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contest, for such the conference proved of Capernaum, The flesh profiteth noto be.

thing, rejected by those very words the oral manducation of his body.


Therefore he did not establish it at the institution of his supper.'

"Luther. I deny the minor (the second of these propositions): Christ has not rejected all oral manducation, but only a material manducation, like that of the flesh of oxen or of swine.'

"Ecolampadius.-There is danger in attributing too much to mere matter.'

"On Saturday morning (2d October), the landgrave took his seat in the hall, surrounded by his court, but so plainly dressed that no one would have taken him for a prince. He wished to avoid the appearance of playing the part of a Constantine in the affairs of the church. Before him was a table, which Luther, Zwingle, Melancthon, and Ecolampadius approached. Luther, taking a piece of chalk, bent over the velvet cloth which "Luther. Every thing that God covered it, and steadily wrote four words commands becomes spirit and life. If it in large characters. All eyes followed is by the Lord's order that we lift up a the movement of his hand, and soon straw, in that very action we perform a they read, Hoc est corpus meum. Lu- spiritual work. We must pay attention ther wished to have this declaration to him who speaks, and not to what he continually before him, that it might says. God speaks: men, worms, listen! strengthen his faith, and be a sign to his God commands: let the world obey! adversaries. and let us all together fall down and humbly kiss the word.'

"The landgrave's chancellor, John Fege, having reminded them, in the prince's name, that the object of this colloquy was the re-establishment of union, 'I protest,' said Luther, that I differ from my adversaries with regard to the doctrine of the Lord's Supper, and that I shall always differ from them. Christ has said, this is my body. Let them show me that a body is not a body. I reject reason, common sense, carnal arguments, and mathematical proofs. God is above mathematics. We have the Word of God; we must adore it, and perform it!'

"It cannot be denied,' said Ecolampadius, that there are figures of speech in the Word of God; John is Elias, the rock was Christ, I am the vine. The expression, This is my body, is a figure of the same kind.' Luther granted that there were figures in the Bible, but he denied that this last expression was figurative. "All the various parties, however, of which the christian church is composed, see a figure in these words. In fact, the Romanists declare that This is my body signifies not only my body,' but also my blood,' 'my soul,' and even my divinity,' and, Christ wholly.' These words, therefore, according to Rome, are a synecdoche, a figure by which a part is taken for the whole. And as regards the Lutherans, the figure is still more evident. Whether it be synecdoche, metaphor, or metonymy, there is still a figure.

"In order to prove it, Ecolampadius employed this syllogism :

What Christ rejected, in the sixth chapter of St John, he could not admit in the words of the Eucharist.

"Now Christ, who said to the people


Ecolampadius. But since we have the spiritual eating, what need of the bodily one?'

"Luther. "I do not ask what need we have of it; but I see it written, Eat, this is my body. We must, therefore, believe and do. We must do we must do!-If God should order me to eat dung I would do it, with the assurance that it would be salutary.'

"At this point Zwingle interfered in the discussion. We must explain scripture by scripture,' said he. We cannot admit two kinds of corporeal manducation, as if Jesus had spoken of eating and the Capernaites of tearing in pieces, for the same word is employed in both cases. Jesus says, that to eat his flesh corporeally profiteth nothing (John vi. 63); whence it would result that he had given us in the Supper a thing that would be useless to us. Besides, there are certain words that seem to me rather childish,—the dung, for instance. The oracles of the demons were obscure, not so are those of Jesus Christ.'

"Luther. When Christ says the flesh profiteth nothing, he speaks not of his own flesh, but of ours.'

"Zwingle. The soul is fed with the spirit, and not with the flesh.'

"Luther. It is with the mouth that we eat the body; the soul does not eat it.' "Zwingle. Christ's body is therefore a corporeal nourishment, and not a spiritual." "Luther. You are captious.' "Zwingle. Not so; but you utter contradictory things.'

"Luther. If God should present me wild apples, I should eat them spiritually.

In the Eucharist the mouth receives the | could not again be calmed. The prince
body of Christ, and the soul believes in therefore arose, and they all repaired to
his words.'
the banqueting hall. After dinner they
resumed their tasks.

"Zwingle then quoted a great number of passages from the holy scripture, in which the sign is described by the very thing signified; and thence concluded that, considering our Lord's declaration in St John, the flesh profiteth nothing, we must explain the words of the Eucharist, in a similar manner.

"Luther was, however, by no means shaken. This is my body,' repeated he, pointing with his finger to the words written before him. This is my body. The devil himself shall not drive me from that. To seek to understand it, is to fall away from the faith.'

"But, doctor,' said Zwingle, St John explains how Christ's body is eaten, and you will be obliged at last to leave off always singing the same song.'

"You make use of unmannerly expressions,' replied Luther. "The Wittembergers themselves called Zwingle's argument his old song.' Zwingle continued without being disconcerted: I ask you, doctor, whether Christ, in the sixth chapter of St John, did not wish to reply to the question that had been put to him?'

“ Luther.—“ Mr Zwingle, you wish to stop my mouth by the arrogancy of your language. That passage has nothing to do here.'

"Zwingle, hastily.- Pardon me, doctor, that passage breaks your neck. "Luther. Do not boast so much! You are in Hesse, and not in Switzerland. In this country we do not break people's necks.'

"Then turning towards his friends, Luther complained bitterly of Zwingle; as if the latter had really wished to break his neck. He makes use of soldier-like and blood-stained words,' said he. Luther forgot that he had employed a similar expression in speaking of Carlstadt.

"Zwingle resumed. In Switzerland, also, there is strict justice, and we break no man's neck without trial. That expression signifes merely that your cause is lost and hopeless.'


"I believe,' said Luther, that Christ's body is in heaven, but I also believe that it is in the sacrament. It concerns me little whether that be against nature, provided that it is not against faith. Christ is substantially in the sacrament, such as he was born of the Virgin.'

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Ecolampadius, quoting a passage from St Paul: We know not Jesus Christ after the flesh.'

"Luther. After the flesh means, in this passage, after our carnal affections.' "Ecolampadius. You will not allow that there is a metaphor in these words, This is my body, and yet you admit a synecdoche.'

"Luther. Metaphor permits the existence of a sign only; but it is not so with synecdoche. If a man says he wishes to drink a bottle, we understand that he means the beer in the bottle. Christ's body is in the bread, as a sword in the scabbard, or as the Holy Ghost in the dove.'

"When Zwingle saw that exegesis was not sufficient for Luther, he added dogmatical theology to it, and subsidiarily natural philosophy.

"I oppose you,' said he, with this article of our faith: Ascendit in cœlum-he ascended into heaven. If Christ is in heaven, as regards his body, how can he be in the bread? The word of God teaches us that he was like his brethren in all things (Heb. ii. 17). He, therefore, cannot be in several places at once.'

"Luther. Were I desirous of reasoning thus, I would undertake to prove that Jesus Christ had a wife, that he had black eyes, and lived in our good country of Germany. I care little about mathematics.'

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"There is no question of mathematics here,' said Zwingle, but of St Paul, who writes to the Philippians, μg δουλου λαβὼν.

"Luther, interrupting him.-Read it to us in Latin, or in German, not in Greek.'

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"Great agitation prevailed in the Knight's Hall. The roughness of the Swiss and the obstinacy of the Saxon "Zwingle (in Latin). Pardon me : had come into collision. The land- for twelve years past I have made use of grave, fearing to behold the failure the Greek Testament only.' Then conof his project of conciliation, nodded tinuing to read the passage, he concluded assent to Zwingle's explanation. Doc- from it that Christ's humanity is of a tor,' said he to Luther, you should finite nature like our own. not be offended at such common expres- "Luther, pointing to the words written sions. It was in vain: the agitated sea before him. Most dear Sirs, since my

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Lord Jesus Christ says, Hoc est corpus | head which had been so bold, and gazing meum, I believe that his body is really with calm eye upon the trickling blood, exclaims, What evil is this. They can indeed kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul !' These were his last words.

"Here the scene grew animated. "Zwingle started from his chair, sprung towards Luther, and, striking the table before him, said to him:

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"You maintain then, doctor, that Christ's body is locally in the Eucharist; for you say Christ's body is really there there there' repeated Zwingle. There is an adverb of place. Christ's body is then of such a nature as to exist in a place. If it is in a place, it is in heaven, whence it follows that it is not in the bread.'

"He had scarcely uttered them ere he fell backwards. There, under a tree (Zwingle's pear-tree) in a meadow, he remained lying on his back, with clasped hands, and eyes upturned to heaven.

"While the bravest were pursuing the scattered soldiers of Zurich, the stragglers of the five cantons had pounced like hungry ravens on the field of battle. Torch in hand, these wretches prowled among the dead, casting looks of irritation around them, and lighting up the features of their expiring victims by the dull glimmering of these funereal torches. They turned over the bodies of the wounded and the dead; they tortured

"Luther. I repeat that I have nothing to do with mathematical proofs. As soon as the words of consecration are pronounced over the bread, the body is there, however wicked be the priest who pronounces them.' Zwingle. You are thus re-estab-and they stripped them. If they found lishing popery.'

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"Luther. This is not done through the priest's merits, but because of Christ's ordinance. I will not, when Christ's body is in question, hear speak of a particular place. I absolutely will not.


Zwingle.-Must every thing, then, exist precisely as you will it ??

"The Landgrave perceived that the discussion was growing hot; and as the repast was waiting, he broke off the


The battle of Cappel, with its details, and the historian's reflections, is told so well, that we cannot find it in our heart to complain of the somewhat disproportionate space which it fills in the volume. The following is the scene of Zwingle's death :—

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any who were still sensible, they cried out, 'Call upon the saints, and confess to our priests. If the Zurichers, faithful to their creed, rejected these cruel invitations, these men, who were as cowardly as they were fanatical, pierced them with their lances, or dashed out their brains with the butt-ends of their arquebuses. The Roman Catholic historian, Salat of Lucerne, makes a boast of this. They were left to die like infidel dogs, or were slain with the sword or the spear, that they might go so much the quicker to the devil, with whose help they had fought so desperately.' If any of the soldiers of the Five Cantons recognised a Zuricher against whom they ful mouth, and features changed by had any grudge, with dry eyes, disdainanger, they drew near the unhappy "Zwingle was at the post of danger, creature, writhing in the agonies of the helmet on his head, the sword hang- death, and said-Well! has your hereing at his side, the battle-axe in his hand. tical faith preserved you? Ah ha! it Scarcely had the action begun, when, was pretty clearly seen to-day who had stooping to console a dying man, says the true faith. To-day we have J. J. Hottinger, a stone hurled by the dragged your gospel in the mud, and vigorous arm of a Waldstette struck him you too, even you are covered with your on the head, and closed his lips. Yet own blood. God, the Virgin, and the Zwingle arose, when two other blows, saints have punished you.' Scarcely which struck him successively on the had they uttered these words before leg, threw him down again. Twice they plunged their swords into their more he stands up; but a fourth time enemy's bosom. 'Mass or death!' was he receives a thrust from a lance-he their watchword. staggers, and sinking beneath so many "Thus triumphed the Waldstettes; wounds, falls on his knees.-Does not but the pious Zurichers who expired on the darkness that is spreading around the field of battle called to mind that him announce a still thicker darkness they had for God one who has said-'If that is about to cover the church? ye endure chastening, God dealeth with Zwingle turns away from such sad you as with sons; for what son is he thoughts—once more he uplifts that whom the father chasteneth not?'

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Though he slay me, yet will I trust in stinate heretic!' Yielding under this him.' It is in the furnace of trial that last blow, the reformer gave up the the God of the gospel conceals the pure ghost; he was doomed to perish by the gold of his most precious blessings. sword of a mercenary. Precious in This punishment was necessary to turn the sight of the Lord is the death of his aside the Church of Zurich from the saints. The soldiers ran to other victims. broad ways' of the world, and lead it All did not show the same barbarity. back to the 'narrow ways' of the Spirit The night was cold; a thick hoar-frost and the life. In a political history, a covered the fields and the bodies of the defeat like that of Cappel would be styled dying. The protestant historian, Bulla great misfortune; but in a history of inger, informs us, that some Waldstettes the church of Jesus Christ, such a blow, gently raised the wounded in their arms, inflicted by the hand of the Father him- bound up their wounds, and carried them self, ought rather to be called a great to the fires lighted on the field of battle. blessing. "Ah!' cried they, why have the Swiss thus slaughtered one another!'

"Meanwhile Zwingle lay extended under the tree, near the road by which the mass of the people was passing. The shouts of the victors, the groans of the dying, those flickering torches borne from corpse to corpse, Zurich humbled, the cause of Reform lost-all cried aloud to him that God punishes his servants when they have recourse to the arm of man. If the German reformer had been able to approach Zwingle at this solemn moment, and pronounce these oft-repeated words Christians, fight not with sword and arquebus, but with sufferings, and with the cross,' Zwingle would have stretched out his dying hand, and said, 'Amen!'

The main body of the army had remained on the field of battle near the standards. The soldiers conversed around the fires, interrupted, from time to time, by the cries of the dying. During this time the chiefs assembled in the convent, sent messengers to carry the news of their signal victory to the confederate cantons, and to the Roman Catholic powers of Germany.


"At length the day appeared. The Waldstettes spread over the field of battle, running here and there, stopping, contemplating-struck with surprise at the sight of their most formidable enemies, stretched lifeless on the plain; "Two of the soldiers who were prowl- sometimes also shedding tears as they ing over the field of battle, having come gazed on corpses which reminded them near the reformer, without recognising of old and sacred ties of friendship. At him, 'Do you wish for a priest to confess length they reached the pear tree under yourself?' asked they. Zwingle, with- which Zwingle lay dead, and an immense out speaking (for he had not strength), crowd collected around it. His countemade signs in the negative. If you nance still beamed with expression and cannot speak,' replied the soldiers, at with life. 'He has the look,' said Barleast think in thy heart of the mother tholomew Stocker, of Zug, who had of God, and call upon the saints!' loved him, he has the look of a living Zwingle again shook his head, and kept rather than of a dead man. Such he his eyes still fixed on heaven. Upon this was when he kindled the people by the the irritated soldiers began to curse him. fire of his eloquence.' All eyes were No doubt,' said they, you are one of fixed upon the corpse. John Schönbrun the heretics of the city!" One of them, ner, formerly canon of Zurich, who had being curious to know who it was, retired to Zug at the epoch of the Restooped down, and turned Zwingle's formation, could not restrain his tears. head in the direction of a fire that had Whatever may have been thy creed,' been lighted near the spot. The soldier said he, 'I know, Zwingle, that thou has immediately let him fall to the ground. been a loyal confederate! May thy soul "I think,' said he, surprised and amazed, rest with God!' "I think it is Zwingle!' At this moBut the pensioners of the foreigner, on ment Captain Fockinger of Unterwal- whom Zwingle had never ceased to make walden, a veteran and a pensioner, drew war, required that the body of the henear; he had heard the last words of retic should be dismembered, and a porthe soldier. Zwingle!' exclaimed he; tion sent to each of the five cantons. "that vile heretic, Zwingle! that rascal! Peace be to the dead, and God alone that traitor!' Then raising his sword, be their judge!' exclained the avoyer so long sold to the stranger, he struck Golder, and the landamman Thoss of the dying Christian on the throat, ex-Zug. Cries of fury answered their apclaiming, in a violent passion, 'Die, ob- peal, and compelled them to retire.

of our church, after very ample discussion, had pronounced its judgment, and which it was to be hoped no new appearance on the subject should soon occur to disturb. Difficult as the attempt was in the circumstances of the case to under

Immediately the drums beat to muster; the dead body was tried, and it was decreed that it should be quartered for treason against the confederation, and then burnt for heresy. The executioner of Lucerne carried out the sentence. Flames consumed Zwingle's take such a work without creating undisjointed members; the ashes of swine were mingled with his, and a lawless multitude rushing upon his remains, flung them to the four winds of heaven."

easiness, Mr R. has done well in keeping for the most part to the promise of the title. What the book professes to be it is a history. A considerable portion of it is documentary, containing in exact terms the decisions of the Synod, and Dr D'A. abounds in citations. He is other papers connected with the discussomewhat characteristic in his mode of sion. Fairness and fidelity were indisadducing them, neither quoting in full, pensable requirements for the successful nor simply referring to his authorities by execution of this task. The praise of name. Citations so very laconic, as his exemplifying these qualities in the selecgenerally are, do not always serve the tion of his materials, cannot, we think, purpose for which they are adduced; be denied to Mr K. by any impartial seeing that the true import of a clause judge. His own remarks are frequently depends so much on the bearing of the no more than connective; and though context. Sometimes, too, he gives his it is sufficiently plain in which direction authorities in due form, for matters which he might venture to stake on his credit as a narrator, as, when he certifies the historical fact, that, at the opening of the diet of Augsburg, Charles V. went to the town-hall in his carriage.

The new edition of the first three volumes, by Messrs Oliver & Boyd, is in duodecimo. We somewhat regret that the enterprising publishers should not have thought of bringing them out in a uniform size with the fourth volume. It is, however, executed in a superior style, both as to paper and typography, and having the rare recommendation of a preface by Dr D'A., intimating, that "this edition has been carefully revised and corrected" by himself, that it might "become a standard edition in Great Britain," its claims, we should suppose, are such as are likely to distance all competitors.



his views incline, and that decidedly, still he avoids discussion, and all language calculated to wound and irritate. Having finished the history of the controversy in the United Synod, Mr R. follows it up with a chapter on the opinions of Usher, Davenant, Amyraut, and Baxter. This was perhaps uncalled for in a work which is not a history of atonement controversies in general, but of "the Atonement Controversy in connexion with the Secession Church." The notices, too, are generally very brief, of Amyraut and Testard, for example, Farther explanation would have been desirable, if anything was to be said at all, and a little more upon their case would have sufficed to show that if a

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cry of heresy" was raised, there was in this nothing surprising It is other. wise, however, with respect to Mr Robertson's account of the "Marrow controversy," which he could not without serious omission have overlooked, in

the execution of his plan; for though it agitated the General Assembly years be fore the rise of the Secession, yet the men who, at an after period, left the national communion, had been deeply interested parties in the doctrinal discussions of Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Sons. the day, as their writings abundantly WE certainly were not among those who testify, which are imbued with the "Marwelcomed the prospectus of Mr Robert-row" spirit, and moulded by those views son's History; for though we well knew the ability of the author, and had no reason to distrust the competency of his information on the various matters which were embraced in his plan, we had our misgivings as to the wisdom of keeping alive the question on which the Synod

of the doctrines of grace, and by many of those modes of phraseology, for which the "brethren" were called to contend and to suffer. To this part of the subject the author has evidently paid much attention, and his clear statement of it will be found highly interesting, although

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