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national convention, the province of Overyffel being against the measure, propofed the inflitution of a commission at Amfterdam, to unite the various opinions and interefts of the provinces upon this fubject; but on the 30th, as the province of Overyffel were fwayed by thofe of Holland, Guelderland, and Utrecht, they refcinded their first propofition.

The province of Holland, availing itfelf of this momentary majority, adopted the refolution taken on the 13th, with a few alterations in fome of the articles, difanulling that of yesterday, by which the meeting of the national convention is put off till the 18th of February, inftead of the ift. This delay is to give time for the diffenting provinces to make up their differences.

It is just the fame at present as it was on the 25th of November, as the provinces of Groningen, Zealand, and Overyffel, are ftill against a convention: -whether they can he brought over, time only will fhew. Zealand demands the retention of the provincial fovereignty, and that its contribution to wards the union fhall be diminished. Friefland requires, that the reprefent ation fhall not be founded upon the population, as alfo the prefervation of the provincial fovereignty; and, thirdly, that there be fome check against the convention; and Groningen propofed that deputies fhould be fent to Amfter dam, to endeavour to effect a union of fentiment among the provinces upon this important object.

Yefterday the prefident of the flates received the compliments of the new year from feveral branches of the government, as well as the foreign minifters; the latter were diftinguishable by their arms and their liveries; which was not the cafe with any of the former.

The number of people in the whole of the United Netherlands amounts to 1,769,000 fouls. The contribution of Belgium towards the forced loan amounts to 70 millions of livres.

Auftria, Jan. 15. The king of Pruffia has, by means of the marquis de Lachefini, fent compliments of congratulation to the emperor, on his tak ing poffeffion of his lot of Poland. The old national debts of Poland, the

payment of which Auftria, Pruffia and Ruffia, have undertaken, are eflimated at three millions of florins.

They write from Rome, that the palace belonging to the king of Poland in that capital, is repairing and beautify ing; Stanillaus intending to finish his days there in peace.

The expenfes of the campaign of this year are calculated at fixty millions; means for raifing which are, for the greateft part, already faid to be in forwardness; our new share of Poland is to furnish 25,coo recruits.

Paris, Jan. 15. The courier fent by general Pichegru to this capital, with the fufpenfion of arms, is returned with the acquiefcence to the fame on the part of the executive directory, but no determination as to the time it is to laft. The troops are going into quarters, and the armies receive daily reinforce


An affair of out pofts happened in the neighbourhood of Treves, fince the term of agreement for the ceffation of hoftilities; of which the generals on both fides have very strongly marked their disapprobation. The officers chiefly concerned in the aggreffion have been very feverely punished.

Duffeldorf, Jan. 21. We have 2500 men in garrifon here. The fortifications are continued with increased activity-47 batteries, on the borders of the Rhine, will render Duffeldorf inacceflible. General Hatri commands here.

Rotterdam, Jan. 21. The rivers Maefe, the Amftel, and all the waters in North Holland, are at this time open as in fummer.

Cologue, Jan. 26. The truce concluded between the French general Hatri and the Austrian general Kienmayer, does not permit the navigation of the Rhine, except for transports expedited by virtue of orders, or with passports figned by the commiffioners of war, or competent officers: that navigation can only take place from Bacharach to Sieg, and from the Wupper to Holland. The space comprised between those two rivers cannot be navigated by the inhabitants either of the right or left fhore, and no perfon of any fort whatever is to pass the river within that space. Hague, Feb. 11. Accounts received from Conftantinople represent an approaching

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proaching war as inevitable. event, it is obferved, could not poffibly be protracted longer than the enfuing fpring the preparations in the docks and arfenals are beyond any prece. dent.

13. All the youth upwards of 15 years of age, now maintained in any of the charitable foundations, will be obliged to enter into the fea or land fer

vice, or otherwise procure their own fubfiftence in future."

Le Reveil du Peuple was lately played in the French theatre at the Hague; but the manager has received orders to prohibit it in future.

Almoft all the modifications fubmitted by the provinces to the ftates general relative to a national convention, have been rejected.


St. James's, Jan. 13.

THIS day their majefties, with their royal highneffes the princeffes, removed from Windfor to the queen's palace, to refide during the winter.

Jan. 15. Profecutions were commenced, and bills found by the grand jury, at the quarter-feffions at Gloucelter, against 22 perfons who have been guilty of forestalling the markets, to the great prejudice of the inhabitants. We are affured that a strict watch will be for the future continued, to guard the markets from fuch injurious prac. ices.

Jan. 18. This day was observed as her majefty's birth-day, with the ufual marks of loyal feftivity. At one the guns on the platform at the tower fired a royal falute on the occafion; the new royal standard was displayed on the white tower, and all the churches hoifted their flags on the occafion, as did the thipping of all nations in the river. At two o'clock there was a drawing-room at St. James's palace. The princefs Sophia, being indifpofed at Wind for Jodge, was not prefent. Their majefties' youngest daughter, the princefs Amelia, was introduced at court for the Birst time. The unufual mildness of the weather made a difplay of dress on the nobility and gentry of both fexes much more light and airy than is ufual at this feafon. The queen was, as is ufual on

fimilar occafions, dreffed in a plain ftyle. The king, who received the compliments of the nobility according to the etiquette, was more richly habited. It being the firft drawing-room since the commencement of the new year, the ode was performed in the great council chamber before the royal family and the whole court. According to annual cuftom, 40 boys, educated in Chrift's hofpital, were introduced to the king by aldermen Clark and Gill. In the evening there was a ball in the great ball-room. The ball was rather thinly attended, and but very few perfons occupied the dancing feats. At ten mi nutes paft nine their majefties entered the room, and at half past nine the minuets commenced.

Their majefties, during the whole of the day, appeared in high fpirits; and the affability and condescension of the queen to every perfon with whom she converfed, was never more attractingly confpicuous and engaging.

The prevailing fashions were blue and green velvet trains, and bandeaus of various coloured foil, ornamented with gold or filver,

Her majefty's birth day was observed at Plymouth in a very loyal and affectionate manner: the different regiments and volunteers fired three vollies; the citadel and men of war fired royal falutes; and the royal ftandard was hoifted on board the admiral's fhip. At the government

government houfe, the victualling-fence of immenfe numbers of women,

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office, dock-yard, royal hofpital, marine barracks, at major Hawker's, and at the citadel, grand dinners were given on the occafion; and in the evening there was a brilliant ball at Pridham's long room, Stone-houfe.

who from the adjoining villages, unmolefted by our difcriminate fire, flood near the batteries, fpectators of the fight, did not prevent many of the foldiers profiting by the flath of our guns to avoid the fhot from them. The This evening, between feven and Diamond, and Amazon, have each eight o'clock, the inhabitants of Liver- driven veffels of the enemy into fitupool were alarined by a moft tremen- ations where they were unaffailable by dousftorm of wind, hail, rain, thun- frigates or open boats, but could have der and lightning; the flashes were vi-eafily been taken or deftroyed by armed vid and inceffant, and lafted for upwards of half an hour. We have not heard of any damage done by it.

cutters or luggers: a particular inftance of which lately occurred to Sir Sidney Smith, who, with that spirit and ability for which he is diftinguifhed, brought the ship he attacked immediately between the batteries and the Diamond, when finding that he had but 12 feet water, with the tide at ebb, he was ob

This day, between eight and nine o'clock at night, the poft boy carrying the Manchester, Warrington, and Frodham bags, was ftopped by two men with crape before their faces, and well mounted, near Duaham-on-the-liged to relinquish a purfuit which a Hill: and, after fecuring the boy, they took the bags into an adjoining field and broke them all open, and examined the letters, and left them fcattered in the field; they then returned to the boy, hood-winked him, tied him to a tree, and left him with horrid threats if he attempted to difengage himself.

cutter of ten or twelve guns would have crowned with fuccefs confiderably advantageous.

The prince of Wales this morning ordered the payment of every claim to the 5th inftant; and we hear that the expenditure is brought within the income, though we understand it is done with much difficulty.

bound Mediterranean fleet.

Guernsey, Jan. 19. The national characteristic, benevolence, is exem- 20. Letters were received at the adplified and exalted by our cruifers. The miralty from admiral fir John Jervis, wretched fishermen of France, previous and fir Gilb. Eliott, at Corfica, brought to the expected arrival or departure of by the Cyclops frigate, which made their fhipping, are prevented by armed the paffage from Gibraltar in leven cutters of the convention from follow-days. It is with much pleasure we state ing their occupations. On the appear- the junction of admiral Waldegrave's ance of our frigates thefe craft gene- fquadron with that under fir John Jerrally fly into port, when the filling-vis; and the arrival of the outwardboats traffic with our people for bread, which they in every initance prefer to money. They are fometimes unable to give fifh, when our gallant tars share their bifcuits with them, without looking for an equivalent. Notwithlanding the frequency of communication between the fquadron of Sir Sidney Sinith and the fishermen, which has grown iato perfonal acquaintance, the coaft from Dieppe to Havre favours ftrongly of republicans. From Havre, by the 23. The affociation for exploring Calvadoes, and again by Granville, the unknown diftricts of Africa have they profefs warm attachment to their lately received accounts that one of their ancient government. Our frigates, in emiffaries had penetrated to the vast and attempting to deftroy fome of the ene- populous city of Tombucto, about one my's veffels, have had occafion to en- thousand miles to the north-eaft of the gage feveral batteries, near which they river Gambia. About a month ago, a ran for protection, when even the pre-fpecimen of a web of cloth was pre

Dispatches were alfo received at lord Grenville's office, from lieutenant general O'Hara, governor of Gibraltar. The garrison is faid to be in a very unhealthy ftate, owing to an inveterate fcurvy which prevails among the troops; and great part of the ordnance and ftores, it is added, were found by the general, on his arrival, in a very unferviceable condition.


fented to the prefident to the affociation, and fhewn to several gentlemen; it was of a fpecies of thick piled cotton, wove in large fquares of dark blue and white, of between one and two inches, with red veins or freaks in the blue parts; the colours were very vivid; the edges were goc-l, apparently, as well as the


Kent, John Mumford, of Sutton at Hone, efq.

Leicestershire, James Richards, of Afhby-de-la Zouch efq.

Lincolnshire, William Earl Welby, of Denton, Efq.

Monmouthfhire, poftponed.

Northumberland, Adam Mansfield Lawfon Decardonnel, of Chirton, efą. Northamptonshire, Allen Edward' Young the younger, of Orlingbury,

27. Great favings are in agitation throughout the kingdom in fhip building. The plan is to shape every timberefq. to its ufe, by boiling it in oil or water. A fhip thus built will be stronger, with a confumption of but one half the timber.


This day the judges met in lord Kenyon's chamber, Weftmintter hall, and chofe their circuits for the enfuing fpring affizes as follow, viz.

Northern. Right hon. lord Kenyon and hon. Mr. juftice Heath.

Norfolk. Right hon. lord chief juftice Eyre and hon. Mr. juftice Ashurft. Midland. Right hon. the lord chief baron and hon. Mr、justice Rooke. Home. Hon. Mr baron Hotham and hon. Mr. justice Grose, Western. Hon. Mr. baron Perryn and hon. Mr. juftice Buller.

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Oxford. Hon. Mr. baron Thompfon and hon. Mr. justice Lawrence.

Feb. 6. Sheriffs appointed by his majefty in council, for the year 1796. Berkshire, Michael Anthony, of Shippon, efq.

Bedfordshire, George Brooks, of Flitwick, efq.

Bucks, Thomas Hibbert, of Chalfont-houfe, efq.

Cumberland, James Graham, of Barrock-lodge, efq.

Chefhire, the hon. Booth Gray, of Winckam.

Camb. and Hunt. John Gardiner, of Chatteris, efq.

Devonshire, Sir Bourchie Wray, of Tavistock, bart.

Dorfetfhire, Thomas Bowyer Bowyer, of Iwern-minster, efq.

Derbyshire, Thos. Burrow, of Derby, efq,

Effex, Jackfon Barwife, of Marfhalls, eiq.

Gloucestershire, Samuel Peach Peach, of Upper Torkington, efq.

Hertfordshire, John Sowerby, of Lilley, efq.

Herefordhire, Abraham Whitaker, of Litton, efq.

Norfolk, Thomas Brown Evans, of Ke by Bedon, efq.

Nottinghamshire, John Wright, of Nottingham, efq.

Oxfordshire, poftponed. Rutlandfhire, Robert Tomlin, of Edith Weftoc, efq

Shropshire, Ralph Leake, of Longford, efq.

Somerietfhire, John Tyndale Warre, of Heltacombe, efq.

Staffordshire, Henry Vernon, of Hilton, efq.


Suffolk, John Clayton, of Sibton,

Southampton, Henry Maxwell, of Ewfhot houfe, efq.

Surrey, Thomas Sutton, of Moulfey, Efq.

Suffex, John Fuller, of Rofchill, efq.' Warwickshire, poftponed. Worcestershire, Thomas Hill the younger, of Broom, efq.

Wiltshire, Becket Turner, of Penleigh, ef.

Yorkshire, Godfrey Wentworth Wentworth, of Hickilton, efq. SOUTH WALES.

Caermarthen, Daniel Jones, of Glanyrannell, efq.

Pembroke, Nathaniel Philips, of Slebetch, efq.

Cardigan, Edward Warren Jones, of Llanina, efq.

Glamorgan, Herbert Hurft, of Gabalva, efq.

Brecon, Philip Champion Crefpigny, of Tallyllyr, efq.

Radnor, Percival Lewis, of NewRadnor, efq.

NORTH WALES. Merioneth, Sir Edward Brice Lloyd, of Park, bart.

Anglefea, John Morris Conway, of Cellening, efq.

Carnarvon, John William Lenthall, of Mainan, efq.


Montgomery, John Dicken, of Welch Pool, efq.

Denbighshire, John Hughes, of Horfeley hall, efq.

Flint, Sir Edward Price Lloyd, of Pengwern-place, bart.

At a council of his royal highness the Prince of Wales, held at Canton-house the 5th day of February, 1796. Sheriff appointed by his royal highnefs the Prince of Wales, for 1796. County of Cornwall, John Enys, of Enys, eiq.

from fome perfon in John-ftreet, which leads from St. James's-square, in Pallmall.

In confequence of this audacious proceeding, a council was fummoned yesterday at lord Hawkefbury's office, Whitehall; at which the lord prefident, lord chancellor, lord privy feal, duke of Portland, lord Hawkesbury, lord Spencer, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Dundas, and the mafter of the rolls, attended, and took the depofitions of Mr. Kemp, the coachman, and mers. Valence and Baker, with the other footmen who were behind the carriage,

His royal highnefs the prince of Wales paid a vifit to her majefty yesterday, as foon as he heard of the danger which his royal parents had efcaped.

12. A council was held at the fecretary of ftate's office, at which the lord chancellor, lord prefident, lord privy feal, cuke of Portland, lord Grenville, lord Spencer, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Dundas, Mr. Windham, and other members of the cabinet, affifted to deliberate on the offence, of which Mr. Gillet, who was brought up for examination, food charged; when after entering into a variety of arguments, and hearing the evidence againft the prifoner, he was fully committed to Newgate, for having abfented him felf from this country in the month of December laft, and gone over to France, in direct contradiction to the bill brought into parlia ment by his majesty's minifters, entitled the Traiterous Correspondence Bill, to which charge he is to answer at the Old Bailey keffions.

Feb. 6. It was near twelve o'clock on Monday night, owing to the extreme length of the entertainment, before the royal family left Drury lane theatre; a great concourse of people had collected to fee them come out, but fhewed no appearance of a riotous or difloyal nature, otherwife than by a few perfons huffing and hooting, which was greatly overpowered by acclamations of huzzaing and clapping of hands; in this manner the king and queen, with their attendants proceeded to Chandos- ftreet, where brickbats and mud were thrown at the carriage, and a piece of brick or tile, hit Mr. Valence, one of the foot men, over the shoulder, and striking on the flambeau, extinguified the light: at this time, the horfe-guards kept galloping after the people to difperfe them; on the entrance of the carriages into the Mews, the gates were fhut, and the multitude being prevented from following that way, took their route through Leicefter fields, Panton fireet, and across St. James's fquare, when they met the royal family in Pall-mall, nearly oppofite Carleton-houfe, where a flone was thrown, which broke the glais of the carriage, and fell into the lap of lady Harrington, who was with their maje ties, as lady in waiting. The nusiber of people at this time, by the account given by the fervants and other attendants, did not amount to more than a dozen or twenty perfons. When the royal family came to Buckingham-confequences of crowding a number of boufe, her majefty, who was greatly tertited, was conducted from the car risge by the marquis of Salbury; the king, who had not made known the infult that had been offered, informed the gentlemen of his household and his attendants, that the ftone was thrown

13. One of the prize Dutch EaftIndiamen, which fome time fince delivered her cargo in the river, is bought up as a ftore-fhip, and is now fitting to carry out troops and. ftores to the garrifon of Gibraltar. She is upwards of 1200 tons burthen, high between decks, and is the only fort of veffel that should be used on fuch occasions. The

men in a small compafs have been lately but too obvious. When the voyages have been long, the malady has been dreadful. There are two more of thefe veffels in the river expected to be taken up in the fame employ. BIRTHS.

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