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Oh, Norwood! how I love to trace,
At fober eve, when all is ftill,
The ruftic, the poetic grace,

Thy profpect gives to Champion Hill. Here, poet, come! thou man of rhyme, With rapture here thy bofom fill--Hark how the diftant theep-bells-chime, To lull thine eye on Champion Hill The blackbird pours his mellow note,

The fong-thrush warbles near the rill, The fky-lark strains his swelling throat, The turtle coos on Champion Hill.

And there the fhepherd tends his flock, And there the fwains the uplands till; Rous'd by the crowing of the cock,

I brush the dews o'er Champion Hill; And pity you, who time confume

In fcenes of riot and quadrille, While meditation finds fuch room For folid blifs on Champion Hill.




OH, fhare my cottage, deareft maid!— Beneath a mountain, wild and high, It neftles, in a filent glade;

And Wye's clear currents wander by. Each tender care, each honeft art

Shall chafe all future want from thee, When thy fweet lips confent impart

To climb thefe fleepy hills with me.

Far from the city's vain parade,

No fcornful brow fhall there be feen; No dull impertinence invade,

Nor envy bafe, nor fullen spleen. The fhadowy rocks, which circle round, From forms fhall guard our fylvan cell; And there fhall every joy be found,

That loves in peaceful vales to dwell. When late the tardy fun fhall peer,

And faintly gild yon little spire; When nights are long, and frofts fevere, And our clean hearth is bright with fire, Sweet tales to read-fweet fongs to fing!

O, they shall drown the wind and rain, E'en till the faften'd season bring

Merry fpring-time back again! Then hawthorns, flow'ring in the glen, Shall guard the warbling plumy throng;.

Nor boaft the bufy haunts of men

So fair a fcene, fo fweet a fong.

Thy arms the new-yean'd lamb will fhield,

And to the funny fhelter bear; While, o'er the rough and breathing field, My hands impel the gleaming share. Ne'er doubt our wheaten ears will rife,

And full their yellow harvef glow; Then prove, with me. the fprightly joys That love and induftry beftow. Their jocund power can banish strife,

No clouds the passing day will fee, Since all the leisure hours of life Shall fill be spent in pleasing thee.


By the Author of CRAZY TALES. To avoid anxiety and flrife, [lifeTray was refolv'd to lead a country A country dog, I think, Is exactly like a country 'fquire: They both are only fit to fleep and ftink By their own fire;

And when awake, are only good To yelp and hollow in a wood Their joys and converfations are the fame; 'Tis all a clamour and a noife, And all the noise and clamour about [cabulary

gameThree words compofe their whole voA fox, a bare, and a fine scenting day'; And whether they are ferious or merry, 'Tis all they have to fay.In short, they never are fo entertaining, As when they're fast asleep-or feigning.

THE SAILOR ́s PETITION. The Captain of one of the British frigates, a man of undaunted bravery, had a natural antipathy to a Cat A Sailor, who for fome miscondu♬ bad been ordered a flogging, faved bis bide by prefenting to his Captain the following Petition:

BY your honour's command,

A culprit I ftand,
An example to all the fhip's crew.
I am pinion'd, and ftript,

And condemn'd to be whipt.
And if I am Blogg'd—'tis my due.
A Cat, I am told,
In abhorrence you hold-
Your honour's averfion is mine:
If a Cat with one tail
Makes your flout heart to fail,
O! fave me from one that has nine!



Vienna, May 11.

Paris, May 12. In the fitting of the 21 of Florea! (10th) Rouhier, in the name of the commiffaries infpectors, without entering minutely into an explanation of the fituation of affairs, an

The propofition was adjourned, and the following meflage was received from the executive directory.

BESIDES the troops which have been already fent off for the army of Italy, 25.0 6 more have been ordenounced that they were fuch as to rened to march thither with the utmofi der it neceffary to organife the departspeed. Measures have been taken on mental guard directed by the conftituthe whole road to Italy for conveying tion, and provifionally to put a fufficient all the infantry on waggons; and it is armed force under the orders of the le thought that in this manner they will giflature. reach the place of their deflination in fixteen days. Several hundreds of ar'tillerifts, pioneers, &c. have been fént in poft coaches to Italy. The activity in the war department, in the arfenals, &c. is extraordinary. To-day two fquadrons of Czartorifky left this place, and fresh troops arrive daily from Hungary, Gallicia, &c. who ftay here only a day, and then are fent off in the manner before mentioned to the place of their deffination.

The report which was yesterday received from Beaulieu, upon the whole, is of a confoling nature, and gives hopes of recovering our loffes. Since the fieft news received here from Italy, our funds fuffered a confiderable fall. From the Rhine we expect shortly to learn that the campaign is opened.

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A violent confpiracy was to have burft forth upon the morrow at daybreak. The legiflative body, the directory, and the chiefs of the army of the interior, were to have been massacred; pillage and flaughter at once extending their ravages throughout this great city. The confpirators were arrefted in the place where they held their meetings. The reprefentative Drouer, who was among them, was feized flagrante delicto. The directory were cinpowered to feal up his papers.

A fecond meffage demanded the expulfion from Paris, under pain of tranfportation, and within twenty four hours, of all the, ex-members of the national convention, of the public functionaries and military men who have been deprived of their functions, and of the foreigners, and thef: accused of. emigration, and not dennitively erafed from the lift of emigrants, who have not their place of abode at Paris.

Alzey, May 12. Yefterday two French adjutants were at Farfeld with dispatches, which they had orders to deliver to the arch-duke Charles. They were not suffered to proceed farther, but conveyed back again, and their, dispatches fent to the arch duke. Within this week paft, upwards of 20,000 This meffage was immediately re- ; men have paffed through our city for ferred to a commission, with directions Meiffenheim, and the arch-duke is to make a report during the prefent hortly expected here. Numbers of fitting. A report was accordingly French deferters are coming in here made, and laws were made in condaily, who ate that the republican army formity to the demands of the directory. fuffers confiderable diftrefs from want P. S. The confpirators arrefted laft night are Drouet, Baberuf, Anto

of provifions VOL. XXVII.



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nelle, Riccord, Roffignol, Laignelot,
Chafles, Germain, Darthez, and the
fecretary of Jofeph Lebon. Vadier
and Amar have made their efcape.
- Of the perfons thus arrested, Graccus
Bahcuf is the author of a violent and in-
Aummatory paper, called La Tribune du
Peuple; general Roffignol, who had
an important command during the life
of Robespierre, was imprifoned after
the ninth Thermidor, as a terrorist.
Antonelle is proprietor of the Journal
des Hommes Libres.

The object of the confpiracy was to reftore the reign of terror, and the national convention. Ten of them were to feize upon each of the new members of the legislative body, the directory, feveral of the minifters, and the chiefs of the armed force. The confpirators relied on a part of the cannoniers, and had at their difpofal thirty pieces of cannon. At break of day the barriers were to have been elofed, and the tocfin rung; a general piliage would have been fuffered to take place, under pretence of fupplying the wants of the people. The confpirators thought this would have induced the troops to de

clare in their favour.

Wefel, May 13. The first two thirds of the French requifition, in the farther diftricts, were nearly all delivered by Neufs, on the 6th and 7th inftant; and hopes were entertained of an exemption from the other two-thirds. Rigid orders are, however, arrived for the payment of that alfo, by the 20th, which, in cafe of backwardnefs, is to be enforced by feveral regiments of Huffars.

Hague, May 14. The French have had all the valuable pictures that were in the Netherlands, conveyed to Paris. All the ineflimable pictures of Rubens, fo flattering to the people of Antwerp, in which place that celebrated artist was born, are taken away, and the whole occupied ten large waggons, which were conducted under a trong military efot.

Frankfort, May 14. Judging by the fudder, marches of troops towards the theatre of war, we should believe that the armit ce was on the eve of a rup ture, were we not perfuaded that the conher expected from Vienna will be the hea er of an answer favourable to its continuation, above ill, after the e tuts of the war in Italy.

In the mean time the corps de referve, commanded by general Warneck, the regiments of Latour, Royal Allemand, and Nassau, the carabiniers, and the grenadiers forming our garri fon, are expected to leave this place, and to pafs the Rhine on Saturday next. Some battalions of the divifion of the army destined to act on the Lower Rhine, are, it is faid, to be sent to Italy.

Paris, May 14. The following are fome of the particulars relative to the examination of Babœuf, one of the chiefs of the late confpiracy.

Being interrogated what were the names and number of his accomplices, he answered, that" The man who afked him fuch a queftion knew indeed little of his character, if he imagined he could fo far debafe himself as to hecome an informer." Being asked, if the plan of the confpirators was to overturn the government, and to put to death the members of the conftituted bodies? his answer was imply"Yes."

Being asked, if the plan was to be executed on the 22nd? he answered, that "As to the time, he would say. nothing; and as to the means, none would ever be loft fight of, which it was poffible to employ against tyranny, and which might tend to deliver the people from the intolerable mifery under which they groaned."-[Babeuf had his efcrutoire filled with money in fpecie.]

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The day after his examination, he appeared lefs refolute. He was confined in a fmall apartment by himself, and employed his time in tranfcribing what he intends to difcover relative to the confpiracy.

Pomme, one of the colonial deputies, announced to the council of five hun dred, that Collot d'Herbois, and Bile laud Varennes, who were transported to Cayenne, began to tyrannise over that colony, as they did in France. Collot had caufed himafelf to be pro claimed king. He had established the fyftem of requifition, the maximum, and revolutionary committee and tribunals. He was alfo preparing to fet up a guillotine. Pomme then demanded, if the colonies ought thus to be. infefted with thofe wretches whom France was compelled to drive from its territories?

A com

A committee is to be formed, for the purpose of confidering what fhall, in future, be the manner and deftination fixed upon in cafes of transportation.

Hague, May 25. There have lately been very alarming circumftances at Amfterdam, occafioned by fome patriots demanding that feveral members of the fenate, known to be partifans of the ftadtholder, fhould refign their places. Many of them, armed, broke into the prifons, and released several of the prifoners; and it was not until 300 men belonging to the garrifon of the Hague were ordered against them by the national convention, that tranquillity was reftored.

A guillotine, the first introduced in Belgia, has lately been erected at Mons, and one malefactor was beheaded.Another is preparing for Bruffels, where the women are ordered to wear the tricoloured ribband.

Paris, May 26. Citizen Dubayet, the new French ambaffador to Conftantinople, will embark at Venice; and according to the latest accounts from Turkey, the troops from Asia are continually paffing to reinforce the army at Adrianople. The Porte has ordered the fortreffes of Sinope, Trebifonde, Varna, Braila, Ifmail, Jaffy, and Choczim, to be put in a flate of defence. Some people, who pretend to the beft information, make no fcruple of affert ing, that a rupture with Ruffia, though it may be procraftinated, is ftill inevitable, as it only depended upon circumftances whether the Porte fhould be the aggreffor. This intention produces the late intimacy between the Porte and the republic of Venice, with the banishment of Louis XVIII. and this, it is added, may open a paffage for any number of troops the French may fend through Italy to act with the Turks.

Porte fuch an opportunity of making extenfive arrangements, that only a very thort period longer will enable her to bid her denance, with fecurity, if not to act upon the defenfive; and, as far as it refpects Ruffia and Poland, to become the arbiters of Europe!

Paris, 23 Prairial (June 11.) Immediately after the battle of Lory, and the furrender of Pavia and Cremona to the French, the young princes were removed from Milan to Mantua. under the conduct of their governor, Valenti Gonzague, and the young archduchefs, with her governefs. At the fame time a body of 1300 men, part of the corps de Guilay, under the command of general Salis, undertook to garrifon the caftle of Milan; other troops were allotted to the same service. Whether the caftle has furrendered as well as the city, we have as yet to learn. The court left Milan on the morning of the 8th of May. The arch-duke and duchefs took the route for Bergome.

The criminal tribunal for the depártment of the Seine and Marne has fenfenced to death eight perfons concerned in the maffacre of the 3d of September

Advices from Marfeilles and Lyons represent both these cities as ready to have been the fcene of maffacre, had not the terrorist confpiracy been difcovered and defeated at Paris.

Money begins to re-appear in the capital, and in many parts of the pro vinces; and it is the opinion of the moft intelligent commercial speculators, that there is fpecie enough in France for all the purpofes of its circulation; that a very fmall part of it was ever exported; and that by far the greater portion, fecreted during the confufions of the revolution, and the tyranny of Robefpierre, is ready again to re-enter into circulation, when public tranquillity and confidence in government fhall be restored.

Hague, June 11, By advices from Warfaw, it is faid that the emprefs of Ruffia has an army of 24.000 men employed, along with the chan of Maffan-in deran, against the Perfian ufurper. General Suboa carries on the war against the hordes in the neighbourhood of the Cafpian fea, with fuccefs. Lieutenant general Potemkin is faid to be dead at Mofcow.

By intelligence from Conftantinople, It appears, that the delay of Ruffia to Commence hoftilities has given the

Paris, June 18. The directory has its hands the moft pofitive proofs that the late confpiracy is not yet entirely defeated. A new committee of revolt, compofed of fourteen perfons, has been difcovered; and it appears that they had formed a project for furprising the palace of the Luxemburg, and affal finating the directory on the night of the 3d of June.

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Leeds, May 29.

THIS morning a number of perfons

were affembled at a large ware-room, in Union Street, to hear a preacher of the methodist perfuafion, when, the floor giving way, '16 women, a man, and a child, were cruthed to death, and between 70 and 80 perfons of both fexes were either dreadfully bruifed, or had fome of their limbs broke. The women killed were chiefly old and poor. London, May 30. It blew a very heavy gale of wind from the S. W. by which much damage was done in different parts of the town, by blowing down chimnies, walls, paies, and other old buildings, and trees. In Dean's-yard, Weflminler, part of the old ruins, only Jately inclofed, was thrown down with a great crafh. No fhips could work up into the Poole, and almost a total fop was put to the working of the fmall craft.-Among other veffels detained below, are feveral coafters, with grain of different kinds, flour, &c.

During the last week, upwards of 20 veffels laden with grain arrived in the river, from the Baltic. There are 40 others daily expected.

31. Some of the late proprietors of city carts have, with great judgment, changed them for fhort waggons. Thefe, upon their prefent conftauction, have great advantages over the cart, by drawing more, without the shaft horfe being fubject to the weight falling on him, or being lifted in the air by the load tilting backward.-The improveberts recommended are thefe:-The wheel, whether four or fix, fhould be exactly of the fame height; the shaft 'horfe, o horfes, fhould draw from the axle, or feat of motion, as beft fuits the animal's angle of draft. In order turn corneis fharp, the pin-bolt hould be placed behind the axle, as in the high-wheeled city coul-casts.



Plymouth dock, May 31.

Several trees have been blown down in the

country, and many houfes unroofed; and we are much afraid that confiderable damage has been done in the Channel.

Lowestoffe, June 1. There happened here yesterday a moft remarkable infiance in the prefervation of the lives of a fhip's company and paffengers, from the wreck of a Hull trader from London, that was driven on the fands (which lie a mile off his town), on Sunday night, in a hard ga'e of wind There were three lad es and an infant on hoard, who were preferved by being hauled into the maintop. In this dreadful fituation they remained for 36 hours, and no afiiitance could poffibly be given them till yesterday afternoon, when the fea abated, and boats put off and bright them all fafe on shore, to the great joy of the people of this town, who had feen them in their deplorable condition. One of the ladies proves to be a near relation of a lady who lives about a mile from hence.

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This morning, his majefty, accompanied by their royal highn. fes the duke of York, prince Erneft, and prince William of Gloucefter, reviewed, in Hyde Park, the Second or Coldfiṛeam regiment of guards, the duke of York at the head of his regiment, and general Stanwix gave the wort of command; the men went through their different evolutions to the fatisfaction of their commander; they fired 16 rounds in platoons, each man being fupplied with 35 rounds of powder, one of the guards experienced a flight contufion in his head, by his mufquet fuddenly going off. Alter the review was over, the king returned to Buckingham-house, where the duke of York and general Morrison had a long interview with his majefty.

2. The annual meeting of the charity fchools of this mettopolis was held at


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