 v. 8FC-AV3

"M. d'Avenel s'est proposé d'étudier l'établissement de la monarchie absolue en France, le rôle et l'influence de cette forme nouvelle de gouvernement, le système administratif qu'elle a engendré (préface, p. 1), laissant de côté, comme écrite déjà depuis longtemps, l'histoire du règne de Louis XIII et celle du ministère de Richelieu." Bulletin critique, 1 déc. Barckhausen, J: C. Pyrosophia, iatro-chemiam, rem metallicam, et chirijsopoeam pervestigans opus. 1698.

Barnes, Rev. R. H., and Brown, Maj. C: E. Charles George Gordon; a sketeh. 5E G652B

Barruel, A: de, l'abbé. Historya jakobinizmu.

Tom 1.

Bengesco, C.


Voltaire; bibliographie de ses œuvres. T. 2.

"Le second volume traite uniquement des Melanges.' Il reste à M. Bengesco de nous donner maintenant, dans un troisième volume,la ‘Bibliographie'de la 'Correspondance.' Et sans doute il sera temps alors d'examiner ce que ce patient, consciencieux, et remarquable ouv rage apporte de nouveau, non-seulement à l'histoire de Voltaire, mais à celle même de la littérature française du 18e siècle."— Rev. d. D. Mondes, 15 fév. Bertels, J: Historia Luxemborgensis. 1605.

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Deutsche Interlinearversionen der Psalmen. Aus einer windberger Handschrift zu München und einer Handschrift zu Trier; hrsg. von E. G. Graff. 1839.

N. T.

German. [Das Neue Testament. 18-] Portuguese. O Novo Testamento. traduzido em portuguez. 1860.

Blunt, Capt. S. E. Instructions in rifle and carbine firing for the U. S. army.

Bomberger, J. H. A. Five years' ministry in the

German Reformed Church, Race St., Phila.; an anniv. sermon, Jan. 8, 1860; and an ecclesiastical appendix. 1860.

Burges, Sir J. B. Selections from [his] letters and papers; with notices of his life; ed. by J. Hutton.


"Mr. Hutton in making his selections has judiciously avoided, so far as he could, going over the ground covered by some scores of other histories, biographies, journals and collections of letters which have already been pub. lished in illustration of the same period, and there is much of permanent value in his book over and above the amusing chit-chat it contains."- Athenæum, Feb. 14.

Burmann, P. Epistola ad Claudium Capperonnerium de nova ejus M. Fabii Quinctiliani editione. 1726. XVJ1+Q4 Calderwood, Mrs. M. S. Letters and journals from England, Holland, and the Low Countries, 1756; ed. by A. Fergusson. AH-C12 "Mrs. Calderwood was aunt of Lord Chancellor Erskine, and also through her Dalrymple ancestry, a greatniece of the Bride of Lammermoor.' She had the

gift possessed in an eminent degree by the ladies of her day and nationality, that of terse and vivid discription." Athenæum, Jan. 3.

Cenni, G. De antiquitatae ecclesiae Hispanae dissertationes. 1741. 2 v.

Chambers, J. On a margin.
Cherbuliez, V. Olivier Maugant. 4e éd.


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"Cette science exacte de l'homme, cette expérience étendue de la vie, cette habileté railleuse à nous dévoiler, sous les beaux mots dont nous les couvrons, le secret de nos propres actes. Jamais le style de M. Victor Cherbuliez n'avait été plus ferme, d'une solidité plus brillante, et comme, par exemple, dans les portraits de Timothée Servoix et de son fils, d'un relief plus puis sant." Rev. d. D. Mondes, 1 fév.

Chezy, E. de. Guide des voyageurs à Heidelberg, Mannheim, Schwezingen, à l'Odenwald et à la vallée du Neckar; tr. de l'Allemand. 2e éd. [1818.] :AG 6c42

Clement, J. De potestate pontificia in Societatem Iesv, etc. 1648.

Colmeiro, Don M. Cortes de los antiguos reinos de Leon y de Castilla. 1883. 2 v.

"A succinct History of the Cortes, and an analysis or compte-rendu' of each Council or Cortes from the Council of Oviedo in 823 to the Cortes of Toledo in 1559.

The historical sketch will naturally be more attrac tive, but the second part is no mere analysis. The date and character of each meeting, whether Council, Junta, Ayuntamiento, or Cortes, is there carefully discussed, and the acts are supplemented, illustrated, or supplied, as the case may need, from the nearest contemporary authors." Wentworth Webster in Academy, Aug. 16. Congregational year-book, 1885. Debans, C. La Cabanette. Doisy de Villargennes, A. J. Reminiscences of army life under Napoleon Bonaparte. Dupanloup, F. A. P., Bp. of Orleans. Les alarmes de l'épiscopat justifiées par les faits; lettre à un cardinal. 1868.

VFF D35c

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