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ney, is tha molt diftreffed fituation. I quarters are at Hallingen This coThe paces have been that for a lumn is fifteen thousand men Itrong, monthl IS neither fpecie nor among whom is the army of Conde, mandats for the officers. They comom. Paris, Nov. 17. Noel has fent to per them to remain at Breff, and do the Batavian convention in the nime not even give them wherewithal to of the directory, to inform it, that the liye. The refolution, ordering them, negotiations, commenced with ford as well as the land troops, to be paid a Malmesbury appear to lead to a genefourth of their falaries in cafh, is not raf pacification. The directory thought executed for want of means. it proper to make the Batavian repubSome officers, dying for hunger, af-lic equally an object of its folicitude as ter having fold every thing for their that of France; in confequence of own fupport, waited on the intendant, which it invited them to felect a to requeft the payment of the arrears fon, charged with full powers, to hipwhich had been long due to them; port the intereft of the republic in the they defred that, if he would not pay courfe of the negotiation, and to fend them, he would give them a refufal in him immediately to Paris. writing


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The intendant replied, that zens named for this purpoftewas unneceffary, as their requeft venon, Pafteur, and Meyr, who are had not been made in writing. The of actually at Paris. sicers ligued a petition; and all rhofe who fubfcribed it ha e been put under

an arrest.

The directory have yielded to the general eral remonftrances which have been made upon the enormous' fum which the gratuitous diftribution of twelve or fifteen thoufand copies of the Redacteur cofts the public; in confequence of which it will be no longer circulated in the adminiftrations and among the public functionaries.

The efforts of the Auftrian army are particularly directed at this mo


Hamburgh, Nev. 17. Three Ruffian fhips of the line, and as many frigates, have received orders to return to England. They will fhortly be followed by 16 other men of war rates.

Thefe new meafhe


have been occafioned by the declaration of war on the part of Spain against England.

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Toulon, v. 17. There arrived in ' our harbour, the day before yesterdays. a Leghorn fhip, having on board '146 French prifoners from Corfica, from whence they fet out on the 23d of laft

Stranft the fort of Kehl, oppofite month. They relate, that at their

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departure from Baftia, the Corlicans were generally in a ftate of infurrection against the English, and that they had got poffeffion of the viceroy, and the principal chiefs; that the English had been enabled to retire on board two of their fhips which were at Baltia, where they embarked all the engrants, and those who were in apprehention of the

For fome time back no official ac-arrival of the French; that the viceroy counts have been published from the army of the Sambre and Meufe, nor from that of the Rhine and Molelle.

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THIS moment advice has been received, that the Cerberus, capt. Drew, is now off the harbour with three prizes, viz. a French privateer, of 12 guns; a large Jamaica thip of 600 tons burthen, and a large fhip from the Cape of Good Hope, both bound to London, taken by the French, and re-taken by the Cerberus: the chafed another brig privateer into fir John Warren's fquadron, which we learn was taken by them, and fent into Falmouth,

Admiral Kingfmill's cruifers, being conftantly at fea, meet the success they are fo juftly entitled to. No farther particulars are yet known; the Cerberus failed from hence the 29th ult. in company with the fquadron under command of capt. Falknor, of the

· Diana,

The commiffioners of the navy have just made contracts with private shipbuilders, for building fix new frigates, of so guns each, for his majefty's fer. vice, directly, on a very large fcale.

The evening of the 17th of laft month was the time fixed at Gibraltar, for commencing a fire from 350 pieces of heavy artillery against the works which the Spaniards have begun to raise. General O'Hara, in Arict difcipline and attention to the garrifon, emulates the conduct of his predeceffor lord Heathfield. The fleet under the command of admiral Mann are, as we before ftated, drawn up in line of battle under Rofca battery; but were expected, when the above accounts came away, to fail in a few days, to intercept a large fleet of merchantmen expected at Cadiz.

14. A military waggon has been

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conftructed, 'the disco
the plan of which has re
ceived the approbation of the duke of
York and other general officers, for
the more fpeedy conveyance of the fol
diery from one part of the kingdom to
the other. There are three rows of
benches, which will hold forty-eight
men; and underneath is a box to carry
the provifions. It is extremely light."
and well fuited to the purpofes for
which it is intended.

Plymouth, Nov. 16. This morning
came into Catwater the fhip Friendship,
of London, caprain Thomas Black,
from the Cape of Good Hope, laden
with wheat, for London. She failed
from thence on the 2d of Auguft,
previously to the capture of the Dutch
fquadron; but faw them tecting for
the Cape a few days after the left it/
On the 26th of October, in lat. go,10
the Friendship fell in with the Venture
French privateer, of 14 guns, and 100
men, commanded by citizen Van-
dome, which the engaged upwards of
half an hour. Having, however, bur
few men on board, fhe was obliged to
fubmit to the great fuperiority of the
French. Unfortunately, lieutenant
Fitzgerald, of the 95th regiment, 1a
paffenger on board, was killed in the
action, by a ball paffing through his
head: two of the crew were allo
wounded. The Friendship had di
fpatches from admiral Elphinstone, and
a great number of letters, which were
thrown overboard and funk in the
action. After the Friendship was ta
ken poffeffion of, the Frenchman fhape
ed her courfe for Bourdeaux; but on
the 4th of November, in lat. 46. the
Cerberus, of 32 guns, captain Drew,~
fell in with and recaptured the Friend-
ship, and fent her for this port. Cap-
tains Alexander Rowe and W. Do

the pen of the rey. Dr. Jones, archdeacon of Hereford.

Nov. 19. His majefly's fhip Trusty, of 50 guns, capt. Olborn, now

glas, of the 84th regiment, Mr. Dalton, and Mr. Allan, who came passengers, from the Cape, in the Friendship, landed here this morning: captain Black was kept on board the priva--Sheernels, is under orders to fail for teer, and is supposed to have reached France.


the Cape of Good Hope, with lord Macartney and his fuite. His lordship has completed every necessary arrangement for his departure, and is expected to fet out in .༢ few days.

17. Captain fir Richard Strachan, of the Melampus frigate, fell in with the frigate and two corvettesy of the failing of which on Friday evening last, we had accounts by the American ship Nancy; and was fortunate enough to drive one of the corvettes on the rockings to make that decayed fortrefs

at half ebb, and to capture the other corvette, which arrived at Portmouth in company with the Melampas yefter day. She is loaded with naval Itores, a very fine vessel, and mounts 18 guns, nine-pounders, led, law p

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The committee of the court of aldermen met at the manfion-house, to finifh alderman Skinner's regulating bill. The bill contains claufes, that the bakers hall give an account of

The depot for Eaft India recruits, we understand, will not be at Carifbrook Castle, as the neceffary build

tenable, would render the undertaking too expenfive,

There was a very arduous prefs for feamen on the river: the gallies were very numerous, which vifited every veffel from London-bridge to Wool wich, from which a few ufeful Wands' were procured, and fent to the receiving fhip at the Tower.

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22. One of the most gallant actors achieved during this war, or perhaps

their flock of flour from time to time; Briting and brilliant annals of

that all the flour and wheat fold in or out of the market fhall be fairly entered in a book or books; and from the average upon this account, the meal-weighers are to draw the medium price. A glaufe likewife refpects the tock of the millers and the warehousemen, with many others, which feem likely to be beneficial to the community.

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19. A few days ago was opened, clofe to Mrs. Nightingale's, in Weftminfter-abbey, a monument to the memory of the late fir George Pocock, K. Bao gio

The defign is the fimpleft poffible: Britannia is embracing with her left arm a medallion of the admiral, and in her right hand wields a thunderbolt, doubtless in conformity to the figurative mode of expreffing the force of the English maritime power, by calling it the British thunder.

The monument is from the chifel of Bacon whofe various works decorate the principal repolitories of fculpture in the kingdom; and we are of opinion that this his last performance will not diminish his reputation.

It is erced at the expenfe of his fon George Pocock, efq. and the ins fcription, which does great juftice to the admiral's character, comes from

the Welt Indies, between his majefty bring Pelican, of 18 guns, commandu ed by captain J. C. Searle, and the French frigate the Medea, of 44 guns.

Thefe veffels falling in at fea, to windward of Guadaloupe, the Pelican, fecing the Freuchman of fuch fuperior force, made all fail away from him. The latter, however, had as great fuperiority in failing, as in force, and foon came along fide the English brig.. The captain of the latter, with that fpirit and heroifm which fo pre-eminently diftinguish British feamen, determined to fight to the laff; a warm action immediately commenced, which lafted for an hour and a half, during which the Frenchman was fo feverely handled, that he made for Guadaloupe, the Pelican in purfuit of him; and nothing prevented, the English heroes from making a prize of their enemy, but the vicinity of the latter to his port. kewife, that the Pelican took a vel! unfer convoy of the Medea, but w unfortunately retaken by fome and f boats fent out from Guadaloupe.

It is to be mentioned, Own

As a proof that the Cape of Good Hope is not one of our conqueft which it is meant to furrender on event of reciprocal conceffions, the in

dia company gave a great dinner to lord Macartney and his fuite laft week, preparatory to his going out governor of that fettlement.

Nov. 3. The tide in every part of the river was very high. In Tooleystreet the inhabitants were taken out in boats; and a large quantity of foreign wheat, which was upon the groundfloors of the warehouses, was fo much damaged that it must immediately go to the diflillery.

3. Soon after 11 o'clock, the fubfeription for eighteen millions fterling, for the fervices of the enfuing year, clofed at the bank; and fuch was the general defire to fubfcribe," that the court room was a fcene of the utmoft confusion. Many gentlemen were altogether disappointed; and those who could get near the books to put down their names, did fo with the utmost dif ficulty. There was very little remaining to be fubfcribed; for a great number of orders had been received by Mr. Newland in the morning from the country, which claimed a preference; and accordingly the doors were fhut fame time until these commiffions were written down. There is no doubt but

many millions more would have been fubfcribed, if the public fervice had required it.

"Dec 7. The marquis of Bute arriv ed at his house in Hill-ftreet, Berkeley. fquare, from Lisbon.

The Cirencefter, arrived at Crookhaven, left Canton 21ft March, 1796, and brings forme magnificent prelents for his majefty, accompanied by a moft gracious letter from the late emperor Kien Long, who has refigned his throne to his fifteenth fon. This prince affumed the reins of government on the gth of February, the Chinese new year's day, with the title of emperor Kia fing.

The old emperor has taken the new appellation of Tai Tebang Hoang Ti, or the VERY GREAT emperor.

16! An exprefs was received at the admiralty, ftating that his majefty's ip La Reunion, of 36 guns, in her pallage from Sheernefs for Yarmouth, jad truck on a fand-bank in the Swin, and was totally loft; we have, however, the pleafure to add, that capt. Báinfor, and all the crew, except three, are faved.

This veffel was reckoned one of the [wifteft failing ships in his majeffy's navy, the was taken from the French the zoth of Odober, 1793, by the Crefcent frigate, commanded by capt fir James Saumarez, which, after a fmart engagement ftruck, on the Circe, of 18 guns, appearing in fight.

A new floop of war, of 16 guns, to be called the Stock, is ordered to be built in the king's-yard, at Deptford. As the is intended for a voyage of furveys and difcoveries, her conftruction is to be on an enlarged scale, and the model very different from any in prefent ufe.

Admiral Vandeput's fquadron has captured the Adriana, bound from the Havannah to Barcelona. She is a va luable prize, laden with fugar and fpecie, and is now on her pallage to England, under convoy of the Ada.



13. Admiral Bligh has, at the reqbëft of the merchants, fiationed a man of war off the island of Cuba, for the protection of our trade.

An awful and fingular hail-florm occurred at Norwich laft week. Two very vivid flathes of lightning illumin ed the fouthern and northern bemifpheres, fucceeded by heavy peals of thunder, while the hail, which fell profufely, appeared impregnated with the fire.

17. Lieutenant Hammerline, of the navy, arrived at the admiralty-office, from the Mediterranean, with dis fpatches from admiral fir John Jervis, K. B. He left the English fquadron eruifing in the Mediterranean, and confilling of 14 fail of the line, without the appearance of either a French or Spanish Tquadron to oppofe it. This officer brings alfo the agreeable advice, that the garrifon of Gibraltar was in high health and fpirits, Lieutenant Hammerline left Gibraltar on the 30th of November.

The captain of a Portuguefe veffe! arrived at Lifbon, from the coaft of Braßl, reports, that on the 15th of July laft, the Fame fetter of maique, captain Wheldon, of 16 guns, and so men, bound to London, arrived at Rio Janeiro, from the coaft of América, entirely difmatted, having, on the oth of that month, beat off Le Terrible, French privateer, of 22 guns, and full of rnen.


The two hips hours and fifty minutes, engaged two thaw, to Anne Jefferys, late countess


n which time the French made three attempts to board the Fame, but were repulfed with great flaughter, The Fame had feven men killed and nine wounded; among the latter are the captain and chief

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No. 15. Ralph Anthony Ironfide, of Haughton le Spring, in the county of Durhain, efg to mifs Dunn, fecond daughter of the late John Dunn, of Tennochfide, efq.

of Westmeath.

Lieut Fletcher, of the royal corps of engineers, to mifs Mudge, daughter, of the late Dr. Mudge, of Plymouth A

David Sutherland, of Lyndhurst,: efq. to mifs Boctefcur, of Southamp

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John Wodehouse, efq. M. P. and eldeft fon of Sir John Wodehoufe, of Kimberley, Norfolk, bart to miss Nor ris.

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Samuel Stephens, efq. barrifter, at law, to mifs Wallis, daughter of the late Samuel Wallis, efq, commiffioner of his majefty's navy.

Thomas Pollett, of Bardheid lodge, Effex, esq. to miss Elizabeth Clution, as Lieutenant Slade, of the royal navy,› to milfs Cheney Role, of Portsmouth.

John Pope, of Eridge, Kent, efq. to mifs Harnett, of Canterbury.

Sir Henry Goodricke, of Kibston,, Yorkshire, bart. to miss Charlotte Fortefcue, fecond daughter of the late right hon. James Fortefcue.

8. William Stanley, of Bellveehoufe, efq. to mifs Rennell, of Suffolkftreet, Middletex-hofpital.

The rev, H. A. Hole, chaplain to the prince of Wales, to mifs Sarah Horne, youngest daughter of the late bifnop of Norwich.

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10. The hon. Copley Ahley, bro 16. Colonel Forfer, of the Somerfet ther to the earl of Shaftesbury, to lady fentible infantry, to mifs Coles, daugh-Anne Spencer, daughter to the duke of ter of James Coles, of Taunton, efq.

17. Capt. 1. C. Mitchell, of the Eaft India company's Bengal military establishment, to mils Harriet Vaughan. 21. Robert Willon, jun. of Hackney, efq. to inif's Couflinaker.


Capt. Losack, of the Jupiter man of war, to mifs Story, daughter of George Story, efq.

Major Shee, of the thirty-third regiment, to mifs St, Charles...

423.Thomas Spencer Phelps, of The rey, Charles Powlett, chaplain
Bahol College, Oxford, efq. to mifs to his royal highness the prince of
Mary Tucker of Axminster, Devon-Wales, to mifs Temple, daughter of
the late rev. W. J. Temple, vicar of

The hon. Auguftus Cavendish Brad St. Gluvias, Cornwall,

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