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[blocks in formation]

DIS, DI, DIF, asunder, and hence sometimes not.

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SUB, SUC, SUF, SUG, SUP, SUS, under.

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In spelling derivative words formed by aid of suffixes, the following simple rules will be found useful:

RULE I. When a suffix, beginning with a vowel, as EG, ER, AL, ANCE, ING, ABLE, IBLE, URE, OUS, IVE, Y, ISH, is added to a word ending with e, it is usual to drop the final e of the simple word, thus

give, giv-er; dispose, dispos-al; connive, conniv-ance; strive, striv-ing; cure, cur-able; produce, produc-ible; disclose, disclos-ure; fame, fam-ous; conduce, conduc-ive; stone, ston-y; slave, slav-ish.

Exceptions to this rule.-The final e is sometimes retained, especially when its removal would render the pronunciation of the derivative word doubtful, as in the following examples

peace, peace-able; service, service-able; change, changeable; hie, hie-ing; vie, vie-ing; dye, dye-ing; eye, eye-ing; shoe, shoe-ing; hoe, hoe-ing; see, see-ing; singe, singe-ing.

RULE II.-When a suffix is added to a word ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, it is usual to repeat the final consonant, thus

rob, rob-ber; sin, sin-ner; rebel, rebel-led; commit, commit-ting; run, run-ner; wet, wet-ting; red, red-der; big, big-gest; gun, gun-ner; mad, mad-dest; sad, sad-den; glad, glad-den; wit, wit-ty; rub, rub-ber; stop, stop-page; bag, bag-gage; lug, lug-gage, &c.

Exceptions to this rule.-Words of more than one syllable do not double the final consonant, asbenefit, benefit-ed, bigot, bigot-ed; surrender, surrender-ed; fever, fever-ish; credit, credit-or; ruin, ruin-ous;

unless the accent strikes the last syllable, or the final letter be 7, as

concur, concur-rent; prefer, prefer-red; bedim, bedimmed; allot, allot-ted; abet, abet-tor; demur, demurred; apparel, apparel-led; cancel, cancel-led; dishevel, dishevel-led; libel, libel-led; marvel, marvel-ler; jewel, jewel-ler; travel, travel-ler; rival, rival-led; shovel, shovel-led.

RULE III.-When a suffix is added to a word ending in y preceded by a consonant, the letter y is changed into the cognate sound of i, thustry, tri-al; pity, piti-ful; duty, duti-ful; glory, glori-fy; holy, holi-ness; merry, merri-ment; envy, envi-ous, enviable; comply, compli-ance; copy, copi-er; carry, carri-er; fry, fri-ed; giddy, giddi-er; lively, liveli-est; rosy, rosi-er; lazy, lazi-er; worthy, worthi-est; victory, victori-ous; harmony, harmoni-ous.

In a few words y is changed into e, asbeauteous, duteous, plenteous, bounteous, piteous. Exceptions to this rule.-The letter y is not changed when followed by the letter i, as

drying, frying, carrying, plying, denying, &c.

Nor in the words-

dryness, shyness, slyness.

RULE IV.-When the suffixes NESS, LESS, LY or FUL are added to words ending in ll, it is usual to drop one 1, thus—

dul-ness, wil-ful, skil-ful, &c.

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