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necessarily very concise on some points, such as the views of saving faith held by divines of the Marrow school, which would require a fuller illustration.

As a record of results Mr Robertson's volume is extremely useful. From the excellent arrangement, reference may be made without difficulty to any of the leading facts and decisions in the various discussions on the subject in which our church has been engaged.


genius, and briefly analyzes some of the speculations of that extraordinary man. The present controversy in the Scottish Episcopal church, which has already issued in the secession of several of its ministers, is examined with some minuteness, in an article on Mr Drummond's correspondence with Bishop Terrot, and other productions on the same question. The writer shows up the Puseyite cha racter of our northern episcopacy, and the narrow-minded rigidity of its canons ; but rather leads us to regret that men of Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy. Mr Drummond's sentiments should conTHE North British claimed from the nect themselves with such a church, than first, and by general consent, had very proves that it was an unexpected thing early accorded to it, a foremost place for the bishops to busy themselves in among the leading journals of the day. maintaining its paltry rules of discipline Every number affords additional evi- and order. Every class of readers of dence, that both the claim and the re- the North British will peruse with pleacognition of it, rest on the best grounds. sure the articles on Anderson's Annals If we have allowed several numbers to of the English Bible, and on the principass unnoticed, assuredly it has not been ples of Toleration in relation to Free owing to any disappointment with the church sites. In the latter the writer work. In the department of general lite- makes a half apology for introducing a rature, its articles may be less piquant Free church question. This modesty than some which the older quarterlies was scarcely called for, as the subject is ean boast of; but for sound information one of general concernment, and as the on public questions-for the mastery Review, though in the hands of members which characterises its scientific papers of the Free church, has shown no dis-and for the decidedly christian tone position to assume the character, or to with which many of its articles are per- serve the purposes of a party organ. vaded, we hold the North British Review" The war on the Sutlej" is in a someto be a public boon, and deserving of what too congratulatory a strain for our the utmost encouragement from all the anti-martial taste. enlightened friends of liberal and sanctified knowledge. There is on the whole less variety of subjects of a generally instructive character in this, than in some of the preceding numbers, but all are written with ability, and sustain the reputation of the work. The first on the history of domesticated animals, combats the theory, that their domestication was coeval with the Creator's grant to man of dominion over the creatures, and maintains as "the more natural conclusion from a general view of the subject, that the human race having been formed with a perfect, or, at least, a lofty intelligence, should have availed itself, from time to time, according to the exigencies, condition, and the actual productions of clime and country, of such natural productions, whether animal or vegetable, bas its state required." Dealing mainly with facts, the argument keeps up the reader's attention; the style is lively inclining far enough in some passages to a vein of light humour. The second for Liebnitz is for a particular class, and that not a large one. It breathes a profound reverence for the metaphysical

AL MAGAZINE. Nos. 1-5.

London: Jackson & Walford.
We have long regarded the Congrega-
tional Magazine as one of the ablest of
our religious journals, and as reflecting
high credit on the talents of its con-
ductor, the Rev. Mr Blackburn. It has
lately passed into other hands-for what
reason we know not; and along with
the change of editorship, we observe
there is also a change of plan. The Con-
gregational Magazine, under its new
name, now aspires to a higher walk, espe-
cially in the department of sacred criti-
cism. And what it aims at it attains. Its
articles are varied-are written with
sustained vigour and indicate at once
the original information, and the ability
of the writers. However well pleased
before, we rejoice in the enlargement
that has taken place, as supplying a va-
luable addition to our means of biblical
study, and a new proof of the internal
resources of talent and of literature,
which the Congregational body have at
their command.


A DOCTRINAL, EXPERIMENTAL, and of the wondrous love of God in giving PRACTICAL TREATISE on EFFECTUAL his Son to die as a propitiation for their CALLING. BY JAMES FOOTE, A.M., sins, together with all the humbling, Minister of the East Free Church, awakening, and encouraging considera Aberdeen, author of Lectures on Luke, tions which that great fact involves." P. 24. &c. Pp. 208. And, again," that theory," says he, "of Edinburgh: John Johnstone, Hunter Square. the method and extent of gospel salvation, is alone thoroughly scriptural, which presents at once the most exalted views of the sovereignty and certainty of Jehovah's operations, and the greatest encouragement to sinners to cast themselves on his mercy by faith in the finished work of the Redeemer; our scheme is defective, if it do not easily, positively, and necessarily include both. It is when the whole counsel of God, with respect to both, is unhesitatingly received, that God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is duly exalted, and the sinner thoroughly humbled, yet cheered, and sanctified, and saved." P. 82. We are sorry our space forbids us to multiply quotations. We can only refer to the work itself, hoping that it may obtain the extensive circulation which it deserves.

THIS is a very seasonable work on a vitally important subject. It consists in all of eight chapters. Six of these are occupied in presenting a view of "Effectual Calling," as it regards its author, its nature, and distinguishing properties, the means of its accomplishment, and some of the more obvious duties which fall to be observed by believers, arising out of the enjoyment of the privilege. In the remaining two chapters, towards the close, some suitable subjects of meditation are mentioned, and practical addresses to various classes of gospel hearers introduced, which are intended to lead those who have not yielded themselves to Christ, to embrace the call of the gospel. Although the arrangement is not in all respects what we could have wished, and the style is somewhat diffuse, we have no hesitation in saying, that we have read this volume, as a whole, with much satisfaction. Avoiding "foolish questions," the author handles those topics that come in his way in the discussion of his subject, with much judgment and discrimination, and fails not, in every opportunity, to carry his appeals, in a practical form, to the hearts and consciences of his readers. His statements in regard to human depravity, divine influence, and the sovereignty of the grace of God in the salvation of sinners, are all excellent; and so also are those portions of the treatise which bring into view the fulness and freeness of the mercy of God to sinners in the gospel. Mr FOOTE guards against the vague generalities of Arminianism on the one hand, and the presumptuous and delusive spirit of Antinomianism on the other. "While every part," says he, "of the word of God is useful in its own place, it is unquestionable that what chiefly produces the effect of saving and calling sinners, is the great leading truth of revelation respecting the method of salvation through a Redeemer-the truth which, by way of eminence, is called the gospel, the good news on which the call is founded. * * * What, indeed, can be conceived so well calculated to call men off from sin and the world, that they may follow the Lord in the way of holiness, as the proclamation

THE HEATHEN The Jubilee Sermon
of the Glasgow Missionary Society.

Glasgow: D. Robertson.
To Dr Kidston's friends it must be pe-
culiarly gratifying to find him at so ad-
vanced a period of his life and ministry,
employing his pen with the vigour of his
younger days. The occasion on which
this sermon was delivered, was to the
preacher one of solemn interest-the
jubilee of the society, whose cause he
was pleading, which of all its founders
and early friends, he was left alone to
celebrate. As might be expected, the
recollections which such a service was
calculated to awaken, impart to the dis-
course a tone of tenderness, but which
has the effect of aiding rather than de-
tracting from its force and spirit. The
discourse is on 1 Thess. ii. 15, 16, and in
the prosecution of it, Dr K. directs at-
tention, 1st, To the crime with which
the Jews are charged; 2d, To the wicked-
ness of their conduct; and, 3d, To the
awful judgments to which they exposed
themselves, and by which they were soon
to be overtaken.

We quote a specimen from Dr Kidston's address, to various classes whom he takes occasion to warn from the example of the Jews.

"I shall propose another question,

addressed especially to those who seem at some length, the words of our Lord

the farthest removed from forbidding to to his disciples, Matt. xxvi. 29, "But speak to the Gentiles, that they may be I say unto you, I will not drink saved; who willingly devote their time, henceforth of this fruit of the vine, their substance, their personal labours, until that day when I drink it new with and their influence, to the cause of mis- you in my Father's kingdom." What sions to the heathen. It is this:-Do the Saviour thus promises in this decla you, my friends, feel in this object all ration, is viewed as spiritual fellowship that deep and serious interest which its with his people. The grounds of this importance demands, and have you been privilege, accordingly, the characters by fully brought under the influence of those which it is distinguished, the advantages noble, those exalted principles, in which resulting from it, together with the canses your exertions ought to originate, and which lead to its occasional suspension, which, in the sight of God, give to them are all adverted to, and dwelt upon in a all their value? Do you desire the ex- manner which cannot fail to be at once tension of the gospel, and the salvation interesting and instructive to the people of your brethren who are perishing for of God. Mr Sedgewick makes no prelack of knowledge, with all that fervour tension to fine writing. This is not his which gratitude to God for his mercy in aim. His object, as he himself intiChrist Jesus, and the experimental know-mates, is to direct the attention of his ledge of the worth of the soul, must in- readers, as he had previously sought to spire? Are you of those who daily, or direct the attention of his hearers, to at least frequently, make supplication some plain and simple views of a subject to the Hearer of prayer in secret, and important in itself, and which it is of with your families, for the pouring out much consequence should occupy a high of the Spirit from on high, to give effect place in the minds of Christians, more to the labours of missionaries? Do you especially amidst the numberless influ give evidence of the sincerity of your ences of a worldly character to which they love to the souls of those whom you are now exposed, and which are fitted to have not seen, and never will see in the retard their progress in religion. In this flesh, by your diligence to grow in grace design, we think, he has been eminently and in holiness, and by humble, and successful. The different branches of kind, and persevering endeavours to the subject are discussed by him with promote the interests of godliness in force and much fervour of affection, while your families, among your neighbours, a scriptural unction pervades the whole, in the congregations of which you are which is not a little refreshing. We like members, and in the religious denomi- much the practical and experimental nation with which you are connected? character of this little treatise, as well as Do you pray for, and do you rejoice the earnest tone of address by which it with the same cordiality, in the success is distinguished. On this account, as of all evangelical missions? Do you well as from the pointed form of its apfeel yourselves raised above party pre-peals, we cannot but hope that it will be judices and interests in the prosecution of this grand object? Are your hearts more closely united to your brethren in Christ by your common exertions in this godlike cause; and do you earnestly desire the arrival of that happy period when the union of Christ ans, to which the operations of missionary and bible societies, and other kindred institutions, have powerfully contributed, shall be more extensive and more complete ?"

SHIP with CHRIST. By the Rev. Ro-
BERT SEDGEWICK, Aberdeen. Pp. 155.

Dundee: William Middleton. 1846. UNDER a somewhat quaint title, this is a very excellent and useful treatise on the interesting subject of fellowship with Christ. The author takes as the groundwork of his remarks, which he illustrates

found extensively useful. We could have wished that the respected author had devoted a chapter at the outset in showing, that it is "through the belief of the truth" that Christians at first attain to fellowship with the Saviour. Should the work reach a second edition, which we hope it soon will, there are also some forms of expression, which occasionally occur, that might admit of correction.

CHURCH CONFERENCE, held in London,
April 30, May 1 and 2, 1844. Pp. 164.

London: Ward & Co. 1844.

THIS is a publication which we have been too long, by far, in noticing. It contains an account of the proceedings of the British Anti-State Church Conference, at the formation of the Associa


tion of that name in London, two years ago. The speeches delivered on that occasion, by the eminent men from all THE singular beauty of these engravparts of the kingdom, who took part in ings, at the price for which they are the proceedings, are, we need scarcely say, offered, makes this pictorial series a rare well worthy of perusal, if there be any triumph of art. Along with the embelof our readers who have not yet had the lishments is given a brief and simple opportunity of seeing them. Since its narrative or description, which greatly establishment, the Anti-State Church enhances the value of the publication. Association has been doing good service We must object, however, to the recurto the cause of Voluntaryism, in various rence of such a mal a propos representaways, more especially by the publication tion as that of the women waiting at the of a series of tracts, showing the scrip- sepulchre for the rolling away of the tural character and efficiency of the stone-a mistake in matter of fact which voluntary principle, and the incalculable we think should not have been copied, evils arising out of church and state con- whatever the merit of the original paintnexion. It would be well that means ing. So far, amends is made by the were adopted to give to these tracts a notice of the mistake in the narrative; wider circulation in our country. Cir- but entirely to reject such errors is the cumstances, to which it is unnecessary best correction. to refer, have prevented, for some time, that measure of attention being given to the subject to which it is entitled. From passing events, the question is becoming daily more interesting, and is destined soon to occupy a chief place among the discussions of the day.

[blocks in formation]

We have read these little tracts with high
approbation, and we strongly recommend
them to the ministers and elders of our
church, as admirably suitable for being
put into the hands of the respective
parties to whom they are addressed.


London: Fisher, Son & Co. WITHOUT pretending to judge professionally of the merits of this volume, we may venture to express an opinion of the information which it contains, and of the style in which the illustrations are executed. In both respects the merits of the work are high. The historical parts embraces the subject from the earliest periods, and traces its progress through the various styles which have successively obtained; while the plans and sketches present the elements of design in every variety. Altogether it is a splendid work, and must long occupy the place of a standard in this department of the fine arts.

Professor of Theology in the Theolo-
gical Seminary, Princeton, U. S. With
a Recommendatory Preface by Rev.

Edinburgh: John Johnstone. 1846.
WE are glad to see this reprint of a re-
view which appeared_originally in the
Biblical Repertory. It contains a re-
markable confirmation of those views of
doctrine which our church has lately
emitted at several meetings of Synod.
Its language on the most important
point in dispute is almost identical with
the phraseology of our own synodical
record. On the question of the extent
of the atonement, Dr Hodge (non nostras,
attamen noster) and the Secession church
are at one. It is only a small portion of
Dr Hodge's tract which refers to this
subject. The main body of the publica-
tion is devoted to a question of a very
different character. Dr Hodge spends
his strength in overthrowing the opinions
of Dr Beman, whose theory of the nature
of the atonement is in the last degree
erroneous and dangerous,-unknown in
Scotland save by report, and the absurd
imitation of a few juvenile agitators.

Dr Hodge's tract is originally a review of Beman's work, and does not profess to treat of the extent of the atonement, but of its nature and necessity. Its extent is only noticed incidentally, and toward the conclusion of the critique. Yet the four gentlemen who wrote the

introduction to the Scotch reprint, advertise it as a treatise professedly discussing "the orthodox doctrine regarding the extent of the atonement."

If any person shall be led by this to confound the controversy in the Secession church with that which has been raging in America, and against which Dr Hodge has written with such vigour and success, we can only say, that whatever may be the apparent design and bearing of the prefatory statement, no supposition could be more wide of the truth as regards the work itself. The following extract will enable our readers to judge:

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"Dr Beman's theory, therefore, which denies that the death of Christ had a special reference to his own people, is inconsistent with the plainly revealed facts, 1. That he died in execution of a covenant in which his people were promised to him as his reward, to secure which reward is declared to be his specific and immediate design in laying down his life. 2. That the motive which led to the gift of the Son, and of the Son in dying, was not general benevolence, but the highest conceivable love, love for his sheep and for his friends. 3. That the design of his death was not simply to remove obstacles out of the way of mercy, but actually to secure the salvation of those given to him by the Father; and that it does in fact secure for them the gift of the Holy Ghost, and consequently justification and eternal life. In other words, God, having out of his mere good pleasure, elected some to everlasting life, did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation, by a Redeemer. The only Redeemer of God's elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man, was made under the law; satisfied, by his obedience and death, all its demands, and thus fulfiled the conditions of that covenant on which the salvation of his people was suspended, and thereby acquired a right to them as his stipulated reward. Such was the specific design and certain effect of his death. This is the plain doctrine of our standards, and as we fully believe, of the Word of God.

be defective. On this score, however, we feel no difficulty.

"Our doctrine is, that the Lord Jesus Christ, in order to secure the salvation of his people, and with a specific view to that end, fulfilled the conditions of the law or covenant under which they and all mankind were placed. Those conditions were, perfect obedience, and satisfaction to Divine justice, by bearing the penalty threatened against sin. Christ's righteousness, therefore, consists in his obedience and death. That righteousness is precisely what the law demands of every sinner, in order to his justification before God. It is, therefore, in its nature, adapted to all sinners who are under that law. Its nature is not altered by the fact that it was wrought out for a portion only of such sinners, or that it is secured to them by the covenant between the Father and the Son. What is necessary for the salvation of one man, is necessary for the salvation of another, and of all. The righteousness of Christ, therefore, consisting in the obedience and death demanded by the law under which all men are placed, is adapted to all men.

It is also of infinite value, being the righteousness of the eternal Son of God, and therefore sufficient for all. On these two grounds, its adaptation to all, and its sufficiency for all, rests the offer made in the gospel to all. With this its design has nothing to do; who are to be saved by it we do not know. It is of such a nature and value, that whosoever accepts of it shall be saved. If one of the non-elect should believe (though the hypothesis is on various accounts unreasonable), to him that righteousness would be imputed to his salvation. And if one of the elect should not believe, or, having believed, should apostatize, he would certainly perish. These suppositions are made, simply to show that, according to our doctrine, the reason why any man perishes, is not that there is no righteousness provided suitable and adequate to his case, or that it is not freely offered to all that hear the gospel, but simply because he wilfully rejects the proffered salvation. Our doctrine, therefore, provides for the universal offer of the gospel It will, however, doubtless be asked, and for the righteous condemnation of admitting that our doctrine of the atone- unbelievers, as thoroughly as Dr Beman's. ment does accord with the facts above It opens the door for mercy, as far as mentioned, can it be reconciled with the legal obstructions are concerned, as fully no less certain facts, that the gospel is as his; while it meets all the other re to be freely offered to all men, and that vealed facts of the case. It is not a those who reject it are justly condemned theory for one fact. It includes them for their unbelief? If it cannot, it must all; the fact that Christ died by co



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