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ing on them and which ended in their destruction? He tells them the source of their trials, viz. their lusts and unbridled appetites and passions that war in their members. He assigns various reasons

for these trials, as that they were not humbled and were oppressive to the poor. Thus the reason why they were not heard for relief was, that they asked amiss. They wanted divine blessings for wrong ends. The words suppose that if they did ask aright, they would receive: Otherwise their asking amiss could not be the reason why they did not receive.

I shall,

I. Point out some ways in which creatures that pretend to ask, do ask amiss.

II. Enquire what it is to ask aright.

III. Show that God does graciously answer prayers that are put up in a right and proper man


IV. Urge the prayer of faith in general.

1. I shall point out some ways in which crea tures ask amiss.

Creatures ask amiss, when they pretend to ask for that which they do not want. Creatures for form sake, in words put up many petitions which are not dictated by desire; as for grace, pardon, a holy temper, that God's will might be done and his kingdom advanced, that God would forgive their enemies, and tell God that they ask for Christ's sake. This is drawing nigh merely with the mouth and honoring with the lips. Every petition ought to be dictated by suitable desire.

Creatures ask amiss, when in consequence of having their minds crowded with the world, they hurry over the duty, and are not delightfully exercised in it: Or have their minds ruffled with passions and occupied with an unsuitable attach


ment to worldly, sensual objects. God will not answer such prayers, where the heart is not engag ed in the duty

We ask amiss when there is no faith or reliance on God's mercy to hear. The Apostle says, "he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is the rewarder of all those who diligently seek him. Many perform their devotional exer cises without any apparent expectation of an answer. They do not appear to set their hearts on the duty. It is only a kind of daily task in which they ease their minds, as having rendered something to God: But do in fact exercise no reliance and faith.

Persons ask amiss, when they do not feel dependence on God: That he is the fountain; that all flows from him: That if they have any thing, it must come from God; and that all labor is in vain without him.

People manifest that they do not feel dependence, when they cannot get time from their worldly business to attend seasons of prayer. Their dependence is evidently on their own strength and exertions.

Persons ask amiss, when they ask for things not with a view to the glory of God, but to consume: them on their lust. Mankind greatly want sometimes worldly wealth, or peace, or some tempo-! ral favors, and may seem to ask with a kind of engagedness; but they want these things for selfgratification. People sometimes when they are threatened with famine, or the desolations of war, will be disposed to attend a season of prayer: But when their own ends are answered, they are indisposed. This shows that their views are selfish.

Persons as amiss, when their dependence is not on the righteousness and atonement of Christ God will not hear in any other name. Creatures

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think to be heard, as a reward to their prayers and doings But there is no other name but the name of Christ, through which we can have access to God for any favor.

Creatures ask amiss, if there is not proper sub mission to the will and glory of God. We may ask God to heal our disorders, or spare a child, or friend, or give wealth. But if our desires for these things are absolute and unconditional, they are highly provoking to God. We should think it very unsuitable that a child or servant should come to us in this manner.

We ask amiss, when we ask for things not agreeable to the will of God. There are many things which God has manifested not to be agree able to his will. We ought not to ask him to forgive sin but to the penitent believer. Indeed, the desires of creatures after the world are unreasonable. It is wrong to desire for our portion, a worldly treasure, or to beg absolutely of God, that he would prosper us in this or that worldly enterprize.

I proceed to show,

2. How we are to pray, so as to receive. This must be in a manner opposite to asking amiss. This duty ought ever to be performed under feelings of dependence. It is the essence, as it were, of prayer to have the soul breathe out toward God, as the great fountain of being and blessedness.

We ought to have our desires on suitable ob. jects. If we pray under the influence of the Divine Spirit, our minds will be fixed on spiritual objects. We shall not have an inordinate thirst after the world.

To pray aright, is to have a confidence in God's fulness and mercy: It is to have a sense that he is. 2 rewarder of those who seek him..

Prayer is a fervent aspiration of the soul after God, his glory, his kingdom, his favor and the light of his countenance.

The soul feels naked of itself, but has boldness and confidence through Christ. There is access only in his name, and no right to come in any other. In proper prayer, there is a spirit of submission to the Divine will. Christians will not wish for any thing, if it is not consistent with the will and glory of God. All their desires are with an ultimate view to God's glory. The blessings for which, in proper exercises of prayer, they sup plicate, they do not want for carnal ends.-The Essence of prayer, is the humble, submissive, be lieving desires and breathings of soul to God. Religion is, in a sense, a constant prayer: But then there are particular occasions, when this duty more immediately demands attention. Every creature has private concerns and wants. Secret prayer is enforced in various ways. So, also, a family have common wants and receive common favors. Some are ready to question the obligation to social, family prayer. It is true the Bible does not say often, that we shall pray in secret, or point out all the circumstances and occasions of social prayer: But those who do not in a social manner, call on God in their families, and ask God for those common favors which they need, give no evidence of a sense of their need of God's mer cy.—So, as a christian society, persons have a com mon cause and interest, and therefore, to attend 'on frequent seasons of social prayer is a plain dic tate of religion. I greatly mistake the nature and influence of religion, if it does not lead us to LOVE, to pray.

I proceed to show,

3. That God does, in a gracious manner, answer prayer which is put up, in a right and proper

way. Here I shall consider (I.) how he answers such prayers, and (II.) prove that he does. 1. I shall consider how God answers such pray


God does not always answer our prayers in the bestowment of the thing conditionally asked for. A spirit of prayer is not a spirit of revelation, informing us what is best. So that it would often be a great evil, if God should grant the very thing we ask for. It would, in fact be inconsistent with answering; since we pray for things, only, as consistent with the will and glory of God and our good. If we feel right, we can pray that God would not give us riches and honors, or even the Life of our children, or other friends, unless it should be for his glory and our good.. God may answer, in bestowing what is best, without giving us the every thing for which we asked.. Should it be asked, how God answers prayer, and yet, does not grant the very thing requested; as for instance, deliverance in trouble? God may answe in giving the soul peace and patience so as to bear the evil, and choose that the will of God might be done. God often manifests to, the soul, that he does hear and accept. Thus the Apostle prayed thrice that the thorn in his flesh might be remov ed. He had for answer, my grace is sufficient for thee. He says therefore, that he would glory in infirmity. In like manner, may we, when God may apply a promise, glory in our trials.I say God may grant a spirit of prayer, and answer in a different way; but it is, I believe, generally the case, that when God grants a special spirit of prayer for the recovery of any person, or special enlargement, it is with a view to answer. There have been remarkable instances, so that the minds of God's people have been satisfied.. Thus it has.

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