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privileges and example which the fol- neither charged with authority nor relowing words describe should be lightly plete with grace. It is not the universal esteemed : "Blessed is the man that and constant practice to have the family heareth me, watching daily at my gates, assembled on the Lord's day for religious waiting at the posts of my doors ;"- instruction-and where this custom is "These all continued in prayer and sup- unknown, it cannot be supposed that plication with the women, and Mary the heads of families will talk with their mother of Jesus, and with his brethren." children of divine things on other days, Many of us must recollect the prac- when they sit in the house and when tice, at no very distant day, in the Se- they walk by the way, and when they lie cession, when, in coming to and going down and when they rise up; nor is it from "the place of the holy," the engross- wonderful that the young, growing up ing subject of discourse was the one untaught, unrestrained, undisciplined, thing needful, and when, to drop an un- should soon become ungovernable-the necessary remark respecting the common prey of soul-destroying opinions, of coraffairs of life, would have been met with rupting society, or of ruinous indulgences the look or tone of indignant rebuke.the means of the temporal ruin of And yet an elder informed us that pious families, and of bringing down the gray conversation on the day of the Lord had hairs of their parents with sorrow to the almost entirely given way to talk on se- grave. cular matters in the congregation to which he belonged-a state of matters which, as indicating disrespect to God's holy day, and the encroachment of a worldly spirit, is too sure an evidence of a low state of piety wherever it prevails: "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

In the year 1841, it was ascertained that there were in the congregations 173 prayer meetings of various kinds, including a goodly number of fellowship meetings. In 1845, it was found that the latter had in some instances gone down, and in others, maintained only a languishing existence. The business and privileges of such meetings, indeed, have too often been committed by the many to the few-the few honoured persons who walk in the steps and inherit the blessing of those of whom it is said,

often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it"-as one who feels an interest in the mention of his own name,-" and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels."

It is apprehended that the duty of family worship, though by many performed, may by some be neglected, and on the part of others not made that regular, devout, and cheerful service which it ought to be. If genuine religion exist" Then they that feared the Lord spake at all, it must chiefly operate in the domestic circle, as in the discharge of mutual duty, and in the manifestation of christian tempers, so also in that habitual social acknowledgment of God which nature itself might teach us, and which, were there not the examples of Job, and Abraham, and Joshua, and David, and Cornelius, and our Lord, would receive sufficient explanation and sanction from two sentences of the sacred volume: "The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous;""Pour out thy fury on the families that call not upon thy name."

Parental instruction and government cannot surely be in very efficient operation, when so many of the young are unwilling to come to the help of the Lord against the mighty-when so much requires to be done for them by others than parents themselves, and when there is confessedly so much ignorance in the land. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it:" "Ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord," are words which appear to some parents

The growing interest in Missions is one of the most pleasing features of our time. To all who are engaged in this cause, let us apply the apostolic counsel and encouragement, "Be ye stedfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." All irreligious works are in vain-no christian service is lost. As regards pecuniary contributions for this object, for the support of the gospel, and for the relief of the poor, it would be well for us to study the example of the people who "brought too much" for the service of the tabernacle, and who had to be" restrained" (Ex. xxxv. xxxvi.), -the example of the Macedonian churches (2 Cor. viii. 1-5), and, above all, the example of the Saviour (2 Cor. viii. 9). "I will

give liberally," says Nevins. "When I have ascertained what justice requires me to give, I will add a little to my donation out of generosity. And when I have counted out what justice requires, and what generosity of her free will offers, then I will think of him who, though he was rich, for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich; and I say not that I will add a little more, but how can I keep back any thing?

'Were the whole realm of nature mine,

That were at present far too small : Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul, my life, my all.'"

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There were, of course, no reports on the personal exercises of religion. It is the prerogative of Omniscience to discern what is done in the "closet," " under Arbroath. This presbytery met at Arthe fig-tree," in the heart. But where broath on the 7th of October, when the these are regularly and cordially attended Rev. Henry Hyslop was appointed moto, there must be visible effects-holi- derator for the next twelve months. A ness, diligence, wisdom, and success. moderation was granted to the congreThey are also to the individual the evi- gation of Carnoustie, to take place on dence of christian character: for "there the 23d current, Mr Eckford to preside. is scarce any trial of uprightness more In conformity with interim regulations sure and undeceiving than a general adopted by the Synod at its last meeting, relish for, and constant application to, a standing committee of presbytery on the unseen parts of religion." All good missionary affairs was appointed, conmen-in every age, and under every sisting of four ministers and two elders; variety of circumstances-Abraham the namely, Messrs Eckford, Sorley, Murray, master, and Eliezer the servant-David and Hay, with Messrs John Lumgair the shepherd, the outcast, the king- and John Garie, elders; Mr Sorley, conMoses, and Aaron among his priests-vener. The presbytery held a special Peter on the house top-Paul in the meeting at Brechin on the 10th of prison, by the sea-shore, in the ship-November, when the name of the late and even Jonah in "the belly of the fish" Rev. James Renwick, who had been -have been the generation that sought removed by death on the 22d of October, God's face. "The prayers of all saints!" was dropt from the roll of presbytery. A So, while "a neglected bible is too sure unanimous call from the congregation a sign of an unsanctified heart,"-while of Carnoustie to Mr James Cursiter, rather " than come to its holy light, the preacher, was sustained; and the clerk ungodly man retires into the shades of instructed to intimate the same to Mr guilty ignorance," they are noble in the Cursiter. The condition of the congreeye of God who search the scriptures gation of Muirton, now vacant by the daily-they are blessed whose delight death of their pastor, Mr Renwick, and is in his law. If we would belong to the very destitute circumstances in which the generation of the righteous, and be Mr Renwick's family were left, occupied fitted for, and prospered in all other a good deal of the attention of the memduties if we would not live in vain, bers of presbytery at this meeting, and and fail of praise from God when the such measures adopted as seemed best secrets of all hearts shall be revealed-fitted to meet their necessities. A plan let us daily commune with our own hearts, and cultivate fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

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of presbyterial visitations was considered and adopted; to be carried into effect by committees of presbytery, with a view to the excitement and general benefit of the congregations under their inspection. At an ordinary meeting of presbytery,held at Arbroath on the 6th of January, a letter was received from Mr Cursiter, declining the call to Carnoustie; in consequence of which, the call was laid

aside. Mr Rankin was appointed to Entered on consideration of Mr M'Lelpreside in the moderation of a call in lan's demission of his pastoral charge, the congregation of Muirton, on the 22d which was tabled at last meeting of current. Certificates were received of presbytery, in consequence of his having the transference of two students of theo-received and accepted of an appointment logy to this presbytery; and subjects of to proceed as a missionary to New South discourse, for their improvement, were Wales. After reading a memorial from assigned to them. Inquiry was made, the congregation of Braehead, expressaccording to appointment of Synod, ing regret at the prospect of losing the whether or not the congregations of the services of their pastor, hearing Mr presbytery had made the annual collec- M‘Lellan and the commissioners from tion for the Synod's general fund; and the congregation, the presbytery having measures were taken to have it made deliberately considered the case, prowithout delay, in any of the congregations ceeded to give judgment, when it was which might have omitted it. It was agreed to accept of the demission, and recommended to all the congregations of loose Mr M'Lellan from his charge. In the presbytery, to make some contribu- accepting their brother's demission, the tion on behalf of the family of the late presbytery agreed to express in the Mr Renwick. Appointed a special meet-minutes their unfeigned regret, that Mr ing of presbytery to be held at Montrose M'Lellan should have seen it to be his on the 3d of February, to receive the report of the moderation at Muirton, and hear the discourses of the students; and next ordinary meeting to be held at Arbroath on the 7th of April.

Perth-This presbytery met Nov. 4, and the meeting was opened with prayer and an address by the Rev. Dr Jameson. The presbytery sustained a call to Mr James Cursiter from the congregation of Comrie, and appointed his trials for ordination; and also a call from the congregation of Methven to Mr Robert M'Laurin, and appointed his trials for ordination. Appointed also trials for licence to Mr John Buick, student in divinity. Granted a moderation to the congregation of Pitrodie, and appointed Mr Lamb to preside in it, on the 3d of December; and a part of Mr Scott's congregation, Leslie, having applied for sermon in connexion with the Synod, the presbytery agreed to grant it, and appointed accordingly. The presbytery met again on the 13th of January, and sustained a call to Mr William Cowan from the congregation of Pitrodie, and appointed his trials for ordination. Mr Buick delivered two of his discourses for license, which were approved and sustained; and queries addressed to sessions respecting the state of religion in congregations within the bounds of the presbytery, prepared by a committee appointed by the presbytery, were directed to be printed, transmitted to sessions, and answers appointed to be returned before the 1st of March next.

duty to resign a charge which, for twelve years, he had filled with so much useful. ness to the church, credit to himself, and comfort to all his brethren; and to state that they had accepted his resignation only from the consideration, that he had been specially invited by the board on missions to enter upon a very important sphere of labour abroad, and had cordially complied with the invitation, and that it only remained for them to give effect to the arrangement entered into between the board and him, and commend him to the grace of God, in reference to the great work to which he had devoted himself. The moderator and clerk were appointed to prepare a certificate for Mr M'Lellan, and furnish him with it.-The presbytery met again, on January 6, 1846. After the usual preliminary business, it was intimated from the chair, that it had pleased God to remove suddenly by death, since last meeting, the Rev. William Fleming, the respected and venerable father of the presbytery, who had laboured in his master's service faithfully and usefully, for the long period of rather more than forty-seven years in the congregation of West Calder. The presbytery cannot allow the name of their highly respected and esteemed father to drop from their roll without expressing their deep sympathy with the congregation, who have lost such a faithful and able pastor, and with the family who have been bereaved of such an affectionate and tender relative; nor without recording, at Lanark. This presbytery met No- the same time, their strong sense of the loss vember 18-the Rev. David Smith, which they themselves have sustained, moderator. Heard Mr Russell, student, in the removal of one who, both as a deliver a discourse on John vii. 37, minister and member of presbytery, in which was received with approbation. his ministerial intercourse and ecclesi

astical business, had by his piety, wisdom, amiableness, and good sense, commended and endeared himself to all his brethren."

the 3rd December, for the ordination of Mr J. B. Ritchie, as pastor of the Charlotte Street Congregation, Aberdeen. The father of Mr Ritchie, Dr Stewartfield.-At the meeting of the Ritchie of Edinburgh, according to represbytery of Stewartfield in December, quest which had been made to him by examinators of the students of divinity the presbytery, preached the ordination in the presbytery were appointed. It sermon; and took for his text, Eph. ii. was stated that all the congregations in 17. Mr Paterson of Midmar narrated the presbytery had made the appointed the previous steps, proposed the questions collection for the general fund of the of the formula, and offered the ordinaSynod, or had made arrangements for tion prayer; and suitable addresses were making it very soon. It was stated by made to the newly ordained pastor by the clerk that he had made another Mr M'Intosh of Shiels; and the people, attempt to obtain a located missionary by Mr Sedgewick of Aberdeen. Mr for Gardiner and Penman, which was Ritchie received a most cordial welcome approved of. The Rev. Adam Lind, from the congregation, amid the best Wm. Balfour, and P. Landreth, Mr wishes of his brethren for his comfort Lind, convener, were appointed a com- and success. The congregation held a mittee to superintend the missionary social meeting in the evening, when stations, and report their state occa- the place of meeting, the church, was sionally to the presbytery. As the filled; and addresses on subjects of result of a friendly conversation, re- present interest were delivered by Dr specting the best means of reviving the Ritchie, Mr Landreth from the presinterests of religion in the different bytery of Stewartfield, Mr Callander congregations in the presbytery, the from the same presbytery, and other Rev. J. Hunter, J. Callander, and D. speakers. Allison, with their respective presbytery elders, were appointed a committee to draw out a plan for this purpose, and lay it before the presbytery at next meeting for consideration, the Rev. J. Hunter, convener. A letter signed by George Gordon, jun., long suspended from church privileges, was presented and read, praying the presbytery to take his case into consideration, with the view of restoring him to the communion of the church, and solemnly denying the charges which had been brought against him, when it was agreed that the presbytery had received no new information on the subject, and, therefore, were not in circumstances to warrant them to resume the consideration of it, or to enable them to bring it to a satisfactory termination; but, at his request, instructed the clerk to give him a certified statement of his situation, in reference to church communion, as far as the presbytery are concerned. Was pre-first Sabbath of February. The moderasented and read, a statement from the congregation of New Leeds, showing that they had raised, for paying off debt, the amount required of them to entitle them to the aid promised by the board of the Synod's new fund, when the clerk was instructed to attest to that board accordingly. The Rev. P. Landreth was appointed moderator, the time of next meeting appointed, and all, as usual, concluded with prayer.

Aberdeen. This presbytery met on

Cupar Presbytery.-This presbytery met on January 6-Dr Taylor moderator. The Rev. Drs Heugh and Beattie, of the presbytery of Glasgow; the Rev. Joseph Brown, of the presbytery of Edinburgh, and the Rev. Mr Burnet, of the Relief presbytery of Dysart, being present, were invited to correspond. After some routine business, Dr Beattie stated, that he appeared, along with Mr David Anderson, as commissioner from the presbytery of Glasgow, to lay on the table a call from Regent Place congregation to the Rev. Mr Taylor of St Andrews, to be colleague and successor to the Rev. Dr Heugh. The call, and other documents connected therewith, were read, and put into Mr Taylor's hands; and Mr Rankine was appointed to preach at St Andrews on Sabbath first, and summon the congregation to appear, for their interests, at the next meeting, which was appointed to be held at Cupar on the Tuesday after the

tor, as convener of the standing committee on missions, reported, that he had not received answers to the queries sanctioned at last meeting from more than one-half of the sessions, and he was instructed to apply to the sessions who had not yet reported, to furnish answers in writing, without fail, before the next meeting of presbytery.

Selkirk. This presbytery met at Melrose on Tuesday the 6th of January. Mr Thomson was chosen moderator for


the ensuing year, and took his seat accordingly. Mr Jackson delivered his remaining trials, which were unanimously sus- Auchtermuchty, First Congregation.-tained, and he was, in due form, licensed The new place of worship belonging to to preach the gospel; and the clerk was this congregation was opened on Sabbath, instructed to report his license to the 4th January, Dr Taylor preaching in the committee of distribution. Mr Ballan- forenoon, and the Rev. Mr Johnston of tyne also delivered a discourse, which was Limekilns in the afternoon and evening. approved of, and he was encouraged to The building in which the congregation prosecute his studies. The clerk reported formerly assembled was erected in 1750, that, in answer to his communications on and, though repeatedly altered and imthe subject, the congregations of Hawick proved, never made any pretensions to and Lilliesleaf had reported that they had elegance, and was not at all commodious. collected for the synod fund, in obedience The present fabric has a handsome Gothic to the injunctions of synod. At his re- front, is a good deal enlarged, and, in its quest, Mr Cameron, student, of the fourth internal structure, partakes of the imyear, was transferred to the presbytery of provements of the day. The debt occaEdinburgh, within whose bounds he is at sioned by the erection will not be conpresent residing. The presbytery re-siderable, as the congregation have made sumed consideration of Mr Robson's a liberal subscription, and been generousmotion, and, after a lengthened conver-ly aided by a number of friends, chiefly sation, agreed, that it could not be adopt-in the neighbourhood, many of whom, ed in its present form, and appointed not connected with the Secession church, Messrs Williamson, Nicol, and Thomson, have both contributed money and rento take the matter into consideration, and report; Mr Nicol to be convener. Enjoined Messrs Douglas, Riddel, Stewart, and Wyllie, to appear at the next meeting, to deliver their discourses. The next meeting of presbytery is to be at Selkirk, on Tuesday the 10th of March.

Stirling and Falkirk.-The Presbytery met at Stirling on the 13th of January. Mr Alexander Wallace having declined the call from Avonbridge, and a petition having been this day presented by the congregation for another moderation, the presbytery appointed it to take place on the 13th of February, Mr Edmond to preside, and Mr M'Farlane to assist. Agreed that the students of divinity under the charge of the presbytery be examined at next meeting on Church History, first three centuries, and, at the meeting immediately preceding the session of the Hall, on the Socinian Controversy,-Mr Smith to conduct the former examination, Mr M'Dowall the latter; with a view to which the students were to read M'Gee on the Atonement, Smith's Scripture Testimony, and Wardlaw's Discourses on the principal points of the controversy. Mr John Kidd delivered part of his trials for license. The committee, appointed for the purpose, reported that they had prepared and circulated a statement on practical religion, and their diligence in the matter was approved. The presbytery disposed of some cases of reference and appeal from sessions, and appointed their next meeting to be held at Falkirk on the 10th of March.


dered valuable assistance by the carriage of building-materials. On Monday, 5th January, a congregational soiree was held, in which the Rev. Messrs Wise, Stevenson, and Ferries, Auchtermuchty; Johnston, Limekilns; Mackelvie, Balgedie; and Brown, Dalkeith, took part. All the speeches were on subjects of a serious nature, and were exceedingly interesting, to a large and respectable audience. The collection at the opening, and the proceeds of the soiree, amounted to upwards of L.48.-The congregation being one of the oldest in the district, has frequently given off sections of its members to others which have from time to time been erected in the vicinity; but the population having increased, it has suffered no permanent diminution of its numbers; and if, in consequence of a more enlightened and equitable system of commercial legislation and the construction of railways in the neighbourhood, the trade of the place shall become less depressed than it has generally been of late, there is a reasonable prospect that, under the Divine blessing, this portion of the church may continue to enjoy a moderate degree of prosperity. As voluntaryism has now given so decided a complexion to the United Se.. cession, it seems not impertinent to remark, that the germ of it may be said to have originated in this congregation; its venerated pastor, the Rev. John Fraser, A.M., having introduced into the Associate Synod, in 1795, his famous overture anent the power of the civil magistrate in matters of religion; the


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