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At Renfrew, Sir John Cockrain, one of Argyll's chief Friends, unEdertook to provide Guides to carry them fafe into Galloway; but they miftaking their Way, led them into a Bog, where having loft their Horfes and Baggage, the Foot were difperfed into fmall Parties; which the King's Forces having Notice of, divided to purfue them. Argyll bimfelf returning towards Clyde, was fet upon by two of Gremock's Servants, at whom he fired, and refused to yield; but receiving a Wound in his Head he left his Horfe, and run into the Water. This Noife brought out a Countryman, who run into the Water, where Argyll being almoft up to the Neck, prefented a Piftol at him, but that miffing Fire, the Countryman gave him a Blow over the Head, with which he fell, and in falling cried out, Unfortunate Argyll! and before he could recover himself, the Soldiers took him up, and carried him to their Commanders.

A Party of 40 Horse, commanded by the Lord Rofs, with as many Dragoons, fell in with a Party commanded by Sir John Cockrain, who had taken the Way to the Sea. Upon the Approach of the King's Forces, they potted themfelves within a fmall Inclofure, which covered them Breast high: This hindered not the Lord Rofs from charging them; but the Ground being too ftrong for the Horfe, and the Captain of the Dragoons being killed in the Approach, the Lord Rofs flightly wounded, Sir Adam Blair flot through the Neck, and Sir William Wallace hot in the Side, gave them an Opportunity to make up into a Wood, before the Dragoons could diímount, and come up on Foot; but were, however, fo furrounded by the King's Party, that they could not escape; yet Sir John and his Son made a Shift to break through, but

were afterwards taken and fent to 1685. Edinburgh.

A Party of five of the Earl of Arran's Militia of Clyddefdale, took Rumbald the Maltfter, and his Man, who fought with great Courage, and killed one of the Militia; but being wounded, was forced to fubmit; and Colonel Ayloff with 200 more were foon after brought Prifoners to Glasgow.

On the 22d of June the Earl of Argyll was brought to Edinburgh, and committed to the Caftle; Colonel Ayloff, who fhould have been brought with him, prevented it by ripping up his own Belly with a Penknife. Rumbald was tried and condemned for High Treafon, and was hanged on the 26th of June; and on Tuesday following, Argyll was beheaded on a Scaffold at the Crofe in Edinburgh, his Head was fixed on the Talbooth, and his Body buried in St. Magdalen's Chapel in the Cowgate. This Execution was in pursuance of his former Condemnation. He made no Speech on the Scaffold, only delivered a Paper to the Dean of Edinburgh, to be given to the Lord Chancellor, And thus ended this Tragedy.

The English Parliament, according to their Vote, paffed an Act, for fettling the Revenue on the King during his Life, which received the Royal Affent on the 30th of May; at which Time the King made a Speech to thank them for it, and the Difpatch they made in it; and defired a farther Supply for the Stores, Navy, Ordnance, Debt of the late King, &c. recommending the Na vy in particular, and affuring them of his Zeal for the Glory of the Nation. Which Speech the Commons took immediately into Confideration, and refolved to give the King a Supply for the Occafions mentioned in his Speech.

On the first of June, her Royal

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1685. Highness the Princefs of Denmark was delivered of a Daughter, who was the next Day chriftened Mary by the Bishop of London.

I have told you that the Duke of Monmouth was making Preparations in Holland to invade England, and fecond Argyll. Accordingly having made the beft Provifion he could with his fmall Force, being but three Ships, and not above 150 Men, he fet Sail from the Texel, and fteering to the Weft of England, on the 11th of June landed at Lyme Regis in Dorfeifbire, the Mayor of which Town fent an Exprefs to the King to inform him thereof; which the King having communicated to the Parliament, they immediately expreffed their Deteftation of the fame, in an Addrefs from each Houfe, wherein they offered their utmolt Affiftance, and promised to stand by his Majefty with their Lives and Fortunes against the Duke of Monmouth, and all his Adherents, &c.

A Proclamation was iffued immediately, declaring, That the King having received Advice, That the Duke of Monmouth, the Loid Grey, and several others were landed at Lyme, in a hottile Manner, and had poffeffed themfelves of the Town, and fent their Accomplices into the adjacent Country, to excite the People to join with them; the faid Duke of Monmouth, and all his Adherents, were therefore declared Traytors and Rebels, &c.

The Parliament, to make good their Promife, ordered a Bill of Attainder against James Duke of Monmouth, which being brought into the Houfe of Commons, on the 14th, was read three times and paffed the fame Day, and received the Royal Affent on the 16th; together with two Acts more, granting a Supply to the King, by an Impofition on Tobacco, Sugars, Wines, and Vinegars.

The fame Day a Proclamation was published for the apprehending all Perfons that should publish or disperse the Duke of Monmouth's Declaration, and another Proclamati on promifing a Reward of 5000 1. to him that should bring the Body of James Duke of Monmouth dead or alive.

The Duke of Monmouth's Declaration was intitled, The Declaration of James Duke of Monmouth, and the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, now in Arms, for the Defence and Vindication of the Proteftant Religion, and of the Laws, Rights, and Privileges of England, from the Invafion made upon them, and for delivering the Kingdom from the Usurpation and Tyranny of James Duke of York. And in it he charged the King with Poisoning his late Majefty.

On the 14th of June, Monmouth having already increafed his Number, marched out of Lyme with 60 Horse, and 120 Foot, went with them two Miles, and then left them to the Command of the Lord Gra. Thefe entered Bridport (where were affembled fome of the Gentlemen of the Country, and Soldiers of the Militia) in a very hoftile Manner, firing the Guns and Piftols very thick; fome of them attacked an Inn, where they feized ten Horses, and killed two Gentlemen, "Mr. Wadham Strangeways, and Mr. E ward Coaker, and wounded a third, one Mr. Harvey. This alarmed the reft of the Gentlemen and Soldiers, who foon got to their Arms and charged them, killed about leven, and took twenty three Prifoners, and put the reft to flight, who let behind them about forty Muskers, but carried off one of their Others that was killed. Upon this the King fent down with all speed feveral Csficers, and fome Troops to affid the Militia, till the Body of the Army


could be ready to move; thefe under the Command of the Lord Churchill being arrived at Chard, a Party of 20 Horfe, under the Command of Lieutenant Monoux, on the 19th, fell in with a Party of Monmouth's of the fame Number, killed twelve of them, and wounded many of the reft, but were forced to retire upon another Party of Monmouth's coming


In the mean Time, Monmouth marched to Taunton, and from thence to Glaftenbury, Wells, and towards Bristol, gathering ftill as he went, notwithstanding the Dukes of Albemarle, Somerset and Beaufort, had pofted themselves near Taunton, at Bath, and at Bristol, to obftruct the Country's coming in to him. But notwithstanding his Numbers, he was able to effect no thing for the Militia and the King's Forces fo ftraitned him that he was forced to march back again the fame Way, not being able to advance forward into Wilshire, the Militia of which County, under the Command of the Earl of Pembroke, Lord-Lieutenant, behaved themfelves very bravely. His Lordship being informed that the Rabble, headed by the Conftable at Frome, had fet up the Duke of Monmouth's Declaration in the Market-place, drew out 160 Horfe, and mounted fome Mufqueteers behind them, with which he marched thither; where the Rabble hearing of his coming, were increased to two or three Thousand; notwithstanding which, his Lordship marched into the Town; the Rabble at first feemed very refolute, and fome fired, but the main Body of them quickly threw down their Arms, and fled; upon which the Declaration was pulled down, and the Conftable committed to Prifon, the Lord Pembroke having firit made him write an Abhorrence of the fame.

The fame Day Colonel Oglethorp, 1685. with a Party of 100 Horfe, fell ubon a Party of Monmouth's at Canifham-Bridge, between Bristol and Bath, and cut off two Troops of their Horfe. The next Day, being the 26th of June, all the King's Forces joined near Bath, upon which the Duke of Monmouth, with his Forces that lay then near that Place, drew off, and marched towards Philips-Norton; and were followed the next Day by the Duke of Grafton, with a Detachment of 500 Foot, Horfe, Dragoons, and Grenadiers, who hearing fome fhooting in a Lane that led to the Town, the Duke entered it with a detached Party, but quickly found it to be lined on both fides with Mufqueteers, who fo galled his Men, that feveral were killed, befides 30 wounded. He paffed however through the Lane, but in his Return was ftopt by the Enemies Horfe, through which he was fain to fight his Way to get to the main Body of his Men. From hence they marched off with the rest of the King's Forces under the Earl of Feversham, who was LieutenantGeneral, and drew up on a little Hill hard by, where the Cannon played on both Sides, but without any very confiderable Damage, Nothing of Moment happened after, till the great Action that put an end to all.

The Duke of Monmouth marched and countermarched from Place to Place, till July the 2d he came to Bridgwater; the King's Forces July the 4th, marched from Somerton to Wefton, within three Miles of Bridgewater. The Horfe and Dragoons were quartered at Wefton, and the Foot encamped in an advantageous Poft near it, fronting towards the Moor (being a fine large Plain) with a Ditch before them. 'Twas in this Place that


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1685. the Duke of Monmouth refolved
to attack them in the dead of the
Night. Accordingly late in the
Evening he drew his Men out of
and ordered his
March with that Care and Silence,
that he paffed without Oppofition,
into the Moor, and formed his
Foot into Battalia, being in Num-
ber between 5 and 6,000 Men; the
Duke himself at the Head of them.
With these in the Morning before
Day-break, he advanced very near
to the King's Camp, before they
were discovered. But when Notice
was given of their Approach, the
Earl of Feverfbam immediately
ranged the King's Forces, being
2,000 Foot and 700 Horfe, in or
der to receive them. The Duke of
Monmouth's Party began with a
great Volley of Shot and Shouts,
which was returned by the King's.
In the mean time, the former in-
tending to bring up their Horse,
which were commanded by the Lord
Grey, to fecond their Foot, were
hindered by a Party of the King's
Horfe, commanded by Colonel
Oglethorp, who engaged them till
the Earl of Oxford's Regiment and
a Detachment of the Guards came
up to form the Line; and fo the
Duke's Horfe performed nothing,
but quitted the Field in a little
Time, and were never drawn up
into a Body, notwithstanding they
were between 1000 and 1200 Men.
But the Foot on both fides itood
firm, exchanging feveral Volleys of
Shot, before they were able to clofe,
because of the Ditch we have men.
tioned. But the King's Cannon com-
ing up, and his Horfe breaking
in upon the Enemy, they were at
laft entirely roated, their Cannon
taken, and near 2,000 of their Men
killed, befides a great Number ta-
ken Prifoners. Of the latter, the most
confiderable were Colonel Holms,

Perrot, his Major, the Conftable of Crookborn, and the Duke's Servant, with 200 Guineas of his Mafter's. The Duke's Coat he ufually wore was found in the Field, which gave Occafion to a Report of his being killed in the Fight. Of the King's Forces a bout 300 were killed, and a great many wounded.

The Duke of Monmouth, and the Lord Grey made toward the Sea-fide, and coming to Gillingham, were conducted by a Guide to Hengood, but Parties being fent out in Purfuit of them, on the 7th of July the Lord Grey was taken in a Wood near Hoit-Lodge, with his Geide; and the

next Day the Duke of Monmouth, with a German Colonel, was alfo taken in an Inclofure adjoining to the Wood, by fome of the Lord Lumley's Regiment of Horfe, and was immediately brought to London, and committed clole Pri foner in the Tower. And on the 15th of the fame Month was beheaded on Tower Hill, by Virtue of an Attainder in Parliament.

Thus ended the Life of this Duke, who made himself unhappy by his imprudent Ambition. He was the eldest of King Charles's Natural Sons, and dearly beloved of his Father, who had heaped upon him Honours and profitable Employments, and married him to the Heiress of one of the Richest and Nobleft Families in Scotland, with whom he lived in great Splendor and Reputation till he loft his Father's Favour, as before rela ed. He left two young Sons, who were for fome time confined, but with honourable Attendance.

And now the publick Peace being reftored, the King, by Proclamat on, appointed a publick and Solemn Thankfgiving to Almighty God, to be made on the 26th Day of July, for the happy End of this Disturbance.

Soon after the Lord Chief Juftice Jefferies was fent down into the Weft with a Commiffion of Oyer and Terminer, to try and judge thofe that had been concern'd in the Rebellion; great Numbers of whom, being found guilty, were at feveral Times and Places executed; befides which, about 700 had their Lives given them; but were tranf ported into the Plantations in America. And many others made a fhift to obtain their Pardons. The Condemnations and Executions in this truly call'd Bloody-Affize, were fo numerous, that Jefferies bragg'd He bad bang'd more Men than all the Judges of England, fince William the Conqueror. And this too after Kirk (a Man famous for his Cruelty) had already by Martial Law hang'd up great Numbers.

The Parliament in the mean time, had demonftrated their hearty Loyalty to the King, by paffing an Act, to grant an Aid to his Majefty for fuppreffing the Rebellion, by Impofitions on French Linnens, Eaft India Goods, &c. which together with an Act for confolidating the Eftates Tail and Reverfion in Fee, which the King has in the Poft Of fice; and an A&t to enable his Majefty to make Leafes, &c. received the Royal Affent on the 27th of June; and, at the fame Time, an A&t to revive former Acts to encourage Coining. An A&t against the Importation of Gunpowder, Arms, &. An A&t for continuing former Acts, for preventing Thefts on the Northern Borders of England. Two Acts concerning providing Carriages for the King's Progrefs, &c. An Act for the Improvement of Tillage. And an A&t for finishing the Building of St. Paul's Cathedral Church.

On the 2d of July the Parliament was adjourned to the 4th of Auguft; and Five more Bills were then pas

fed into Laws: Among which was 1685. one to encourage the Building of Ships. And the King then intimated to the Parliament, That he did not intend they fhould then fit, but be continued by Adjournments till the Winter.

On the 19th of this Month a Proclamation was iffued to fummon the Lord Delamere to appear within ten Days at the Council Board. And on the 26th another Proclamation to fummons George Speak, Efq; and others there named, to appear within twenty Days.

On the 23d the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Peterborough, and Lord Rochefter, and on the 3 1ft the Earl of Feversham were installed Knights of the Garter; and the next Day the Lord Mulgrave was fworn of the Privy-Council.

On the 26th the Lords Stamford, Brandon - Gerrard, and Delamere, were committed Prifoners to the Tower.

On the 28th the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain of the King's Houthold, departed this Life in the 67th Year of his Age, and the Earl of Ailsbury fucceeded him in that Place.

On the 4th of August the Parliament met, and were again adjourn'd to the 9th of November.

On the 5th of September, Francis Lord Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, departed this Life, and on the 28th of the fame Month George Lord Jefferies, Baron of Wem, and Lord Chief Justice, was made Lord Chancellor of England. And on the 21ft of October, Sir Edward Herbert Chief Juftice of Chefter, was made Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench; and Sir Robert Wright, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, was removed to the King's Bench, in Place of Sir Thomas Walcot, who had his Quietus.


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