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2 peah se hælend ne fullode. ac hys leorning-cnihtas.

3 Da for-let he iudea land. J for eft on galilea.

4 hym ge-byrode pæt he scolde faran þurh samaria land.

5 Witelice he com on samarian cestre. pe ys ge-nemned sichar. neah þam tune pe Iacob sealde Iosepe hys sune.

6 þær wæs Iacobes wylle.



e hælend sæt æt þam welle. pa he Iesus fatiwas weri ge-gan. 1 hyt was mid- itinere. sede

7 Da com þær an wif of samaria wolde water feccan. Da cwæd se hælend to hyre; gyf me drincan.

8 Hys leorning-cnihtes ferdon pa to pare ceastre. woldon heom mete beggen.

9 Da cwæ þæt samaritanisse wif to hym. Hu-mete bydst þu at me drinken. ponne pu ert Iudeisc. 1 ic em samaritanisc wyf. Ne brucao Iudeas 1 samaritanissce metes æt-gadere.

10 Da answerede se halend 1 cwed to hyre. Gif pu wistes godes gyfe. 7 hwæt se ys pe cwad to pe sele me drinken. witodlice pu bede hyne þæt he sealde pe lyfes


11 pa cwæð þæt wif to hym. Leof ne þu næfst nan þing mid to hladene. 1 þes pet ys deop. hwanen hafst þu lifes water.

gatus ex bat sic super fontem.

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2. deh beswa he de hælend ne fulwade ah tegnnas his 3. for-leort iudeam eorso foerde eftersona in galileam 4. was gidæfendlic wutudlice hine sætte oferfoerde derh da burug 5. com fordon in da castre samaria dio is gicweden sichar neh dær byrig þte salde iacob iosepes suno his 6. was wutudlice der walla iacobes de hælend fordon woerig was of gonge sitende was sæt swa ofer dæm wælla tid was swelce dio sexta 7. ...wif of fær byrig to hladanne sæt water cwæð him de hælend sel me drinca 8. Segnas wutudlice foerdun in castre te mete bohtun him 9. cwæð forðon to him wif dio samaritanesca hu du iudesc miðoy are drincende from me giowestu dade miðɣy wif samaritanesc ne forton gibyrelic bið iudea to samaritaniscum 10. giondsworade de hælend cwæð him gif du wistes hus godes hwelc were sere cwær de sel me drinca u wutudlice woenis mara gif ðu georwades from him gisalde de wæter cwic-welle 11. cwas to him wif drihten ne in hwon a hlado hæefest du de pytt neh is hwona + hwer for son hæfest du wæter cwic-welle

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12 cwest Suppu mare sy ponne ure fader iacob. Se pe us pisne pyt sealde. 1 he hys bearn. J hys nytanu of þam druncan.

13 Da answerede se hælend. I cwad to hire. Ele pare perst eft þe of pisse wætere drinker.

14 Witodlice ælc þare pe drincð of þam watere pe ic hym sylle ; [...] beod on hym wyll for -ræsendes wateres on ece lyf.

15 pa cwæ þæt wif to him. Hlaford sele me pet water þæt me ne perste. ne ic ne þurfe her water fecchan.

16 pa cwæ se halend to hire. Ga 1 clype pinne cheorl. 1 cum hider.

17 pa hym answerede pus pæet wif. 1 cwæð. nabbe ic nænne cheorl. pa cwæð se halend to hyre. wel pu cwede þæt þu næst ceorl.

18 witodlice pu hafst fif cheorles. End se pe pu nu hast nis pin ceorl. æt þam þu segdest soð.

19 Da cwæð þæt wif to hym. Leof pas me pinco pu ert witega;

20 ure faderes hyo ge-beden on pissere dune. 1 ge secgeð þæt on ierusalem syo stow þe þæt man on ge-bydde.

21 Da cwæð se hælend to hire. La wif ge-lef me. pat seo tid cymo. ponne ge ne biddeð þam fader ne on þisse dune ne on ierusalem.

Various Readings.

12. A. sig. 13. B. and-swarude; C. Jswarude. A. þæra. C. dyrst (sic). C. dyrst (sic). A. þyssum. A. drinco [but B. C. dringð). 14. A. þæra. A. wyll. A. wæteres. 17. A. Jswarode; B. C. Jwyrde. A. nænne. A. ceorl næfst; B. C. næft (sic) ceorl. 18. A. hæfst, altered to hæfdest; B. C. hæfst (1st time). 19. A. de me [for me]. A. þynco; B. þingð; C. ding (sic). 20. A. hierusalem. A. sig. 21. A. þyssere. A. hirusalem, alt. to hierusalem; C. ierusalem.

Various Readings.

12. cwyðst; his (twice); nytanu (as in H.). 13. andwerde; halend; þyrst; þysse watere drinceð. 14. dryncð; him (twice); wateres. 15. syle; þyrste; feccen. 16. ceorl. 17. him; hire; cwabe; næfst. 18. witodlic; hafst [for hast]; sægdest. 19. him; witoga. 20. gebædon; ge-bidde. 21. halend; hyre; fæder.

ahne hueðer arð du mara hera from feder usum iacobe sede gesalde us 12 num-quid tú patre nostro iacob qui dedit nobis

maior es

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ah uæter 书

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geondsuarede se hælend J cue to him * suno, alt. 13 respondit iesus ei et dixit

ne yrste in æcnisse 14 [...] quam ego dabo ei non sitiet in aeternum

to sunu.

aqua [...]

ic selo him bis in dæm uælla uætres saltes + in lif sed aqua quam ego dabo ei fiet in uitam aeternam


in eo fons aquæ salientis

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alt, to salientis.

drihten sel me

to him Þuif
is uæterte ne ic Syrsto ne ic ne cymo hidder to gehladanne
ad eum mulier domine dá mihi hanc aquam ut non sitiam neque ueniam huc haurire

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cued to hir se hælend 21 dicit ei iesus

uiros habuisti et nunc quem habes

cue him uif drihten ic geseom* *te 19 dicit ei mulier domine uideo quia

ðisum geworðadun
gie cuæðas
hoc adorarunt et uos dicitis quia in hierosolymis est

la uif gelef me fordon cuom Jiu tid donne
mulier crede mihi quia ueniet
ueniet hora quando neque in monte hoc

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ne is non est

Ju arð uitga propheta és tú



18 quinque

xin uer dis so lice du cuede du sægdest
tuus uir hoc uere

aldro uso in more geseam, 20 patres nostri in monte alt. to


is dio stou der geuordage* gedæfnad is geuorðege, locus ubi adorare


oportet alt. to


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12. ahne arðu mara feder usum iacobe sexe salde us diosne pytt wælla he of him dranc 7 suno his

J feoxorfoto neteno his

13. giondsworade de hælend cwæ eghwele sebe drinces of wætre dispic

selo in ecnisse (sic)
ic selo him bis in dæm wælla wætres saltes in life ecum 15. cwæ him wif drihten sel me is wæter

14. sexe wutudlice drinces of wætre sæt ic selo him ne dyrstet in ecnisse ah wæter dæt

ic ne yrste ne ic ne cymo hider to hladanne to fyllanne 16. cwæð him de hælend tgaa ceig were + From gaa inum cym hider 17. ondsworade wif cwas him ne hafo ic wer cwas to hir de hælendt wel du ceig to de cwede te ic ne hafo wer hælend is 18. fife fordon weoras su hæfdes 7 nu Sonne hæfes ne is in wer is so lice repeated in Ju cwede 19. cwæð him wif drihten ic gisiom fordon witgu arð ðu 20. fædres uses on more the MS. bissum giworðadungie cweodas pte in hierusalem is dio stow der giwordade ge gidæfnað is

21. cwæs

hir de hælend la wif gilef me fordon com dio tid donne ne on more issum ne in hierusalem to-worðadun bone fæder

22 Ge gebiddað þ ge nyton. we gebiddapp we witon. forpam pe hæl is of


23 ac seo tid cymo 1 nu is ponne sope gebed-men gebiddap fæder on gaste. J on soðfæstnesse. witodlice fæder secp swylce þe hyne gebiddon.

24 gast is god. 1 pam þe hyne gebiddað gebyrað þ hig gebiddon. on gaste and on soðfæstnesse;

25 Dat wif cwæp to him ic wat messias cymo pe is genemned crist. ponne he cymo he cyd us ealle ding;

26 Se hælend cwad to hyre. ic hit eom. he wið þe sprece.

27 1 þær-rihte comon his leorning-cnihtas. hig wundredon phe wip p wif spræc þeah hyra nan ne cwæð. hwæt segst (sic) þu odde hwæt sprycst þu wið hig;

28 Witodlice p wif for-let hyre waterfæt. 1 eode to pære byrig 1 cwæd to pam

mannum ;

29 Cuma geseo pone man þe me sæde. ealle [pa] þing þe ic dyde. cwede ge is he crist; 30 Đa eodon hi ut of Sære byrig 1 comon to him.

31 on gemang pam his leorning-cnihtas hine bædon. J pus cwædon lareow et. 32 Ɖa cwæð he to him. ic hæbbe pone mete to etene pe ge nyton;

22 Ge ge-biddeð þæt ge nyten. we gebiddeð þat we witon. for-pam pe hale ys of iudeum.

23 ac seo tid cymo; 1 nu ys. ponne soðe ge-bedmen biddeð þonne fader on gaste. J on sodfæstnysse. Witodlice se fader secð swilce; þe hyne ge-bidder.

24 gast ys god. 7 pam pe hine bidded. ge-byred pæt hyo ge-bidden on gaste. J on soðfæstnysse.

25 Dat wif cwed to him. ic wat þæt messias cymo þæt ys ge-nemned crist. ponne he cymo he cyð us ealle ping.

26 Se hælend cwad to hyre. Ic hyt em. þe wið þe sprece.

27 J þær-rihte comen hys leorning-cnihtas. 1 hyo wundreden þæt he wið þæt wif s[p]rec. peh; hire nan ne cwæd; hwæt secst þu. odde hwæt sprecst þu wið hyo.

28 Wito lice pet wif for-let hire waterfet 1 eode to pare berig. 1 cwæð to þam


29 Cumæd ge-seod ponne man þe me sægde ealle pa þing þe ic dede. cwede ge is he crist.

30 Da eoden hyo ut of pare berig 1 comen to hym.

31 on ge-mang þam his leorning-cnihtes hine bædon. I pus cwæden. lareow et.

32 pa cwas he to heom. Ic hæbbe ponne mete to etene pe ge nytan.

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