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increased admiration for this celebrated man. The case contained two bronze medals, the one executed by Brandt of Berlin, the other by Bovy, and both represent the bust of the poet in bold relief, particularly the latter, which is decidedly of superior execution. The former, which bears on one side the portraits of the late Grand-duke and his consort, with the inscription "Carl August and Luise Goeth en Zum VII Novem. 1825." was struck by order of that prince, to cominemorate the fiftieth year of Goethe's residence at his court, and was presented to the poet, a Counsellor and Minister of state, on the day mentioned in the inscription, accompanied by a letter addressed to him by the Grand-duke, which is flattering to the distinguished individual to whom it is indited, and honourable to the feelings of the writer, the excellent prince whose recent loss Weimar deplores."



African Colonization, 395-Slow pro-
gress of abolition in Great Britain, ib.

efforts for colonization in Virginia
legislature, 397-formation of the
Colonization Society, 398-first ex-
pedition under Bacon, Bankson, and
Crozier, unfortunate, 399-also, se-
cond, under Messrs. Andrus, Wilt-
berger, Winn and E. Bacon, 400—
Dr. Ayres appointed agent, and pur-
chases Cape Mesurado, ib.-threat-
ening danger to the colony averted
by him, 401-Mr. and Mrs. Ashmun
arrive, and in the absence of the
agents he acts, 402-the settlement
assaulted, and his judicious efforts,
402-404-law established in the co-
lony, 405-moral and religious cha-
racter of the colonists, schools, &c.
406-their resources, 407-failure of
an attempt to establish a colony un-
der the auspices of Sir Walter Ra-
leigh, 409-settlement at Jamestown
and the privations of the colonists,
409, 410-sufferings of emigrants to
New-England, 411-question con-
sidered, can the colony at Liberia be
maintained? 411-416-effect of the
colony as respects this country, 416-
421-benefits likely to accrue to
Africa, 421-by abolishing the trade
in slaves, 422-by introducing Chris-
tianity, 423-death of the agent, 423
-appointment of Dr. Richard Ran-
dall, 425.

Animal Magnetism, 426—the mania of,
lately revived, 427-credulity of
mankind, 427, 428-belief in animal
magnetism may be traced back to a
very early period, 429-sympathies
and antipathies of our nature referred
to it, 450-marvellous cures by mag-
netism related by Sir Kenelm Dig-
by, 431-Van Helmont's method, ib.
-persons at a distance made to con-
verse by this fluid, 432-corns and
warts cured by it, 433-Mesmer first
reduced the science to order, 434-
French government appoints a com-

mittee, with Dr. Franklin at its head,
who report against it, 435-Deslon
replies to the committee, ib.-the stu-
dy for a while abandoned in France,
436-Graham, Manneduke, and
Count Cagliostro practised it profita-
bly, 437-Dr. Perkins, his tractors
and Perkinean Institution, 438-mag-
netism in China, 439-Marquis de
Puységur discovers that somnambu-
lism is excited by it, 440-latest plan
of magnetising, 441-abbé Faria's
manner, 443-the spiritualists, ib.-
Miss Rachel Baker, 444-second
sight in somnambulists, 445-mar-
vellous cases, 445, 446-all the ef-
fects produced by the influence of
imagination, 447.

Ashmun, Mr. and Mrs. their efforts at

Liberia for the benefit of the colo-
nists, notice of, 402, &c.

Ayres, Dr. notice of, as agent of Ameri-
can Colonization Society, 400, &c.


Back, Lieut. his excursion with Capt.
Franklin, 221, &c. See Franklin's
Second Expedition.

Bermudez, Geronimo, works of, 314.
Bertrand, A. Du Magnétisme animal en

France, reviewed, 426, &c.
Blumenbach, anecdote of, 163.
Bouterwek, Frederick, his history of
German poetry and eloquence, re-
viewed, 157, &c.

Bravo, general, anecdote of, 101.
Brown, Thomas D. D. his Lectures on
the Philosophy of the human mind,
reviewed, 1-27. See Philosophy of
the Human Mind.

Bull, Marcus, controversy respecting
pretensions of, to the Rumford pre-
mium, 266, &c.-objection of the
Rumford committee to his theory,
267-Professor Silliman's opinion of
his experiments, 270.

Bullock, Mr. his six months in Mexico,
notice of, 86.

Bürger, criticism on by Schiller, no-
tice of, 179.

Burke, Edmund, and John Walker, an-
ecdote of, 203.


Castro, Guillen de, plays of, 333-336.
Cervantes, dramatic works of, 315-330.
Champollion, M. le Jeune, his Aperçu
des Resultats Historiques de la dé-
couverte de l'alphabete Hierogly-
phique Egyptiene, 27, &c. See Egyp-
tian History.

Chastenet, J. De, Du Magnétisme animal,
considéré dans ses rapports avec di-
verses branches de la Physique géné-
rale, par, reviewed, 426, &c.
Crawfurd, John, Esq. his Journal of an
Embassy to Siam and Cochin-China,
reviewed, 448, &c.-the author ad-
vantageously known, 449-deputed
by the governor-general of British
India, to further commercial inter-
course, 450-Chinese junks, 451-
reception at Siam, 451-456-ten
commandments of the Siamese, 457
-Louis XIV's attempt for the civil
and religious conquest of Siam, 458,
459-Catholic bishop at Siam, 459
-Pascal Ribeiro de Alvergarias,
460-Siamese negotiators suspicious
and wary, ib.-the king absolute,
461-diseases, area and productions,
ib.-reception at Cochin-China, 463
-labour of the women, 464-em-
bassy to Hué, 465-bamboo the uni-
versal panacea for offences, 466,-
fondness for dramatic entertainments,
ib.-description of Hué, 467-469—
dread of British designs of aggran-
dizement, 470-territory, popula-
tion, and products, 472-literature,
473-government, 474-religion, and
manner of burial, 475-Count Adran,
apostolic vicar of Cochin-China, his
treaty with Louis, XVI., 476-King
Gia-Long, ib.-treaty with France
inert, 477-MM. Chaigneau and
Vanier, French mandarins, account
of, 478-English embassy quit Hué
without gaining any thing, ib.


Deleuze, J. P. F., Histoire critique du
Magnétisme animal, reviewed, 426,
&c.-Instruction pratique sur le
Magnétisme animal, ib.

Depping, C. P., his history of the mari-
time expeditions of the Normans, &c.
reviewed, 350, &c. See Normans,
Maritime expeditions of.

De Sacy, Silvestre, notice of, 166.
Dubourg, Bishop, anecdote of, 260.
Dupotet, J., Expériences publiques sur
le Magnétisme animal faites a l'Hotel
Dieu de Paris, reviewed, 426. &c.


Egyptian History, 27-Euphrates and

the Nile, saw the first formations of
civil society, 29-four magnificent
collections of Egyptian antiquities,
viz. at Turin, in the Vatican, the
British Museum, and the French col-
lection, 31-description of French
collection, 31-33-Menes or Menas
first king of Egypt, a descendant of, if
not Ham himself, succeeded by
Thoth or Athothes to whom is as-
cribed the invention of writing, 34-
all Egyptian history, prior to the 17th
dynasty of Manetho, fabulous, 35—
the conquest of Egypt by the Shep-
herd kings, 36-Amenophteph foun-
der of the 18th dynasty of Manetho
at Thebes, consisting of Thoutmosis
I., Thoutmosis II., his daughter
Amensi, Thoutmosis III., the Maris
of the Greeks, Amenoph I., Thout-
mosis, IV., Amenophis, II., Thorus,
Achencheres, Ramses, I., Mandouei,
and Ousirei (brothers) Ramses II.,
Ramses, III., Ramses, IV., Ramses,
V., surnamed Amenophis, 37, 38-
public works and monuments of
these kings; some of their acts writ-
ten upon Papyrus, still in existence,
38-19th dynasty eclipsed their glo-
ry, consisting of six kings of the
name of Ramses, the last, the Poly-
bus of Homer, 39-20th dynasty of
Manetho but little known of, ib.-
21st dynasty derived its name from
Tanis and was composed of seven
kings, the first of whom built the la-
byrinth, ib.ruins of Bubastis fur-
nish memorial of the Bubastite kings,
40-their connexion with Judea, ib.
-Sesonchis, the head of this dynas-
ty, the Sesak of the scriptures, ib.—
new race of kings from Ethiopia, ib.
-on their departure the civil dis-
cord which succeeded, composed by
Psammiticus, I., ib.-Nechao, II.,
who took Jehoahaz into captivity, ib.
-Psammeticus, II., Apries, (the Ho-
phra of scripture), 41-with Psam-
meticus, the last of this dynasty, fell
the splendour of Egypt, ib.-com-
memorations found of Cambyses, Da-

rius, Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Amyrtæus,
Nephereus, Achoris, Nepherites, Nec-
tanebi, ib.-the name of Darius
Ochus, no where to be found among
the ruins, ib.-Ptolemy Soter and
his son Ptolemy Philadelphus, Eu-
ergetes, Ptolemy Philopator, Arsi-
noe, Ptolemy Epiphanes, Cleopatra,
Philometer, Eupator, Euergetes, II.
and his two wives both Cleopatra,
Tryphane, Ptolemy Soter, II., Alex-
ander, Ptolemy Dionysius, Cleopa-
tra and her son by Julius Cæsar have
left their names inscribed in hiero-
glyphics, 42, 43-the names of the
Roman emperors, Augustus, Tibe-
rius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Ves-
pasian, Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Tra-
jan, Adrian, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius
Verus, and Commodus, with their
titles, are inscribed, 43-worship of
the Egyptian deities, publicly exer-
cised down to 180, A. D., ib.—acci-
dental discovery of the name of Pto-
lemy on a Rosetta stone, laid the
foundation for the discovery of a
key to the hieroglyphic alphabet, 44
-Christianity put a stop to the ex-
ercise of these Egyptian arts, 46-
Egypt conquered by the followers
of Mahomet, 47-the Arabs extend-
ed the rule of the Koran, from the
Atlantic shores to the banks of the
Indus, ib.-the crusaders, 49-
Egypt conquered by the Ottomans,
ib.-object of ambition to the French
republic, 50.

English Orthoepy, 191, &c.-Worces-

ter's edition of Johnson and Walker
to be consulted as authority, ib.-in-
accuracy of pronunciation illustrated
in the word legislature, ib.-etymolo-
gies of Johnson, 192-Horne Tooke's
attack on them, 193, 194-Johnson's
improvements on English lexicogra-
phy, 195-dictionary of the French
Academy, 196-German dictionary
of Adelung, ib.-advantages possess-
ed by the French academicians, 197,
-Johnson superior in classical au-
thorities to all others, 199-ludicrous
instance of etymologizing, 200-pro-
nunciation; labours of Walker, 201
-inconvenience of two standards
of English, 202-London the metro-
polis of English literature, and Walk-
er's locality gives him advantages,
203-anecdote of Burke and Walk-
er, ib.-Webster vs. Walker, 204-
206-merits of Walker and Jones,

206-Dr. Witherspoon's relation of
the difference between English lite-
rary men's speaking in public and
private, 207-Walker a standard for
public speaking only, ib.-the Scotch
unable to master the distinction be-
tween shall and will, and would and
should, 208-all orthoepists' systems.
of notation incomplete, 210-on the
pronunciation of the vowel u, 211-
Perry's dictionary has given the Scot-
tish pronunciation to the Northern
states, 212-Sheridan and Walker's
pronunciation not new, ib.-the ir-
regularity of our orthography a prin-
cipal cause of the irregularity of our
pronunciation, ib.-they mutually
act upon, and corrupt each other,213
-opinion of Duponceau, 214-ad-
vantages of Worcester's edition, ib.
Esquimaux Indians, Captain Franklin's
observations on, 233-236.

Evans, Colonel De Lacy, his Designs
of Russia, notice of, 509, &c.—dread
of General Jackson and the United
States forming a coalition with Rus-
sia, and aiding the disaffected in Ire:
land, 510.


Franklin, Cantain, hit Expedi-
tion to the shores of the Polar Sea, &c.,
reviewed-215, &c.—advantages to
be derived from a survey of the Po-
lar Sea, 215-218-arrangements of
the expedition, 218-220-construc-
tion of Captain Franklin's boats, 220
-Captain Franklin, Dr. Richardson,
and Lieutenant Back's passage from
Liverpool to Slave lake, 221-gaie-
ty and vivacity of the Canadian voy-
agers, ib.-anecdote of the Copper
Indian chiefs, 222-voyage to Bear
lake, ib.-Richardson left to explore
Slave lake; Back, to prepare a resi-
dence for winter quarters; Franklin
pushes on to the sea, 223-ceremony
on reaching the ocean, ib.-return
to Bear lake, and winter occupations,
224-anecdote of a Dog-rib girl, 225
-infanticide, ib.-interesting anec-
dote of a Dog-rib mother, ib.-
amusements of the party, 226-the
company divides, ib.-attack of the
Esquimaux on Captain Franklin's
party, 227-230-Captain Franklin's
return to Bear lake, 232-Richard-
son and Kendall's expedition, ib.—
Esquimaux, 233-description of

dwelling houses on Atkinson's island,
234 successful return to Bear lake,
236-anecdote of a woman warrior,
237-practicability of a north-west
passage, 238-geological notices,
240-temperature and season, 241-

shallowness of the ocean around the
pole, 242-higher northern than
southern latitudes reached, and the
reason, 242, 243.


Gauss, German mathematician, notice
of, 161.
German Literature, 157-general re-
marks on the devotedness of Ger-
man literary characters, 158-163-
Pestalozzi, 159—Herschel, ib.—Co-
pernicus, Kepler, 160-Luther, Eu-
ler, Kästner, Olbers, Gauss, La Place,
161-Blumenbach, anecdote of, 163
-Heyne, 163-165-Wolf, 165-De
Sacy, 166-Von Hammer, 166, 167,
Pufendorf, Spittler, Heeren, 168—
Schlozer, 169-Von Müller, 169-
171-Heeren, first living historian of
Germany, 171-Schiller, Eichhorn,
172-German Theology, ib.-Schel-
ling and Hegel, 173-Jacobi, 174-
writ of taste and invention, ib.—
Herde, 177-Richter, 177-
Hoffman, 178-Bürger-Stol-
bergs, Voss, Schlegels, Fand, A. W.,
Tieck, 180-Novalis, 181-Schiller,
181-185-Kotzebue, Schulze, Kör-
ner, Mullner, Pichler, and La Mothe
Fouqué, Hardenburg, 186-Goethe,

[ocr errors]

Granville, Dr. A. B. his St. Peters-
burgh. A Journal of Travels to and
from, &c., reviewed, 507, &c.-his
egotism, 507, 508-sleeping in Ger-
many, 511-knowledge of diseases
in Germany, 512-description of St.
Petersburgh, 512-514-character of
the inhabitants, 515-diseases of St.
Petersburgh, 516-Captain Jones's
account of the Russian bath, 516, 517
-winter palace, 517, 518-cookery,
ib.-Captain Jones's description of
the imperial family, 519-Dr. Gran-
ville's, ib.-Colonel Evans's, 520,
521-ball and supper, 522, 523-
drama, 524-music of the Russians,
524, 525-winter markets, 526-
wedding, 527-government, 528-
peasantry of Russia, 529-army, 530
-navy, 531-circulation, 532, 533-
religious denominations, 533-edu-

cation and literature, 534-return to
London through Poland, Silesia, the
Federated States, and France, 535,
536-interview with Goethe, 536-


Guerrero, Vicente, general notice and
commendation of, 94.


Hardenburg, Prince, notice of his his-
tory of his times, 186.

Hare, Julius Charles, his translation
of Niebuhr's Rome, 367, &c. See
Roman History.

Heber, Right Rev. Reginald, D. D.
Narrative of a Journey through the
Upper Provinces of India, &c. by,
reviewed, 115-a singular accident,
the occasion of the settlement in
Bombay, ib.-British dominion pre-
carious and unique, 116-talents and
active virtue of the chief men, in the
administration of India, 117-of all
books on India, Heber's destined to
become most popular, ib.-his vari-
ous qualifications, 118-observations
on American sailors, 119-extract
from diary at sea, 120, 121-transla-
tion of an ode by Koodrut, 121-co-
lour of the natives, 122-the prelate's
first ride on an elephant, 124-Calcut-
ta, ib.-native female schools institut-
ed by Mrs. Wilson, 125-surly national
pride of the English, 126-Suttees,
ib.-old man burning his wife, 127
-idolatries and austerities, 127, 128
-Mussulman Saint, 129-gypsies in
India, ib.-scenery of the Ganges,
130, 131-ascent of the Ganges, 131
-134-cinnamon fields, 135-Be-
nares, 136, 137-British rule not po-
pular in India, 138-equipment on
his journey from Allahabad to Cawn-
poor, 139-Himalaya mountains, 141
-143-tiger hunt, 143-145-murder
of female infants, 148-death of He-
ber, 148, 149-excerpts from his
Narrative, 150-156-his Palestine
and other Poems, reviewed, 271, &c.
-Palestine, analysis of, and extracts
from, 278-282-lines to his wife, 282
-Hymns, 283-286.

Heeren, A. H. L. his notices relating to
German historians, reviewed, 157,

Hegel, German author, notice of, 173.
Herder, German poet, notice of, 174.
Herschel, notice of, 159.

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