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HIS Excellent Treatife was at first fent to the Prefs in the Year 1678, by an unknown Hand, with Intimation only, that it was written by a Clergyman in the Country, being the Minutes he took in his Course of his ftudying the English Hiftory.

The Judgment and Fidelity with which it was compiled, fupplied the Want of its Author's Name; and the Publick were fo well pleafed with it, that many Thousand Copies were foon fold off without the Knowledge of the Author.


The Bookfeller to the Reader.

At length Mr. Anthony Wood, in bis Athena Oxonienfes, fpeaking of Dr. Howell, Author of the General History, Jo well known for its Excellency, declares this Treatife to be his.

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And Dr. Nicholfon, in his English Historical Library, fays of it, That," although it be only a very concife Epitome of our Hiftory, it is done with that great Judgment, that it deferves a Place among the "Beft of our Writers on this Subject.

The Continuation will, we hope, be allow'd to be anfwerable to the reft; at least, the fame Care is taken with respect to Fidelity. Nothing material to the Knowledge of Publick Affairs is omitted; and the Work is thereby render'd compleat.

The Sculptures added in this Edition, very much adorn and illuftrate the Hiftory. And the Genealogical Table of the Royal Family fhews, in the plainest Manner, the Succeffion of the Crown. from William I.-tothis Time.








G S.

HE most memorable KINGS of the Britains in the Time of the


Emperors of ROME commanding in BRITAIN, viz.

Page 5.

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Medulla Hiftoria Anglicane.


HIS moft flourishing Iland Britain is bounded on the South with Normandy and France, on the Eaft with Germany and France, upon the Weft with Ireland and the Atlantick Ocean, and on the North with the Deucalidonian Seas: The Length thereof, from the Lizard Point Southward in Cornwall, to the Straithy-bead in Scotland, containeth 624 Miles; the Breadth, from Lands-End in Cornwall in the Weft, unto the Island Thanet in the Eaft, containeth 340 Miles. It is feated under the 9th and 13th Climates of the Northern Temperate Zone; infomuch, that in the Summer Solstice in the Northern Part of Scotland, there is no Night at all, but only an obfcure Twilight. A Country it is for Air mild, for Soil fruitful, and for Length of Days

pleafant and delightful. In Winter the Abfence of the Sun is relieved with the Warmth of its invironing Seas; and in the Summer the Heat is moderated by frequent Showers and Sea Winds.

O happy Britain! (faid the old Panegyrift) and more blissful than all other Regions! Nature hath enriched thee with all Commodities of Heaven and Earth, wherein there is neither extream Cold in Winter, nor fcorching Heat in Sumimer; wherein there is such abundant Plenty of Corn, as may fuffice both for Bread and Wine; wherein are Woods without Wild Beafts, and Fields without noifome Serpents: But infinite Numbers of Milch-cattle, and Sheep weigh'd down with Fleeces; and that which is molt comfortable, long Days and lightfome Nights. And, as our English Lucan fings,

The fairest Land that from her thrufts the reft,
As if he car'd not for the World befide;
A World within herself with Wonders bleft.


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