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Whofe mind, illum'd by nature's fober ray,

Difdains to rule, and chooses to obeyWho, like the Briton, conquers to increafe

Domeftic happiness and lafting Peace!



WHEN grief poffefs'd my carefraught breaft,

Depriv'd of joy and wonted reft,
When ev'ry cheerful paffion ftrove
In vain to calm-(ah! fled my love)
What could affuage my anguifh'd heart?
What to my bofom joy impart ?
Sweet Hope, thy fmiles alone illume;
Thy fmiles alone difpel life's gloom.

Oh! fhould ftern fate once more demand,
Again its frown alike command,
Ah! may I fupplicate thine aid,
Sweet Hope, who ne'er my heart be-

For oh! thy fmiles afford relief,
And intermit life's keenest grief.

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ITISSA, well-bred pufs, defcended From cats of Cyprus much commended;

In whom more fondling arts are feen, Than had that wheedling Cyprian queen ;

Thy beauteous coat unrival'd shines
With various hues in waving lines,
More foft and yielding than the velt
That warms the turtle's downy breast,
More delicate than virgin's face,
O'erfpread with tender blooming grace.
A much more cunning thieyish elt,
Than the fly pilf'ring fox himself.
A perfect monkey in difguife,
With tricks as droll, and looks as wife;
Nor lefs alert than fquirrel found,
To skip and frisk with nimble bound.
When through my garden- walks I

How pleas'd art thou to lead the way! How prompt to hint, by geftures courting,

Thy longings for a little sporting!
And when, in playful circles quick,
Around thy head I twirl my tick,
Clofe couching first, with wav'ring

Thy eyes alone its track pursue ;
Then eager fpringing from the ground,
With greedy grafp thou hug'ft it round.
Again, before thy fparkling eyes,
The flourish'd flick enticing flies:
And now with twifting, doubling pace,
Thou urgest true the giddy chafe,
Till caught once more, 'twixt tooth
and nail,

The prize is held, with waggling tail.

I home return; clofe fide by fide,
Thou trotteft on with focial pride.
Then to my ftudy we repair;
But fcarce I'm fixt in elbow chair,
To read or write one line fcarce able,
Ere thou art perch'd upon the table;

As if, an owl fince Pallas chufes,
A cat muft needs attend the Muses.
And now, what purrings, to exprefs
And foothe thy cherish'd love's excefs!
What hafty ftruttings to and fro,
Thy joy's ecftatic' height to fhow!
What urgent fits of fond carelling,
With nuftling nofe my face clofe preff-

What pride difplay'd with back inflected,

And fwelling tail in ftate erected!
I ftroke thee now, fweet pufs, and

Myfelf infected with thy love.
Submitting with compliance bland,
Thou glideft smooth beneath my hand;
Returning quick, I ftroke again,
But ftrive to fatisfy in vain;
For thou again, thefe coaxings o'er,
Wilt fill folicit more and more.

Finding thyself at length neglected, And my thoughts fixt where firft directed,

Demure and grave thou canft retreat,
And near my elbow take thy feat.
But though on folded paws tuck'd in,
And knuckled clofe beneath thy chin,
Yet ftill thy eyes, whate'er I do,
With active glance my hands purfue.
And hark! my fcribbling pen, with

Thy quick attentive ear now catches.
Impatient quite, yet flowly rising,
Becaufe intent upon furprising,
With gentle fiep, and cautious fear,
Thou creepeft on-till ftation'd near,
With eager wrigglings to exprefs
Thy purpofe, and fecure fuccefs,
Quick as at moufe in rustling fraw,
Thou darteft underneath thy paw;
Then rais'd erect, up goes my paper,
With game fome cuff and noddling

But this rude trick, though far from pleafing,

Is yet fe comically teafing,
That, quite unable to refent,

I laugh, and take it as 'twas meant,
And having plac'd all matters right,
Calmly proceed again to write.
And now each letter that I trace
Thou doft infpect with ferious face;
Muling as if at lofs to know
What fuch marks mean, and whence
they flow:

But fill perplex'd, and longing much
To feel, if palpable to touch,
Thy curious foot, to clear the doubt,
Whips in, and blots my writing out.


More teafing this:-but love prevailing,

I overlook this fecond failing.
But thou, more bold, the more excus'd,
(And kindness thus is oft abus'd)
Some fresh affault haft foon devis'd;
And, ere of thy intent appris'd, [paw,
Snatch'd from my hand, with flippant
My mumbled pen I fee thee gnaw.
Rous'd at á frolic fɔ provoking,
And much too angry grown for joking,
I fnatch y pen and loudly fcold,
Minx, huffey, flut, let go thy hold!
What tug? Take heed; for, if I catch
Once more at this, I vow I'll match
Thele threats defpis'd, I then reprefs,
With flip on nofe, thy faucinefs.
At this rebuff, thy neck clofe fhrinking,
Thy whiskers flat, and eye-lids blink-

Thou fneakeft back with fad difmay,
And looks that conícious guilt betray,-
Looks fweetly aw'd, fuch looks as

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And o'er the wild bleak hill,
And unfledg'd fields along,
Purfue the trickling rill:
O rife!

Cloath'd with that modeft grace
That veils the glowing beauties of
thy face,

And downward points the radiance
of thine eyes.

I wait thee on the thawing mountains, [fountains; Whare !pring diffolves the lingering O! trace with me the opening flowers; Land vernal fhowers. Brave the fharp breeze, damp dews, Wild various nature ftrews her [calms. And forms furround her mildeft O! to her frowns let us fuperior be; Tafte each delight, and hait the coming fpring,


Singing the heavenly fong of liberty!

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Ratisbon, Feb. 1.


co-operation of his majesty, in restoring a general peace to the empire, is at prefent the chief aim of our cabinet ;

and that the invitation of the minifter of flate, de Hardenberg, and that of the hereditary pince de Hohentoe, have, in particular, that very important obje in view.

In the most fpeedy manner, every thing in former Poland is altering into the Pruffian form of tate ad.niniftration. The greateft difficulty, it fems, will be in regard to the jurifprudence; that branch of adminiftration having hitherto been upon fuch a footing in Poland, as fcarcely feems capable of ad

ON the 29th ult. the general affembly of the empire unanimoufly refolved, in all the three colleges, to pay the further fum of 100 Roman months. In the act of opinion of the empire, fent to his imperial majefty, it is ftated, "That as the French government had refused to enter into negotiations with the German empire, it was abfolutely neceffary to carry into effect the decree of the empire, made on the 22d of December, 1794, for the exprefs purpofe of meeting fuch an event, to unite all their ftrength, and put themselves in both an offenfive and defenfive fitu-mitting an effential amendment, withation, fo as to compel the enemy to comply with the with of the head of the empire, and all the ftates, to conclude a peace on the grounds already fpecified; and that for this purpose the cheft of the empire confents to pay 100 Roman months, the payment of which is to be made in four different terms, the first in four, and the three others at the end of fix weeks fucceffively; and that all the arrears are to be demanded with the greateft ftrictness.

Lisbon, Feb. 2. The prince and princefs of Brafil, with the infant Don Pedro, fet off on the 7th of January for Badajos to have a correfpondence with the king of Spain. Their retinue is very small, as befides the guards their only attendants are the marquis Pontz de Lima, fecretary of ftate, and the Spanish minifter refident at Lifbon.

Don Diego de Norenho, late Portuguese ambaffador at Madrid, is to be promoted to the rank of secretary of ftate for the marine department.

An African prince has arrived in a Portuguefe veffel from Baja, to claim protection and affiftance against another of the native princes, more powerful than himself.

Berlin, Feb. 6. It is believed that the

out a total new organisation of the courts of justice and the whole mode or their proceedings. The mint will nortly undergo a total alteration, the Pruffian ftamp being intended to be introduced every where; although nothing has as yet been decided as to the forts of coins, and in what manner they are to be ftamped.

The order of the white eagle will, it is faid, for the future, he under the direction of the elector of Saxony, he looking upon the appointing thefe knights as a family prerogative, fince the time of his grand father.

Vienna, Feb. 7. It appears, by our official advices from Turin, that the French propofed to the Piedmontefe a truce, fimilar to that which fubfifts on the Rhine; but that the latter refused to confent to this measure. It refults from the declaration of the Sardinian amb Tador, and the preparations of our cabinet, that the two courts are refolved to continue in concert the war in Italy, with more vigour and energy than


The king of Naples has offered a confiderable body of cavalry; which offer has been accepted.

General baron de Lauer, and the celebrated col. de Chateler, are appointed



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Peterburgh, Feb. 10. General Su warrow has been to Finland, to take a furvey of the forts, &c. where he remained eight days, and has fince returned to the imperial court. The infurrection in Georgia is faid to have terminated.

Florence, Feb. 12. The earthquake which we experienced on the night of the 3d was felt with much more violence at Arezzo. On Monday the 1ft inftant, fome confiderable fhocks were felt, and repeated with the fame violence on Tuesday and Wednesday at length on Thursday evening, the earth fhook with fo much violence, that the inhabitants thought their laft hour was come; a number of houses were damaged, and part of the convent of Carmelites entirely deftroyed; fortunately no lives were loft.

Genoa, Feb. 12. It is faid that the French general Scheref has received orders fpeedily to recommence the operations of the war. His army, confilling of nearly 50 000 men, will foon be put in motion, in order to penetrate into Italy. It is reported alfo, that a ftrong desertion is prevailing in this


Accounts from Turin Rate that all the officers there have been ordered to join the army. Sailors are preffed at Marfeilles, and in the whole province of Provence, for the fleet of Toulon.

Letters from Madrid mention, that advices were received there, that as foon as the determination of the Spanish government to deliver St. Domingo up to the French, was known in that island, an infurrection of the negroes took place, who maffacred a number of Spaniards, and laid wafte upwards of 100 miles of the plantations.

lions of florins from our government, will likewife he refused.

Bruffels, Feb. 13. It appears certain, that the executive directory have at length "determined to open the Scheldt, and to compel the ftates general to abandon their claims to the exclufive navigation of that river."

We hear that feveral fhips richly laden are now in the ports of Holland, only waiting to fail to Antwerp, until all the obftructions to the free naviga tion of the Scheldt be removed.

Vienna, Feb. 13. For these two days paft the report of a peace has been renewed. It is faid that the triple alliance has alarmed the French government, which, fearful of the effects of fo formidable an union, have defifted from their exaggerated pretenfions. It is added that the laft courier, arrived from Bafle with difpatches from our minifter, M. de Degelmann, has brought the modifications which the directory have made to their first conditions.

Coblentz, Feb. 14. All preparations for a continuation of the war are made, and the opening of a fresh campaign only depends on the arrival of the generals. General Kleber is on a tour to infpect the whole army, to fee whether every thing is in proper order. In the vicinity of Kayferfwerth is an intrench. ed French camp, confifting of 25,000 men, for which the country of Berg is obliged to furnish confiderable quantities of ftraw. The intrenchments at Duffeldorff are completed, and require for their defence 13,000 men and foo pieces of cannon. Thofe at Neufs and Kayferfwerth alfo require 100 pieces of cannon cach.

Hague, Feb. 15. On the 5th inftant Zealand at length confented to the convocation of a national convention; fo that now all the feven provinces, with Drenthe and Dutch Brabant, are una nimous in favour of this measure; and every preparation was making for its meeting on the 18th inftant. Amfterdam, on the 18th inftant, was to chufe the 480 electors for 14 diftricts, and the day after the representatives were to be


Bafle, Feb. 15. According to report, a requeft has been made by the empe

Our government have folemnly refused to deliver up to the French the poffeffion of the fortreffes of Savona and Gavi. It is alfo afferted that a requeftror to the cantons to prevent the pur. of the French, for a loan of thirty mil- chafe of horses,

oxen, &c. by the



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