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The beauteous object shone,
While charm'd I gaz`d, hope fweerly faid
"Thele profpects are thine own."
But fancy, now, from forms of joy
Averts her fick'ning fight;
Her pencil horrors wild employ,

And fcenes of blackeft night.
The difmal profpects rife to view,
· Where direft ills combine:-
Defpair exclaim3, " Bid hope adieu:
These profpects now are thine."

AIR-Mr. Fawcett.
WHEN to my pretty Poli I went,
And I to travel fought her,

Ah, ftay at home, d'ear Jack, (fays (he) I cannot cro's the water." What could I do? Away I flew, A curticle I bought her: Six moaking bays, all Hyde park's gaze. From Tatterfall's I brought her. "Dear Jack, (fays the) how kind you be. (She'd coax like Eve's own daughter.) With you will I both live and die,

Do all but cross the water.”
Then, plahing, daffing, through the

She drove. the ftare of all.
The echo of her rattling wheels:
Was, 4 There goes pretty Poll!”
"Oh, pretty, pretty Pol!!*

From ev'ry tongue the echo rung"See, there goes.pretty Poll!"

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*The two lat lines were added in complment to fir G. K. E photoce's captures of the Dutch quadron at the Cape.

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With a girl fo divine,**

Such dinners! fuch wine? What a damn d clever dog was Jack Flourifa?

But an end to my cash, And my fame goes to fmath: No fiends my good qualities nous ifh ; For they, once so kind, mi nili Now agree in one mind,

"What a damn'd Itupid fat is Jack Flourish !"

Thus left by friends, by bailiffs feizîd,
And this vile limbo near,,
Yet with one hope I fill was pleas'd,
That Poll my cage would cheer.
To Poll I told where I must go..

And not to leave me fought her: She, laughing, cried, "Dear Jack, you


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By a young Lady of fifteen,
TH' enliv'ning fun, bright och of day,
In fplendour, o'er the plains
Arofe, and call'd to daily toif-
The village nymphs and wains
When Laura, youthful, rich, and fair,
That morning bent her way
To where a beauteous bow'r was reir'd,"
Bedeck'd with flowers gay.

The honey fuckle, jafmine, refe,,T
Scatter'd their odours round;
'Da fics, and yellow buttercups,
Enamell'd all the ground.

The glitt'ring dew beg-mm'd the gris,
And, as the pass d along,
The binney, b'ackbird, and the thru,
Welcom'd her with a fong;
The Zephyrs wafted rich perfumes,
Stol'n from each herb and flow
I he playful mbkins frel k'd round,
When Liura rach'd the bow'
Scarce was, the feated ere he heard
A plaintive voice complain
Crying, Alas! what have I done
To merit to much pain?
"Yet how dare i, prefumptuous wretch
(Though prefald mich fuch a load
Of dire misfortunes) how dare I
Arraign the righteous God!"


Juft as the spoke, fhe pafs'd the bow'r
Where Laura fat reclin'd;
And, "Oh! (hecried) in thy foft breaft,
Let me fome pity find:
"My husband on a fick bed lies;

My infants cry for bread."
"Go, woman! I have nought for thee:"
The haughty Laura faid.

(For Laura's parents oft had told,
That thofe who aims did erave,
Were wretches, who deserved not
The smalleft boon to have.)

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YE gentle nymphs to whom my ftrains


55ghoffonge/ Approve my numbers, as ye prompt my For you the daring poet tunes his dyre." Oh, liften to the firains your felves infpire!" So fhall the Mufe each magic.charm rehearfe: [verfe. So fhall each charm be lafling as her`, When Sylva fmiles, methinks the fmiles to prove,

The woman figh'd, and dropp'd a tear, She conquers all the delegates of love:

And inftant left the bow'r; Juft then, a ruftic miller pait By, with fome bags of flour. Soon as the cottager he faw,

He cried, Thy wants I know; It grieves me much that thou fhould'st feel

Such bitterness of woe." "Here, take the little all I have,

(I little have to give);

Gay fportive Cupids flutter round the


Pant on her breaft, and wanton in her,
Some new adorer all her glances gain,
And ev'ry ringlet is a lover's chain.

On Delia's cheek eternal rules bloom:
Her ruby lips exhale a rich perfume:
Her ruby lips indulge a mutual kifs,
And blush, luxuriant, at imparted blifs.
When bright Belinda leads the
fprightly dance, [vance:

From want 'twill keep thee one day With ev'ry flep our captive hearts ad


Thy infants yet may live."
Fair Laura faw:-a crimfon blush
Of hame o'erfpread her face;
"Ah, what a cruel wretch I am!"
She faid, and left the place.

Then to the cottager fhe ran,

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The meafur'd founds we hear, fhe feems

to lead;

[proceeds And, as the moves, we think the trains As mufic rifes from the fpheres that roll In myftic dance around the glowing pole. Oh! fill with foul-diffolving graces

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E. S. J.

Mifs Anu P**ch.
Mifs Sophia K****s.
Mils Beify C****tt.
Ms S phia S**b*ne.
Mifs Ann F****.


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- befpeak,

Slowly declining in the vale of years; And all the rofes, from my grief-worn ey cheeky

Are faded, by inceflant floods of tears. To you directed, my complaints fend, Whofe happy lives in love connubial & 7 flow, [friend, That you the ancient maiden may be To whom the world has ever prov'd b a foe:

Hard is my fate, defenceless, weak, and old! [braid; Opprobrious words my character upRepreis'd the talents that I would unfold; For no endearments cheer the lonely


Oh, fhield me from uncharitable fcorn! 'Tis grief, not envy, agitates my breaft; That I'm forfaken, deftitute, forlorn, While you are lov'd and tenderly cz. refs'd.

At these misfortunes I would not repine, Since heav'n appointed me the ftate And (though your cale can ne'er reyou fee; [semble mine) A husband's love eftrang'd is mifery. To be belov'd was once my happy lot; Then who fo cheerful hail'd each rif

ing morn 7. ~ Daña'l Alas! for wealth, neglected and forgot, I pin'd forfaken, and I wept forlorn, My mother, foother of each anxious carê, Kind death has fhelter din the friendly, tomb;

While I, alone, expos'd to every nare, Am left within my folitary home, To love that's fled I frequently recur,- And promis'd happiness appears


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¡N the full of years he funky his eyesgrew dim,.

And on the bed of leaves his feeble frande
Lay helpless: patiently did he endure,
In faith anticipating blessedness, wh
Already more than man, in that dread
When man is meaneft: his were the belt
21 joys
The pious know, and his last prayer was

I faw him dic: I faw the dews of death
Starting on his cold brow : I heard him
Pour out la bleffing on me! Son of
I would not wish to live to knowabze
When I could think upon a dear friend
And weep not.



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Vienna, Oct. 26.) 17

FROM the 12th of September to the 22d of October there have paffed through this city 24,000 men, chiefly raifed in Hungary, and deftined to reinforce the armies on the Rhine. The Hun, garians ftill continue their levies, which now amount to 40,000 fighting men. All the emperor's hereditary dominions follow the fame example, fo that Auftria will have at leaft 250,000 men on the Rhine, by the commencement of the fixth campaign, if the negotiations for peace do not fucceed in the courfe of this winter.

Army of the Sambre and Meufe. Head-quarters at Coblentz, “DЯober 28. A general attack was made the day before yefterday, by the right wing on the whole line, from Creutznach, as far as Kaiferflautern; the troops of the republic have performed prodigies of valour, and the generals have continu ed to give proofs of their bravery. The main body of the army, directed by the general of divifion Ligneville, whofe coolness, talents and intrepidity, proved fo useful in the campaign of 1792, at Montmedi, put itfell in motion at day break, and fought till night, that is to fay, till it was mafter of the pofitions, which the enemy defended with obftinacy..

General Poncet, marched from St. Wendel to Kaiferflautern, of which he took poffeffion, after diflodging the enemy General Hardy penetrated through the paffes of Falckenftein and Kircheim-Poland, where he took pofi tion; general Longes forced thofe of Furfield and Dieffenthal, where he eftablished himself. General Dauriez, commanding the centre, crolled the You. XXVII.

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Nahe at Lebbenheim, notwithstanding the fire of eight pieces of artillery, and made himself an opening with the bayonet; and, after having carried three-villages, with charge fteps, from the enemy, he favoured the rapid march of the adjutant general Gauloy, who feized Bingen, and the formidable mountain of St. Roch. General Klein, commanding the reserve of the cavalry, multiplied his movements in fuch manner, as to fupport all thofe attacks and that referve, united with the centre, confifting altogether of 6000 men, forced the enemy, upwards of 11,000 men ftrong, to retreat. The enemy were obliged to abandon their four camps. Their lofs cannot be well enough afcertained, but it muft be very confiderable. They left five chiefs killed on the field of battle, and we took from them 100 prifoners, and one piece of cañon. Citizen Dubois, who commands the light artillery, difmounted feveral pieces of theirs, by the brifkness of his fire.

Army of Italy. Head-quarters, Ve
rona, 08. 29.

The Auftrians have not been more fuccefsful in the fortie which they yesterday made from Mantua, than in thofe which preceded it.

At four o'clock in the morning, the enemy landed, under cover of the reeds and Thrubs of the Upper Lake, between Saint George's and the post of Cipado, a fmall corps, which had been detached from Mantus: but Moreau, T chief of brigade, who commanded at St. George, being apprifed of their defign, marched out again the enemy attacked them with the intrepidity French foldiers, deftroyed a number in their boats, in which a part had em4 D


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It has been reported here, that the Auftrians were forming large maga zines about Spires; but we are fure it is not true; nor is it fact, that the Auftrians have taken Kaiserslautern.

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Stockholm, Nav, 11, His Swedish majelty has granted baron Stac, the 1ste Swedish ambaffador at Paris, a penfion of 20,aco livres a year; and the duke of Sudermania, late duke regent, has refigned the office of highadmiral of Sweden, as well as all the other public places he held formerly.

Manheim, Nov. 11. A French trumpeter has been fent to general Hotze, with dispatches relative to an armistice. We are affured that the armiftice will he accepted by the Audrians, if the French will confent to retire behind the Queich. The prince de Ligne has been fent on the fame fubject to the archduke from general Werneck, to whom the French have alfo propofed an armistice. There paffed through this city to-day a courier from general Werneck to the archduke. Every thing is tranquil in our environs. The news from Italy ftate that the Auftrians entered Trent on the 4th.

The left wing of the Sambre and Menfe army has made a movement; a part of general Lefebvre's divifion bas repaffed the Rhine, and proceeded to the mountains. It is fuppofed that the general in chief intends to keep a ftrong force in the fecond line upon the centre of his army, in order to make movements to the left, right, or centre, in cafe of neceffity.

Raftadt, Nov. 12. Archduke Charles Tummoned Kehl to furrender on the rith, and received an answer of refufal. The bombardiment was, therefore, hourly expected to take place. The archduke Charles had also received confiderable reinforcements.

General-quarters at Verona, Nov. 13.
The Auftrian army is advanced from

Vicenza, to Montebello, and from thence to St. Martin,

the corps whicct out from Verena on The general in chief has marched we had upon the Adige, which the 218, at three o'clock in the afternoon. It met the advanced guard of the enemy between St. Martin and St. Michael, which it routed, and pursued for the pace of three miles..

The next morning the two armies found them felves in prefence of each other, and had a harp engagement. The weather was extremely bad : this did not prevent the French ar y, however, from diflodging the e enemy Feveral times from their pofition, after having made about 700 prifoners. The general in chief having been mformed that the enemy were in motion upon the Lower Adige with a view of paffing it, he marched, at day break, the whole body of the army to Verona. The battle was very fmart: the enemy's lofs was estimated very” “high. Launay, general of brigade has been killed."

Gentili, general of divifion, commander for the republic in Corfica, at the head of a column of light infantry, made himfelf master of the important height of Mortela, which has obliged the English fleet to evacuate the gulph of St. Florence.

Three English fhips of war hare been burnt in the port of Ajaccio.

Paris, Nov. 17. Some very important changes have taken place in the port of Breft. Some marines, who were held in general esteem, have laft their, command. Vice-admiral Villaret Joyeuse has a fucceffor appointed, and carries with him much regret. What are the motives of thefe changes! We are in poffeffion of very important details upon this fubject: hut we hall not hazard their publication till we learn the further refults.

It appears that they have not renounced the plan of the expedition which was fitting out at Breft: thirtyfix tranfports with troops on board, ten fhips of the line, and feveral frigates, are under orders to hold themfelves in readiness for failing. We ase ignorant of the deftination of this weak fleet, when the English can at a mement's warning pur to ka a much more powerful force.

The port of Breft, in refpect of mo8

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