CHARLES HARDWICK, M. A. FELLOW OF ST. CATHARINE'S HALL, CAMBRIDGE, AND WHITEHALL PREACHER. PHILADELPHIA: HERMAN HOOKER, S. W. CORNER CHESNUT AND EIGHTH STREETS. following Chapters were drawn up with the Tite were drawne, to the satis faction of a want which is felt more especially by Students in the Universities and elsewhere, who are reading for Holy Orders. Notwithstanding the multitude of authors who continue to enrich our stock of literature by expositions of the doctrine of the Articles, there has been no regular attempt to illustrate the framing of the Formulary itself, either by viewing it in connexion with the kindred publications of an earlier and a later date, or still more in its relation to the period out of which it originally grew. Very much of the material which is wanted has been doubtless gathered to our hands in the course of historical inquiries respecting the rise and progress of the English Reformation: yet as there must always be a large class of readers, anxious to be accurately informed, |