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A. D. for this Place. Neither is it necef1702. fary, for the Treaty at this Time did not go on.

In the Beginning of January Advice was brought to England of the Progress of her Majefty's Fleet in the West Indies, under Vice Admiral Bembow, where they had had good Succefs against the Enemy in divers Actions this Summer. But in that of moft Importance, a Misfortune happened through the Cowardife of the Commanders. About the latter End of July the Admiral underftanding that Du Caffe with a French Squadron was expected at Hifpanio. le, he failed to intercept him; and having learned at Leogam, a Bay of Hifpaniola, that the French were failed for Cartagena, he follow'd them. On the 19th of August he fpied the Enemy, who were 10 Sail, 4 whereof carried from 66 to 70 Guns apiece, 1 of 30 or 40 Guns, one full of Soldiers, and the reft fmall Ships. The English were 7 Men of War, flout Ships. The Admiral difpofed to attack them, but three or four of the Ships lay far a Stern, and altho' the Signal of Battle was given, took no care to come up. The Admiral in the Breda, with the Falmouth Captain Vincent, and the Ruby Captain Watson, continued Action with the Enemy for five or fix Days, but the Defiance Captain Kirby, and the Wind/or Captain Confiable, without firing a Gun, altho' point-blank a breast with the Rear Ship of the Enemy, Luft out of Gun Shot, and the Greenwich Captain Wade, lay three Leagues a Stern. The Enemy made the best of their Way; fo it was a running Fight from the 19th to the 24th. One of the Enemies Men of War was quite difabled, and lay a Hulk at float, yet would none of them come to take her; the Admiral was all along engaged, and was well

feconded by the Falmouth; the Rby alfo did good Service, and was difabled in the Action, but the ret fhamefully kept off. The Enemy did not fufficiently perceive our Disorder to make their Advantage of it; but finding at laft that the reft of the Ships purposely lagg'd, they attacked the Admiral's Ship fo briskly on the 24th, that they tore her Rigging, and by a Chain Shot broke the Admiral's Leg to pieces, who bravely ordered his Cradle on Deck, and continued to give Orders fo well, that the Ship was brought off. He fent then for all the Captains on Board him to urge a Continuance of the Action; but they all agreed in an Advice to forbear further Fighting; fo the Enemy were permitted to tow of their difabled Ship, altho' two of ours had been up with her while the lay difabled.

On the 6th of October a Court Martial was held for the Trial of 4 of the Captains, one whereof Ha fon) died before the Day of his Tal; Kirby and Wade were co dem. ned to be fhot to Death for Cowardice, Breach of Orders, and Neg lect of Duty. Conflable was acquited of Cowardice, but convicted c the other Crimes, and fentenced to be cafhier'd, and imprisoned during her Majefty's Pleafure. The other two Captains alfo were fentenced to be fufpended for having adved against continuing the Action. Th Dilappointment was the more gre vous, because the French Flect had on Board Soldiers and Governors i all the Spanish Forts and Gover ments; the taking of whom, z might have been done if the whole Fleet had done their Duty, would have been an extream Damage 10 the Enemy. Admiral Benbow did at Jamaica, Nov. 4. of the Wounds received in the Engagement.


The Execution of the condemn'd Captains was refpited till her Majelly's Pleafure be known, and the Prifoners were fent home, where upon their Arrival, they were not permitted to come afhoar, for her Majefty gave Orders for the Execution of the Sentence on board; and accordingly Kirby and Wade were fhet April the 14th.

A Committee of General Officers having been appointed to examine the Conduct of Sir Henry Bellafis, and Sir Charles Hara, at Port St. Mary, they found Sir Henry Bellafis guilty of Plundering, and acquitted Sir Charles Hara (Feb. 27.) wherefore her Majefty difmiffed the former from the Service, and took off the Sufpenfion of the latter.

The Convocation fat this Year, but did no Bufinefs, the Difputation between the two Houfes obftructing it. The Lower Houfe infifted upon their Right of intermediate Seffion, and the Archbishop upon his Right of proroguing. The Lower Houfe propofed as an Expedient, That an Addrefs be prefented to her Majefty to decide the Controversy, but the Upper Houfe declined it. However the Lower Houfe addrefs'd her Majefty to that Purpofe, but obtained not their End.

On the 9th of March her Majefty conferred thefe Honours: The Marquifs of Normanby was made Duke of Buckingham. John Granville, Efq; created Baron Granville of Potheridge. Heneage Finch, Elq; Baron of Guernsey in the County of Southampton. Sir fo. Levifon-Gower, Baron Gower of Sittenham in the County of York. Francis Conway Seymour, Efq; Baron Conway of Ragley in the County of Warwick. And John Harvey, Efq; Baron Harvey of Ickworth in the County of Suffolk.

His Grace the Duke of Ormond (Lord Lieutenant) departed May the

20th for Ireland, and arrived at
Dublin June the 4th, where he was
magnificently received.

Endeavours having been long
used with the King of Portugal to
bring him into the Grand Alliance,
he was at laft prevailed upon to quit
his Engagements with France; and
on the 16th of May he concluded a
Treaty of Alliance Offenfive and
Defenfive, with the Emperor, the
Queen of Great Britain, and the
States General. And foon after the
Duke of Schomberg was declared
General of the Forces to be sent

The Proteftants in the Cevennes,
a mountainous Part of Languedoc,
impatient under the Severities the
Court of France had long exercised
upon them, took up Arms this Sum-
mer, and form'd a confiderable Bo-
dy, which employ'd a good Num-
ber of Troops all the Year; it was
propofed here to give them Affitt-
ance, but the Privy Council not
entirely agreeing in it, there was
little or nothing done.

The Parliament in Scotland had
continued the fame without Disso-
lution ever fince they were first cho-
fen as a Convention at the Revolu-
tion, which having been a Matter
of great Complaint all the later
Years of King Will am, her Majesty
was pleafed to put an End to that
Parliament, and to order a new one
to be elected; which was done ac-

And they met on the 6th of May. Her Majefty's Letter to them was read, wherein the Confideration of the State of the Forces, Forts and Garrifons, that they be duly maintained, and the providing fufficient Supplies, were recommended to them.

Her Majefty recommended alfo to their Care the Encouragement of Trade, declared her Ätfection to that Kingdom, and


A. D.

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A. D. nominated the Duke of Queensbury 1703. as her High Commiffioner.

The firit Bufinefs they went upon was an Act to recognize her Majesty's Authority and undoubted Title to the Crown: To which a Claufe being offered to make it Treafon to Quarrel her Majefty's Right to the Crown, or exercife of the Government, a Debate arofe, and the latter Words were altered to, her being in the Exercife of the Government. This being over, the Act for a Supply was offered; but an Overture being at the fame time offered, it was refolved that should be confidered before the Supply. The Overture was, That the Parliament fhould proceed to fuch Conditions of Government and Regulations in the Conftitution to take Place after her Majesty and the Heirs of her Body, as fhould be neceffary for the Preservation of their Religion and Liberty.' The Court Party endeavoured to poftpone this Overture to the Supply, which occafioned warm Debates and fevere Refle. ctions upon the Miniftry and Parliament of England. On the 28th of May, the Marquifs of Athol offered an Act for fecurity of the Kingdom, in Cafe of her Majefty's Deceafe; which after much Debate was received. The Duke of Argyll offered an Act for ratifying the Revolution, and all the Acts following thereon. Mr. Fletcher, an Act containing feveral Limitations upon the Succeffor after the Death of her Majelly, and the Heirs of her Body. The Earl of Rothes, an A&t that after her Majefy's Death without Heirs, no Perfon coming to the Crown of Scotland be ing at the fame King of England hould as King of Scotland have Power to make Peace or War without Confent of Parliament. The Earl of Marchemont, an At for fecuring the true Protefiant Religion, and Presby


terian Government. And Sir Patrick Johnson, an A&t allowing the Importation of all forts of Wines, and other Foreign Liquors. All which were received, and ordered to lie upon the Table. Soon after an Act was brought in for Toleration of all Proteftants in the Exercife of Reli gious Worship. There were alo thefe A&ts brought in, namely, a Act for a Triennial Parliament. Aa A& to incapacitate all Perfons having Penfions, and all Officers in the Army, Customs, and Excife, from voting Parliament in impofing Publick Bur dens. And an Act ratifying all the Priviledges formerly granted to the Company Trading to Africa and the Indies. With feveral others. Against the Act of Toleration a Reprefentation from the General Af fembly was offered and read which was followed by Debates to the fame Purpose, which made that be laid afide. On the 9th of J the Act for fecurity of the Kingdom was taken into Confideration, and many fmart Speeches were made for it. On the firft of July it was read, and a Claufe put in, That the Government should on the 20th Day after the Queen's Decease be lodged in the Eftates. On the 5th a Claue was added, That in fuch Affenh of the Eflates no Englishman al have Vote. Then the Limitations of a future Succeffor were proposed to be made part of this Act, be was poftponed. On the 9th it was propofed that the Act concerning the Power of making Peace and Wat be confidered next after the Act of Security, which was carried in the Affirmative. It was infifted upon, and no Art of the Ministry could divert it, altho' it was adjourned and put off three times, that Claute be inferted, whereby it was declared That the jame be not the Succes to the Crown of England, unles


Conditions of Government be before enacted, as may secure the Honour of the Crown, the Frequency of Parliaments, the Religion, Liberty, and Trade of the Nation, from English or any other foreign Influence. And that the Succeffor in England fhall not be King or Queen of Scotland, unlefs a free Communication of Trade, and the Liberty of the Plantations be firft granted by Act of Parliament in England to the Subjects of Scotland. This Claufe was voted by a Majority of 72. And to fecure it, a Claufe was added, whereby it was made High Treafon to adminifter the Coronation Oath but by Appointment of Parliament, or to own fuch King till be bad fworn and accepted the Terms of the Claim of Right, and the other Conditions agreed on in this or fucceeding Parliaments. And to finifh this tedious Matter, we shall only fay, that among divers other Claufes, one was added, which required the Heritors and Burghs to provide themselves with Fire Arms, for all the fenfible Men, being Proteftants, within their respective Bounds, and that the faid Heritors and Burghs difcipline and exercise the faid fenfible Men once a Month.

When the Act was finifhed and paffed by the Eitates, the House urged the Commiffioner to give the Royal Affent to it; to which he forbore answering till he had written to England; and then he declar'd that he had receiv'd Power to pafs all the Acts that were ready except this. The House was inflam'd hereupon, and were obftinate againft giving Supplies till this Bill be paffed into an Act. So that at laft the High Commiffioner was fain to put an End to the Seffion without the Supplies. Accordingly September the 16th the Parliament was prorogued.

To view now the State of the

War, Sir Cloudelly Shovel with 25 Sail of Men of War, 2d, 3d, and 4th Rates, with a proportionate Squadron of Dutch, failed from St. Hellens the 1ft of July; they were detained in the Channel for fome time by contrary Winds, fo they arrived not before Lisbon till the 24th. Sir Stafford Fairborn went on fhore, and had Audience of the King, who received him very gracioufly, and fent a noble Prefent of Refreshments to the Fleet. After a few Days Stay, they failed for the Streights, and being arrived on the Coalt of Valencia, the Mariners to the Number of 2500, landed at Altea, and form'd a Camp, where the Admiral publifhed a Declaration, intimating that he came not to injure the Spaniards, but to protect them from the Tyranny of the French. Which had the good Effect of producing Plenty of Provifions, brought in and fold in the Fleet at reafonable Prices. From thence they fail'd to Leghorn, and in the Way fome Attempts were made of landing Men and Arms to relieve the Cevennois, but as the Gulph of Narbonne was too dangerous for the whole Fleet to enter, two Ships only were fent with a good Quantity of Arms, Ammunition, and Money, and fuch French Refugees, as had put themselves on Board the Fleet for that Service. Thefe lay on the 17th and 18th of September on the Coaft, and gave the Signal directed, which was to have been anfwer'd by their Friends on Shore, but was not. A Boat was fent to go afhore, but two French Gallies which lay there, interrupted it, and the Seafon of the Year not permitting the Ships to lie there, they returned to the Fleet. On the 19th of September, the Fleet arrived before Leghorn, where the Salute from the Town being but five Guns, the Admiral refented it, and


A. D.


A. D complained to the Great Duke, who 1703. caufed a Royal Salvo to be made. Count Lamberg came on Board the Fleet there the 28th, and acquaint ed the Admiral, that Charles Archduke of Auftria had been proclaim'd at Vienna K. of Spain. For which News great Rejoycings were made, and 15 Guns fired from every Ship. The Fleet having perform'd the Bufinefs they went upon, and by the clofe keeping in of the Enemy, having had no Opportunity of engaging any of their Ships, fet Sail homewards on the 22d of October, and arrived fafe in the Downs the 17th of November.

The Advantage of the War in Germany this Campaign was on the French Side: They took Fort Kehl by the 31st of March, and prepared to penetrate through the Black Foreft to join the Elector of Bavaria, who extended his Quarters by the taking fveral Towns; and on the feventh of April, that Prince came with his Army before Ratisbon, and for Want of the Emperor's Ratification of the Neutrality of that City, he took Poffeffion of the Bridge, and a Gate. Marshal Villers attempted the German Lines the 19th of April, but was repulfed. However he fucceeded afterwards, and on the 6th of May joined the Bavarians.

fuffered much. The Confederate Army invefted Huy, August 16, and took it the 25th. The Advantage that Conqueft gave, induced the Duke of Marlborough to propofe the attacking the Enemies Lines between the Mehaign and the Lerve, but the Dutch oppofed it, and fo it went off. Limburgh was the next Attempt, which after 18 Days Siege furrendered the 28th of September, and Geldre being in December following taken, the French were entirely remov'd from the Banks of the Man, and two Provinces fubjected to the Confederates.

The latter End of the Campaign proved lefs fortunate to the French and Bavarians than the Beginning, for the Forces under Villers, being but a Part of what were intended to be fent, the Duke de Vendome was to penetrate another Way, to which Purpofe the Duke of Bavaria advanced to Tyrol to meet him, but was fo well receiv'd by the Imperialifts there, that he was obliged to retire. The Duke de Vend-sme in the fame Manner was repulied on his Side, when he advanced as far as Trent to meet him. The D. o Bavaria next made an Attempt sp on Augsburg, but was repulled by the Imperial Garrifon the Town had received. On the other hand, the French had Succefs on the Rht: For while the Imperialifts were em ployed against the Bazarians, Count Tallard with the Duke of Bargs ↑ dy befi ged Old Brifac, which they took, and afterwards invetted Late dau, on the 7th of October. The Prince of Heffe Caffel, with a good Body of Confederate Forces, wa feat from the Netherlands to rat the Siege. He arrived on the 143, and prepared to attack the Enemy but while on the 15th the Prince with most of the Officers were carouting and celebrating the Feast of

In the mean time Things went better on the Lower Rhine, where Bonne was befieged and taken. And in the Netherlands, where the French fled before the Duke of Marlborough, and could not be brought to Battle; which gave Baron Spaar Opportunity to force their Lines in the Pais de Waes. But on the other fide, Monf. Opdam, with the Dutch Forces which lay near Breda, were furrounded by the French and routed: This was called the Battle of Eckeren, wherein altho' the Dutch behaved themfelves bravely, they St. Leopold, the Enemy advance o

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