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1607. Infurrection, Rebellion, or despe

rate Attempt appearing. And therefore he wished that the Rooms under the Parliament Houfe might. be thoroughly fearched, which accordingly was done, November the Fifth about Midnight, at which time Sir Thomas Knevet went to fearch thofe Under Rooms; where at the Entrance into the Cellar he found Guy Faux at fo unfeasonable a Time, cloaked and booted, whom he apprehended; then entring the Cellar he found therein under the Billets Thirty Six Barrels of Powder; and when he came to fearch the Traytor Faux, he found about him a DarkLanthorn, Three Matches, and other Inftruments for blowing up of the Powder. And the Villain, no whit daunted, inflantly confeffed himself guilty but fo far from Repentance, that he vowed, if he had been found within the Room, he would have blown up himfelf

and them all.

And when he was brought before the Lords of the Council, he lamented nothing fo much, as that the Deed had not been done, faying, That the Devil, and not God, was the Difcoverer of the Plot. But the News of the Plot's Difcovery coming to the Ears of Catesby, Piercy, Rockwood, the Wrights, and Thomas Winter, they poited into Warwickshire to other of their Aflociates, who now began an open Rebellion, pretending that all the Catholicks Throats were appointed to be cut. And after that they had hovered about a while, they fled to Holdbeth in Herefordfire, whither they were purfued, and where John Wright and Chriftopher Wright, Gentlemen, making oppofition, were flain, and Thomas Piercy and Robert Catesby, Efquires, fighting Back to Back, were both of them flain with one Bullet; others were there taken.


A. D. 1605, January 27th, Sir Everard Digby, Kt. Thomas Winter, Robert Winter, Ambrofe Rockwood, John Grant, Gentlemen, Robert Keys, Thomas Bates, and Guido Fawks, were tried, found guilty, and condemned, and on Thursday following Digby, Grant, Bates, and Robert Winter, were hang'd and quarter'd at the Weft End of St. Paul's, and on Friday the reft were executed in the Parliament Yard at Westminster. In Memory of this great Deliverance, the Fifth of November (being the Day appointed for the Execution of this hellifh Plot) was by Authority of Parliament enacted to be obfer ved as a Day of Thanksgiving,

A. D. 1606. March 28th, was Henry Garnet, Provincial of the English Jefuits, arraigned for concealing the aforefaid Treafon, and on May the Third was executed at the Weft End of St. Paul's; at his Death confeffing his Fault, asking Forgiveness, and exhorting all Catholicks never to attempt any Trea fon against the King or State, as a Thing that God would never profper.

A. D. 1607, was an Infurreti on in Northampton, Warwick, G Leicefte hires, about the throwing down of Inclosures. At the the Rout was without any partic lar Head, but at length one Reynolds undertook to be their Cip tain, affirming to the Company, tha in his great Pouch hanging by his Side, he had fufficient to defend them against all Oppofers; though ater wards being apprehended, and his Pouch fearched, there was nothrg found in it but a Piece of Grea Cheefe.

June 12. King James was entred a Brother of the Cloth-werkri, when alfo many Lords and Gerlemen were made free of the fe Company.


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A.D. 1608, George Jarvis, a Seminary Prieft, and Thomas Garnet, a Jefuit, were executed at Tyburn, the last of which had Pardon offered him, if he would take the Oath of Supremacy; but the Traytor would hang rather.

About this Time very many famous English Pirates, fome of whom denied their Faith and turned Turks, lived in great State at Tunis, as Captain Ward, Bishop, Sir Francis Verney, and Glanvil. Nineteen of the Pirates were taken and hanged at Wapping.

A. D. 1609, was the New Exchange built, the King naming it Britain's Burfe. In the fame Year the King by Proclamation prohibited all Foreign Nations from Fishing on any of the Coafts of England, Scotland, Ireland, or the Mles adjacent, without fpecial Licence from his Commiffioners. In this Year alio the King, according to an ancient Custom, had Aid of his Subjects through England, for making his eldeft Son Prince Henry Knight,

A. D. 1610, June 4, all Romish Priefts, Jefuits, and Seminaries, as being the Incendiaries of Dilturbances, were commanded to depart the Realm. Then the Oath of Al legiance was miniftred to all Sorts of People.

His Majefty caufed to be built the goodlieft Ship of War that had ever been built in England, being of the Burthen of 1400 Tun, and carrying 64 Pieces of Ordnance: Prince Heury named it the Prince.

A. D. 1612, the Corpfe of Mary late Queen of Scotland, the King's Mother, was tranflated from Peterborough to the Chapel Royal at Weminfler. On Novem. ber the Sixth following, Prince Henry died of a malignant Fever, which reigned that Year in moft

Parts of the Land. Some faid that 1614.
he died by poifoned Grapes which
he eat; others, by Gloves of a
poifoned Perfume, given him for a
Prefent. But be his Death by
what Means it would, certain it is,
that he was infinitely beloved of the
People, as one that had given great
Hopes of proving a wife and mar-
tial Prince.

February 14, the Marriage of the
Prince Palatine of the Rhine with
the Princess Elizabeth, was folem-
nized in the Chapel at Whitehall.
She was attired all in White, hav-
ing a rich Crown of Gold upon
her Head, her Hair hanging down
at length, curiously befet with
Pearls and precious Stones; her
Train fupported by Twelve young
Ladies all in White. In this fame
Year, the City of London, having
before had the Province of Ulfter
granted them by the King for a
Plantation, fent thither about three
Hundred Perfons of all Sorts of
Handicrafts men, chiefly to inha-
bit the Cities of Londonderry and
Colrain. And for the advancing
of this or the like Plantation in Ire-
land, the King about this Time be-
gan a new Order of Knights called
Baronets, which Order he ftinted
within the Number only of Two
Hundred; and as the Iffue fhould
fail, the Order to ceafe. About
this time alfo, an exemplary Punish-
ment was impofed upon Sir Peck-
hall Brockas, which was to stand
at Paul's Crofs in a White Sheet,
holding a Wand in his Hand, he
having been formerly convicted be-
fore the High Commiffioners for
many notorious Adulteries with di-
vers Women.

About A. D. 1614, Mr. Hugh
Middleton, Citizen and Goldsmith of
London, with infinite Coft and La-
bour, brought the New River to the
City of London, from the two great


1618. Springs of Chadwell and Amwell in Hertfordshire. And about the fame George Time was the Moorfields by London Abbot, converted, from deep thinking DitchA. B. of es, and noifom common Shores, to Cant. pleasant sweet Walks.

A. D. 1615, Smithfield, which was before a rude dirty Place, was paved all over, and the middle Part thereof railed in.

September 27, the Lady Arabella, the King's Coufin German, died. She had fometime before, without the King's Privity, fecretly married the Earl of Hertford's younger Son, for which they were both committed to the Tower.

Sir Edward Coke, the famous Lawyer, upon fome Difpleafure, was difcharged from being Lord Chief Juftice.

In this Year was a Divorce made betwixt Robert Devereux Earl of Effex, and his Countefs, for his Infufficiency, and fhe left free to marry any other. After which Divorce, Robert Carr, Earl of Somerset, took her to Wife. But Sir Thomas Overbury, the Earl's fpecial Friend, having diffuaded the Match, and perhaps laid fome Imputation on the Lady's Fame, according to Defert, did by this Means fo incenfe thefe Lovers against him, that they first found Means to have the faid inge. nious Gentleman committed to the Tower, and then by their Inft uments to have him poifoned; fome fay, by a Tansey fent him to eat ; fome by a Glifter miniftred to him. For which Fact Sir Gervas Elwes, then Lieutenant of the Tower, and Mrs. Turner, with others, were put to Death. The Earl and his Countefs were alfo arraigned and condemned, but had a Leafe of their Lives granted them for Ninety Nine Years, yet fo as never after to fee the King's Face more. This made Way for the Advancement of

Mr. George Villers; for this great Favourite, the Lord Carr, being upon this Occafion laid afide, the faid Mr. Villers was accepted in his Stead. Whom the King first of all knighted, and made Gentleman of his Bed-Chamber, foon after Vifcount and Mafter of his Horfe, a while after Earl of Buckingham, then Marquis of Buckingham, and Lord High Admiral, and laftly, Duke of Buckingham, A Perfon, 'tis faid, he was of delicate Compofure of Body, and of excellent natural Parts, and one that was very mindful of his Relations and Kindred, most of whom he procured to be advanced.

A. D. 1618, Sir Walter Razv leigh, who had lived a condemned Man many Years in the Tower of London, now to procure fome Liberty, propounded to the King a Project for the fetching of Gold from a Mine at Guyana, and that without any Wrong to the King of Spain. This the King condefcended unto, and Sir Walter fet forward in his Voyage; but when after a real or only a Shew of Search, no Treature could be found, he fell upon St. Thome belonging to the King of Spain, which he plundred and burnt, then returned, though to his Ruin. For though Sir Walter fought to excufe his fpoiling of St. Thome, by alledging that the Spaniards had first affaulted him; and moreover, that he could not come at the Mine without first winning of that Town; yet did the Spanish Leigere Gundamore aggravate this his Fact, and prevailed fo with the King, who preferred the publick Peace before the Life of a Man already condemned, that he gave Way to have the Sentence of his former Condemnation executed upon him. And accordingly this Man famous for Letters and Arms was beheaded in the Par


liament Yard at Weftminfier. His own Epitaph he had framed himself 2621. in thefe Lines.

Even fuch is Time, which takes in Truft,
Our Youth, our Joys, and all we have;
And pays us nought but Age and Duft,
When in the dark and filent Grave,
When we have wandred all our Ways,
Shuts up the Story of our Days;

And from which Grave, and Earth, and Duft,
The Lord will raise me up, I trust.

In this Year 1618, and March the Second, Queen Anne died at Hampton-Court, and was buried at Welminfer. The November preceeding her Death, a famous Comet or Blazing Star appeared.

A. D. 1620, July the 17th, Bernard Calvart, of Andover, rode from St. George's Church in Southwark to Dover, from thence paffed by Barge to Calais in France, and from thence returned back to St. George's Church the fame Day. This his Journey he performed betwixt the Hours of Three in the Morning and Eight in the After


4. D. 1620, Sir Francis Michel, a Juftice of the Peace of Middlefex, was fentenced by Parliament to ride with his Face to the Horfe Tail through the City of London, for practising fundry Abuses in fetting up new Ale-honfes, and exacting Monies contrary to the Law. This Sentence was executed upon him. Sir Francis Bacon, Viscount of St. Albans, Lord Chancellor of England, was for Bribery (but they were his Servants that were bribed) put out of his Place, and committed to the Tower for fome Days.

A D. 1621, the Count Palatine of the Rhine was elected King of Bohemia by the States of that Kingdom; but immediately after, the Emperor with great Forces

affaulted him in Prague, drove him
with his Wife and Children from
thence, and deprived him of his
Patrimony the Palatinate. Prince
Charles about this Time, by great
Gundamore's Perfuafions, was fent
into Spain, in order to the gaining.
of the Infanta to Wife, it being
fuggefted, that by that Match with
Spain a Re-fettlement of the Prince
Palatine in his Patrimony might
have been procured. But when the
Prince was arrived in Spain, though
he found Royal Entertainment in-
the Court, yet was he fuffered to
have little Acquaintance with the
Infanta, infomuch that in all his
Eight Months Stay in Spain, he
never fpake with her but twice,
and that before Company, with
certain Limitations alfo what he
fhould fpeak to her. Some thought
that a Difference betwixt the Duke
of Buckingham (then with the
Prince) and Count Olivares, the
King of Spain's great Favourite,
was no fmall Obftruction to the
Match. Others thought that the
King of Spain never intended any
fuch thing, but meant only by this
Treaty to fpin out Time till he
had compaffed fome Defigns in the
Low Countries and Palatinate. But
howfoever it was, Gundamore made
fome good Improvement of the
Treaty to himself, for he perfua-
ded fome English Ladies of the Cer-
tainty of the Match, and they gave

Wife was burned for the Fact.

[blocks in formation]

A. D. 1625, and March 27, this politick and peaceable Monarch King James died of an Ague at Theobalds, and was buried at Weftminster with great Solemnity, and greater Lamentations of his Subjects. His Wife was Anne, the Daughter of Frederick the Second, King of Denmark. His Iffue were Henry, Charles, Elizabeth, and Ma ry, and Sophia, who both died young.

Two obftinate Arian Hereticks, Bartholomew Legate, and Edward Wightman, were burnt, the firft in Smithfield, the other at Litchfield. George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, being on Hunting, as he fhot at a Deer, his Arrow by Mifchance glanced and killed a Man, but he was cleared; yet out of a religious Tendernefs, he kept the Day of the Year on which the Mif chance happened, with a folemn Faft all his Life after.

The Murder of one Waters, murdered by his Wife, was difcovered by a Dream. One of the faid Waters's Neighbours dreamed, that Waters was ftrangled and buried in fuch a certain Dunghill, which upon Search was found true, and the

Robert Dove, Merchant Taylor of London, gave competent Means for ever for the Tolling of a Bell in St. Sepulchre's Church, to mind good People to pray for fuch Malefactors as are to be executed out of Newgate, and to ceafe when they are executed. Every ExecutionDay this Bell fhould begin to Toll at Six in the Morning.

The Wife of Richard Homewood, of East Grinstead in Suffex, without any known Cause, murthered her own three Children, and threw them into a Pit, and then cut her own Throat.

A. D. 1606, Virginia was planted with an English Colony. It was first discovered A. D. 1584, by Sir Walter Raleigh, who is faid to have firft brought that charming Weed Tobacco into England. The Burmudas and New-England were alfo made English Plantations. King James for a Sum of Money quits the cautionary Towns, Brill, &c.

A. D. 1606, and April 11, happened a dreadful Fire at St. Edmonds-Bury in Suffolk, which did much Spoil to many fair Buildings, and confumed One Hundred and Sixty Houfes, &c. the Damage amounting to the Value of Threefcore Thoufand Pounds and upwards. To the repairing of which Lofs his Majefty himself contributed very liberally, as alfo the Gentry of that Country, and City of London.

A. D. 1612, a Blazing Star was feen streaming towards the Weft; infinite Slaughters and Devastations following both in Germany and other Places,


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