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Pococke, R: Tours in Scotland, 1747, 50,60; ed. with biog. sketch, by D. W. Kemp. (Scottish Hist. Soc.)

Poor, H: V. Resumption of the silver question, etc. 1878.

Quin, J. Life of J. Quin. Reprint of the ed. of


"It has for many years been among the rarest of theatrical publications, and has been practically unattainable to the student, fetching on the few occasions when a copy presented itself more than its weight in gold. For defects of accuracy, innumerable instances of which may be advanced, amends are made in the added matter which Mr. Reader has supplied. The information in the second portion of the volume is drawn from trustworthy authorities, and adds greatly to the value of the volume."- Saturday review, Oct. 1. R., I. A lady's ranche life in Montana.

"A pleasant little book, compiled of lively diary notes." Saturday review, Nov. 12.

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Rowley, W:



woman never vext; comedy.

Russell, W. Photographs of Scrooby, Bawtry,
and Austerfield, England. [1885?] 14 pl.
Sanford, E. B. History of Connecticut.
Select collection of views and ruins in Rome and
its vicinity [text, Eng. and Fr. 18-].
Sheridan, R. B. The critic; [drama. 1827].
Soane, G: Zarah; drama. [183-?]
Society of Authors. Grievances between authors

and publishers; report of conferences, Mar.,

Soley, J. R. The boys of 1812, and other naval heroes.

Spectropia or Surprising spectral illusions; illust. 1864.

Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets; extended by a supplementary chapter, to the 50th year of the period under review.

"One of the most valuable portions of Mr. Stedman's volume is the analytic index which is so reconstructed and made to include both parts of the book a work which is, after all so carefully and thoroughly done that it will fill in every library a place that must otherwise have remained empty." Nation, Nov. 24. Stevenson, R. L: Virginibus puerisque, and other papers.

Taylor, U. A. The city of Sarras. (Leisure hour ser.)


"It is abstruse, and that is not precisely the same thing as saying that it is absurd. In style, plot, and nomenclature of personages it bears striking general resemblance to the minor works of Mr. John Shorthouse. Contains an immense quantity of highly improving. supremely thoughtful, and rather melancholy, figurative, and elliptical conversation. There is some able but slightly strained description of natural phenomena, and the work is not free from affectation. The city of Sarras is a clever book."- Sat. rev., Nov. 5.

Thoreau, H: D: Winter; from [his] journal; ed. by H. G. O. Blake.

Trotter, A. M. Bledisloe; an international story. "English manners, scenery, and amusements are well described."

Tuckerman, F: William Cooper, the town clerk of Boston. 1885.

Van Mildert, W: Theological works. 1838. 6 v. Waite, A. E: The real history of the Rosicrucians founded on their own manifestoes, etc. "Various things in Mr. Wait's book are pleasing and even valuable, and his account of the Rosicrucians is one which with drastic correction and fresh reference to authorities throughout might be made a useful and perhaps even a standard work."— Sat. rev., Oct. 22. Wake, C. S. Serpent-worship and other essays,

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"The author belongs to a school which handles subjects, in themselves susceptible of plain and straightforward explanation, in a spirit of esoteric mysteriomysticity equally repugnant to scholarship and good taste. Like most else that comes from this school, these essays are also curious for their disregard of the first principles of historic and philological criticism, their ig norance of what has been ascertained and what discarded in this field of studies. The numerous mis

prints which disfigure this work are quite in keeping with its unscientific character." Athenæum, Nov. 12. Wakeman, H: O. The Church and the Puritans, 1570-1660.

"Mr. Wakeman treats mainly of the religious aspect of the relations of the Church to the Puritans, and aims almost entirely at a study of the external history of the movement. From this point of view his work shows discretion and skill, and will be found of service to the student of ecclesiastic history." Sat. rev., Sept. 17. Walworth, J. H. Southern silhouettes.

"They are not the work of imagination, but accurate outlines of actual entities, written with the loving desire to do away with some of the misconceptions that have militated against a true appreciation of what is noblest and best in the people of whom they treat." — Author. Whitehead, C: The cavalier; drama. [183-?] Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Bird-talk; a calendar of the orchard and wild-wood. Whitworth, Sir C:, and others. England and Napoleon in 1803; despatches, ed. by O. Browning.

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Allen, F. M. Through green glasses:

Andy Merrigan's great discovery, etc.; illust. by M. Fitzgerald.

"A somewhat commonplace story, redeemed from failure by undoubted cleverness in the manner of telling."

Allix, J. A. F. Bataille de Paris, juillet 1830. Antas, M. d'. Les faux don Sébastien. 1866. Astronomical diary; or, Almanack for 1759, 62, 73, by N. Ames. 3 v.

Baedeker, K: Great Britain, etc.; handbook. Bain, E. Merchant and craft guilds; a history of the Aberdeen incorporated trades.

"The first three chapters on guilds in general on continental guilds, and on the London companies - do not add much to the information contained in Miss Toul miu Smiths article Guilds'in the ninth edition of the Encyclopædia Britanica, not to speak of the works of her father, of Wilda, and of Lujo Brentano. But when he comes to Scotland, especially to Aberdeen, Mr. Bain has much to tell that is both new and interesting." -Atheneum, Dec. 31.


Bakhuizen van den Brink. La retraite de Charles Quint; analyse d'un ms. espanol contemp., par un religieux de l'ordre de Saint Jérôme à Yuste. 1850.

Ballou, M. M. Under the Southern cross; or,
Travels in Australia, Tasmania, etc.
Balzac, II. de. La cousine Bette, [illust.] par G.

Berggrün, O. Cortège hist. de la ville de Vienne, 27 avril 1879; [sous la direction générale de Hans Makart).

Berkeley, II. Wealth and welfare; or, Our national trade policy and its cost.

"Discusses the recommendations and conclusions of the minority of the Commissioners with a good deal of care and obvious sympathy. Mr. Berkeley is in clined to think that the time has arrived for a cautious approach to a protective policy of a tentative kind; but he does not succeed in showing how partial or limited Protection is practicable.” — Sat. rev., Dec. 17. Bertoux, G. Anecdotes espagnoles et portugaises depuis l'origine de la nation jusqu'à nos jours. 1773. 2 v.

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and would have been all the better for the omission of a good deal of matter which only acts as a drag upon its livelier portions. The fifty pages of the review by Hay. ward in 18.6 of the Recollections of the Table talk of Samuel Rogers,' unsatisfactory as that work may in itself have been, contains all the amusing matter to be found in the present volume." — Sut. reo., Dec. 10. Cochran, W: Pen and pencil in Asia Minor, etc. "In reality a treatise on silk-culture; a descrip. tion of the different places which he has visited while investigating this industry. The result is unfortunate. ... It is only when the author is instructive that he is amusing.... It was chiefly with the object of vis. iting Mr. Griffit's silkworm nurseries near Smyrna that the author made the expedition to which we owe this book. We wish to especially draw attention to the chapter German competition in the East,' which contains many thoughtful suggestions as to the reasons why our English merchants are being so rapidly passed by their foreign rivals in the trade of the world." — St. Jumex's budget, Nov. 26.


Coignet, C. A gentleman of the olden time, F. de
Scépeaux, Sire de Vieilleville. 2 v.
Conway, M. D. P'ine and palm. (Leisure hour

"An entertaining and pleasant story. This romance of North and South is inspired by warm and sympa. thetic philanthropy, and leaves pleasant impressions be hind it." Atheneum, Nov. 26.

Cruise, F. R: Thomas à Kempis; notes of a visit to the scenes where his life was spent, etc., illust.

"Written from a Catholic point of view, ... in the hope of enabling Catholic readers to find in English a short, and I think, truthful, account of Thomas à Kem. pis. The book is a mere digest of what I have fearned in a somewhat extended study." - Preface.

Curti, T. Geschichte der Schweizerischen Volksgesetzgebung. 1885.

Daudet, E. Les émigrés et la seconde coalition, 1797-1800.

"Tout est profondément étudié : les papiers inédits des dépôts publics ou des collections particulières ont toujours été mis largement à contribution; ce sont des livres fortement documentés,' pour einployer l'expres. sion à la mode. L'auteur est aussi impartial qu'un Français puisse l'étre en racontant cette période contro versée de notre histoire: et c'est beaucoup dire, je le reconnais. Enfin, en faisant œuvre de savant et de cri tique, il ne se croit pas dispensé de faire œuvre litté raire. Rev. pol. et lit., 18 juin.

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Correspondance complète avec la duchesse de de Choiseul, etc.; pub. avec une introd. par Sainte Aulaire. Nouv. éd. augm. 1866. 3 v. Duruy, G: L'unisson.

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Non seulement L'unisson' a tenu, mais il a passé les promesses d'‘Andrée' et du Garde du corps.'" Rev. d. D. Mondes, 1 sept.

"Ici l'imagination n'invente pas d'étranges complica tions d'événements, des prodiges, du surnaturel, et du merveilleux héroïque, comme autrefois dans les épopées d'Alexandre Dumas. On ne voit pas non plus de l'incroyable et du merveilleux non héroïque, comme chez M. de Montépin. Non, des faits très simples, tout naturels, sans grandes péripéties ni coups de theatre. Mais alors où est l'imagination? Dans le jeu de sentiments. dans les petites crises de tranquilles passions ingénieusement analysées, dans les évolutions et les revirements du cœur notés avec une remarquable préci



sion. Peu d'événements extérieurs, beaucoup d'agitation au dedans. l'eu de matière et beaucoup d'art.". Maxime Gaucher in Rer. pol. et lit., 3 sept. Edgcumbe, E. R. P. Zephyrus; a holiday in Brazil and on the River Plate. "Short, bright, and full of facts. There is plenty to be learned from these pages, and with about the amount of mental exertion that would be required for the perusal of a rhyming alphabet." St. James's budget, Nov. 26. Edsall, T: H: Something about fish, fisheries, and fishermen in N. Y. in the 17th century. 1882.

Ellis, A. B. The Tshi-speaking peoples of the

Gold Coast of West Africa.

"Chiefly deals with their religion. To our knowledge of this obscure subject his book is a useful addition. He reasons clearly, he is a close observer, he is well acquainted with the difficulties of his topic, and of the misconceptions that perplex the discussion. He quotes but little from modern speculative writings, but is plainly a follower of Mr. Herbert Spencer's.... His book is a remarkable example of steady observation and dispassionate reasoning. We may not always agree with Major Ellis's general conclusions. but we must respect the energy which could produce so sound a work in such an enervating climate."- Sul. rev., Oct. 15. Erslev, E. Nye Oplysninger om Brødrene Zenis Rejser. 1885.

Falmouth, Mass. Celebration of the 200th anniv. of [its] incorporation, June 15, 1886. Field of bloud, The; or, Rebellion blazoned in all its colours, etc. (Coll. adam.) Fisher, G: P. History of the Christian Church; with maps.

"The author's method is necessarily dogmatic; he has no space to waste on debate, and he can only present the conclusions at which he has arrived. Even if the reader may not in all cases agree with those conclusions, he cannot but respect the learning and candor which have dictated them. The whole work is informed with a reverent and believing spirit, and its impartiality is abundantly tempered with true Christian charity." Nution, Dec. 8. Fitzgerald, P. II. A day's tour; a journey through France and Belgium.

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"Intended as an illustration of the little story called Eyes and no eyes,' where the prudent boy saw so much during his walk, and his companion nothing at all.". Preface.

France, Eglises Réformées de. Les synodes du

désert; actes et réglements, 1715-93, avec une introd. par E. Hugues. 1885-86. 3 v. "Ces trois volumes de procès-verbaux composent, de 1726-36, l'histoire la plus complète et la plus vraie du protestantisme français: nous ajouterons, pour notre part, et la plus éloquente.". Rev. d. D. Mondes, 15


Francesco d'Assisi, St. The little flowers of St. Francis of Assisi, tr. by A. I.. Alger.

Franklyn, H. B. The great battles of 1870 and blockade of Metz.


"Dr. Franklyn possesses several important qualifica. tions. We may add that he has evidently con versed much about the war with German officers of rank." - Athenæum, Sept. 24.

Gilbert, W. S. Patience; a comic opera, music by A. Sullivan. 1881.

Gilson, F. H. Trees of Reading, Mass. Pt. 1. Gladstone, W. E. Homer. 1885. (Lit. primers.) Glimpses of the nation's struggle; a series of papers, [on the U. S. Civil war].

Gourgaud, le baron G.

Campagne de 1815; ou

Relation des opérations milit. en France et en
Belgique. 1818.

Greene, J: Richard Bayfield, Monk of Bury; a biographical essay, read Apr. 26. [1861.] Hamerton, P. G. The Saône; a summer voyage; illust. by J. Pennell.

"An experienced reader will expect a pleasant book when he has Mr. Hamerton to tell the story of a boatvoyage on a French river, and two such skilful artists as the story-teller, and Mr. Pennell to picture it for him; and he will certainly not be disappointed. The first part is illustrated by Mr. Pennell, with contribu tions by Mr. Hamerton; in the second, the relation is reversed. The narrative, told in letters to a friend,

is delightful throughout.”. Spectator, Dec. 10. Hanotaux, G. Etudes historiques sur le 16e et le 17e siècle en France. 1886.

"Les articles de M. Hanotaux sur l'influence espag nole en France à propos de Brantôme; sur la contreré volution religieuse nu 16e siècle, sur la France de Henri IV, les débuts de Richelieu, la minorité de Louis XIV, la fin de la Fronde, les amours royales, les idées et les œuvres de Saint-Simon,fourmillent d'aperçus ingénieux, parfois nouveaux et en même temps justes, parfois aussi fortement teintés de paradoxe, mais toujours très suggestifs, comme disent nos voisins d'outreRhin, car ils obligent à réfléchir et à remettre en discussion les idées reçues en même temps qu'ils éveillent l'esprit de contradiction chez le lecteur.” — Alfred Rambaud in Rep. pol. et lit., 30 avril.

Havard, II: Les quatre derniers siècles; études artistiques; illust. par J: B. Madou. [1873]. Heermans, F. Thirteen stories of the far West. Henne am Rhyn, O: Kulturgeschichte der deutschen Volkes. 1886. 2 v.

Hermant, A. Le cavalier Miserey, 21e Chasseurs

"As a literary work, 'Le Cavalier Miserey 'shows the highest powers of observation, and a mastery of style which will give its author a very high place among the writers of the naturalistic school." Nation, Oct. 20. Historisch-politische Zeitschrift; hrsg. von L. Ranke. 1832-36. 2 v.

Hoare, Rev. E. N. Notable workers in humble life.

"Mr. Hoare in retelling the simple history of these lives, has just put the touch which not only makes these men themselves live before us, but makes them vivify and stir into active life the thoughts of the reader. Mr. Hoare's work is a compilation, a mere compilation, it might seem at first glance, from larger biographies; but he has the story-teller's art, and it will commend his little book, if we mistake not, to a wide circle of readers." - Spectator. Oct. 8. Holder, C: F: Living lights, a popular account of phosphorescent animals, etc.

The treatment is the reverse of scientific, is nothing less than misleading and sensational throughout. ... An excellent theme has been wretchedly misused, and the book as a whole is a brilliant example of that kind of pseudo-scientific sensationalism which cannot be too heartily condemned.” — Nation, Nov. 10. Hooker, Sir W: J. Museum of economic botany; or, Popular guide to the Museum of the Royal Gardens of Kew. 1855.

Hope, A. Chronicles of an old inn; or, A few words about Gray's Inn.

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"An account of some of the chief worthies of Gray's Inn, pleasantly written, but compiled in such a way that several paragraphs really seem to be history turned upside down. ... A book which is certain to be liked, though it has about as much relation to real history as the book Mr. Solly-Flood selects as exemplary-namely, Miss Strickland's great romance, the Lives of the Queens of England,”” — Saturday rev.,Oct. 15.

Houssaye, A. Histoire du 41e fauteuil de l'Acad. Française. 1882.

Huth, A. H: The marriage of near kin considered with respect to the laws of nations, etc. Irving, W. Life of Washington and his country;

I's Life of W., abridged with introd. and contin. by J: Fiske.

Junghaus, S. Die Amerikanerin; Roman. 1886. Junot, I.. P'. Scénes de la vie espagnole. 1836. 2


Kéralio-Robert, I... F. G. de. Les crimes des reines de France depuis le commencement de la monarchie jusqu'à Marie Antoinette.


Kulp, G: B. Harry Hakes. From the Luzerne legal register, 1883. [1883.]

Landsdell, II. Through Central Asia, etc.; illust.

"An abstract in one volume of Russian Central Asia,' retaining all of the traveller's record that directly appeals to the sympathies of the general public. The work of abridgment is skilfully executed.". Saturday rec., Dec. 10.

La Vicomterie-de Saint-Samson, I.: de. Les crimes des rois de France. Nouv. éd. augm. des derniers crimes de Louis XVI. 1791. Le Maire, —. Voyage to the Canaries, Cape Verd, and the coast of Africa, under the command of M. Dancourt, 1682; tr. by E. Goldsmid. (Bibl. curiosa.)

Le Roy de Sainte Croix, F. N. L'Alsace en fête sous la domination des Louis de France; avec la réprod. en photograv, de la Représentation des fêtes données par Strasbourg, par J. M. Weiss. 1880.

Les quatre cardinaux de Rohan. 1880. Lund, T. W. M. Como and Italian lake-lund.


"Mr. Lund interprets his title in a liberal sense, as he begins in the Engadine, and ends at Rhiems. Of the Italian peasant-folk he writes with a sympathy which is the first essential towards understanding them. ... The volume contains agreeable sketches of Como with its memories of the two Plinies, and Musso with the castle of that prince among bandits, I Medeghino; of Luino, with its painter, and Arona, with its saint. The cities of Lombardy and Piedmont which have any sort of connexion with the central lakes come in for their share of attention.” — Saturday rev., Dec. 10. Mc Kee, T. II. Index to the Reports of Committees of the U. S. House of Representatives, 1815-87.

Index to the Reports of Committees of the U.
S. Senate, 1815-87.

Marshall, E. Story of John Marbeck; a Windsor organist of 300 years ago.

"Gives an exceedingly interesting picture of the doings of that humble band of Windsor Reformers,' among whom was the great musician." — Athenæum, Dec. 3.

Mass. Historical Society. Tributes to F. E: Parker.

Meredith, G: The egoist; a comedy in narrative. 1886.

Michel, E. Gérard Terburg et sa famille. (Les artistes célèbres.)

"Pleasant personally, and interesting critically.". Sat. rev., Nov, 19.

Mühlbrecht, 0: Wegweiser durch die neuere Literatur der Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften. 1886.

Murailles politiques françaises, Les; depuis le 18 juil., 1870 jusqu'en 25 mai 1871; affiches françaises et allemandes. 1874.

Nation's manhood, A; or, Stories of Washington, etc.; illust. 1861.


Nicols, A. Wild life and adventure in the AustraJian bush; illust by J: T. Nettleship. 2 v. "Mr Nicols has selected the medium of a story to tell us what he knows of Bush life; but it is a story of which the romantic part is kept in strict subjection to the real. His hero is a young English lad, liberally ed ucated, whose friends, having no opening for him at home, determine to send him out to Queensland to seek his fortune in the Bush. The various adventures incidental to such a career are described with a vigor and simplicity which are very creditable to Mr. Nicols's literary powers, without any lapse into fine writing, or a single departure from the main object of the book, which is to givo a real and truthful picture of life in the Australian Bush.” — ·Saturday rev., Nov. 19. Olivart, el marques de. Manual de derecho internacional publico y privado, tr. de las obras de Calvo, Bar, Neumann, etc., préc. de un prologo [di] R. Conde y Luque. Vol. 1. 1886.

Phillimore, C.. M.. The warrior Medici, Giovanni delle Bande Nere.

"On the whole, the author has skilfully utilized existing materials with the fruits of independent research, in this interesting little book." Sat. rev., Sept. 24. Pollock, Sir F: Personal remembrances. 2 v.

"He was at Trinity with Helps, Venables, and Creasy, and had Peacock for his tutor.... It is a pity he has not adhered throughout to the narrative form, but has given to a large portion of the book the form of a diary. and inserted bare entries of names of people he met at dinner. Occasionally, too, he prints his own letters instead of using them simply as a material to help him in composing his autobiography. But in spite of these defects there is much of interest in the volumes." - Athe naum, Dec. 3. Richter, J: P., and Sparks, J: C. L. Catalogue of the pictures in the Dulwich College Gallery, with notices of the painters. 1880. Rossetti, W: M. Shelley's Prometheus unbound considered as a poem. [18-]

Rouaix, P. Dictionnaire des arts décoratifs;


"Présente toutes les notions qu'il est indispensable de connaitre relativement aux meubles, armes, bijoux, broderies, costumes, dentelles, émaux, faïences, minia. tures, à l'orfèvrerie, à la poterie, à la serrurerie, à la verrerie, à la tapisserie, à la sculpture sur bois et sur ivoire. L'auteur indique brièvement pour chaque objet les matières mises en œuvre, les procédés, les styles et les chefs-d'œuvre ainsi que les principaux centres de pro. duction, les artisans célèbres, leurs marques et leurs monogrammes."— Emile Raunié in Rev. pol. et lib., 24 sept.

Saintsbury, G: A history of Elizabethan litera. ture. (Hist. of Eng. lit.)

"From one point of view Mr. Saintsbury's contribu tion deserves high praise. The writer has endeavoured to read order into as complex a series of phenomena as awaits any of his colleagues. He has tried to set a rela. tive value on the manifold manifestations of literary ac. tivity in England between 1560 and 166). ... Mr. Saints. bury has undertaken the rôle of adviser, and performs it with admirable tact. ... But from another point of view his volume is less satisfactory. He has produced a stimulating, critical essay, and has labelled it a history. ... The index of modern reprints will prove of great service to every scholar."— Athenæum, Nov. 26. Sargent, W: M. Maine wills, 1610-1760. (Maine Hist. Soc.)

Sayce, A. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion us illust. by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. (Hibbert lect.) "We admire his patience and learning displayed in collecting and arranging in an understandable order the facts which he has gleaned from the broken fragments of the clay libraries of Nineveh and Babylon. The first lecture is the most interesting. All classes of readers should peruse this for the generalizations and the new theories propounded therein. The Babylonian religion has been for many years regarded with interest mingled with suspicion. for people never knew how much of our beliefin the Bible would have to be modified by the revelations from the cuneiform tablets. Long ago scholars recognized that many of the beliefs and ideas of the Jews were the result of their contact with Babylonians; and Professor Sayce's marshalled facts go to confirm this, and to show that the Jewish ritual and ceremonies emanated in the first instance from the kiusmen of Abraham." Athenæum, Sept. 16.


"The most elaborate and the most thorough of all the libbert lectures. Until very recently, it was the accepted opinion that the history of Babylon began at the earliest in the third millenium before our era.' But facts prove that the chronology accepted from clas. sical tradition must be greatly enlarged. Not only so, but they reveal to us an ancient people to whom all subsequent culture has been most deeply indebted. ... The vistas of a vast antiquity thus laid open to our view,have been made in a measure clear and definite by the la lours of Mr. Sayce. He has succeeded in making intelIgible the conditions of life, and modes of thought of the people who lived then. Through the culture and religion of Babylon, he leads us back to a culture and religion the existence of which was unsuspected a few years ago. There is reason to believe that the AccadianSumerian culture is the oldest of which we have at pres ent any knowledge. It is also of unequaled significance in the history of the world. Already traces have been found of the influence of Accadian culture not only on the Semites of Babylon, but through them on the Israel. ites and Phoenicians, and once again through the latter on the civilisation of Greece.". Spectator. Sept. 24. Semaria, G. B., and Marciano, G. Lives of B.

Sebastian Valfré, Fr. A. de' Santi, Fr. A. Matteucci, etc. Shakespeare, W: Life and death of King Rich

ard 11., qo. 5, 1634; facsimile in photolitho graphy by C: Prætorius, with introd. notice by P. A. Daniel.

Smiles, S: The art of living; selected by C. A. Cooke, introd. by A. P. Peabody. (Spare minute ser.)

Smith, L. P. Symbolism and science. 1885. Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians, etc. in N. Amer. Historical sketch, act of incorporation, etc., 1787-1887. Stourton, Wilts, Eng. Registers, 1570-1800, ed. by J: H: Ellis. (Harleian Soc.)

Stout, P: F. Nicaragua; past, present, and fu

ture. 1859.

Strong, M. M. History of the Territory of Wisconsin, 1836-48. 1885.

Strzygowski, J. Die 8 Handzeichnungen des

Sandro Botticelli zu Dante's Göttlicher Komödie im Vatican.

Swinburne, A. C: Locrine; a tragedy.

The best composition in dramatic form that Mr. Swinburne has yet executed. It has not the marvellous lyrics of Atalanta,' but that is its single inferiority even to that forerunner, while as compared with the impossible length of 'Bothwell,' and the purely exotic form of Erectheus,' it has to be ranked far higher than either. With an interesting, if not very eventful, story, and with one great advantage over his former pieces, it is not wonderful that Mr. Swinburne should

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"No event-political, social, or religious - has taken place in Scotland for the last seven or eight centuries in which Scotch noblemen have not taken a leading part. Mr. James Taylor has selected some fifty families, the representatvies of which have figured conspicuously in Border raids, rebellions, civil wars, ecclesiastical discussions, Councils. Cabinets, and the government of Dependencies, from the days of Wallace down to those of Harry Dundas.” — Sat. rev., Sept. 24.

Thomson, I. The patriot's monitor for New Hampshire, etc. 1810.

Tobie, E: P. History of the 1st Maine Cavalry, 1861-65.

Tompkins, H. B. Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana; a list of books written by or rel. to T: Jeffer


Trowbridge, S. B. P. The Acropolis of Athens, 1887; results of the latest explorations of the archæological schools of Athens. Turgenev, I. S. Rauch; übers. u. engeleit. von C. B. [18-].

Vater und Söhne, übers. von C. von Glumer, mit Einleitung von R. Boxberger. [18—]. Virchow, R. Freiheit d. Wissenschaft im modernen Stant. 1877. Walker, W:

The bards of Bon-Accord, 1375

1860. "Though the plan proposed in this work was to deal with those writers only, who, connected by birth or residence with our North eastern district, have published up to 1860, yet its subject is brought down to a much more recent date- - living writers, however, with one exception, being excluded from the body of the work. The treatment of the whole work is chronological." - Preface.

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