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Arcadia, 184

Arcadian Nuptials, 202
Birth-Day, The, 209
Chace, The, 212
Clariana, 149

Constant Nymph, 62, 183
Dione, 189

Faithful Shepherd, The, 175
Fickle Shepherdess, 187
Florimene, 164

Judgment of Paris, 94, 196
Love and Innocence, III,

Lynce and Pollidore, 208
Maydes Metamorphosis, The,

Parthenia, 108-109, 203
Pastoral pleasant Comedie
of Robin Hood and Little
John, A, 158

Pastor Fidus, 154
Philander and Rose, 209

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Silvanus, 158

Unnamed Play (late seven-
teenth-century MS.), 66,


Anon., Whitsuntide, 191

Apollo turn'd Stroller (Anon.), 210
Arbanes (Anon.), 211

Arcadia (Anon.), 184

Arcadian Nuptials, The (Anon.),


Argensola, L. L., Philis, 150
Argenti, A., Lo Sfortunato, 10-11,

74, 143

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Carleton, R., Conceal'd Royalty of

May Queen, 58, 182
Castelletti, C., Amarilli, 13, 144
Catalogues and Libraries, 139
Chace, The (Anon.), 212
Chambers, E. K., English Pas-
torals, 2, 214

Characters, Types in Pastoral, 130
Cibber, C., Myrtillo, 87, 189;

Love in a Riddle, 37-38, 86, 87-

90, 105, 118, 129, 132, 189;
Damon and Phillida, 90-91, III,
132, 190

Cibber, T., Patie and Peggy, 193;

Damon and Daphne, 197
Cintio, C. B. G., Egle, 9, 143
Clariana (Anon.), 149

Classification of Pastoral Plays,


Cobb, J., The shepherdess of Cheap-
side, 211

Collections consulted, 139

Collier, J., Short View of the Pro-
faneness and Immorality of the
English Stage, 41

Congreve, W., Judgment of Paris,
85, 86, 128, 185; Semele, 77–78,
Constant Nymph (Anon.), 62, 183
Correggio, N., Cefalo, 8, 143
Court Element in Pastoral, 33-34
Cowley, A., Love's Riddle, 86, 166
Cox, R., 36; Actæon and Diana,
or Enone, 57-58, 59, 169
Craven, Lady, The Arcadian Pas-
toral, 208

Critical Works, Pastoral, Bib.,

Crowne, J., Calisto, 59-62, 104,
127, 132, 182
Cunningham, J., The Royal Shep-
herds, 203


Dancer, J., Aminta, 173

Daniel, S., The Queen's Arcadia,
159; Hymen's Triumph, 159
D'Avenant, W., 36
Davidson, T., Maria, 66, 185;
The Shepherd of Snowdon, 185
D. D., Gent, The Faithful Shep-
herd, 154

Decay of Pastoral, 132, 133
Definitions of Pastoral, 19-34; to
define to limit, 19

Denny, W., The Sheepheard's Holi-
day, 168

Dibdin, C., Shepherdess of the Alps,
179; Damon and Phillida, 91,
190; Shepherd's Artifice, 109, 203

Dione (Anon.), 189

Divisions of Pastoral Literature,

Dodsley, R., The Extravagant
Shepherd, 211

Doran, J., Annals of English Stage,

Dryden, J., 43, 74

Du Bois, P. B., Aminta, 173
Dymock, E., Pastor Fido, 154


Eclogue, Classical antecedents of,
3; introduction 'into England, 3-
5; expansion into romance, 5;
importance of, in seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries, 126
Edwards, H. S., History of the
Opera, 44; The Lyrical Drama,

Egger, M. E., La Poesie Pastorale
avant les Poètes Bucoliques, 214
Eighteenth-century attitude toward
Pastoral, 22-28

Einstein, L., Italian Renaissance in

England, 214

English Pastoral Plays, Bib., 153-


Enzina, J., The Esquire that turns
Shepherd, 149; Shepherds that
turn Courtiers, 149; Religious
Pastorals, 149


Faithful Shepherd, The (Anon.),

Fanshawe, R., Il Pastor Fido, 13,

155; La Fido Pastora, 155
Feilde, M., Vertumnus and Pomona,

Fernandez, L., Farsa, 149

Ferrario, G., Poèsie Pastorale et
Rusticale, 215

Fickle Shepherdess (Anon.), 187
Fleay, F. G., Chron. Eng. Drama,
Flecknoe, R., Love's Dominion,
169; Love's Kingdom, 169
Fletcher, J., The Faithful Shep-
herdess, 11, 16, 17, 18, 53, 54,
64, 97, 127, 128, 132, 159
Fletcher, P., Sicelides, 162
Florimene (Anon.), 164

Fontenelle, B., Defence of Pastoral,
19-20, 21; Poèsie Pastorale, 19–
20, 215

Forde, T., Love's Labyrinth, 170
Fountain, J., Rewards of Virtue, 54
Foyos, J., Pastoral Poetry, 215
Fraunce, A., Countess of Pembroke's
Ivychurch, 153; Lamentations of
Amintas, 153

[blocks in formation]

Granville, G., The British En-

chantress, 102

Graves, R., Echo and Narcissus,

Greber, G., Loves of Ergasto, 68,

Green, E. B., Essay on Pastoral
Poetry, 215

Greene, R., Menaphon, 49, 57, 58
Greswell, W. P., Memoirs of San-
nazarius, 215
Grotesque, 32

Groto, L., Calisto, 10, 143; Il

Pentimento Amoroso, 10, 144
Grove, W., The Faithful Shepherd,

Guarini, B., Il Pastor Fido, 11,

13-14, 64, 66, 71, 87, 93, 97,
102, 104, 126, 128, 144, 150;
Trans. by Dymock, E., 154 ;
D. D., Gent, 154; Anon., 154,
Fanshawe, R., 155; Settle, E.,
174; Rossi, G., 175; Bellamy,
D., 175; Anon., 175; Grove,
W., 176


Habitations of Pastoral, 30-31,

Harris, J., The Spring, 107, 201-
202; Daphnis and Amaryllis,


Hawkins, W., The Enlisted Shep-
herds, 209

Heywood, T., Amphrisa, 165;
Apollo and Daphne, 165; War
Without Blows, etc., 51
Hill, A., Daraxes, 105-107, 109,


Hoadly, J., Love's Revenge, 96–97,

Hughes, J., Cupid and Hymen's
Holiday, 190; Apollo and Daphne,
84, 190



Idealism of Pastoral, 30
Immorality of Plays, 40-46; its
40-43; degeneration
necessary for popularity, 127;
plays indecent rather than im-
moral, 132-133

Importance of Pastoral Literature,

Ingegneri, A., La Danza di Venere,
13, 144

Integer (pseud.), attitude toward
Pastoral, 26-27; Mirrour, 22, 27,

Italian Opera in England, 44-45
Italian Pastoral Plays, 137; Bib.,


Jerram, C. S., The Lycidas and
Epitaphium Damonis, 216
Johnson, S., Defence of Pastoral,

25-26; on court element in Pas-
toral, 34; The Rambler, 26, 34,
216; The Adventurer, 216
Jonson, B., Chlorinda, 161; The

Sad Shepherd, 12, 16, 17, 18, 50,
94, 161; Pan's Anniversary, 161;
The May Lord, 161

J. S., Gent., Filli Di Sciro, 155
Judgment of Paris (Anon.), 94, 196
J. W., The Deceit, 198; The
Country Wedding, 198


Houghton, W., and Chettle, H., Keate, G., The Monument in

II2, 197; Phæbe, 97, 197

The Arcadian Virgin, 158

Arcadia, 112-114, 205

Killigrew, T., 36; Bellamira, 51-

54, 57, 105, 127, 128, 180
Kirke, E., Introduction to Spenser's
Shepheardes Calender, 216
Kirkman, F., Introduction to Web-
ster's Thracian Wonder, 48, 49,


Klein, J. L., 21; Geschichte des
Drama's, 216
Kluge, F., Spenser's Shepherd's
Calendar und Mantuan's Eclogen,
216; Bemerkungen über Spenser's
Shepheards Calendar und die
frühere Bukolik, 217
Knevet, R., Rhodon and Iris, 162


Lang, A., Theocritus, Bion and

Moschus, 2, 217

Learmont, J., The Unequal Rivals,

122-123, 210-211

Lecky, W. E. H., History of Eng-

land in Eighteenth Century, 30
Lennox, C., Philander, 104, 201
Linley, G., The Gentle Shepherd,

Lloyd, R., The Capricious Lovers,
177; Phillis at Court, 177;
Arcadia, 107, 201

Lollio, A., L'Aretusa, 10, 143
Longus, Daphnis and Chloe, 6
Love and Innocence (Anon.), III,

Love, J., The Village Wedding,
109-111, 204

Lower, W., The Enchanted Lovers,

Lyly, J., Midas, 16, 156; Gal-
lathea, 16, 157; The Woman in
the Moon, 16, 157; Love's Meta-
morphosis, 157

Lynce and Pollidore (Anon.), 208
Lyrics, Pastoral, Popularity of, 16-17



Machado, S., Comedias du Pastora
Alfea, 150

Mansell, W., Fairy Hill, 120-121,

Mantuanus, B., 3, 4

Maxwell, J., The Shepherd's Opera,

Maydes Metamorphosis, The (Anon.),

Mendez, M., The Chaplet, 199;
The Shepherd's Lottery, 98, 199
M'Laren, A., The Gentle Shepherd,
Montague, W., The Shepherd's
Paradise, 160

Montalvan, J., Orfèo, 150
Montemayor, J., Diana, 6
Moore, T., The Arcadian Lovers,
67-68, 185

More, H., The Search after Happi-

ness, 114-116, 205-206

Morgan, M., Philoclea, 99, 200;

Florizel and Perdita, 99-100, 200
Morley, H., Clement Marot, 217
Meschus, 2, II

Motteux, P. A., Lack of wit, 79;
marks transition from old tradi-
tion to new, 127; The Temple of
Love, 69–72, 127, 176; Love's
Triumph, 72-76, 176; The
Novelty, 1. Thyrsis, 63-65, 127,
183; Acis and Galatea, 68-69,
186; Roger and Joan, 186
Murphy, A., The Choice, 206-207
Mythological elements in Pastoral,
15, 32


Nature symbolism, diametrically
opposed to allegorizing tendency,

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