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224-237. racalla, was incredibly luxurious. His Garments, tho' exceeding coftCadau, ly, he would not put on twice. His A. B. of Shoes were fet with Pearls, his Seats London. ftrewed with Musk and Amber, his Bed covered with Gold and Purple, and adorned with moft coftly Jewels, his Veffels (even of the bafeft Ufe) all Gold, his Lamps burnt with the Balms of Arabia and India, his Way ftrewed with the Powder of Gold and Silver; his Diet fo profuse that at every Supper in his Court was ufually spent 1000 Pounds Sterling. At a Feast of the chief Roman Citizens in his Court, he caufed all the Rooms to be frewed with Saffron, faying, That fuch Cattle deferved fuch Litter. Near the Sea he would eat no Fish, and in the Inland no Flesh: He had whole Meals made of the Tongues of finging Birds and Peacocks, or of the Brains of most coftly Creatures. At one Supper he was ferved with 600 Oftriches. He built a Stew in his Court, wherein himfeif, in the Attire of an Harlot, would make Orations to his Whores, terming them his Fellow Soldiers, and giving them Inftructions how they should practife with the greateft Variety their filthy Lufts. In Rome he built a Charter Houfe for Women to meet in, where they might determine of their Attires. He brought his Mother Semiamira into the Senate, giving her a Voice with the Senators: But Confcience accufing him, and fearing the Rage of the People for his Crimes, he prepared filken Halters, golden Knives, and built a ftately Tower exceeding high, adorned with Gold and Gems, thinking, when Occafion fhould be, by fome of thefe Means to destroy himself, having thefe Words oft in his Mouth, That howfoever he died, yet his Death fhould be precious in the Sight of all Men. But he was miflaken; for the Pre

torian Band dragged him and his Mother with Acclamations through Rome, faying, That the Bitch and her Whelps must go together; then flew them, and threw them into Tyber. And the Senate approving what was done, decreed that his Name fhould be blotted out of all Monuments in Rome, and never any Antonianus fhould again rule the Empire.

A. D.

224. A

Urelius Alexander Seve

rus was a great Lover of the Liberal Arts, and a great Favourer of the Chriftians, from whom he took to himfelf Examples of Lite, and commended their Precepts to others. This his Kindness to the Chriftians is thought to have been procured by his Mother Mammea, whom Origen inflructed, and whom St. Hierom ftyles a moft Holy Woman. He was a great Obferver of Juftice, and therefore caufed Turinus, a Courtier, who had taken Money of divers Perfons, with Promife to procure the Emperor's Favour in their Suits, to be put to Death by Smoke, one in the mean while proclaiming, That he had fold Smoke, therefore with Smoke fhould die. His Roman Soldiers grown far out of Order by the ill Government of his Predeceffors, he fought by severe Courses to reduce; but they being backed by Maximinus, whom he had railed, murthered him.

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Gallons of Wine. For his admirable Height he was admitted by Severus into the Rank of a common Soldier, and shortly after to be one of his Guard, and at laft the Soldiers elect. ed him Emperor. But a Tyrant he proved, as well to the Roman State in general, as the Chriftians in particular, against whom he raised the fixth Perfecution. His Conditions were fo hateful, that the Senate advanced one Gordianus to fway the Empire; but he proving unfortunate in his Attempts against him, ftrangled himself. And Maximinus, as he was drawing his Forces towards Rome, to revenge himself on the Senate, at the Siege against Aquileia, was flain in his Pavilion by his difcontented Soldiers. The Citizens Wives in the Time of the Siege cut off the Hair of their Heads to make Bow-ftrings therewith.


A. D. Upienus Maximus, and 239. Clodius Balbinus, were by the Peers and Princes conftituted Emperors; the People extolling the Senate for their prudent Choice of fo wife Men, contrary to the rafh Practice of fuch who choose their Governors to fit their own Fancies. But the Pretorian Soldiers taking this as a Reflection upon them, and chiefly because German Strangers were brought in to be of the Guard, as if themselves were not to be trusted; turned their Spleens against thefe Emperors, they affaulted them in their Chambers, defpoiled them of their Imperial Robes, haled them through the City like two Thieves, and laftly flew them, leaving their Bodies to defpightful Ignominy, A. D. 241. In which Year was fo great an Eclipfe of the Sun, that the Noon day thereby became as dark as the Midnight.

A. D.


torian Band elected Emperor when 239-253
he was not yet full fixteen Years of
Age. He caufed the Temple of Ja-
nus at Rome, which had long flood
fhut, to be opened; a fure Token
that Wars were at Hand; which
with good Succefs he profecuted a-
gainft the Perfians, Goths, Sarmates,
and Germans. He was most noble
and lovely conditioned, exceeding
ftudious, and addicted unto Learn-
ing, having in his Library no lefs
than 62,000 Books. But by his Pre-
fect Philip he was depos'd, Philip
alfo ufurping the Imperial Govern-
ment, under whom for a Time this
depofed Youth held an ordinary
Captain's Place; but the Ufurper
judging himself not fecure while
Gordianus lived, commanded him
to be flain.

A. D.


Ulius Philippus Arabs hath
the Honour, according to
fome, of being the first
Emperor baptized into the Chriftian
Faith, together with his Wife Save-
ra, and his Son Philip. Himself
and his Son were flain by the Sol-
diers. Of his Son it was reported,
that he was of fo admirable a Com-
pofedness, that in all his Life he
was never feen to laugh.

A. D. Rajanus Decius fwayed
253. Trajanus Decius fwayed
4295. the Empire like a wor-

thy Prince, faving his perfecuting
the Saints of God; for he it was
that raised the seventh Perfecution
against the Chriftians. Under him
fuffered Fabianus and Cornelius, Bi-
fhops of Rome; St. Lawrence, and
many other good Chriftians he put
to great Tortures; amongst the reft,
Origen he caufed to be fcourged at
an Iron Stake, and then locked his
Feet in the Stocks four Paces afun-
der. But after that he had feen his
two Sons, Decias and Hoflilianus,
Nonius Gordianus was flain before his Face, himself was

A by the Senate and Pre


254-271. fwallowed up in a Whirl-pool, never having other Honour of Burial.


A.D. Rebonianus Gallus (whom
Decius had appointed
Governor of Myfia, and to keep the
Paffages from the invading Goths)
through the Defire of Rule, plotted
with the Goths against the Roman
Army, to the Ruin of his Sovereign
Obianus, Lord; but thereby he attained the
A. B. of Empire he had lufted after. The
London, Chriftians he banished. At which

Time fo violent a Peftilence com-
menced, that no Province in the
World was exempt from it. He
made a dishonourable Peace with
the Goths, who notwithstanding con-
tinued their Furies against the Ro-
mans, which his General Æmilianus
Maurus revenged with a wonderful
Slaughter; whereby Æmilian grew
fo famous, and Gallus fo contempti-
ble, that the Soldiers proclaimed E-
milian Emperor, who flew Gallus
and his Son both in Fight.

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cut him off by Sapor, the Savage King of Perfia, who in Battle took him Prifoner, and made his aged Back his Footstool whilst he mount ed his Horfe, for the Space of feven Years, and then caufed him to be flead alive, and falted.



Icinius Galienus, in whofe
Time the Sun was cloud-

ed as under Sack-cloth, not being
feen for many Days together; alfo
great and fearful Earthquakes hap-
pened, which overthrew Cities and
other Edifices, fhaking the Ground
fo terribly, that vaft Čaves and hi-
deous gaping Bowels of the Earth
were thereby laid open, and great
Streams of Salt Water flowed out
from them; the Earth roared, and
feemed to thunder, when there was
no Voice heard in the Air above.
The Sea over-fwelled her Banks,
and brake into many Continents,
drowning Countries, Cities,and Peo-
ple; and fo violent a Peftilence ra-
ged, that in Rome, no less than Five
thousand Perfons died thereof in a
Day. Which fad Calamities fome-
what moving the Emperor to Re-
morfe, he stayed the Perfecutions of
the Chriftians, fending out his E-
dicts in favour of them. The Ro-
man Soldiers now in divers Places
of the Empire fet up no fewer than
thirty titular Emperors at once.
But Galienus, after that he had fuf-
fered the Empire to be rent in Pieces,
and ufurped by many barbarous Na-
tions, was murthered at Milan by
three of his principal Captains.

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A. D.


Alerius Probus was elect-
ed by the Eastern Ar-

A.D. ther to Claudius, was my, and had his Election confirm'd


ploclaimed Emperor by the Soldiers of his Army, and was confirmed by the Senate; but the Soldiers that had followed Claudius, thinking them felves worthy of the first Voice in the Election, proclaimed Aurelianus for Emperor; and Quintilius, knowing that he could not ftand against him, chofe rather, by cutting his Veins, to bleed himself to Death, after he had reigned only feventy Days, than to hazard the Chance of War, or to return to his private State.

A. D. Alerius Aurelianus fub

by the Senate, with thefe Additions
to his Title of Auguftus, namely,
The Father of his Country and high-
eft Bishop. His firft Service, after
he was Emperor, was in Gallia
against the Germans, who had made
themfelves Lords thereof, where
in one Battle, continuing two Days,
he flew 40,000 of them, and re-
covered out of their Hands feven
Cities. He quieted the Provinces
of Mufcovia, Ruffia, and Polonia,
and likewife Greece, Syria, Arabia,
Paleftina, and Judea. Whence paf-
fing into Perfia, he had honourable
Conditions of Narfes their mighty

42. V dued the swegians and King: Whereupon iffued fo uni

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verfal a Peace, that no Wars were
heard of in all the Provinces of
the Empire. But this Calm lafted
but a fhort Time; for the Egyp
tians, and likewife Bonofus and Pro-
clus rebel against him; all whom
he subdued. Other Defections and
Rebellions there were in the Ea-
ftern Part, which he prepared vi-
gorously to correct; refolving, as
he faid, to bring Matters to that
Pafs, that the State fhould want no
more Soldiers; which Saying of
his, with alfo his curbing the dif
folute Manners of the Soldiers, did Palladius
fo difguft them, that fome of his A. B. of
Army confpired against him, and London.
treacherously murthered him. After
which they yet erected him an ho-
nourable Sepulchre, whereon was
engraven this Epitaph;


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Here lies the Emperor Probus,
justly for his Goodness called Probus:
Of all the barbarous Nations and
Tyrants a Conqueror.

the Churches of the Chriftians were demolished, and their Bibles burned, and their Bodies afflicted. St. Alban, of the City Verolamium, was beheaded at Holmhurst, now called

A. D. Aurelius Carus was cho- St. Albans. His Instructor Amphi

fen by the Soldiers, and
confirmed by the Senate. The
Murderers of his Predeceffor Probus
he feverely punished. Carinus, his
eldest Son, he made Governour of
Britain, and the Western Parts,
and himself, with his younger Son
Numerianus, prepared for the Eaft
against the Perfians; but in his
Journey thither-ward, as he lay
fick in his Bed, a Thunderbolt
flew him, with many others then
with him in his Tent. The Ter-
ror whereof fo difanimated the
whole Army, that they defifted
from the intended Design againft
Perfia; and Numerianus took his
Father's Death fo heavily, that with
continual Weeping his Eyes were
fo weakned, that he could not bear
the Light. From which Difafters,
Arrius Aper, in hopes of procuring
the Empire to himself, took occafion
to work the Death of Numerianus.

bolus was brought to the fame Place and whipped at a Stake, whereat his Entrails were tied, fo winding his Entrails out of his Body, was at laft ftoned to Death. Sundry others were put to Death in other Places; and in Litchfield fo many, that the Place became another Golgotha; for which Caufe that City doth bear, for their Seal of Arms, a Field charged with many Martyrs. But the chief Caufe of thefe Miferies befalling the Chriftians, was from the Chriftians themselves: For (faith Eufebius) after that our Converfation, thro' too much Liberty and Licentioufnefs, was degenerated, and holy Difcipline corrupted; whilft every one of us did envy, bite, and back-bite each other, waging inteftine Wars, and piercing one another with opprobrious Words: whilft nothing but Hypocrify was in the Face, Deceit in the • Heart, and Guile on the Tongue,

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A. D.
firit a common
Soldier, flew Arrius Aper; which
done, he was elected Emperor, and
confirmed by the Senate. Valerius
Maximianus, for his good Service
in vanquishing the Gauls, who trou-
bled the Peace of the Empire, he
made his Confort in the Govern-
ment. These Emperors raifed the
Tenth Perfecution, which conti-
nued for the Term of Ten Years,
fo fierce, that within the Space of
one Month, Seventeen Thoufand
Chriftians were put to Death, befides
infinite Numbers of others cruelly
handled, though fuffered to escape
with their Lives. And as in other
Parts of the Empire, fo in Britain,

Defianus, who at the whereby Mischief was at the full

Height, then began the heavy Hand of God to vifit us, &c. Howbeit, when God had done ufing these his Rods of Correction, he caft them into the Fire. Thefe two Tyrants having renounced the Empire, and being again become private Men, Dioclefian poifoned himself, and Maximian hanged himfelf.

A. D.

Onftantius Chlorus, and

308. Galerius Maximinus (to whom the two former Emperors had voluntarily refign'd up their Sovereignties) divided the Empire into z Parts, East and Weft; Galerias had the Government of the Eaftern Divis

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