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could be brought to give an explanation of them, his words might be taken down in writing; and fuch a confeffion (if it could be proved by refpectable witneffes, who could anfwer for his being in a state of fa nity) would nearly tend to anfwer every wified-for purpose.

Such were the baron's thoughts; and at an early hour be repaired to the cottage A phyfician of fome eminence was already arrived he gave but little hopes of the patient, but faid he might probably furvive a few days.-Eburne had enjoyed confiderable fleep for fome hours, and feemed perfectly calm.-The phyfician departed, after promifing to call again in the evening.

The baron now took the man who belonged to the cottage, on one fide, and requested to know what relation Eburne was to him.-The man answered, he was a coufin of his wife's; they had always understood he led a very wicked life; nor had any acquaintance been kept up between them for many years, til about fix months paft, when he caine to their cottage, very much diftreffed in mind, and labouring under every fymptom of a decline. He fully confeffed to them that he had been a most abandoned character, and claimed their pity.-The cottager and his wife accordingly admitted him into their houfe; but, as his health gradually grew worfe, his melancholy increased.-He, however, made his will, and left them the whole of the little property he was poffeffed of.

Last night (continued the man) he was fuddenly taken much worfe than we had ever before feen him, (though he has at times been deranged in his intellects for fome days paft); and begged 1 would bring him a confeffor: - I accordingly fet off for father Leolin, but I found he was fome miles from Montferrat. I then thought your prefence would aufwer the fame purpose."

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The baron defired the cottager to go into the chamber of the fick man, and mildly inform him that father Peter had called to fee him; that he would give him no uneafinefs, but rather comfort.

The man did as he was defired, and in about five minutes returned. "Eburne (faid he) is perfectly fen fible, and wifhs to fee you:-bat I am fure there is fomething ftrange about him; for, when I only mentioned your name, he started, as if afraid of being murdered."

The baron entered the roon alone. -Eburne again convulfively shook at the fight of him; but, being addreffed by the mild and condoling voice of the vifitor, he fo far reco. vered as to look on him, and liften to what he said, without any violent emotions.

The baron, after an hour's converfation with him, which feemed entirely to compose his mind, conceiv ed he might venture on a topic it was before impoffible for him to mention, concerning the murder of Percival Maferini, and alfo of those doubts relative to the count his father.

He opened the subject with fuch caution and mildnefs, that, though the remembrance might be feen to work in every feature of Eburne's face, he did not fall into any fits of infanity, but continued perfectly collected during the whole of the interrogation.

At the clofe of it, he heaved a figh of the most acute anguish and horror, and in fome meafure relieved his burfting foul by a flood of tears.-At length he recovered fo far, as to speak, and declared that Orlando, count Maferini, was poifoned; and that Percival Maferini, his fon, was affatfinated in Grafville Abbey, after having been kept there a prifoner fome little time and, however, (faid he) I may break the oath I have taken, I can no longer conceal the murderer:-it was my late master, the count d'Ollifont


But (continued the unhappy man) I am equally culpable with him.-I was privy to both transactions, and to every plot of villany he was concerned in, particularly that by which you were fo great a fufferer. - Oh, my God! (he exclaimed, clafping his hands in agony) thou only knoweft what are my fufferings!-It is thou only canft conceive the pangs which drive me to madness!”


partly as follows:That he was
taken into the fervice of d'Ollifont
when very young, fhortly after that
gentleman commenced gambler in
Spain. He was foon diftinguished
as his confidential fervant, and affift-
ed him in most of his defrauds:
that they led that kind of life till his
master's character was well known in
thofe parts, where he refided for
fome time:-that they were necefli-
tated to fly to the place where the
baron Sampieno and his family re-
fided, and (knowing his riches)
determined, if poffible, to make him
a dupe to their artifice; infinuating
himself into the baron's family,
though he bore a deadly hatred to
that nobleman.-This hatred he
refolved to gratify by a diabolical
fcheme of malice and villany.-He
determined to take away by force
Lucretia, the baron's only daughter;
and, by ruining her honour, to
make a public difgrace and ignomi-
ny fall upon her father, which he
knew would more effectually blast
his happiness than any pecuniary
fraud he could invent. This fcheme
was fruftiated by the baron's over-
hearing a converfation which he and
his matter had on that fubject; but.
which gave rise to another opportu

He was near fainting but the baron administered a cordial which foon recovered him.--He now informed burne that there was one effential way of atoning for his guilt; and that was to do juftice to the defcendants of the deceased; for this purpose it was neceffary, as his life was uncertain, that a paper fhould be drawn up, declaring the facts relative to both murders, which in a court of justice would be certain to cruth the wretch that was the caufe of then, and give to the children of the injured thofe Coffeffions they had fo long unlawfully been deprived of. -Eburne gladly and immediately confented to the propofal, and the more particularly fo, when it was explained to him that the breaking of an oath in fuch a cafe could not be deemed an act of wickedness, or be disapproved of by the Supreme.nity for d'Ollifont to execute à fecond The baron then drew up a paper containing all the circumftances, which were related to him by Eburne, before father Leolin, who was now arrived, and acquainted with the affair.

fiend-like contrivance, which tended to the fame horrid purpofe, and which, if poffible, exceeded the former one in ingenuity and contrivance, The manier and iffue of this horrid plot against the baron was

Eburne confeffed in the testimony that he was the perfon who found means to bury fome of the falfenotes in the baron's garden, and who, by d'Ollifont's orders, bribed' one of his fervants to their interest.

- In the evening the physician ar-related by himself, and the fuccefs of rived; and before him and the cot-it answered but too well. Lager, Eburne figned the paper; declaring it, on oath, to be the truth of every tranfaction it contained. Eburne feemed confiderably better, and after fome little time the whole company departed; the baron taking pollefion of the paper, which was the fame he was looking over when vifited by the inhabitants of the Abbey.

The confeffion it held forth was

He attended his mafter to Italy, where the old count Maferini was extremely alarmed, on account of a report which had been spread concerning his children, who had been


and left orders that nothing should be moved from the Abbey.

Eburne, however, was left behind, though it was fuppofed round the country that the Abbey was entirely free from inhabitants. He each night fhowed the light in the west tower, and fecretly employed three mechanics to put the traps and ma

fome time in France. He had been informed that Percival, his fon, bad 'contrived to rob the convent of N**** of a young lady of family and diftinction, and that both, with his filer, had ficd.-This report feemed the more to be credited, as an interval of fome time had pafled fince the count had heard from them, The old gentleman was extreme-chinery in order.-Thefe works he ly ill on the arrival of his nephew, fuperintended; and finding one of but teftified great pleafure at feeing thefe men, whofe name was Enukim, having never heard of his mif chio, fit for his purpose, retained conduct. He flowly recovered, and him, by d'Ollifont's defixe, to refide d'Ollifont was difpatched to procure in the fubterraneous chamber, and fome further intelligence of his chil- fhow the light, while Eburne dedren. It was during this journey parted for Spain, to come forward on that he made Eburne acquainted the trial on the baron Sampieno. with his intentions, and promifed him large rewards if he fucceeded. -They returned to the Abbey with a feigned letter, which gave information that Percival Maferini and his fifter were no more; that the former fell by the hand of an officer who was going to fecure them, and that the latter, in a fit of infanity, had poifoned her elf:-the letter concluded with faying that lady Clementina was confined in the Baftille, on a fufpicion of having murdered her fifter, who was found dead in her bed the morning after the elope

ment from the convent.

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The grief of the count was exceffive, and brought on a relapfe of his former diforder,--and this, added to a flow poifon, which Eburne procured, and which d'Ollifont, mixed with every fmall quantity of food he partook of, putan end to his exiflence, without any figns of murder being committed. The count made a will about two days before he died, in which he bequeathed the whole of his eftates and property, except a few legacies, to his nephew.-Eburne (by his mafter's order) gave it out the Abbey was haunted; and, the better to make this believed, d'Olli fow himfelf left. it fuddenly in the night, after the funeral of his uncle. He returned immediately to Spain,

Eburne alfo confeffed that the paffage, which formed a communication between the Abbey and the cave, the traps, &c. were found out by himfeif, and the fecrets conveyed dirrétly to his mafter, from whom he received a confiderable prefent,

The paper next contained an account of the terms to which the baron confented, to fave the life of him. felf and daughter (which the reader has before been acquainted with); alfo an account of d'Ollifont's entering into a fociety of depredators while in Italy, whole birth and fruations in life were all above the comnon rank, and whole defrauds were carried to the moft confiderable amount on people of rank.-Itwas at one of their places of rendez-vous, at Genoa, where the barun was introduced to d'Ollifont, at the time he took his oath After that conference, the latter departed to Spain; but Eborne ftill remained concealed, as his agent in Montferrat, a watch' upon the baron, and every circumstance which concerned the Abbey.

He fent him information that

Percival Materini was actually arrived, though, by d'Ollifont's orders, feveral men were placed on the roads to affallinate him.

immediately that the keys were deliveed in Spain, he fet off from

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ftained the floor-these were difco

that country and fecretly arrived at Montferrat, where he kept conceal-vered by Edward, his man, when he

ed in the fubterraneous room, with Eburne, Enuchio, and three men whom he had hired.-It has before been mentioned that the baron was abfent many miles; which anfwered every with of d'Ollifont: but he did not know that Jafper was left behind. The refolution of this party as to feize Percival Maferini and his fervant, fhould they fearch the Abbey alone; which it was rather expected they would.--Enuchio and the three men were difpatched in the day-time, about three miles round the fpot, each taking different roads, and met at the cave at an appointed hour at dark,

It was about the fifth night, when, after one of thefe excurfions, Enuchio brought word that Percival Maferini (whom he perfonally knew), with his fervant, had juft called at an inn for fome refrefhnient; and, by their manner, he judged they were coming to the Abbey, as they did not feem inclined to ftop, as it was now late.

made a fearch after his master in the morning; and alfo by fignor Balvolio, the officers of juftice, and other perfons, who attended the Abbey for the fame purpofe afterwards.-Percival Maferini was conveyed down to the cell defcribed by the baton, and difcovered by Jasper; and a fhort allowance of food was given him each night.

A few days after, Jafper was dif covered to be left behind in Montferrat; and it was determined he fhould be made away with, or at leaft fo far hurt as to prevent any inter ruption from him. - Eburne and two of the men affaulted him in one of the private avenues leading to the front gates, and left him for dead.

The next night, it was refolved between Eburne and his mafter, that a period fhould be put to the life of their wretched prifoner, for fear of the baron's return. D'Ollafont, how- . ever, did not wif any one of the men to be privy to the actual commitment of the murder: Entichio and

the others were, therefore, difcharg ed with large prèfents; and, by his defire, departed to Spain: there they were feized, through the agency of an alguafil with whom he was connected, put a-board a filip of war, and fell in the firft engagement.

Every thing, therefore, was prepared; Enuchio and two of the men were planted in the weft tower. -Eburne and another man were concealed in the hall; and the count himfelf waited the iffue of the fcheme, in the tomb, in which the unhappy victim was to be fhut up. -He entered the Abbey, agreeable to their expectations, even unattended by his fervant; and croffed the hall without any interruption.-nefs, thougli he affifted:-poifon Eburne being now certain he was within their power, he and his companion joined the count, while the unfortunate Percival afcended to the weft tower.

On his entrance, he was immediately feized by the ruffians:-in the struggle, a picture of his wife was torn by force from his bofom, with a part of the ribbon; and feveral drops of blood, proceeding from a blow which he received in the face, VOL. XXVII.

At midnight D'Ollifont, with his own hand, ftabbed his coufin Perci. val Maferini; Eburne being unable to perpetrate this laft deed of dark

was at first offered the unhappy man; but, on refusing to take it, he received the wound which at, once releafed him from a wretched exift


Eburne and his diabolical employer buried the body near the tomb, in a grave which had been prepared in the day; and then, placing every thing in the Abbey as it was before they came, departed, and in difguife returned to Spain. 4 C


562 Account of the Town and Castle of Harlech, in Merionethfbire.

(To be continued.)

Here Eburne received a confider- of their family, while it procured able fum from d'Ollifont, and re-them that comfort and affluence mained in his fervice about fix which they had fo long been demonths; when he was one night prived of. fuddenly feized, and carried on board a fimilar fhip to that in which his companions were conveyed; but, fortunately, did not meet with the fame fate. He efcaped from the crew, after twelve months, and entered into fervice in France; being deterred from making what he knew public relative to the count, on the idea of the fting oath he had taken

to the contrary. He had not a doubt but it was through his means he was, by force, taken from Spain; and his very foul recoiled against him, for thofe very fchemes he had aided him in executing.

ACCOUNT of the Town and CAS-

(With a View elegantly engraved.)

to derive its name from its fituation on a steep rock, close to the fea, in the north-weft part of the county, where is a harbour for ships, but little frequented. The town is but indifferently built; yet it ftill has a garrifon, in an old decayed castle, for the fecurity of the county. The inhabitants fay it was built by king Edward I. but he only repaired the fortification, and added fome other works. It is fuppofed to have been formerly a Roman town, from the great number of coins and other an. tiquities which have been found here.

ARLECH, or Harleigh, is faid

He was driven from France, by hearing of d'Ollifont's arrival there, and crofled over to England, torn with remorfe, and haraffed by a guilty confcience.-He was often tempted, in defiance of the oath he had taken, to impeach his late mafter; but the doubt how fuch an accufation might be received from him, against one who was every day growing more popular in Paris, prevented this act of justice. He refided in England fome years, as fervant to a private gentleman; but was again neceffitated to fly, on being inform-band, and about four feet long. ed that d'Ollifont was there likewise; dreading the power and inclination he had to rid the world of one who was privy to fo many of his crimes. He, therefore, made the best of his way back to France, and from thence foon returned to Italy, where he made himself known to his relations, and claimed their pity; finding his health totally declined, and his mind loaded with horror, anxiety, and bitter remorfe.

Near the caftle at Harlech, was dug up, in a garden, in the year 1692, a golden torques, or chain of gold; or, rather, three or four bars jointly twifted, in the form of a hat

In the year 1694 an extraordinary phænomenon happened in this part of the country, which was not only feen but fatally experienced. A livid fire coming off from the fea annoyed the inhabitants for above eight months, burning, in its progrefs, feveral hay-ricks, houfes, barns, &c. and fo infected the air and grafs, that it occafioned a mòrtality among all forts of cattle. It croffed a bay of the fea from CarTo this purport was the paper narvonshire, eight or nine miles which the baron now delivered to broad, in ftormy as well as calm Alfred Maferini:-it was a precious nights, and proceeded constantly to gift; for it would moft likely tend, and from the fame place, but oftenwith correfpondent evidence, to fub-er in the winter than in the followdue the inveterate and malicious foeing fummer; and what damage it

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