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be the fame on the whole line. Ratif bon is thus faved.

viral code of 1793. They demand vengeance for the Grenelle infurgents, whom they depict as patriots affaffinated by the directory, Carnot, and Cochon. They repeat the act of accufation, drawi up by Louvet, against the new third; finally, they do not conceal their hope of being more fortunate now than in their latt fix attacks. Yefterday evening the fermentation was great; the groups were numerous in feveral quarters, and

Hamburgh, Sept. 24. The eldest fon of the houfe of Orléans is gone to Philadelphia. We are affured that he has been determined on this voyage, in the hope that his withdrawing himself from Europe would render the fituation of his mother more comfortable. He has written to the directory, contradicting a rumour that he had addreffed a letter to the oldeft prince of the house of Bour-particularly on the Pont Neuf. If we remain without a national guard, we cannot answer for the fafety of Paris


An official account of the capture of Derbent, by the Ruffians, has been pub-for two nights. lifhed at Petersburgh, when that event was celebrated in the chapel of the court at Zarko Zelo. Prayers were faid for the prolongation of the life of her imperial majefly; an hundred and one pieces of cannon difcharged, with other demonftrations of joy.

The military council concluded yeflerday its debates relative to the twentytive infurgents of Grenelle tried before them. The conclufions of the reporter tended to send general Fion and another accufed perfon to the high court of juftice, because they were implicated in the affair of Babœuf, Four were con demned to death; fix to banishment; three to impriforment ; and the reft were fet at liberty.

The accomplices of the prifoner taken at Grenelle do not ceafe to attempt to produce fome convulfion. They de claim against the conftitution which checks their wishes. It is principally the workmen of the fauxbourg St. Antoine whom they attempt to delude.

From this it appears, that when the fortress was furrendered by the khan, (who is an hundred and twenty years old) accompanied by all the principal officers of his court, he wore a halter Thefe refolutions were adopted. round his neck, as an acknowledgment The prefident ordered one of the ofof his crime; and in that manner pre-ficial defenders to be arrested, for having fented himself to the Ruffian com- had the audacity to incite the people to mandant, who, in imitation of her im- revolt, in order to fave his friends. perial majefty's humanity, faved the lives of all the inhabitants, and affured them of the protection of their property, &c. Army of the Alps, Sept. 25. The good faith with which the king of Sardinia fulfils all the conditions of peace, can no, longer be doubted. The military force fince that period has been much diminished, for all the militia has been dibanded. The different Piedmontefe fortifications, whose demolition has been fettled by the treaty, are on the point of being deftroyed. The fappers and miners of the king of Sardinia operate conjointly with our own, and evince the fame ardour. The king has furnished, with exactness, the ftores and provifions to which he is bound: and he has alfo fent troops, who act in concert with thofe detached from the army of the Alps, to reprefs the Barbets in the defi es of the mountains.

From Milan, we learn, that on the 5th September, general Buonaparte granted a general amnefty to all who had taken part in the rebellion of the 1ft, 2d, and 3d of Auguft. He has befides given back to the poor the effects of which they had been deprived, in order to pay their part of a contribution of one million, to which the inhabitants were subjected. Thofe only who were condemned fot contumacy, are to have their effects fequeftered and confifcated to the republic.

Hamburgh, Oa. 1. According to accounts from Bologna, the deputies of the conflitutional committee have preParis, Sept. 29. We are on the eve of fented the plan of the new constitution a new crifis. Since the terrorists have to the fenate, which was read in a full believed themselves to be fupported, they affembly, though the utmoft fecrecy was have refumed an audacity which cannot obferved respecting its contents. The fail to alarm even their protectors. fenate has fince made choice of some of They pervade the fauxbourgs, preach its members, to take this plan into its revolt every where, and praise the decemn-moft ferious confideration.


The laft accounts from Rome fay, I have fent a messenger to Paris: but will that another invito facro had been pub- they find at Paris the means of paylifhed by the cardinal; the vicar com- ment? manding all the ecclefiaftics and regulars to perform a new ten days' courfe of devotions, for which three churches were appropriated.

The last accounts from Genoa mention, that, according to intelligence from Toulon, only thirteen fhips of the line were ready to put to fea, but that fix more, and feveral frigates, were in fuch a fate of forwardness as to join feveral others expected from other ports, the whole being defigned to form a refpectable fleet to act in the Mediterra


An edict has been published at Rome, ordering all farmers and owners of grain to fend the whole of this year's produce to Rome, except what is referved for feed. Every degree of diftillation is alfo prohibited; the whole being to be fold for the benefit of the informer.

According to the legal regulations of the municipality of Milan refpecting the formation of a national militia, even the monaftics are not excluded, but upon condition of paying a contingent in money. The fons of people of quality muft mount guard indiscriminately; and on the feftival days, the exercises are to be animated with martial music, and pa- | triotic fongs; the profeffors of mufics and the dilettanti, are invited to enrol themfelves, on condition of exemption from mounting guard, or wearing the uniform. These military exercises are to be performed in the public gardens, and upon the parade before the caftle.

Paris, Oct. 2. The jacobins are overjoyed and full of hope, and as infolent as ever in their menaces. They announce in this city and in all the departments, that there must be an end-that they are fure of fuccefs-that the moment is arrived to fight in good earneft, and to annihilate the royalists; that is to fay, in their language, the directory, the two councils, and at least the new third, the feventy-three, the outlawed deputies, and one hundred and fifty other conventionalists.

Paris, 08. 4. They write from l'Orient, that two fhips of war, Le Fougueux and La Vatigne, have arrived there from Rochefort. They have refused to take their pay in mandats. They have fix months' pay due to them. They

The minifter of Sweden, at Conftantinople, has announced to the grand vizier the conclufion of a treaty of alliance between the cabinet of Stockholm and that of Petersburg.

Paris, 14 Vendemiaire, O&. 5. By an official note of the directory, it appears, that the army of the Sambre and Moufe have only loft fix thoufand men in the whole courie of the campaign, including prifoners, wounded, fick, and deferters: and it has been reinforced with between feventeen and eighteen thousand fresh troops.

The peace concluded between the French republic and the pope is attended with very great difficulty, because his holiness does not wish to recal all the briefs he has issued respecting the affairs of France. He is afraid of their com promifing his infallibility. The French government infifts upon this as a step neceffary to fecure the peace concluded between us. If the pope perfifts in his refusals, he will foon receive a visit from Buonaparte at Rome, Already all the cardinals have been affembled and confuited. The agent of the French republic, and the plenipotentiaries of the pope, have gone to Florence, where they can continue their difcuffions more peaceably than at Rome, where the minds of the people are greatly agitated, and where their differences may be ac commodated, under the mediation of M. Azarra, minifter of the king of Spain.

Paris, 15 Vendemiaire, O&. 6. They announce this moment an important vic tory gained by general Bournonville, commander of the army of the Sambre and Meufe, over the archduke Charles.

Hauffman, commiffary with the army, ofthe Rhine and Mofelle, has announced to the directory, that the valuable articles collected at Fribourg, in the Brifgaw, and among which are fome plans,. maps, and fearce books, are arrived in France, at Neuf Brifack; that two men of letters continue their researches after thofe objects which are moft worthy of being transferred to France; and that he is employed in getting from the duke of Wirtemberg, who is a friendly power, a copy of fome capital mufical works.

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Plymouth, September 20.

THIS afternoon arrived here, the Ve

teran, of 64 guns, captain Kelly, from the Wefl Inics; the failed with the Ganges, of 74 guns, and Charon, of 44 guns, having a large fleet of merchantmen and tranfports under convoy, but parted from them about ten days fice, in order to make the best of her way to port, owing to her being so very leaky, that he could (carcely be kept above water; at the time of her arrival here he had eight feet water in her hold; the chain pumps were continually at work, and captain Kelly was obliged to get a fail under her bottom.

ferre. They have an immenfe quan, tity of treasure on board. Captain Oakes was making the best of his way with his prizes.

Pizes taken by captain Faulkner's fquadron this cruize:

Indemnité, French privateer, 14 guns, 70 men.

Two neutral fhips, with Spanish property, detained.

Ship Santa Cruz, 900 tons, from Brazil, with a large cargo of fugar, cotton, &c. .

Reyna d'Louifa, from Havannah to Cadiz, 600 tons.

Princeffa, from Havannah to Ferrol, 700 tons.

Plymouth, Sept. 23. Yesterday at

On her arrival here, he went up the harbour immediately. Spoke a tranf-four o'clock, the Amphion frigate, of port, No. 172, with troops, in the chops of the Channel.

Several tranfports, with invalid troops from Jamaica, which failed from thence under convoy of the Raifonable, of 64 guns, have arrived here in the courfe of the day; and as the wind blows ftrong at fouth east, feveral others may be hourly expected. Thirty tranfports, having on board 400 black troops (French prifoners) who have been taken prifoners in the Weft Indies, are alfo daily expected to arrive here.

Cove of Cork, Sept. 20. On Tuesday morning arrived here, his majefly's fhip Diana, captain Faulkner, from a cruife. Parted from the Cerberus and Seahorse fome days ago in chafe. They had taken the Santa Cruz, a large Brazil fhip, which was captured by the French fome time ago, and left her under convov of the Seahorse.

Yesterday arrived his majesty's fhip Cerberus, captain Drew, from a cruife. On Sunday laft fhe fell in again with the Seahorie, captain Oakes, having in tow a large Spanish ship, from the Havannah to Cadiz; and another from the Havannah to Ferrol, in company; both of which the captured off Cape Fini

32 guns, capt. I. Pellew, lafhed alongfide the Princeffa hulk, blew up with a dreadiul explofion. The fhock felt was like an earthquake. In a moment the fore part of the fhip was scattered in ten, thoufand fhivers, and nothing but wreck to, be feen. There were near three hundred men, women, and children on board when this fhocking acci. Gent happened. The returns this morning are, captain Pellew, one lieutenant, one purfer, one midshipman, one mate, one boatswain and mate, and thirtythree feamen and marines faved: fe veral of thefe are bad y wounded. The reft, fhocking to relate, configned to eternity! About forty-two bodies were picked up, and carried to the bone-house of the royal hofpital, and placed in coffine, among with are fix young women.

The diftrefs among the numerous relations of the unfortunate fufferers is inconceivable, each endeavouring to find out a brother, husband, or fon, among the dead bodies. Many were blown in fuch positions, and so discoloured, as to look like the figure-heads of a man of

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Swaffield, of the Overyffel, of 64 guns, and à lieutenant of the Amphion, were dining together: hearing fome buftle, captain Pellew and the lieutenant ran into the quarter gallery, and the fhip inftantly blew up forwards Captain Pellew was blown on the hulk, and the lieutenant into the water; both were faved; ptain Pellew wounded in the face, and the lieutenant in the leg. Poor captain Swaffield, a Mr. Spry, jun. upholder, of Dock, and his fon, were all funk with the wreck. A ferjeant of the north Devon was alfo blown up, with feveral other perfons vifiting their friends, it being the anniverfary of his majefty's coronation. The mafter, gunner, carpenter and mates, lieutenant Campbell of the ma rines (nephew of colonel Campbe i) are among the unfortunate fufferers.

Capt. Rawley and capt. Stap had a narrow escape, as they were prevented from dining on board the Amphion that day by accident.

So great was the explosion, that two 12 pounders and a fix pounder were blown upon the Princeffa's main deck. The mafts were blown bolt up in the air, higher than the maft of the theer hulk, and broke in pieces on their fall; and the men that were faved, were moftly at work in the rigging and yards, as he was ail tanto. She had not her full complement of marines on board at the time the explosion took place.

This morning thirty of the unfortupate fufferers were buried in the royal hofpital burial-ground, in one large grave from east to west-it was a piteous and melancholy fight! The bodies that were owned, were buried by their friends.

28. A common hall was holden at Guildhall, for the election of a fit and able perfon to be lord mayor of this city for the enfuing year. The lord mayor, fourteen alderinen, the fheriffs Langiton and Staines, and city officers, came to the hall at twelve o'clock, and went to St. Lawrence's church, heard divine fervice, and a fermon by the rev. Mr. Roberts, chaplain to the lord mayor, and then returned to the hall; about half past one, they went upon the huftings, and the recorder came forward and declared to the livery, in a very neat fpeech, the purpose for which they were affembled.

The names of all the aldermen below the chair, who had ferved the office of fheriff, were then put in nomination, and Brook Watson, efq. alderman and musician, had the greatest show of hands; but the fheriffs having in doubt whether fir Benjamin Hammet, or Mr. alderman Combe had, the greatest show, they were put up again, and alderman Combe returned by a great majority.

The fheriff's then declared, that

Brook Watfon, elq. adlerman and musician, and Harvey Chriftian Combe, efq. alderman and fifhmonger, were the two perfons having the greatest show of hands to be returned to the court of aldermen to elect one of them to be lord mayor for the ensuing year.

The lord mayor and aldermen having withdrawn from the huftings to the council chamber, previous to the election, the fheriffs communicated to them the choice of the livery, who immediately proceeded to the election of one of the faid aldermen, which fell upon. Mr. alderman Watson.

In the house of commons, when the Speaker (Mr. Addington) had returned from the houfe of lords, and taken the chair, he acquainted the house, that he had been in the house of peers, and that his majesty had been graciously pleased, by commiffion, to approve of, and to confirm, their choice of him as a speaker. Sailed

Milford Haven, Sept. 30. hence this day, his majefty's brig La Vipere, lieutenant Parker, with a convoy bound round land. Four perfons are arrived here from Waterford, who came in a fleet of merchantmen from the Weft Indies, in number 103 vessels. Some they parted on their paffage, being bound for Liverpool and other ports up the north channel; the remaining part, to the number of about 70, put into Crook-Haven, in the weft of Ireland.

Od. 1. A fuperb diamond fword, the fplendid acknowledgment of the nabob of Arcot to his royal highness the prince of Wales, for the honour of the princefs of Wales's picture, fint out by colonel Murray, was prefented to his royal highnefs at Carleton-house, by Jofias Dupre Porcher, efq. on the part of the nabob, lately arrived from India. Mr. Porcher was introduced on this occafion by fic John Macpherson, and moft graciously received; his royal

highness was anxioufly inquifitive re-, fpeting the welfare of the nabob, who, as was his venerable father, has been through life the tried and unshaken friend and ally of the British company and nation.

Harwich, O. 2. Yefterday arrived here the Nancy cutter, captain Kerkaldy, who was cruifing a few days ago off Goree, upon the Dutch coaft, when he fiw two Butch frigates fail out from Goree, of which he brought immediate information to admiral Duncan, in Yarmouth roads.

They are found to be highly useful, as
fignals can be made throughout a large
fleet with the utmost facility and of any

8. A letter was received, and fluck up
at Lloyd's, this morning, from fir James
Wallace, dated Newfoundland, Sept. 9.
This letter ftates, that the French fleet
at Newfoundland confifts of one eighty
gun fhip, fix feventy-fours, and a thirty-
eight gun frigate. On the fifth of Sep-
tember, the French landed and burnt
the Bay of Bulls, and then proceeded to
the northward.-Sir James, however,
expreffes his belief that St. John's is
not exposed to much danger.

Captain Kerkaldy fays, that fixty of the crew belonging to the Dutch admi. rai's fhip have mutinied; and that the diffenfions are fo general aniongft the crews, that they are fearful of fending the fleet to fea, left they fhould compel their commanders to strike to the Bri-infide 'beautifully decorated with filver

tish force.

Orders have been given for the immediate erection of furnaces for heating red hot balls along this coaft, at the following places, viz. Walton, Clackton, and Holland, in Effex.

10. The nabob of the Carnatic has been prefeated by government with a palanquin of a moft fuperb conftruction:-the beams are folid gold; the

linings, and fringed throughout; the pannels are painted after the highest ftyle of finifhing, and reprefent various groupes and heads of animals, after the manner of Afia, headed with gold, rich, ly raifed above the furface, and engrav3. The city of Norwich is likely to ed. The flays and different other orbe enriched with the first botanical mu-naments are of embossed silver. feum in the world. The collection of the great Linnæus, with confiderable additions by Dr. Smith, are intended to be deposited in that place.

Twenty fail of Dutch fchoots, which arrived at Yarmouth, on the 21ft ult. under Pruffian colours, for the herring fishery, have, we understand, been detained by order of government.

Lord Cornwallis is erecting four batteries on Clacton beach, to command the entrance of the Maldon river, in Effex; and the gentlemen of that county, at their quarter feffions on Wednefday laft, directed a volunteer company confifting of an hundred yeomanry, to be immediately raifed and trained for working the guns of the said batteries, at the request of lord Howard de Walden, the lord lieutenant of the faid

1. General fir Ralph Abercrombie goes out in the Arethufa frigate, of thirty-eight guns, to the West-Indies, which fhip is ordered to be in readiness by Mondaý next.

His majefty's new floop, Arrow, is built on a new construction, with four flding keels; he is to mount twenty-county. eight thirty-two pounders, and is to be com:nanded by captain Porlock; fhe will not carry any ballaft; and will, when fitted, and four months' flores on board, draw only ten feet water; her guns are not to go on carriages, but are 14. The marquis de Bouillé and Mr. to be mounted on a fcrew, from a flock Balouet will shortly fail to St. Domingo taflened to the deck, by which means the with general fir Ralph, Abercrombie. guns will only be turned round as a fwi-That part of the regiments of Montvel, instead of running in and out for alembert, Hompefch, and Louyehin, loading. which has hitherto remained in England, is defined for that ifland.

The Daphne privateer has taken into Orford two large Dutch doggers, laden with cod-fifh and oil, from Iceland, bound to Rotterdam: she captured them three leagues off the Brill.

4. Hand telegraphs are now generally adopted on board his majefly's ships.

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