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ided with all Neceffaries; and the Buccours aforesaid fhall be maintaind at the Expence of the Party that hall fend them, for the Ufe and Beoof of the Party who fhall have reuefted them. But if it fhall happen hat the Danger be fo fudden that no me is left for Application, and fo reat as to require a greater Numer of Forces and Ships of War; hen each Party fhall be obliged, beg required by the other, to augent their Succours, to declare War gainst the Aggreffor, and to join all heir Forces by Land and Sea with ae Forces of the Party attacked. 15. 'Tis agreed that all Kings, 'rinces and States that defire to ome into this Treaty, may be inited and admitted into it, provied fuch Invitation and Admiffion roceed jointly, and not feparately, tom the Queen of Great Britain and he Lords the States General.

16. Her Majefty the Queen of reat Britain, and the Lords the tates-General, fhall confirm and atify all that is contained in the refent Treaty, within the Space of our Weeks, &c.

The Ratifications were accordingy exchanged at Utrecht on the 21ft of February.

On the 25th of February the King of Pruffia died, and was fucceeded by his Son.

The Imperial Minifters at laft a greed to meet those of France, and had an Interview accordingly on the 31ft of January, wherein an Agreement was propofed for tranfporting the Emprefs, and evacuating Catalania, which after feveral Meetings was agreed to, and on the 14th of March the neceffary Inftruments for the Evacuation of Catalonia and the Neutrality of Italy, to which the Queen was Guarantee, were figned.

The Peace being thus far advanced, the French Court thought fit

to let the Duke of Berry and the Duke of Orleans renounce the Crown of Spain, which they accordingly performed in the most folemn Manner, in the Parliament of Paris on the 15th of March. The Duke of Shrewsbury and Mr. Prior Plenipotentiaries of the Queen of Great Britain being prefent, as was also the Duke d'Offuna on the Part of King Philip.

The British Minifter had from Time to Time declared to thofe of the reft of the Allies, that they should fign the Queen's Peace without Delay. And finally, they executed it accordingly, on the 11th of April, N. S. On which Day the Plenipotentiaries of her Majefty and those of France, figned the Treaty of Peace and the Treaty of Commerce between the two Nations. The Minifters of Savoy came in alfo, and figned the Peace for their Mafter with the French. And on the fame Day the Treaties of Peace between France and the Kings of Portugal and Pruffia, as alfo the States General, were feverally figned by the Minifters of the refpective Potentates.

Thus was the War with France ended, on the Part of Great-Britain, Portugal, Holland, and Pruffia. But the Emperor and Empire ftill ftood out. For the Offers of France were fo haughty, that the Imperialifts could by no means liften to them. The French would not fo much as own the Emperor's Title till after the Conclufion of the Peace. By mentioning the Rhine for a Barrier, they refused to give up Straf burg, which had been all along infifted upon, as well at the Treaty of Ryfwick, as fince. The French demanded that the Princess Urfina fhould poffefs confiderable Territo ries in the Low Countries, at the Expence of the Emperor, altho' it was notorious that Lady had been perpetually doing the House of Au



A. D. 1712.

A. D. fria Mifchief either in Italy or 1713. Spain. They infifted upon the intire Reftoration of the Elector of Bavaria, to the extream Prejudice of the Emperor and Empire, and the Elector Palatine; they demanded alfo that the Elector of Hanover fhould be degraded from the Rank of Eighth Elector, and the Dignity of Arch Treasurer, which had been conferr'd upon him unanimously by the Emperor and the Empire, and this too in Contradiction to the Declaration of the Queen of Great Britain on the 6th of June laft, and to what her Minifters had declar'd at Utrecht. They made alfo other Demands which could not be comply'd with, and fo the War on that Side went on.

The Queen's Peace with Spain was not concluded till a Year after. The Manner wherein England ended this War was the Subject of great Reflection throughout the World. The Defertion of our Allies in breach of the Grand Alliance was much rail'd at, but the Manner France dealt with us in the Peace, was what made us contemned by our Neighbours. 'Twas faid, that altho' what our Minifters alledged had been true, namely that we bore a difproportionate Share in the War (which was nevertheless far from being fo, for Experience has fince demonftrated that both Holland and the Emperor find themselves extreamly more unable to get out of the Debts they then contracted, than England is) yet as England by the glorious Conquefts of her Arms, had it in her Power to be Miftrefs of the Terms of Peace, it was Matter of Mirth to fee France talk of owning the Queen's Title at the Conclufion of the Peace, to fee the Pretender remove no farther than Lorraine, to fee an Equivalent infifted upon for Dunkirk, to fee Cape Briton given as an Equivalent for

the Reftitution of Newfounded, and to fee the Reduction of the Daties upon our Trade in France to be only obtain'd upon the Condition of our giving the fame, and thereby impoverishing ourselves; and the too, to fee thofe Goods which as the moft beneficially fent thither, (that is, Woollen Manufactury, Fift Sugar, &c.) to be excepted out of this Condition. All the World pected that the Effect of our glon, ous Victories would at leaft have, been the ftripping the French King of the Conquefts he made upon ta Neighbours, in the many Wars be had commenced in the Courfe o his Reign; whereas by this Peace he was left in Poffeffion of all that the Ryfwick Treaty left him, and thereby all the great Succefs in the War acquired no Benefit to Earite, But when unskilful Men gain Accefs to a Prince, and are able to make their Counfels liftened to, fuch must be the Cafe of the Nation fubject to that Prince. After our Minifters had, without having Security in our own Hands for be nourable Conditions (which very probably they intended to infift upon) fo entirely given up their ow Power, as the Duke of Ormini's not fighting amounted to, there wa an End of all hopes of obtain ing any Thing but what the Enemy pleased; and he, we well knew, would pleafe to give as little as poffible.

We have faid that the Duke of Shrewsbury was appointed her Majefty's Ambaffador to the Court of France, where his Grace accondingly arriv'd on the 12th of J ary N. S. and was very gracio receiv'd. In like manner, the Duke d'Aumont Ambaffador of Fran arriv'd here on the 2d of Jan O. S. and on the 4th had Audien of her Majefty. He was very m carefs'd by the Minifters, and plier of

limented by thofe of the Nobility hom he visited; but with all the rtifices he used (throwing out Moey among the People as he paffed his Coach through the Streets) e could not acquire any real efteem mong the People of Understandg. The Publick Credit (that is e Funds) funk upon his coming, id the general Vogue murmured at 9 Arrival and Entertainment bere due Satisfaction was given, up1 the Subjects on which the War

they granted a Land Tax of Two
Shillings in the Pounds, &c.

On the 28th of April the Ratifi-
cations of the Treaty of Peace were
exchanged at Utrecht, and being
brought over, the Peace was pro-
claimed at London on the 5th of

On the 9th of May her Majefty fent a Meffage to the House of Commons in these Words:

S it is the undoubted Prerogative

as begun. On the 26th of Janu-A of the Grown to make Peace

y the House he lived in (which as that of the Lord Powis in Ormd Street) accidently took Fire, id was burnt down; after which e Queen gave him leave to refide Somerset Houfe, where he lived e rest of the time he tarried here; id by Balls, Entertainments and enterafquerades, laboured to in the Gentry, and cajole the ople into favour towards the rench.

On the 7th of April, the Lord arcourt, Keeper of the Great Seal as declared Lord Chancellor of reat-Britain. And on the 9th of e fame Month the Parliament met Westminster, to whom her Majefty ade a moft gracious Speech, intiating the Conclufion of the Peace, or which both Houfes made Ad. reffes of Thanks.

On the 7th of May the House of Commons voted a Supply for 30,000 eamen to ferve the first fix Months f the Year. On the 8th they oted 636,888 l. 14 s. for the Land 'orces. On the 13th of May it was efolved, that 10,000 Men be allowed or the Sea Service for the laft feen Months of the Year. And that 100,000 l. be given for the Ordnary of the Navy. And on the 2d of June 183,281 . 1 s. 6 d. for Guards and Garrisons for half the Year, and aferwards the fame Sum for the other Half of the Year. To raise which

and War, I have ratified the Treaties
of Peace and Commerce with France,
which had been figned by my Orders
and have concluded a Treaty with
Spain, which will be figned at Utrecht
as Joon as the Spanish Minifters are
arrived there. I determined from the
firft, on this extraordinary Occafion, to
communicate thefe Treaties to my
liament, and have therefore now or-
dered them to be laid before this House.


Accordingly Copies of the Treaty were delivered in. And the 8th and 9th Articles of the Treaty of Commerce being excepted againft, it was refolved thofe two Articles fhould be taken into Confideration. Which being begun accordingly on the occafioned great Debates. 14th, However upon the Plurality of Votes a Bill was ordered to be brought in to make effectual those two Articles. The Trading Part of the Nation were extreamly alarmed at this Bill, for as by thofe Articles the Duties on French Wines were reduced to the fame that were laid on those from Portugal, in directContradiction to the Treaties already made with Portugal, all the profitable Trade we had for several Years paft been carrying on with the Nation was at once knocked down and destroyed; and as at the fame Time, France had excepted out of the Tariff of 1664, dize, feveral of thofe forts of Merchan

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A. D. 1713

A. D. dize, the Exportation whereof was 1713. of the moft Importance, because the moft beneficial to England, it was plainly feen that France left not to England the Chance for Equality of Trade, but being refolved to make the full Profit in Money, of that Paffion our Gentry have for their Wines, Brandies, Silks, Linnens, and Toys, had taken Advantage of the Afcendancy they had gained over our Miniftry, by the Fatal Nonfighting Order. And it no less appeared that Thefe, to keep up their Credit, fpared no Pains to get what they had ftipulated, ratified by Parliament; which they purfued notwithstanding it was in the Courfe of the Argument clearly made out, that upon the Terms they had agreed to, the Balance of Trade would have amounted to above a

Million of Pounds Sterling per Annum, to the Advantage of France. But Reafon and the Publick Good gained the Victory, and the judici ous Men among us, altho' not interefted in Trade, could not but have the utmoft Indignation at this mean Prostitution of our Honour and Profit, even after fuch glorious Victories as ought to have given us the Right of prefcribing Terms of Profit to ourselves, and not let France dictate what was indeed extreamly advantageous to her, but muft in the End have proved cur Ruin. So that the Debates in Converfation, the Pamphlets printed upon this Occafion, and the Pleadings of the Merchants before the Houfe (whereby the extream Folly of this Condefcenfion to France was most manifelly illuftrated) ftaggered the Miniftry; and altho' too great a Number of the Members of the Houfe of Commons were ftrangely deluded, and went on in this grand Miftake, yet could they not gain their Point, for even Sir Thomas Hanmer himfelf made a Speech on the 18th

of June, when this Bill flood cammitted to the whole House, to this Purpose, That before he bad examinıd the Affair in question to the bottom, it had given bis Vote for the bringing n the Bill to make effectual the 8th and 9th Articles of the Treaty of Cam merce; but that having afterward maturely weighed and confidered is Allegations of the Merchants, Trader and Manufacturers, in their fece. Petitions and Reprefentations, be convinced, that the pang this E would be of great Prejudice to inWoollen and Silk Manufacturies Kingdom; confequently increase try Number of the Poor, and fo is End affect the Land. That whit had the Honour to fit in that H he would never be blindly led in st Minifiry; neither on the other was he byaffed by what might re with fome Men, viz. the Fear lofing their Elections: But that Principles upon which he after the Intereft of bis Country, and t Conviction of his Judgment, and sp these two Confiderations alone be against the Bill. This Speech, ded to the many excellent Arg. ments brought by the Trades, their Pleadings before the Ho and the many Petitions brag from all Parts against the Bill, duced a Majority (of 194 1 185) against engroting the B

On the 20th of May Dr. St Bishop of Rochester and Dean Westminster departed this Life. Ar about 3 Weeks after Dr. Arian Dean of Chrift Church, Ox, W named to fucceed him, and Dr Smallridge Dean of Carli W made Dean of Chrift-Church.

On the 25th of June Mr. Ch cellor of the Exchequer prelen es the Houfe of Commons a Me from her Majefly, importing,* I? her Majefly thinks fit to a the Houfe with the D which in a particular Man

lies under by the Debts contracted in her Civil Government, occafioned by feveral extraordinary Expences formerly incurr'd; fo that her Majefty thinks herfelf obliged in Juftice to many Creditors, to order an Estimate to be laid before the Houfe of what was owing on the Civil Lift in the Year 1710, and defired the Houfe to impower her Majelty to raise fo much Money on the Civil Lift Funds, as may enable her to difcharge the Debts, &c.

Which Meffage being the next Day taken into Confideration in a Committee of the whole Houfe, it vas declared by an eminent Memer, That to his certain Knowledge the Debts of the Civil Lift, in the Month of August 1710, did not amount to above 150,000 . For the Payment of Part of which Sum, there were fome Monies ftanding out, befides great Quan. tities of Tin; whereas by the Eftimate now laid before the Com*mons the faid Debts to Midfummer 1710, that is, two Months before, were made to amount to 400,000 /. However it was voted that her Majefty fhould be impower'd to appropriate 35,000l. per Annum for.32 Years, to raife, by fuch Methods as her Majefty fhould appoint, the Sum of 50,000l. to difcharge the Arrears and Debts owing to her Servants or others: And that the faid yearly Sums be charg'd upon the Funds granted for the Civil Lifts. Which was enacted accordingly, and the Sum raifed by a Lottery.


The 7th of July being appointed a Day of Publick Thankfgiving for the Peace, both Houfes of Parliament went with great Solemnity to St. Paul's Cathedral to celebrate it. Her Majefty, who had intended to do the fame, was prevented by Indifpofition. In the Evening a very

A. D.

fine Firework, built on Barges in the Thames before Whitehall, was let 1713. off, and the Bells, Bonfires, Illuminations, and Acclamations proclaimed the People's Joy.

On the 6th of July the Queen came to the Houfe of Lords, to which the Commons being call'd up as ufual, her Majefty paffed feveral Bills, and made a moft gracious Speech; after which the Parliament was prorogued to the 28th of Auguft.

We have omitted two Matters that pafs'd this Parliament, namely, That on the 3d of June the Commons addrefs'd the Queen, defiring to know what was the Equivalent to be given to the French King for the Demolition of Dunkirk, &c. To which her Majefty, on the 20th of that Month, anfwer'd, That the Equivalent was already in the Hands of the King of France. And that both Houfes addrefs'd the Queen to defire that her Majefty would be pleafed to ufe her moft preffing Inftances with the Duke of Lorraine, and with all Princes and States in Amity and Correspondence with her Majefty, that they will not receive or fuffer to continue within any of their Dominions, the Pretender to the Imperial Crown of these Realms.

On the 14th of July, Robert Benfon, Efq; Chancellor of the Exchequer, was created a Peer of GreatBritain, by the Title of Baron of Bingley.

About this Time a Perfon arrived here, named Tugghe, deputed by the Magiftrates of Dunkirk, to folicite the Queen to spare the Harbour and Port of that Town. But this was what could not be granted.

On the 7th of July Dr. Compton, who had been many Years Lord Bifhop of London, departed this Life in the 81ft Year of his Age, And was foon after fucceeded by Dr. Robinjin, Bishop of Bristol, Loid Pri

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