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Adams, J: Mémoire à Leurs Hautes-Puissances les Seigneurs Etats-Généraux des ProvincesUnies des Pays-Bas. [17].

Alcan, M. Essai sur l'industrie des matières textiles. Atlas. 1847.

Alger, J. G. The new Paris sketch book, etc.

"There are some interesting chapters in the book on leading Frenchmen, but on the whole we agree with the author that it does not compete with any existing work.'" · Pull Mall budget, Dec. 8.

Allen, J. R. Early Christian symbolism in Gr. Britain and Ireland before the 13th cent.

(Rhind lect. 1885.)

"Mr. Allen's book is concerned with the sculptured crosses, tombstones, or architectural ornaments of Britain and Ireland. With regard to that part of the book which deals with foreign examples of Christian symbolism, there is little to say, as the author's information is obtained at second-hand, and a good many inacuracies have been reproduced. The value of Mr. Allen's book chiefly depends on his numerous illustra tions of those early sculptured stones of Poutain which contain representations of some Christian subject or figure. The collecting of these from a large number of papers scattered throughout the proceedings of various Archæological Societies and from other sources has been a very useful work." Sat. rev., Nov. 26. American architect and building news. Decennial index of the illust. 1876-85. Vol. 1. Antoninus, M. A. Meditations; tr. by J. Collier, rev. with introd., etc., by A. Zimmern. (Camelot ser.)

Armstrong, G: Names and places in the Old Testament and Apocrypha, rev. by Col. Sir C: Wilson and Capt. Conder.

Benjamin, P. The age of electricity. Bonney, Rev. T: G: Abbeys and Churches in England and Wales.

"Shows a large number of the restored churches; and some of them are very handsome if not very interesting. The cuts are very pretty; and the articles by various writers are light and pleasant for the most part." Saturday review, Dec. 24.

Bourne, H: R: F. English newspapers; chapters in the history of journalism.

2 v.

"Nothing like a serious attempt to trace the growth of the British newspaper from the protoplastic news. letter' to the full-developed modern daily' was ever made till Mr. Fox Bourne came into the field sufficiently well equipped for the task. He is not lacking in enthu siasm or in industry; he has a sufficient consciousness of the power of the institution of which he writes; he has had more than twenty years' experience of journal. isin. The early history of journalism is treated with an abundant use of authorities; and the information is well selected. But when Mr. Fox Bourne comes down to our own day, he has to confess that a great many statements are unaccounted for.' He has added to a great deal of carefully compiled and trustworthy matter much that is little better than current gossip, trustworthy in a very limited and doubtful St. James's budget, Dec. 10.


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Browne, Sir T:


Religio medici, urn burial, etc., ed. with introd. by J. A. Symonds. 1886. (Camelot class.)

Büsching, A. F: Eigene Lebensgeschichte. 1789.
Erdbeschreibung. 1787-1816. 14 v.
Burgess, E: American and English yachts now

sailing, with a treatise upon yachts and yachting; illust. by N. L. Stebbins. Byrne, Mrs. W: P. De omnibus rebus; an old man's ramblings, etc.; illust. by R. Caulfield Orpen.

Candidus, pseud. Brieven betreffende [Goens], enz. 3e deel, 6e en 7e missive. 1783. 5e missive aan den schryver van het Politiek vertoog, enz. 1782.

Missive aan... R. M. van Goens, betreffende den schryver van zeker Politiek vertoog, enz.


Caro, E. M.. George Sand. (Les grands écrivains franc.)

"Excellently written and very ingeniously composed, with much good literary criticism, and plenty of common sense, adroitly deprived of the brutality which common sense sometimes has, the book is likely to remain one of the best of the series." - Sat. rev., Nov. 23.

Cartier, A. Verdun pendant la guerre de 1870. 1872.

Castillo, D. E. del. Cronica del rey D. Enrique Iv; 2a ed., corr. por J. M. de Flores. 1787. Cerda y Rico, F. Cronica de D. Alfonso XI.


Church of England. Liturgies, etc. Private prayers

put forth during the reign of Q. Elizabeth, ed. by W: K. Clay. 1851. (Parker Soc.) Congreve, W: William Congreve; ed. by A. C: Ewald. (Mermaid ser.)

Cooper, T:, Bp. of Winchester. Answer in defence of the truth against the Apology of private Mass; pref., Apology of private Mass, ed. by W: Goode. 1850. (Parker Soc.) Coxwell, H: My life and balloon experiences with chapter on military ballooning.

"A vastly amusing and instructive book, partly biographical, and partly embodying the theories and practical suggestions of a distinguished aëronaut." — Sat. rev., Dec. 24.

Crawford, F. M. Paul Patoff.

"The essential part of the story is good,almost as good as the best of his previous work. The defects are due solely to its being drawn on too large a scale; the origi. nality of it, the charm of the description, and the bril liancy of the narrative are admirable." Athenæum, Dec. 17.

"If the author has drawn upon many nations for his characters, he has with equal impartiality laid his scenes in several different countries. With lightning rapidity, Mr. Crawford shifts his company from the noisy odorous bazaars of Constantinople, and the poetic quiet of the Bosphorus to the silent recesses of the Black Forest. Again, they are all safely deposited in the peaceful retreat of an English country-house. The action of

the story never flags. Movement, indeed, is one of the principal charms of this very entertaining book. The story is brightly and vivaciously told." St. James's budget, Dec. 10.


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Fellowes, W: D.

Visit to the monastery of La Trappe, 1817. etc. 1818. Forbes, A.. Insulinde; experiences of a naturalist's wife in the Eastern Archipelago.

"The author has given an account of what she saw and underwent in a simple, straightforward fashion, and without any admixture of scientific matter. Evidences of minute observation are visible on every page, and much information is furnished concerning the dress and habits of the natives with whom the author was brought into contact. Contains much that is of interest; but an extreme minuteness of trivial detail is likely to gain it more admirers among women than among men." Saturday rev., Dec. 24.


Forneron, H: Louise de Kérouaille, with pref. by Mrs. G. M. Crawford.

France, H. John Bull's army, from a French point of view.

"Captain France's clever comments are decidedly interesting, but are not calculated to produce any serious effect either on the responsible authorities or on the public. He takes the view that officers and men are the very finest fighting material the world can produce, but that their commanders are deficient in knowledge of the science of war." - Contemporary rev., Dec. Fransoni, D., marchese. Studi vari sulla Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri, con pref. di E. Fani.

Goodale, G: L. The wild flowers of America; [illust.] by I: Sprague. 1886.

Gruel, L. Manuel hist. et bibliog. de l'amateur de relieures.

Guppy, H: B. The Solomon Islands and their natives.

The Solomon Islands; their geology, etc.

"These two volumes deserve to rank with the best of the class to which they belong. One half of the first volume is devoted to the ethnology of the islands, and treats of the natives in every possible aspect. As it records mainly the results of his own very careful obser

vations, it is a valuable original contribution to a subject of much importance, besides being interesting read. ing. The second volume is, in its way, quite equal in importance to the first. It deals with the geology of the group, and that in a very thorough manner."- Roy. Geog. Soc. Proc., Dec.

Heine, H. Prose writings; ed. with introd. by H. Ellis. (Camelot ser,)

Holland. Protesten en aantekening raakende de klagten over het neemen en opbrengen der nederlandsche koopvaardye scheepen in Engeland, enz. 1778.

Howells, W: D. April hopes.

This system of bringing an acute moral philosophy into the ordinary gossip of everyday society misses its desired effect, and instead of giving an impression of brilliancy to conversation makes it extremely tiresome. Mr. Howell's process, in fact, is not really analysis, for he discovers too much. His total effect in the presentation of a character does not justify the elaborate account of its ingredients. He seems to invert the proper method by setting to work to analyse before he has got the matter to work on.". Athenæum, Nov. 19. Hunt, L.. Essays; ed. with introd., etc. by A. Sy(Camelot class.)


Jones, L.. A: Index to legal periodical literature.
Jupin, L. Les chiens militaires dans l'armée fran-
Kelley, H. J.


Geographical sketch of Oregon.

Kendall, Elder H. Autobiography, with introd. by J. T. Champlin. 1853.

Landor, W. S.

Imaginary conversations, with note by H. Ellis. 1886. (Camelot class.) Langley, S: P. The new astronomy.

"The book is not written for the specialist but for the general reader. It can hardly help filling one with amazement at the revelations of the magnitude, history, and energy of the universe in which he lives. It deals with the marvellous, but it is the marvellously real.” — Christian register, Dec. 15.

Latimer, H. Sermons; ed. by G: E. Corrie. 1842. (Parker Soc.)

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Sermons and remains; ed. by G. E. Corrie. 1845. (Parker Soc.)

Laughton, J: K.


Studies in naval history; biog

"Two of the most interesting essays are those on the English privateer's Fortunatus Wright, and George Walker, whose names will be familiar to but few.

In his study of Paul Jones, the Pirate,' Prof. Laughton has given us an authoritative outline of that celebrity's professional career and moral character, based on criticism that is a model for clearness and moderation.

Such a contribution to permanent history as Prof. Laughton here places before us deserves the warmest welcome." G: F. Hooper in the Academy, Dec. 3.

Layard, Sir A. H: Early adventures in Persia, Susiana, and Babylonia. 2 v.

"Acquaintance with his great exploration forty years ago tends in no way to prejudice this account of the wanderings and journeyings which preceded that work. Nor is the subject treated one of an ephemeral character; It is full of attraction to a large circle of readers and students. ... Our wonder is how so much good liter ary material as Sir Henry Layard now puts in readable shape before the public has remained so long in embryo. The mere autobiographical details of a life which has been serviceable to the civilized world cannot be superfluous or devoid of value. The first and shorter part of the book is descriptive of his wanderings in Palestine and Syria; the second and longer, relating his experiences in Ispahan and Central Persia, Susiana; a supplementary section is added which brings the events up to 1845." Athenæum, Dec. 24.

Lemonnier, C. La Belgique.

"Un vrai monument. Tout a été décrit ou peint sur place par un spectateur consciencieux qui voit et note tout avec une exactitude scrupuleuse. Il connaît à fond les mœurs particulières de chaque province. Il en sait les traditions, les légendes, les superstitions même." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 17 déc. Lopez de Ayala, P: Cronicas de los reyes de Castilla. 1779-80. 2 v.

Lover, The; and other papers of Steele and Addison, ed. by W. Lewin. (Camelot ser.) Luna, A. de. Cronica; pub. [por] J. M. de Floras.


Mackenzie, J:

Austral Africa; losing it or ruling

it. 2 v. "The most important of the many important books that have been published on South Africa since the na tive question became a burning one. It is important as putting the special 'case' of its author before the British public in its entirety as the political manual of Bechuanaland, if not of South Africa; as the text-book for those who hold that Great Britain cannot do justice to her civilising mission in that region, except by the beneficent though iron exercise of Imperial authority." - Spectator, Dec. 17.

McMaster, J: B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. (Amer. men of letters.)

"Franklin's latest biographer does not claim to have found much new material for his Life,' but he has worked over the old material with a very deft hand, and made a book that will be widely read and generally enjoyed." Critic, Dec. 10.

Malory, Sir T. King Arthur, etc., with gen. introd. to the "Camelot ser.," by E. Rhys. (Camelot ser.)

Mandat-Grancey, G. F. E., baron de. Une visite chez l'Oncle Sam; [illust.] de Crafty et de Martin-Chablis. 1885.

Marshall, E. In four reigns; the autobiography of Althea Allingham.

"So fresh and charmingly written that we can heartily recommend it as one of the prettiest books of the season." Athenæum, Nov. 19.

Memoirs of an Arabian princess.

"What interest and amusement may be derived from the book are due to their air of intensely matter-of-fact truthfulness. The author has neither the capacity nor the will to deviate into picturesque or imaginative writ ing. Her account of life in her home in Zanzibar is consequently of the simplest and most unvarnished kind. Interest is sure to be awakened and kept moving, especially by the Arabian princess's description of her own position, and the ways and habits of Oriental women about whom not much is known." — Athenæum, Dec. 10.


Meredith, G: Sandra Belloni, originally Emilia in England. 1886.

Michell, T. Handbook for travellers in Russia,
Poland, and Finland; including the Crimea,
Caucasus, Siberia, and Central Asia.
Morgan, A. Shakespeare in fact and in criticism.
Morley, J: Aphorisms; address, Nov. 11, 1887.
Munich. K. Baierische Akad. der Wiss. Index
generalis in Monumentorum Boicorum v. 1-
14. Pars la. 1847.

Murray's magazine. Vol. 1, 2. 2 v.
Neuville, A. M.. A. de. En campagne; le sér.,
tableaux et dessin de N., [texte par] J.
Richard. [18-]

Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W., and Aldrich, T. B. The second son.

O'Meara, K. A salon in the last days of the Empire, etc. 1873.

Op de memorie van den Ridder Yorke. [1780.] Paasch, H. From keel to truck; dictionary of naval terms in Eng., Fr., and German. 1885. Palgrave, W: G. Ulysses; or, Scenes and studies in many lands.

"He leads us from Anatolia and Georgia to Egypt across the Atlantic to the West Indies, and thence across the Pacific to the Philippines. Under the heading of Phra-Bat we have a disquisition on Buddhism and other religions; then after a visit to Hong Kong, and Japan, we once more cross to America to follow Mr. Palgrave from Montevideo to Paraguay, the whole being rounded off with Alkamat's Love,' a stirring story of Nejd. Entertaining reading, but at the same time there is much in it of geographical interest."- Roy. Geog. Soc. Proc., Dec.

Petit, E. André Doria, un amiral condottiere au 16e siècle.

"André Doria a eu la chance d'avoir en France, en une seule année, deux historiens; l'amiral Jurien de la Gravière, dans André Doria et Barberousse, a raconté surtout, avec une compétence toute spéciale, ses exploits de marin; M. Petit s'est surtout proposé de nous montrer le politique. Il a apporté dans le débat des documents manuscrits." - Alfred Rambaud in Rev. pol. et lit., 15 oct.

Phillimore, W: P. W. How to write the history of a family.

"Treats of surnames, heraldry, the arrangements of paragraph pedigrees with the accompanying key charts, the sources of family history both printed and manu. script, with special reference to the Public Record Office. Information is added as to the various offices and libraries both in London and the country from which the genealogist may gain information."— Athenæum, Νον. 26.

Preble, G: H:, and others. Chase of rebel steamer of war Oreto into Bay of Mobile by U. S. steam sloop Oneida, Sept. 4. 1862. Price, R: Aanmerkingen over den aart der burgerlyke vryheid, enz., en over de regtveerdigheid en staatkunde van den oorlog met Amerika, vert. door J: D. van der Capellen. 1776.

Reed, Sir E: J., and Simpson, E: Modern ships of war; with suppl. chapters by J. D. J. Kelley.

"In a non-technical, straightforward seaman-like way the history of their evolution is here set down; Sir E: J. Reed writing of the British and French Navies, and Admiral Simpson of the Navy of the United States. Not the least important portions of the work are the introductory and supplementary chapters, and the notes, furnished by Lieut. Kelly, à practical seaman, who in his 'Armored vessels,' and 'The Question of Ships' has shown his familiarity with the subject, and his ability to express what he knows." - Harper's monthly, Jan. Renan, J. E. Histoire du peuple d'Israël. Vol.


"L'humanité juive n'avait point jusqu'ici d'historien: je sens à coup sûr que celui qu'elle a trouvé l'admire et se passionne pour elle; à certain pages, je replace aux marges de son livre tous les peut-être dont il recommande de les parsemer; j'en ajoute même; mais n'im. porte: il faut aller et suivre, et, devant ce merveilleux tableau, uniquement et absolument admirer, cela n'engage pas à tout en croire."— F. M. in Les lettres et les arts, Dec.

Reynolds, Sir J. Discourses; ed. with introd. by
H.. Zimmern. (Camelot ser.)
Rhys, E. Camelot classics. 1886-87. 23 v.
Robertson, E. S. Great writers. 13 v.

Schenectady. 1st Reformed Prot. Dutch Church. 200th anniversary, June 20, 21. 1880. Schurman, J. G. The ethical import of Darwinism.

Scott, L. (pseud. for Lucy Baxter). Life of W: Barnes.

"A charming and readable record of a simple and beautiful life. The story is at the same time full and well condensed." — Athenæum, Dec. 31.

"The verses of William Barnes present so many strange and interesting problems in connection with the explanation of their origin, that the opportunity for solving them which is presented by the Life of the poet will be eagerly welcomed by all lovers of English verse. Perfect art may does produce simplicity. It cannot produce that passion and directness which have been given to few poets in any age, hardly to any, except to William Barnes in our own. In other words, how could a man feel for the world around him like a peasant, and yet express his thoughts in a way which has made one of the most accomplished critics of the age declare that there has been no such art since Horace. It is impossible to say anything adequate of these verses, which touch the heart with a charm something akin to that which breathes from Bellini's child-pictures." Spectator, Dec. 24.

Tuscan studies and sketches; illust.

"The chapter on the vintage, the baths at Via Reggio, Volterra, the 'Giostra,' and mushroom-gatherers in the Appennines comprise some of brightest and most attractive pictures of rural Tuscany, and Florentine society we know of. The description of the fruit and flower market in Florence is a sketch of excellent crispness and vivacity. Among the papers on art the most striking are devoted to Florentine mosaics and old Italian organs." Sat. rev., Dec. 17.

Seilhamer, G: O. History of the American theatre; before the Revolution. Shairp, J. C. Sketches in history and poetry; ed. by J: Veitch.

"A volume of essays and lectures that well merit collection after their separate appearance in periodicals. Among the papers on Scottish poetry are several lectures delivered at Oxford, and these must be classed with the most characteristic and valuable work of Principal Shairp, while the whole book is interesting because it contains the last gleaning' of an active man of letters and excellent critic."- - Saturday rev., Dec. 3. Shelley, P. B. Epipsychidion; fac-simile repr. of

original ed., with introd. by Rev. S. A. Brooke, and note by A. C: Swinburne; ed. by R. A. Potts. (Shelley Soc.)

Sinclairs of England, The.

"The writer comes forward to prove that from the Conquest downwards our Kings have been all usurpers; excluding to our own unspeakable loss, the rightful heirs to the throne."- St. James's budget, Dec. 10. Smiles, S: Life and labor; or, Characteristics of men of industry, culture, and genius.

"As the years roll on the author's store of apt illus trations becomes ampler, while his skill in dealing with them shows no sign of failure. Affords plenty of

pleasant reading.". - C: J. Robinson in the Academy,

Dec. 10.

Smith, B. Liberty and liberalism, etc.
Smith, G: B. William 1. and the German Empire.

"Contains a personal narrative of the life of the Emperor William I, an historical account of the Prussian kingdom and of the new German empire, and collection of statistics on the present position of Germany. The work is well executed so far as it goes; but it does not take us below the surface of affairs."- Athenæum, Dec. 17.

Soren, J: Narrative of [S.] captured on the high seas. 1800.

Stevenson, R. L: Memories and portraits.

"Mr. Stevenson can talk delightfully about any subject under the sun, and he could scarcely find a more entertaining subject than himself. In this book as



in its predecessors, there is a portentous vagueness of statement on the ethical side of life and art. We should be puzzled to discover one solitary ethical message in all Mr. Stevenson's writing which could conceiv ably infiuence the conduct of any human being. He has a vague way of alluding to some esoteric morality of his own, which is as impressive as it is tantalizing." -Pall Mall budget, Dec. 8.

Stillman, W: J. On the track of Ulysses, with an excursion in quest of the so-called Venus of Melos.

"From Corfu his course lay by Santa Maura to Ithaca, thence to Cephalonia, home by the Great-hearted Kephellenians,' the woody Zakynthos, Navarino, the shore of sandy Pylos, and the Island of Cerigo. Of each of the places Mr. Stillman has something new and interesting to say, now on a question of Homeric topography, now on remains of the Hellenic period that came in his way, and again upon the characteristics of the modern inhabitants of these famous cities.... In the archæological portion of these papers Mr. Stillman is constantly placed at a disadvantage by the limits and requirements of magazine articles, and it would be unfair to criticise this feature of them too closely.” — Nation, Dec. 22.

Stone, O.. M. Tenerife and its six satellites, etc.

2 v.

Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Little Pussey Willow; also, The minister's watermelons; illust. 1885. Strong, Rev. J. Our country; its possible future and its present crisis, with introd. by A. Phelps. [1885.]

Tirebuck, W: Great minds in art, with introd. on "art and artists."

"A curious title, and a curious selection of great minds. Raphael and Landseer, Dürer and Doré, Rembrandt and Wilson, Velasquez and Wilkie — evidently a collection of stray articles which have served a cur. rent need, and are now gathered in book-form. We are told that As personalities these men were eight in number, but as artists they were virtually one;' and that "The eight painters may be regarded as the eight parts of speech in the one great pictorial language of pictorial art. These eight parts of speech are comic enough: 1. Grace in form and color. 2. Imagination. 3. Pathos. 4. Sentiment. 5. Moral inference. Contrast, or light and shade. 7. Realism, or fidelity to what the artist sees; and 8. Idealisation, or the power of adding to what he saw something finer which he imagined. Mr. Tirebuck's judgment is certainly in favor of modern art, for he selects Doré to represent im. agination, Lansdeer sentiment, and Wilson idealisation." · Academy, Dec. 3.


Warfield, E. D. Kentucky resolutions of 1798. Welderen, J. W. van. Breven en bylaagen, Jan.


Wessely, J. E. Die Landsknechte; culturhistorische Studie mit Abbildungen zeitgenössischer Künstler. 1877.

Winsor, J. Cartographical hist. of North Eastern Boundary controversy between the U. S. and Gr. Britain.

Wright, C. A corporal's story; experiences in the ranks of Company C, 81st Ohio Vol. Inf., 1861-64, with an introd. by Maj. W. H. Chamberlin.

Yale, C. B. Story of the old Willard House of Deerfield, Mass.

Zimmern, H. L. Alma Tadema; his life and work. (Art annual. 1886.)

Aanmerkingen op de tegenwoordige toestand van zaaken tusschen Engeland en Holland.

1779. Adams, J: Q. Antwoord op het werk van T: Paine, getit., Rechten van den mensch,' enz., [vertalt]. 1793. Alford, Lady M. M. Needlework as art. 1885. Amstelophilus, pseud. Op de onafhankelykheid van Noord-America. [17-.] Amsterdam. Merchants. Requesten om wegens de klagten over het neemen en opbrengen der nederl. koopvaardyscheepen, enz. [1778.] Amsterdam aan zyne Regenten. 1781. Apostles. The teaching of the Apostles, ed. with facsimile text and commentary; by J. R. Harris. 1887.

Ashton, J: A century of ballads.

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"The volume is well printed and carefully got up throughout, and should fulfil the object of its author, which was to write a trustworthy history,' and make it also a pleasant book for the general reader.'"-Spectator, Jan. 14.

Augé, E. Rouen illustré; 20 eaux-fortes par Brunet-Debaines etc.; introd. par C: Deslys, notices par R. Aubé. [18-]

Bar, J. C: Recueil de tous les costumes des ordres religieux et militaires, etc. 1778-85. 4 v. Barbé, L: A. The tragedy of Gowrie House.


“Mr. Barbé's arguments are better than his methods. He does not always give theipsissima verba' of the witnesses, and he too often neglects to mention his authorities. How much in his book is new, how much has not been printed in earlier works on the Gowrie conspiracy it were hard to say. Anyhow, this work is a valuable contribution towards the history of a king whom Mr. Gardiner has described as 'good-humoured and good-natured,' Dr. Hill Burton as an easy, goodnatured monarch."" - Athenæum, Dec. 31. Barlow, W., Bp. of Lincoln. Answer to a Catholike who passed censure upon the Apology by James King of Gr. Brit. 1609. Barnes, Mrs. E. R. Narratives, traditions, etc., connected with the early history of the Bellows family and of the village of Walpole, N. H.

Bartholomew, J. Gazetteer of the British Isles. "A ready welcome awaits this work which has been long needed. One finds in it parliamentary and municipal boroughs, parishes, villages, castles, halls, seats, with forest and moor, as well as lake, river, and mountain. Twenty-three maps, physical, geological, meteorological, political, etc., complete the sources of instruction."- N. Y. evening post. Batavus, pseud. Aan den Heer Parker, vice-ad

miral by zyn aftogt na dat hy door den Heer Zoutman 5 Aug. 1781, was afgeslagen, enz. [1781.]

Bazaine, F. A. Ma justification; réponse aux brochures intitulées: l'homme de Metz, avec pièces à l'appui. 1870. Beck, T: Modern persecution; a poem. 1811. Bingham, Hon. D. A. The Bastille. Vol. 1.

"Upon modern history Captain Bingham speaks with authority; and in his account of the Bastille only one really important fault can be found. He does not seem to have made up his own mind whether he was to write


a history or to make a book of reference. Unlearned readers will find unfailing delight in Captain Bingham's book, because no matter where they open it, they will be sure to light upon a new fact, or to find fresh light thrown upon familiar knowledge, as in the case of the Man in the Iron Mask. Even greater merit of the book is the stimulus it gives to an intelligent curiosity. He has produced a substantial contribution to our knowledge of a very difficult, very fascinating, and greatly misrepresented period of French history." Blades, W: The enemies of books. Rev. and enl. Bullen, A. H. More lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age.

"A great many of them are fit to rank with the best lyrics we have. All are not of this high quality, but the few of which, separately, some complaint might be made are like a little bran in flour, which does no harm to the loaf." - Critic, Jan. 7. Miss Defarge. [1886.] Burnyeat, J: Truth exalted in the writings of B.

Burnett, Mrs. F. H.


Bylandt, L: Graaf van. Missive [om wegens het Eiland] van St. Eustatius. 1778.

Castro y Casaleiz, A. Guía practica del diplomatico español. 1886. 2 v.

"Esta obra contiene los ceremoniales y la etiqueta de las principales cortes europeas con el de la corte de España desde 1651, etc."

Cato-Batavus, pseud. Brief over de recontre tusschen het esquader van den Grave van Byland en dat van den Commodore Fielding. [1780.]

Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. An unknown country; illust. by F: N. Paton.

"The north and northwest of Ireland is indeed to most people an unknown country which well deserves to be well known. A holiday ramble among old castles, round towers, and delightful scenery.... The volume abounds in picturesque sketches, shrewd reChurch rev., marks, and quiet humor."Oct. Crawfurd, O. Beyond the seas; being the surprising adventures and ingenious opinions of Ralph Lord St. Keyne, told and set forth by his cousin, Humphrey St. Keyne. "The descriptions of the sea-fights are firstrate. Whether right or wrong in technical detail, they have all the clear-cut sharpness of old tales of adventure." E: Peacock in the Academy, Oct. 15.

Cunningham, C. D., and Abney, Capt. W. de W. The pioneers of the Alps; [with portraits of guides].


"Living people can remember the time when the remoter valleys of the Alps were little better known than the regions of Central Africa are now. The wonderful change that has taken place in the course of some third of a century was accomplished by a remarkable set of Without the guides far less would have been ac complished. To the guides a large share of credit is due. The leading amateur climbers are tolerably well-known men, though a corresponding volume about them would not lack of interest. In a few more years the old guides would have gone into forgetfulness. Their memory is now secured. The volume is opened by some eighty pages of interesting introductory matter dealing with the growth and development of mountaineering." - W. M. Conway in the Academy,

Jan. 7.

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