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Henry Cornish, Efq; fometime
Sheriff of London, was now accufed
of having been concern'd in the
Confpiracy in the late King's Reign,
for which he was committed to Pri-
fon, and on the 19th of October
brought to a Trial at the Seffions
Houfe in the Old Baily. The Evi-
dence against him was Colonel Rum-
fey, who depofed, That he being at
Shepherd's Houfe at a Meeting of
the Duke of Monmouth, the Lord
Grey, &c. a Paper was read, being
a Declaration defigned to be difper-
fed at the intended Infurrection:
That Mr. Cornish coming in, it was
again read to him, who being asked
his Opinion of it, faid he liked it
very well, and that what poor Inte
refl he had, he would join in it; and
that it was out of Compaffion to
Mr. Cornish, being his old Acquain-
tance, that he had not accufed him
before. Next Goodenough, who had
been lately pardon'd, fwore, That
he being at Mr. Cornifh's Houfe, and
difcourfing him alone, faid The Law
will not defend us, fome other Way
must be thought upon; to which Cor-
nifh reply'd, He wonder'd the City
was fo unready: Goodenough answer'd,
Something was to be done here, but
firft the Tower must be feized: Mr.
Cornif pauled a little, and then faid,
I will do what I can. Afterwards
meeting Mr. Cornish, he asked him
how Things went? To this Evi-
dence the Prifoner anfwer'd, with
Proteftation of his Innocence, and
that Rumey had formerly fworn,
That he had nothing elfe to fwear
against any Man. That he had al-
ways an ill Opinion of Goodenough,
and was againit his being Under-
Sheriff, which he brought feveral
Witneffes to prove. Alfo he brought
feveral Witneffes to give Account
of his Life and Converfation. And
laftly, Mr. Shepherd, who declared,
that Mr. Corni, at one of thole

Meetings, came to speak with the Duke of Monmouth, that he tarried but half an Hour, and that no Paper was read while he was there. Upon the Whole he was by the Jury found guilty. And on the 23d of October, was executed in Cheapfide, over-againft King-freet. A Severity that justly gave occafion to much Indignation.

On the 19th of October, William King, John Fernly, and Eliz. Gaunt, were alfo tried and condemned at the Old Baily, for High-Treafon, in having concealed and fuccoured three Perfons concerned in the late Rebellion.

On the 27th of October, Richard Nelthorp and John Ayloff, were brought from Newgate to the King's Bench Bar; where being asked why Sentence fhould not pass upon them, being out-lawed for High-Treafon, in confpiring the Death of Kirg Charles; and having nothing to fay, they were both by Rule of Court, executed the 30th, the first before Grey's-Inn, and the other before the Temple Gates.

The King had, during the late Rebellion, made great Levies of Men to increase his Army for fap preffing it; and although that w fo eafily accomplished, yet the For ces were continued and increated and not only fo, but Roman Cat'> licks were made Officers, withes taking the Oaths and Telt, as co manded by Act of Parliamer This was much refented by t Proteftant Nobility and Gentry efpecially thofe of the Church England, who had faithfully effectually ferved the King's It: reft, against all his Enemies, ticularly against Monmouth. B King, it feems, was refolved gratify thofe, however ungra it feemed to thefe, as appeared his Speech to the Parliament;

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according to the Adjournment, met on the 9th of November, to whom the King spoke to this Effect:

"That he was much fatisfied, after the Storm that threaten'd, to meet them in Peace and Tranquillity: That the ftrange Progrefs fo fmall a Beginning had made, 'would convince them, he hoped, that the Militia was not fufficient 'for fuch Occafions; and that nothing but a good Force of well difciplin'd Troops in conftant Pay, could defend us from fuch as either at Home or Abroad were Idifpofed to disturb us: That this made him to think it neceffary to ⚫ increase his Forces to what he had done, which he owed to the Honour as well as Safety of the Nation, whofe Reputation was much 'expofed by the having lain open to the late Attempt.' He therefore asked their Affistance for the Supply of this Charge. And then faid, Let no Man take Exception, that there are fome Officers in the Army not qualified according to the late Tefs, for their Employments: The Gentlemen I must tell you, are most of them well known to me; and baving formerly Served with me on feveral Occafions, and always approved the Loyalty of their Principles by their Practice, I think them fit now to be employed under me: and * will deal plainly with you, That af ter having bad the Benefit of their • Services in Time of fuch Need and 'Danger, I will neither expose them to Difgrace, nor myself to the Want of them, if there Jhould be another Rebellion, to make them neceffary to me. Then told them, He fear'ed fome wicked Men hoped, that a Difference might happen between him and them upon this Occafion; but if they confidered the Advantage had already accrued by a good understanding

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between them, he hoped they 'would continue fteady and loyal to him, who would give them all Returns of Kindness and Pro⚫tection.

This Speech occafioned pretty warm Debates in the Houfe of Commons, many of the Members expreffing their Refentment of this Breach of the Laws, in employing Popish Officers: But however they agreed to grant the King a Supply for his Army, though not fo much as he demanded; for he ask'd 12, but they voted him only 700,000 1. which they computed would maintain the Army two Years; and at the fame time voted alfo an Addrefs to his Majesty, wherein, after thanking him for his Care in fuppreffing the Rebellion, they humbly reprefented, That the Officers not qualified according to the late Teft-A&t, being incapable of their Employments, and fubject to great Penalties, which were no ways to be taken off, but by Act of Parliament, they were therefore preparing a Bill to indemnify them for what was paft. But because the Continuance of them in thofe Employments was difpenfing with Laws, the Confequence of which is of the greateft Concern to his Subjects, they humbly befought his Majefty to give fuch Directions therein, as that no Apprehenfions of Jealoufy may remain in the Hearts of his good and faithful Subjects.

This Addrefs was presented on the 17th of November; to which the King was pleased to answer in thefe Words :

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1685. you warning of Fears and Jealoufies among yourselves. I had reafon to hope the Reputation God has blessed me with in the World, would have created and confirmed a greater Confidence in you of me, and of all I fay to you. But however you proceed on your Parts I will be fleady in all the Promifes I bave made you, and be very JUST to my WORD in every one of my Speeches.

After which they fate but three Days, which time was employed in preparing a Bill for the Supply, and in confidering upon a Bill for making the Militia more ferviceable; but had not time to perfect either; For,

On the 20th of November, the King prorogued the Parliament to the Loth of February next: But they fate no more; for after feveral Prorogations, they were finally diffolved on the 2d of July 1687.

The next confiderable Matter that occurr'd, was the Trial of the Lord Brandon-Gerrard, Son to the Earl of Macclesfield, who on the 28th of November, was brought to the King's Bench Bar, and arraigned for HighTreason, in endeavouring to raise Rebellion, and depofe the late King Charles; of which he was found Guilty, but fhortly after obtained a Pardon. And,

On the 9th of December, Charles Bateman (a Surgeon) was likewife tried for High-Treafon, in confpiring the Death of the late King, and found Guilty, for which he was executed the 18th of the fame Month. On the 4th of December the Earl of Sunderland was made Prefident of the Privy Council.

His Majefty was pleafed to conftitute the Earl of Clarendon Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; who, on the 16th of December, fet out from London on his Journey thither. And

his Lordship being at that time Lord Privy-Seal, the Lord Trevor, Co! Philips, and Mr. Evelyn, were appointed to execute that Office in his Abfence.

On the 15th of December, the Ambaffadors extraordinary, which the Republick of Venice fent to congratulate the King, and to desire Permiffion to make Levies in England for the Service of the State, against the Turks; made their publick Entry through the City from the To er to their Houfe in St. James's Square; and three Days after were admitted to publick Audience, being conducted by the Earl of Derby, and Sir Charles Cotterel, with the Honours ufually given to the Ambaffadors of Crown'd Heads. But they effected not their Defign; for it was not esteemed advifeable by any Means to give Jealousy to the Grand Seignior, by reafon of the great and profitable Trade our Nation yearly made to Turkey. So th after fome Months tarrying here, and having been honourably entertained, they departed home.

On the 30th of December, John Hambden, Efq; was indicted for HighTreafon, to which he pleaded g ty, cafting himself upon the King's Mercy, and obtained his Pardon.

On the 14th of Januar, H Baron Delamere, was brought Trial in Westminster Hall, bef the Lord Jeffery's, conftituted Lord High Steward pro bac Vice, and fuch Peers of the Realm as the King had appointed; and was arraign for High Treafon. The Indictmen being read, &c. the Lord Howard was firft fworn, who gave an Ac count of the Lord Shaftsbury's fign'd Infurrection. Next, the Le Grey of Wark depofed, That Cir fire was one of the Places pitc upon for the Rifing; for which end. the Duke of Monmouth weet his


Progress in thofe Parts; and, That the Prifoner was one he was direct ed to advise with. Then gave an account of the Duke of Monmouth's preparing in Holland for the Rebellion; and that the Duke at first intended to land in Cheshire, he very much relying upon that County. Next Nath. Wade was fworn, and gave an account of the Manner of carrying on the Defign of the late Invafion; and, That the Duke of Monmouth fending over one to acquaint his Friends, he heard the Lord Delamere named for one. And, That when the Duke was landed, he ordered his March fo, that he might meet his Cheshire Friends. Richard Goodenough depoed, That being beyond Sea with the Duke of Monmouth, a Meffenger was fent from thence to the Lord Delamere among others) to give otice to him to be ready. Jones wore, That the Duke of Monmouth ent a Meffage from Holland by im to Captain Matthews, or MaWindham, to defire them to acuaint the Earl of Macclesfield, ord Brandon, and Lord Delamere ith his Defign. Several other Vitneffes were alfo produced, to rove the Prifoner acquainted with lonmouth's Defign; and that he ent down into the Country about le end of May privately, under a igned Name. And laftly, Thomas axton was Sworn, who depofed, hat he was fent for to my Lord elamere's House, on the 3d or 4th June; where being come, he and Sir Robert Cotton, and Mr. fley Crew, with my Lord: That ey told him, my Lord came down to the Country to have rais'd 1000 Men for the Duke of Monmouth in hefire, but could not get them ady time enough; and therefore ked him if he would undertake to rry a Meffage to the Duke of Monouth, which he faid he would;

and that thereupon the Prifoner gave
him eleven Guineas and five Pounds
in Silver, and hired him a Horse
for his Journey; and that he did
deliver the Meffage accordingly.
And here ended the King's Evi-

To which the Lord Delamere be-
gan his Defence, with Proteftation
of his Innocence; and urged his
Father's and his own Loyalty. And
as to the Evidence, he obferved it
was all circumftantial, and by
Hearfay only, except Saxton's; and
therefore applied himself particular-
ly against that. And feveral Wit-
neffes were produced, who teftified
Saxton to be an ill Man, and guilty
of Cheating and Forgery. Next
he called feveral to prove, That nei-
ther he, nor Sir Robert Cotton, nor
Mr. Offley Crew, were in Cheshire
at the Time that Saxton fwore he
was with them there: Which being
declared, he proceeded to give an
Account of the Reafon of his going
down, which was to fee a fick Child.
That he went under a feigned Name,
because he heard there was a War-
rant against him: That he came to
his Houfe on the 21st of May, and
returned again to London on the 3d
of June, his Son in London being
alfo fallen fick; which he also prov-
ed by feveral Witneffes. After
which the Peers retired for half an
Hour; and being returned, declared
him Not Guilty.

And it having manifeftly appeared that Saxton was perjured,, the King ordered an Indictment to be preferred against him; and accordingly on the 10th of February, he was tried and found Guilty of the fame.

The Earl of Stamford, who was committed, as you heard, in July laft, no Profecution being made againft him, petitioned to be admitted to Bail, which was this Hilary Term granted; and he was bound


1686. to appear at the Bar of the Houfe High-Commiffioner) made a Speech of Lords, or at the Council-Board, to this Effect; when he fhould be required: But

'He told them how fenfible the

his Lordship in a little time after ob-King was of their Zeal and Lor tained a Pardon.

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alty to him.
'fhare in the
his Majefty


That they should al Protection and Care

would have ever demoflrate which, opening a free in

the King was tercourfe of Trade between Eng'land and Scotland. That he had 'full Inftructions to confent to any

Philip Vernatti, who had long fince been out-lawed for the Murther of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, appeared now at the King's-Bench Bar, and was allowed to reverfe the Outlawry, and take his Trial on the 10th of February. Upon which no Evidence appearing against him (forPropofal for freeing them from the Prance had retracted, and Bedloe was dead) he was acquitted.

And now these Trials being over, the King was pleafed, on the 18th of March to publifh a Proclamation of General Pardon, with the ufual Exceptions of Murther, Felony, &c. and of very many Perfons by Name.

Great Alterations were now made among the Judges. February 13. Sir Thomas Jennor was made one of the Barons of the Exchequer, in the room of Sir William Gregory; and Sir Henry Bedding field was made one of the Juftices of the Common Pleas, in Place of Sir Crefwel Levinz.

On the 21st of April, Sir Thomas Jones, Lord Chief Juftice of the Common-Pleas, the Lord Chief Baron Montague, Sir Job Charlton of the Common-Pleas, and Sir Edward Nevill of the Exchequer, all received their Quietus's: And Sir Henry Bedding field fucceeded Sir Thomas Jones; Sir Edward Atkins was made Lord Chief Baron, Sir Edward Lutwich was advanced to be a Juftice of Common-Pleas, and Richard Heath, Efq; to be a Baron of the Exchequer; and on the 26th of April Sir Chriflopher Milton was made Baron of the Exchequer, and Sir John Powel Juftice of the Common-Pleas.

The Parliament of Scotland met about the latter end of April, to whom the Earl of Marray (being

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Inconvenience of importing Irija 'Cattle, and to the fettling an open Mint for the Benefit of Trade. That the King defired no further Supply, being extreamly fatisfied in what they had already given. That he was impowered to confent to whatsoever Laws they 'fhould contrive for the Regulation ' and Pay of the Soldiers. And 'confent to an Act of Oblivion, with fome neceffary Exceptions.

The 10th of May the Parliament met at Westminster, but were ag prorogued to the 22d of Novem ber.

On the 14th of May the King and the whole Court removed to Wind for, where the Princess of De was brought to bed of a Daugher. who was chriftened Anna Sep by the Bishop of Durham.

Miles Prance, one of the W nefies of the Popish Plat, find Things run high, and himself in ca ger of either itarving abroad (w ther he had fled) or of fome feve Punishment, if he came home, feems thought it his best way to com pound the Matter, acknowledge hr felf a Villain, and retract all he b fworn concerning the Death of S Edmundbury Godfrey, and the F But the doing this in private w. not fufficient, it must be publie all the World: To which perpe he was on the 14th of May, at the

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