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ABACUS, logical, 104; arithmetical,

107; Panchrestus, 182.
Aberration of light, 561; syste-
matic, 547.

Abscissio infiniti, 79, 713.

Abstract terms, 27; number, 159.
Abstraction, 704; logical, 25; nu-
merical, 158; of indifferent cir-
cumstances, 97.

Accademia del Cimento, 427, 432,
436, 527.

Accident, logical, 700.

Accidental discovery, 529.
Achromatic lenses, 432.

Actinometer, 337.

Adamantine medium, 605, 751.
Adjectives, 14, 30, 31, 35; inde-
terminate, 41.

Adrain, of New Brunswick, 375.
Affirmation, 44.

Agassiz, on genera, 726; on crea-
tion of species, 763.
Agreement, 44.

Airy, Sir George Biddell, on per-
petual motion, 223; new property
of sphere, 232; pendulum experi-
ments, 291, 304, 348, 567; stan-
dard clock, 353; book on Errors
of Observation, 395; tides, 488;
495; Thales'
eclipse, 537; interference of
light, 539; density of earth, 291.
Alchemists, 505; how misled, 428.
Algebra, 123, 155, 164; Diophan-
tine, 631.

Algebraic, equations, 123; geo-
metry, 633.
Allotropic state, 663, 670.

Alloys, possible number, 191; pro-
perties, 528.

Alphabet, the Logical, 93, 104, 125 ;
Morse, 193.

Alphabet, permutations of letters of
the, 174, 179.

Alphabetic indexes, 714.

Alternative relations, 67; exclusive
and unexclusive, 205.
Ampère, electricity, 547; classifi-
cation, 679.
Anagrams, 128.

Analogy, 627; of logical and nume-
rical terms, 160; and generali-
sation, 596; in mathematical
sciences, 631; in theory of undu-
lations, 635; in astronomy, 638;
failure of, 641.

Analysis, logical, 122.

Andrews, Prof. Thomas, experiments
on gaseous state, 71, 613, 665,

Angström, on spectrum, 424.
Angular magnitude, 305, 306, 326.
Antecedent defined, 225.
Anticipation of Nature, 509.
Anticipations, of Principle of Sub-
stitution, 21; of electric tele-
graph, 671.

Apparent, equality, 275; sequence
of events, 409.

Approximation, theory of, 456; to
exact laws, 462; mathematical
principles of, 471; arithmetic ci,

Aqueous vapour, 500.

Aquinas, on disjunctive proposi-
tions, 69.

Arago, photometer, 288; rotating
disc, 535; his philosophic cha-
racter, 592.

Archimedes, De Arena Numero,
195; centre of gravity, 363.
Arcual unit, 306, 330.
Argyll, Duke of, 741.

Aristarchus on sun's and moon's
distances, 294.

Aristotelian doctrines, 666.
Aristotle, dietum, 21; singular
terms, 39: overlooked simple
identities, 40; order of premises,
114; logical error, 117; defini-
tion of time, 307; on science,
595; on white swans, 666.
Arithmetic, reasoning in, 167; of
approximate quantities, 481.
Arithmetical triangle, 93, 143,
182, 202, 378, 383; diagram of,
184; connection with Logical
Alphabet, 189; in probability,

[blocks in formation]

from, 188; etymology of, 363.
Axes of crystals, 686.
Axioms of algebra, 164.

BABBAGE, Charles, calculating
machine, 107, 231, 743; light-
house signals, 194; natural con-
stants, 329; Mosaic history, 412;
universal and general truths, 646;
change of law, 230; persistence
of effects, 757.
Bacon, Francis Lord, Novum Orga-
num, 107; on induction, 121;
biliteral cipher, 193; First
Aphorism, 219; on causes, 221;
Copernican system, 249, 638;
deficient powers of senses, 278;
observation, 402; Natural His-
tory, 403; use of hypothesis,
506; his method, 507; caperi-
mentum crucis, 519; error of
his method, 576; ostensive,
clandestine instances, &c., 608,
610; latens precessus, 619.

[blocks in formation]

Ballot-box, simile of, 150, 251-6,

Barbara, 55, 57, 88, 105, 141.
Baroko, 85.

Barometer, 659; Gay Lussac's
standard, 346; variations, 337,
346, 349.

Bartholinus on double refraction,

Base-line, measurement of, 304.
Bauhusius, verses of, 175.
Baxendell, Joseph, 552.
Beneke, on substitution, 21.
Bennet, momentum of light, 435.
Bentham, George, 15; bifurcate
classification, 695; infima species,
702; works on classification,
703; analytical key to flora, 712.
Bentham, Jeremy, on analogy, 629;
bifurcate classification, 703.
Benzenberg's experiment, 388.
Bernoulli, Daniel, planetary orbits,

250; resisting media and pro-
jectiles, 467; vibrations, 476.
Bernoulli, James, 154; numbers of,
124; Protean verses, 175; De
Arte Conjectandi quoted, 176;
183; on figurate numbers, 183;
theorem of, 209; false solution
in probability, 213; solution of
inverse problem, 261.

Bessel, F. W., 375; law of error,

384; formula for periodic varia-
tions, 488; use of hypothesis,
506; solar parallax, 560-2; ellip
ticity of earth, 565; pendulum
experiments, 604.
Bias, 393, 402.
Biela's comet, 746.
Bifurcate classification, 694.

Binomial theorem, 190; discovery
of, 231.

Biot, on tension of vapour, 500.
Blind experiments, 433.
Bode's law, 147, 257, 660.
Boethius, quoted, 33; on kinds of
mean, 360.

Boiling point, 442, 659.

Bonnet's theory of reproduction, 621.
Boole, George, on sign of equality,

15; his calculus of logic, 23, 113,
634; on logical terms, 33; law
of commutativeness, 35; use of
some, 41-2 disjunctive proposi-
tions, 70; Venn on his method,
90; Laws of Thought, 155;
statistical conditions, 168; pro-
positions numerically definite,
172; on probability, 199;
general method in probabilities,
206; Laplace's solution of inverse
problem, 256; law of error, 377.
Borda, his repeating circle, 290.
Boscovich's hypothesis, 512.
Botany, 666, 678, 681; modes of
classification, 678; systematic,
722; nomenclature of, 727.
Bowen, Prof. Francis, on inference,
118; classification, 674.
Boyle's, Robert, law of gaseous
pressure, 468, 470, 619;
hypothesis, 510; barometer, 659.
Bradley, his observations, 384;
accuracy of, 271; aberration of
light, 535.


Bravais, on law of error, 375.
Brewer, W. H., 142.
Brewster, Sir David, iridescent

colours, 419; spectrum, 429;
Newton's theory of colours, 518;
refractive indices, 10, 527; optic
axes, 446.

British Museum, catalogue of, 717.
Brodie, Sir B. C., on errors of
experiment, 388, 464; ozone,

Brown, Thomas, on cause, 224.
Buckle, Thomas, on constancy of
average, 656; science of history,
Buffon, on probability, 215; defini-
tion of genius, 576.
Bunsen, Robert, spectrum, 244;
photometrical researches, 273,
324, 441; calorimeter, 343.
Butler, Bishop, on probability, 197

[blocks in formation]

Carnot's law, 606.
Carpenter, Dr. W. B., 412.
Catalogues, art of making, 714.
Cauchy, undulatory theory, 468.
Cause, 220; definition of, 224.
Cavendish's experiment, 272, 566.
Cayley, Professor, 145; on mathe-
matical tables, 331; numbers of
chemical compounds, 544.
Celarent, 55.

Centre of gravity, 363, 524; of
oscillation, gyration, &c., 364.
Centrobaric bodies, 364.

Certainty, 235, 266.

Cesare, 85.

Chalmers, on collocations, 740.
Chance, 198.

Character, human, 733.
Characteristics, 708.

Chauvenet, Professor W., on treat-
ment of observations, 391.
Chemical affinity, 614; analysis,

Chladni, 446.

Chloroform, discovery of, 531.
Chronoscope, 616.

Cipher, 32; Bacon's, 193.
Circle, circumference of, 389.
Circumstances, indifferent, 419.
Circumstantial evidence, 264.
Clairaut, 650, 651; on gravity,

Classes, 25; problem of common
part of three, 170.
Classification, 673; involving in-
duction, 675; multiplicity of
modes, 677; natural and arti-
ficial systems, 679; in crystal-
lography, 685; symbolic state-
ment of, 692; bifurcate, 694;
an inverse and tentative operation,
689; diagnostic, 710; by indexes,
714; of books, 715; in biological
sciences, 718; genealogical, 719;
by types, 722; limits of, 730.
Clifford, Professor, on types of

compound statements, 143, 529;
first and last catastrophe, 744;
mathematical function, 768.
Clocks, astronomical, 340, 353.
Clouds, 447; cirrous, 411.
Coincidences, 128; fortuitous, 261;
measurement by, 292; method
of, 291.

Collective terms, 29, 39.
Collocations of matter, 740.
Colours, iridescent, 419; natural,
518; perception of, 437; of spec-
trum, 584.

Combinations, 135, 142; doctrine
of, 173; of letters of alphabet,
174; calculations of, 180; higher
orders of, 194.

Combinatorial analysis, 176.
Comets, 449; number of, 408;
hyperbolic, 407; classification
of, 684; conflict with, 746-7;
Halley's comet, 537; Lexell's
comet, 651.

Commutativeness, law of, 35, 72,


Comparative use of instruments,

Compass, variations of, 281.
Complementary statements, 144.
Compossible alternatives, 69.
Compound statements, 144; events,

Compounds, chemical, 192.
Comte, Auguste, on probability,
200, 214; on prevision, 536; his
positive philosophy, 752, 760,

Concrete number, 159.

Conditions, of logical symbols, 32;

removal of usual, 426; inter-
ference of unsuspected, 428;
maintenance of similar, 443;
approximation to natural, 465.
Condorcet, 2; his problem, 253.
Confusion of elements, 237.
Conical refraction, 653.
Conjunction of planets, 293,

Consequent, definition of, 225.
Conservation of energy, 738.
Constant numbers of nature, 328;
mathematical, 330; physical,
331; astronomical, 332; terres-
trial, 333; organic, 333; social,

Continuity, law of, 615, 729; sense

of, 493; detection of, 610:
failure of, 619.

Continuous quantity, 274, 485.
Contradiction, law of, 31, 74.
Contrapositive, proposition,

136; conversion, 83.


Conversion of propositions, 46, 118.
Copernican theory, 522, 625, 638,
Copula, 16.

Cornu, velocity of light, 561.
Corpuscular theory, 520, 538, 667.
Correction, method of, 346.
Correlation, 678, 681.

Cotes, Roger, use of mean, 359;
method of least squares, 377.
Coulomb, 272.

Couple, mechanical, 653.
Creation, problem of, 740.
Crookes' radiometer, 435.
Cross divisions, 144.
Crystallography, 648, 654, 658,
678, 754; systems of, 133; clas-
sification in, 685.

Crystals, 602; Dana's classification
of, 711; pseudomorphic, 658.
Curves, use of, 392, 491, 496; of
various degrees, 473.

Cuvier, on experiment, 423: on
inferences, 682.

[blocks in formation]

D'ALEMBERT, blunders in proba-
bility, 213, 214; on gravity, 463.
Dalton, laws of, 464, 471; atomic
theory, 662.
Darapti, 59.
Darii, 56.

Darwin, Charles, his works, 131;
negative results of observation,
413; arguments against his theory,
437; cultivated plants, 531; his
influence, 575; classification, 718;
constancy of character in classifi
cation, 720-1; on definition, 726;
restoration of limbs, 730; ten-
dency of his theory, 762, 764.
Davy, Sir H., on new instruments,
270; nature of heat, 343, 417;
detection of salt in electrolysis,


Day, sidereal, 310; length of, 289.
Decandolle, on classification, 696,

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