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A. D. therefore upon Treaty this Winter, 1706. the whole Dutchies of Milan, Mantua, &c. were all delivered up to the Imperialists.

Sir John Leak having performed important Services in the Mediterranean, returned with the Fleet Homewards; he pafs'd the Streights Odober the 2d, detach'd Sir George Byng with a Squadron to Lisbon, and arrived with the reft at St. Hellens, October the 17th.

Sir Cloudfley Shovel, with a Squadron of Men of War, having on board the Earl of Rivers with Land Forces, 10 Regiments of Foot, and 3 Regiments of Dragoons, confifting of fix Squadrons, in English Pay and 4 Regiments of Foot, Regiment of Dragoons, and 3 Squadrons in Dutch Pay, fet fail Auguft 10th, with Defign to have made a Defcent in France; but that Country taking the Alarm, kept conflant Guard on the Coaft. Our Fleet finding it impracticable to land there, put on for Lisbon, where they all arrived fafe before the End of the Year.

Her Majefty and the States General had continued their Mediation between the Emperor and his Hangarian Subjects all the laft Summer and this. But all the Application was in vain; the two Parties flood upon fuch high Terms, that the Treaty broke off ineffectual. Mr. Stepney, who was the Queen's Envoy on that Occafion, came back to Vienna, and on the 1ft of August made a Speech to the Emperor, wherein he gave his Senfe of the Negociation, and in it feemed to with the Emperor had been more favourable in his Compliance to the Demands of his Subjects.

Let us now return Home.

The Parliament of Scotland met at Edinburgh the 3d of October; the Duke of Queensbury was her Majefy's High Commifioner, who after

the Queen's Letter was read, which earnestly recommended the compleating the Union, made a Speech to the fame Purpose, and was fe conded by the Earl of Seafield, Lord High Chancellor.

This was a Matter of too great Moment not to occafion great D verfity of Opinions upon it. The common Vogue run much again it, and those were very numero who were utterly averfe to the U nion, upon the Principle of its de froying the Independency and Roy alty of Scotland, and rendring it 1 Province of England. Others, who were willing to keep up that, and yet to coalefce with England, wer of Opinion, that it cught to be: Federal Union, fuch as the fever Provinces of the United Netherland, and the Cantons of Switzerland, wherein the Laws, ancient Government, Liberties, and Cuftoms of eve ry Province were retained independently, and the Union confited in an Obedience to one Sovereignty, and a mutual Concurrence in De fence against Foreign Enemies. B the more difcerning and difpa onate, and those not a few of the Nobility and Gentry, looked up the Union as a great Bleffing to the Kingdom, as putting an End to 2. Feuds between the two Natic and giving Scottish Men Opport nity of growing rich by Trace, 1 being thereby let into the Privilege of trading to the English Plantas and Settlements, upon the fame Terms with England. Which was universally acknowledged to be a Benefit the Nation extremely wit ed for, but could have no Hopes of obtaining by a Federal Union. It would be too tedious to enter into the Detail of the Debates, which were numerous and large in the many Days wherein the feveral Articles were diftinctly and feparately confidered, from the 10th of Odber to


the 10th of January, on which Day it received the Royal Affent. Afterwards they proceeded to pafs an Act to prefcribe the Methods of choofing the Reprefentatives for Scotland in Parliament, and then nominated the Reprefentatives for Scotland in the firft Parliament of Great Britain, which was done the 13th of February. And on the 25th of March 19 more Acts received the Royal Affent, and then the Lord Commiffioner made a Speech, and adjourned the Parliament to the 22d of April.

The Parliament of England met he zd of December, 1706. The Queen in her Speech mentioned the glorious Succefs abroad, and advied the Commons to grant Supplies or continuing the War in order to obtain a fafe and honourable Peace. She was pleafed to declare to them he Progrefs made in the Union, and recommended to them the com pleating it. Both Houfes prefented Addreffes of Thanks to her Maefty for her gracious Speech, and o congratulate her Majefty upon the glorious Succefs of her Arms. Both Houses alfo voted Thanks to the Duke of Marlborough for his eminent Services to her Majesty and the Kingdom.

The Total of the Supplies granted this Seffion amounted to 5,540,131. befides which there was Occafion to raise further for the Equivalent granted by the Union to the Scots, purfuant to the Articles, 398,085 . which was accordingly granted this Seffion. To raife this Money, the Parliament gave a Land Tax of 4 s. in the Pound; and the Duty upon Mait for one Year; Duties upon Low Wines, the Stamp Duty, and that upon Hawkers, which had been continued to 1710, were now con tinued for 96 Years, to be a Fund for 1,155,000l. to be taken in for Annuities at 16 Years Purchase,

The Duty upon Houfes was continued for circulating Exchequer Bills, whereby 1,500,000l. was raised. The old Tonnage and Poundage, and fe veral other Duties at the Customhoufe, which were already continued to 1710, for paying off Deficiences, were now continued for two Years more, for a Loan of 822,381%. at 6 per Cent. Interest.

December 7. The Houfe of Lords prefented an Addrefs to her Majefty, expreffing their Defire that the Honours and Titles of the Duke of Marlborough fhould be fettled upon his Pofterity by Act of Parliament, and prayed her Majefty's Direction therein, which he was gracioufly pleafed foon after to fignify; and then a Bill was brought in accordingly, which paffed both Houfes, and receiv'd the Royal Affent. And on the 7th of January the Commons prefented an Addrefs to the Queen, intimating, that as her Majefty was pleafed to erect the House of Blenheim as a Monument of the glori ous Actions of the Duke of Marlborough, they expreffed their Willingnefs to make Provifion for the more honourable Support of his Dignity in his Pofterity, in fuch a Manner as her Majefty fhould think fit. To which the Queen was pleafed to anfwer, that the having fettled a Penfion of 5000l. per Annum out of the Revenue of the Poft Office on the Duke of Marlborough, it would be agreeable to her, if that may be continued to his Pofterity for ever. The Commons brought in a Bill accordingly, and it paffed into an Act.

December 31. Being appointed a Day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for his Bieffing on her Majefty's Arms, her Majelty, accompany'd by both Houfes of Parliament, with all the ufual Solemnities, went to St, Paul's Cathedral, to perform her Devotions.


A. D. 1706.

A. D. On the 28th Day of January, her 1706. Majefty came to the Houfe, and paffed divers Acts, and then made a Speech; acquainted them that the Union being perfected by the Parliament of Scotland, he had ordered the fame to be laid before them, for their Concurrence in it. Her Majefly alfo intimated, that Scot land being to have an Equivalent for what that Kingdom is obliged to contribute towards the Debts of England, the recommended to them to make a Provifion for the paying thereof.

In the House of Lords, antecedent to the entring upon Confideration of the Articles of the Union, a Bill was ordered to be brought in for the Security of the Church of England; an Act for the fecuring Prefbytery in Scotland having paffed there be fore the Articles of Union; which was done accordingly, and paffed both Houfes. The Tenor whereof was, that the Act of Uniformity fhall be in Force for ever: That every King or Queen hereafter, at their Coronation, fhall take an Oath to preferve the Settlement of the Church, and the Doctrine and Difcipline thereof: And that this A&t fhall be held a fundamental and effential Part of the Union of the two Kingdoms.

On the 4th of February the Houfe of Commons refolved itself into a Committee of the whole Houfe, to confider of the Articles of the Union; and after fome Debates they read and approved the four firft Articles. On the 8th, they went thro' the reft of the Articles; on the 11th, they paffed the Bill from the Lords, for fecuring the Church of England. And the fame Day, the Refolution of the Grand Committee upon the Articles of the Union, being reported, and agreed to by the Houte, a Bill was ordered to be brought in to ratify the fame. The Houfe of

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Lords took the Articles of the Uni-
on into Confideration on the 15th
of February, feveral Lords fpake up
on it, but the Lord Haverban's
Speech againft it was the longe
But when the Queftion concerning
poltponing the firit Article was put
the Difference in favour of the Uni-
on appeared to be 72 against 2:
So the first fix Articles were ap-
proved that Day. They refumes
the fame the 19th, and made a fe
ther Progress, as they did the 21.1
and finally on the 24th; and the
Refolution of the Committe for
approving all the Articles being re-
ported on the 27th, it was agreed
to: Some of the Lords entring Pre-
tefts against it. And the Bill being
paffed by both Houfes, her Maje
came and gave the Royal Affent
it, on the 16th of March. And then
made a Speech, declaring her Saus!
faction therein.

An Abstract of the Articles of
the Union.



Hat the two Kingdom!
of England
and Sc

fhall, from the it of May 1707. be united into one Kingdom t the Name of Great Britain. : That the Succeflion be to th Princefs Sophia and her Hen • And that all Papifts, or Perio that marry Papijts, thall be 6 ever excluded inheriting the

Crown. 3. That the united King dom fhall be reprefented by one ⚫ Parliament. 4. That the Subka of the united kingdom fhall Lave • Freedom of Trade and Naviga 'on to all Places within the fame, and Plantations belonging to and a Communication of all other Advantages. 5. All Ships belong ing to Scotti Men at the time ct the Union to be deemed Ships British built, the Owners making Oath that the fame belong to 4 LACIN.

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them. 6. All Parts of the united Kingdom to be under the fame Regulations of Trade, and liable to the fame Cuftoms and Duties. 7 The united Kingdom to be liable to the fame Excife, except that a Barrel of Ale in Scotland fhall not pay above 2 s. on account of the prefent Excife in England. 8. Foreign Salt in Scotland fhall pay the fame Duty as

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in England, but Salt made in Scot-miffioners appointed by her Ma-
land fall be exempted for feven
Years from the English Duty. Se-
veral Conditions relating to the
Salt Duty were inferted in this
Article, which we have not room
to fet down. 9. When 1,997,763.
fhall be enacted and be raised in
England on the Land Tax, Scot-
land fhall add a further Sum of
48,000 l. 10 Scotland is exempt-

jefty fhall think fit. The African
'Company to be diffolved, as foon
as an Act paffes in England for
paying the Equivalent. 16. The
Coin to be of the fame Standard
throughout the united Kingdom
as now in England, and a Mint to
'be continued in Scotland, under
the fame Rules as in England. 17.
The fame Weights and Meafures

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Burghs agreeable to the Standard

at the Exchequer. 18. The Laws for the Regulation of Trade, Cuftoms, and fuch Excifes which Scotland is to be liable to, to be the fame with England. Other 'Laws in Scotlaud to remain as before, but alterable by Parliament.

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ed from the Stamp Duties now into be ufed as now in England, and
force. 11. As alfo from the Du- 'Standards to be kept in the
ty on Windows. 12. And from
the Duties on Coals and Culm.
13. Scotland fhall not pay the Malt
Duty, which expires June 24.
1707. 14. Scotland fhall not be
charged with any other Duties
impofed by the Parliament of Eng-
land before the Union, except
thofe confented to in this Treaty. Laws which concern Publick and
And if the Parliament in their 'Civil Government may be the
Provifion for the Service of the 'fame throughout the united King-
Year 1707, fhall lay any further dom, but no Alteration may be
Cuftoms, Scotland fhail have an made in the Laws which concern
Equivalent for the Share thereof private Right, except for evident
they will be liable to. Malt made Utility of the Subjects of Scotland.
and confumed in Scotland not to 19. The Court of Seffion, and o-
be charged during this War. 15. 'ther Courts, fhall remain in Scot-
Scotland fhall have an Equivalent
for what fhall be charged towards
Payment of the Debts of England,
'the Sum of 398,085 . for the Cu-
'ftom and Excife they will be lia-
ble to towards paying the faid
Debts. And an Equivalent fhall
'be further allowed for the pro-
'portion Scotland thall hereaf

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ter pay by reafon of the Increafe of

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land, with fuch Regulations as 'there mentioned. 20. All Heretable 'Offices and Offices for Life are referved to the Owners, as Rights ' of Property. 21. The Rights of

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the Royal Burghs in Scotland fhall
' remain intire. 22. Sixteen of the
'Peers of Scotland fhall fit and

vote in the Houfe of Lords, and
45 Reprefentatives of Scotland in


A. D. 1706.

A. D.


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the Houfe of Commons of the
'Parliament of Great Britain; the
Choice whereof to be according
to the Act paffed in Scotland to
that Purpose. In Cafe her Ma-
jefty fhall on the 1ft of May de-
clare this present Parliament to
be the firft Parliament of Great
• Britain, the prefent Parliament of
• England may be fo on the Part of
England, and the 16 Peers and
45 Commoners for Scotland to
<fit with them. Such Parliament
to continue no longer than the
English Parliament is by Law al-
'lowed to continue. 23. The 16
• Peers of Scotland fhall have all
Privileges of Parliament which
the Peers of England have, and
in cafe of Trials of Peers, when
no Parliament is in being. the
• Peers of Scotland who fat in the
laft Parliament, fhall be fummon-
ed. And all the Peers of Scot-
land Thall be Peers of Great Bri-
tain, and hall enjoy all Privi-
leges as full as the Peers of Eng-
land, except fitting in the Houfe
of Lords, and upon Trials of
Peers 24. There fhall be one
Great Seal for the United King-
dom. A Seal to be ftill used in
Scotland in Things relating to pri-
vate Right, as ufual. That the
Privy Seal, Signet, Caffet, &c.
now ufed, to be continued. And
that the Crown, Scepter, Sword
of State, and Records, Rolls, and
Regifters, publick and private,
fhall be ftill kept in Scotland.
Laftly, 25. All Laws and Sta-
tutes inconfiftent with the Terms
⚫ of thefe Articles, to be void.

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Several Traders taking Advantage from the Union, fhipp'd off great Quantities of Goods on which Drawbacks were allowed on Exportation, and after they had been at Holland, failed for Sectland to lie there to the 1t of May, when they

might be brought to England Culem free. This gave Occafion for a Bill to be brought in to obviate the ill Effects of that Practice; which paffed the Commons, but there was a Claufe in it which would have given Of fence to the Scots, and therefore would not pafs in the Lords Houfe. It was therefore propos'd, that the Queen fhould be defir'd to prorogue the Parliament for a fhort time, and then another Bill might be brought in. Accordingly on the 8th of April her Majefty paffed the Acts, and prorogued the Parliament to the 14th. When they met again and brought in a fresh Bill, but fuch Difficulties arofe in it, that it was dropt. And on the 24th her Majefty came to the Houfe, made a gracious Speech, and prorogued the Parliament.

We omitted to mention, that about the Middle of December her Majefty was pleased to confer many Honours. The Earl of Kent was created a Marquifs, as was alfo the Earl of Lindsey. The Lord Wharton was created Vifcount and Earl. The Lord Poulet was created Viscount and Earl. The Lord Gadolphin and the Lord Cholmonds, the fame. Henry Lord Walden was cre ated Earl of Bindon. The Lord Keeper was made a Peer, by the Title of William Lord Cowper, Baron of Wingham, and Sir Thomas Pelham was made Lord Pelham, and Baron of Laughton.

The firft Matter for History this Year that offers, is the unfortunate Succefs of our Arms in Spain. The Queen had taken all poffible Care to fupply that Service, and to that Purpose, as we told you laft Year, fent over the Earl of Rivers with a Reinforcement which went out 8:97 Men. He arrived at Lisbon, and thence fail'd to Valencia, where he arrived in January, 1706 through the Length of Time that the

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