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able to judge of the book by extracts than by general description.

A Narrative of the Peninsular Campaigns. By Major vera, and the first encounter in the morning, is a success-
The account of the night preceding the battle of Tala-
Leith Hay, F. R.S. E. In two volumes.
Pp. 314 and 298.


Post 8vo.

ful picture :


ANOTHER Narrative of our wars in Spain, and twenty rently obstinate nature of the dispute for the possession of "The heavy fire of musketry, the darkness, the appamore will be welcome when they come. the Subaltern-picturesque and sentimental; Lord Lon- anxiety at head-quarters. Sir Arthur Wellesley himself We have had the hill, the uncertainty of the result, all occasioned great donderry-ambitious; Captain Kincaid-clever and rode to the spot, to which he immediately ordered up artilpleasant; Sergeant A and Corporal B-affording each lery; and the early part of the night was employed in drawtheir modicum of information respecting the composi- ing cannon to the height. After they had been placed in fion of our ranks; we have had Colonel Napier-di-battery, a stillness for some time prevailed. About midnight dactic and scientific; Captain Jones-accurate and judi- not the straggling, desultory, yet distinct reports of light this was suddenly interrupted by firing towards Talavera; cious; and Mr Moore-apologetical. Still we are not satiated. We could listen to the thrice-told tale of the troops, but a roll of musketry that illuminated the whole dallest veteran humming over the sixtieth edition of any such a nature that I have never heard it equalled. It ap extent of the Spanish line. It was one discharge; but of of Wellington's battles. The reader may conceive, there- peared not to be returned, nor was it repeated. All againfore, the delight with which we perused this Narrative became silent. A false alarm had occasioned this tremenof a gentleman and scholar, as it came to us piecemeal dous volley; but we were too distant to ascertain what had and damp from the press. produced the violent irruption, or how many of our allies vered a fire sufficiently formidable to have shaken the best had thrown away their arms, and fled, after having deliand bravest troops.

The gallant author was attached to the staff of General Leith, who was dispatched by government, in 1808, to collect information, and to aid in organising the patriots in the north of Spain. In that service, he was actively employed until the advance of Sir John Moore, when he joined his regiment, and shared in all the hardships of that unfortunate army, whose sufferings terminated at Corunna. He afterwards served under Lord Welling ton during the greater part of the Peninsular war, sometimes as aid-de-camp to General Leith, sometimes in a similar relation to the Commander-in-Chief himself. Thas his book, from his peculiar situation, is interesting at once as a personal narrative, and as the production of one who enjoyed opportunities, afforded to few, of observing the actions and designs of the leaders of the war. And, in addition to this recommendation, the service upon which Major Hay was employed-first along with General Leith in the North, and afterwards when dispatched by Wellington to feel for the French army— afforded him excellent opportunities of becoming acquainted with the real character and temper of the Spaniards. He was, besides, for a short time prisoner of war, which enabled him to judge from actual observation of the character of the French army.

But what is of infinitely more importance than all these advantages, Major Hay is a man of superior talents, and of a fair, candid disposition. His descriptions of battles are the only ones which we have met with in modern times uniting the merits of being at once capable of instructing the military, and conveying accurate images to the general reader. It is no easy matter to describe the battles of modern times, seeing that they are nearly equivalent to a whole campaign in the days of old. His appreciation of character, national and personal, is generally just and acute, and always candid. example, he has estimated the relative merits of the We think, for French, Spanish, and English, more correctly than any Autbor we have yet perused. But the reader will be better

"For hours nothing seemed to interfere with the stillness of the night, until the rattling of gun carriages in our front bespoke preparation for renewed hostility at daybreak. It was evident from the sound that cannon were placing in position, at no great distance, and immediately opposite to of this operation, from officers reconnoitring, or cavalry the height we occupied. Whether occasioned by the noise patroles advancing near to our posts, is uncertain, some straggling shots were fired, occasioning a momentary alert; but no enemy appearing, the cause of alarm was speedily explained, and forgotten.

Just before daybreak was an anxious moment; and when the first glimmering light appeared, the attention of all was naturally riveted upon the enemy's position, to asplaced, and to what extent we were to be assailed. Twentycertain what troops were opposed, where his cannon were us. They were posted upon elevated ground, but by no two pieces of artillery had their mouths directed towards means of equal height to that on which we stood, having, however, the whole face and summit of the hill well within range. To the right of the French cannon were perceived certain. columns of infantry. A renewed battle for the hill became

"The 29th regiment, having carried it on the previous course of the subsequent operations, except in pursuit of the night, were not removed from its summit during the whole enemy. The formation of the brigade became consequently altered, that regiment being on the extreme left of the whole and the 48th, were formed on the slope extending to the line of British infantry, while the battalion of detachments, right, and gradually losing itself in the olive groves that covered two-thirds of the position.

"When it became perfectly light, a signal gun put the enemy's columns in motion, the whole of his artillery opening almost immediately after. The incessant and viofrom interrupting the progress of the French columns; nor lent description of cannonade prevented the British infantry advance, coming on with a resolute and rapid pace. The did they sustain any loss whatever in the early part of their 29th were ordered to lie down a short distance behind the brow of the hill, which the soldiers did, with arms in their

hands, ready to start up at a moment's warning. By this judicious arrangement, the regiment suffered little from the cannonade, although the enemy's practice appeared excellent, every shot either striking the ground immediately in front, or passing close over our heads.

formidable, and appears paralysed by the immediate presence of his opponents;-a strange and inexplicable result of so much gallantry, such gaiety, so much recklessness of danger, only to be accounted for by the supposition, that the physical composition of the people does not permit the There is at all times something grand, imposing, and effervescence to subsist beyond a certain exertion, that, if terrific in the sound of a cannonade. Here we had the unchecked, might have continued buoyant, but being resoastounding noise, with time to contemplate what was pass-lutely met, becomes depressed and vanquished." ing over us, without the attention being abstracted by great personal danger, or immediate effort at extrication. The effect was consequently very impressive. An old Scotch sergeant, crouching close to me, permitted his head to attain a very slight elevation, and, with a groan, said, Good God, sir, this is dreadfu'!' Without discussing the merits of our situation, I merely advised him to keep down his head-a hint instantly adopted, without any apparent reluctance on his part, and, at the close of the affair, I was happy to find it was still upon his shoulders. At this period we had the battle entirely to ourselves, no other part of the army being engaged.

"When the French columns had mounted the ascent, and were so near as to become endangered from the fire of their own artillery, a scene of great animation was exhibited. The summit, which had appeared deserted, now supported a regular line of infantry. Near the colours of the 29th stood Sir Arthur Wellesley, directing and animating the troops.

We are also well pleased with the author's reflections on the discipline of the French army, although tinged (tant soit peu) with the aristocratical prejudices of a British officer-t va Mar 16/1

DISCIPLINE OF THE FRENCH ARMY. "The discipline of the troops seemed not of the strictest description, nor did the regimental officers apparently preserve that control so necessary for its support. The same line of distinction between men and officers, was not so sedulously observed as in the British army, arising in great measure from the opposite modes of composition, the conscription conveying to the ranks persons of family, and occasionally the private or non-commissioned officer being from a superior grade of French society to the officer placed over him. As a proof of this species of unmilitary equality existing in the imperial armies, I have witnessed a sergeant of infantry walking in familiar conversation with, and his arm locked in that of, his officer. But with all this appa General Ruffin bad nearly surmounted all the difficul- rent laxity, it was impossible to see the French armies ties of the ground, when a fire burst forth that checked his without being impressed with the perfectly a fait manner advance. His troops wavered. Sir Arthur ordered a in which the duties were performed; ever in readiness, the charge. With one tremendous shout, the right wing of soldier was instantaneously put in motion, when ocension the 29th, and entire battalion of the 48th, rushed like a demanded celerity of movement. Under the most unentorrent down, bayoneting and sweeping back the enemy viable circumstances, custom had inured him to the practice to the brink of an insignificant muddy stream, nearly equi- of endeavouring, as far as possible, to provide for dimmishdistant in the ravine which separated the two armies. In ing the want of comfort that prevailed'; and, instead of the pursuit, all order was speedily lost. The men advanced staring about to discover all the miseries of his bivouac, he in small parties, destroying those of the enemy who had not had probably already half unroofed the nearest habitationensured their safety by flight. At this moment, when the for the purpose of composing his fire. When the blaze was whole valley was filled with troops, in all the confusion kindled, and his knees and schakos in close contact with the attending the eagerness of pursuit, a column of French crackling wood, a shrug of the shoulder denoted the cominfantry appeared close upon our right flank, facing towards mencement of a long tirade of complaint, which, until the the irregular mass. It became necessary to collect the pur-fire was lighted, and the soup in a state of preparation, he suers, form a front, and charge these fresh assailants. This had neither time nor inclination either to think of or to was, by great exertion, accomplished. Broken as we were, compose. an irresistible impetus had been given, and the enemy's column followed the example of those who had mounted the hill at the pas de charge. So completely were these attacks repelled, that the British infantry were quietly collected in the ravine, and marched back to the height, without being seriously assailed. The enemy now threw out light troops in front of his defeated first corps. Artillery continued to fire at intervals: but for a time nothing like serious fighting succeeded the Duke of Belluno's failure in the morning."

The remarks on the peculiar nature of French courage, elicited by the affair of Coa, strike us as just :


"In marching, the French infantry appeared indefativ gable. Their progress was equallyremarkable for the rapidity with which they passed over the ground, or the distants performed, encumbered by long and heavy greatcoats, which were constantly worn; the soldiers, not satisfied with the burdens they were necessitated to carry, were occasionally. seen conveying articles of a superfluous description, somes times not of the lightest kind. In the line of march, roo lette tables were not unfrequently to be observed borne on the shoulders of the soldiery.

"To render the carriage of foils less irksome, I have seen them strapped close to the short sword of the grenadier, while several circular Spanish loaves of bread, perforated with a cord through their centres, and slung over the crossbelts, hung dangling at his back."

Authentic information respecting the Guerilla bands has not yet ceased to be peculiarly interesting:


"On the 23d, the head-quarters of Lord Wellington were at Alverca; the following day the enemy crossed the frontier. It was on the morning of the 24th July that the invasion of Portugal in 1810 really commenced. On that day, an affair of a serious description took place between the light division, the only British troops now on the Spanish "The foundation of the Spanish Guerilla force is to be territory, and the 6th corps of the French army, accompa- ascribed to the nearly universal spirit of hostility to, the nied by three thousand cavalry. On this occasion, the light French aggression. That feeling, strongly implanted as it division became engaged under most critical circumstances. was in the minds of a turbulent, naturally warlike, nable, Very inferior in every arm, with the rapid and unfordable though misgoverned people, induced a very general desire mountain stream of the Coa in his rear, having one only to participate in the struggle carrying on throughout the line of retreat over a narrow bridge, General Crawford was whole extent of the monarchy. This unsettled, and hosattacked by a force sufficient to have occasioned his total tile inclination became strengthened by the circumstances destruction. Never was there a more favourable opportu- under which the civilians suffered, during the devastating nity presented for proceeding tête baissée, as the French term system of subjection to the constant visits of different arit, than occurred on this occasion; but it happened not to mies or bodies of troops, all burdensome, and unfortunately be the description of service on which, against British troops, at times presenting not a very distinct difference of conduct | they showed the greatest enterprise. The arena for a really in the acknowledged enemy, the soldier of the country, o vigorous French attack, is one that few other troops would his more disciplined, but not more easily accommodated, enter-at all events, with equal alacrity, equal spirit,or with friend and ally. It requires no additional testimony to es the same apparent determination. In mounting steeps, tablish the fact, that not only the armies, but the popula defended by troops-in making attacks in large bodies, where tion of Spain, were in active hostility to the French, The a great crisis is at issue-in forcing on under fire, until all city, the agricultural village, the ruined convent, alike sent difficulties, but the personal, the close conflict with his op- forth persons to swell the Guerilla force, At the component, has been overcome-the French soldier appears to mencement of the war in 1808 no such bands existed, nar be unequalled; but when perseverance has placed him on was it until the provincial jurisdictions had shaken the equal ground-when he apparently has obtained a chance basis of regular government, and subsequent to the dispers of successfully terminating his attack, he becomes no longersion of the Spanish armies, that these partisans made their

appearance. The dispersed and lawless Spanish soldiery found their safety dependent on forming parties sufficiently numerous to resist the authority of the corregidors and al caldés, and to enforce demands made in parts of the country where no power, either civil or military, existed sufficiently a formidable to curb their exactions, or restrain the selfcreated importance they did not hesitate to assume.. government had become a chaos, was speedily enlarged upon. verine system, successfully adopted in a country whose The marauders chose a chief: and these men, no longer contemplating a return to their regiments, became the nu cleus of many a Guerilla party; their military knowledge and habits, their uniform and equipment, serving as a defective model to others hitherto uninitiated. These parties soon became numerous, but a spirit of enterprise and successful command only distinguished a few of the leaders; consequently, the generality of the bands gained little in numerical strength, or were destined to arrive at great notoriety; but the most insignificant were objects of terror to the French troops, in as much as their vicinity rendered the slightest removal from quarters a matter of captivity or death.

"Of the most distinguished Guerilla leaders may be cited, the Minao, the Empecinado, Don Julian Sanchez, the Medico, Porlier, the Cura, and Chaleco; these all commanded numerous and formidable bands, and were of essential service to the allied cause.

zealous assistance of the population of an almost inaccessible district.

"In the Province of Leon, Don Julian Sanchez commanded an enterprising band, with which he frequently surprised the enemy's posts. Moving rapidly,-ever on the alert,not subjecting himself to conflict on equal terms,possessed of the most accurate information,-at the head of nown, conveying to the French soldiery an exaggerated now, cous and well-mounted party; he established a reimpression of his power, that proved highly beneficial to the cause. Don Julian evinced great zeal. He seemed to bestow his undivided attention on the discomfiture of the enemy, and was probably with less justice accused of mercenary exaction than any other Guerilla chief."

Major Leith Hay's book is one which will be read extensively, and always with pleasure.

The Comic Offering; or, Ladies' Melange of Literary Mirth, for 1831. Edited by Louisa Henrietta Sheri dan. London. Smith, Elder, and Co. 1831. say THIS is a new Annual "of a lively nature, exclusively intended for the boudoir, drawing-room, and #ladies” library." Miss Louisa Henrietta Sheridan must be of a "Nothing could be more motley than the usual array of very "lively nature" herself; for she has not only writthe Guerilla bands. Provided a certain degree of indivi- ten the whole of the letter-press, but has also designed dual military appearance prevailed, no effort at uniformity all the numerous illustrations. These last are spirited, of dress or appointment was considered essentially neces- varied, and amusing; indeed, they are not surpassed by sary. The Guerilla generally became equipped with spoils the embellishments in any of the other Comic Annuals. from the soldiery of other countries, or a mixture of the There are nearly seventy separate engravings, and there most gaudy and tawdry dresses of his own. The flaring scarlet and light-blue jacket of an Estremaduran hussar, is scarcely one that fails to raise a laugh. Wall-flowers the schakos of a French chasseur à cheval, pistols and sad- is excellent, a set of the ugliest old maids ever seen, dle of English manufacture, the long straight sword of the looking with the most vinegar aspects from their neglected enemy's dragoon, the brown Spanish sash, and leathern bench in the ball-room, to the young men eloquent, who are cartouch belt, with an Arragonese or Catalan escopeta, leading out fairer partners to the dance. The Easy Chair were the not unfrequent equipments of the same brigand, is excellent, an old gouty gentleman sitting unconsciously as the French invariably designated them. "The Empecinado, acting in the districts more imme- on a score of kittens, who are all expiring in agony bes diately in the neighbourhood of Madrid, was more than any neath his weight, whilst the cat, their mother, Hies up in of the other partisan leaders in the public view. His band, his face with feminine and feline fury. Not less excelconducted with great gallantry and enterprise, became the lent is a Daniel Lambert of a man, asking of a lean and terror of the Court of Joseph Bonaparte. Reports were petrified Frenchman at his door" Have you lodgings often circulated of Don Juan Martin, and his adventurous for a single g ntleman ?”-nor the Tried Friends, both in followers, being close to the walls of the capital, when in fetters, and evidently under sentence of death nor the reality he was either scouring the Province of Guadalaxa-illustration of Collins' line loose were her tresses ra, or levying contributions at Alcala de Henares. On one occasion he penetrated to the precincts of the Casa del Campo; at another, interrupted the rural festivities of the Pardo; and when more important service became necessary, he was found at the head of a formidable body of cavalry and infantry, ready to measure swords with the regular troops of the enemy. Perfectly acquainted with the country, surrounded by friends from whom he obtained the most accurate information of the movements against him, personally brave, possessing the confidence of his party, zealous in the cause, and highly exasperated against the French, such a man could not fail to become powerful as an enemy, and by his successes, which were frequent and signal, encourage others to embark in similar modes of life.

seen," where a young lady, rising in an arbour to escapé from the impassioned declarations of her lover, leaves her wig on the branch of a tree;-nor the Rainer Family, where an old gentleman and three ladies are driven to pieces by a sudden storm of wind and rain ;-nor BallFiring, a drawing-room, in which they are dancing qual drilles close upon an immense fire, the consequence of which is, that the hair of both the ladies and gentlemen is hanging from their heads in lank and dripping strings, and white handkerchiefs are applied to every face and forehead, for the purpose of removing the superfluous moisture, while, to increase the agony of the moment, the Of the Asturian Guerilla leaders, the Marques de Por- footman is coming in with a large additional supply of lier was the most celebrated. At an early period of the coals to mend the fire, and is carefully shutting the door partisan warfare, he exasperated the enemy by the frequency of his attacks upon the convoys and detachments on their behind him, lest a mouthful of fresh air should intrude? route from Bayonne to Madrid; invariably retiring into we have seen such scenes, and pray Heaven we may never the mountains when numerously attacked, he baffled the see them again. We are well pleased, too, with the new utmost efforts of the French generals to rid themselves of edition of the favourite song, "Oh, Nanny, wilt thou the serious inconvenience and loss sustained from the effects gang wi' me?"a country lad trying to drag along an of his active and indefatigable exertions. Upon one occa- obstreperous goat;-and with the Poultry Assembly, sion, two divisions of infantry, with some hussars and Po-where a donkey, coming suddenly among a brood of Hish laticers, were detached for the purpose of annihilating his numerous and formidable band, but without success. chickens, gets frightened, and, cutting a few capers among Having obtained timely information of the movements them, tramples them to death, and kicks them into the against him, Porlier manoeuvred to draw his enemy into air by dozens;--and with the unfortunate individual Upset the fastnesses of the Sierra de los Cameros, constantly re- by a Squall, who is retreating in great agony from the tring when outnumbered, occasioning considerable loss to piano-forte, at which a fair songstress has kindly gone His assailants, who, believing their own safety would be compromised by further pursuit, left the Marquesito, as he up to the highest A,—a height from which it seems to be was called, to reassemble his followers, and return to the impossible to say whether she will ever again come down; The of communication, from whence he had been driven and with East India Company, where a gentleman, haonly to prove to his enemies the impossibility of destroying ving fallen asleep in his own dining-room on rather a hot a force so constituted and commanded, when aided by the day, is presently surrounded by monkeys of all shapes

and sizes, boa constrictors, elephants, and tigers, who have just" dropped in" to see how he is getting on." With all these, and with many other snatches of pictorial humour, we are well pleased, and are of opinion that Miss Sheridan has caught the true spirit of the caricatura.

As a writer, our "lively lady" does not appear quite to so much advantage. In several instances, she is what we call "deadly lively." But she pleads haste and inexperience, and we must submit. At times, too, she is very good. Here is one of her best things in prose: } A FRENCH GENTLEMAN'S LETTER to an englisH FRIEND IN LONDON.


"Ah, my dear Friend,-I cannot feel the plaisir I expresse to come to your country charming, for you see. I shall have the happiness to you embrace in some days from here but it is necessary that I myself may rest before to

set out.

"We are arrive at Southampton before yesterday at one hour of the afternoon, and we are debarked very nice.

"I never believe you when at Paris, you tell me that the English women get on much before our women: but now I agree quite with you, I know you laughing at your countrywomen for take such long steps! My faith! I never saw such a mode to walk; they take steps long like the man! Very pretty women! but not equal to ours! White skins, and the tint fresh, but they have no mouths, nor no eyes! Our women have lips like rose-buttons, and eyes of lightning: the English have mouth wide like the toads; and their eyes are like dreaming sheeps; as one of our talented writers say,- Mouton qui rêve.' It is excellent, that.

"I am not perceived so many English ladies tipsy as I expect: our General Pilon say they all drink brandy: this I have not seen very much.

"I was very surprise to see the people's hair of any colour but red, because all our travellers say there is no other hair seen except red or white! But I come here, filled with candour, and I say I have seen some people whose hair was not red.

"You tell me often at Paris that we have no music in France. My dear friend, how you are deceived yourself! Our music is the finest in the world, and the German come after you other English have no music, and if you had some, you have no language to sing with. It is necessary that you may own your language is not useful for the purpose ordinary of the world. Your windows of shop are all filled at French names-' des gros de Naples,'' des gros des Indes,' des gros d'été,' &c. If English lady go for demand, Show me, if you please, sir, some fats of Naples, some fats of India, and some fats of summer! the linen-draper not understand at all. Then the colours different at the silks. People say, puce evanouie,''œil de l'empereur,' flammes d'enfer, feu de l'opera,' but you never hear lady say, I go for have gown made of fainting fleas, or emperor's eyes, or 'opera fires,' or of the flames' of a place which you tell me once, for say never to ears polite! You also like very much our musique in England; the street organs tell you best the taste of the people, and I hear them play always, 'Le petit tambour,' Oh, gardez vous, bergerette, Dormez, mes chères amours,' and twenty little French airs of which we are fatigued there is a long time.

"I go this morning for make visit to the house of a very nice family. When I am there some time, I demand of the young ladies, what for they not go out?

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"One reply, Thank you, sir, we are always oblige stay at home, because papa enjoy such very bad health.' "I say, 'Oh, yes! How do you do your papa this morning, misses?'

He is much worse, I am oblige to you, sir."

"I bid them good by, and think in myself how the English are odd to enjoy had health, and the young ladies much oblige to me because their papa was much worse! Chacun à son gout, as we say.

"In my road to come home, I see a board on a gate, and I stopped myself for read him. He was for say, any persons beating carpets, playing cricket, and such like diversions there, should be persecuted. My faith! you other English are so droll, to find any diversion in beating carpets! Yet it is quite as amusing as to play the cricket, to mat one little ball with big stick, then run about like madbeen, then throw away big stick, and get great knock upon your face or legs. And then at cards, again! What stupid

game whist! Play for amuse people, but may not laugh any! Ah! how the English are droll! I have nothing of more for say to you at present, but I am soon seeing you, when I do assure you of the eternal regard and everlasting affection of your much attached friend,

As a specimen of Miss Sheridan's rhyming talents, we give the following ballad, which smacks a good deal of Thomas Hood, the facetious:


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"Thus, Dear Miss Bell, I love you well;
Oh, more than tongue can tell!
A long farewell-a soothing spell'-
All these will rhyme with Bell !

"Within my cot in yonder dell,
Oh, come with me and dwell!
There sweetbrier yields its fragrant smell'
All these will rhyme with Bell!

"I suffer disappointment fell,
Death's aim I can't repel;

Soon will be heard my funeral knell,-
And you'll be my death—Bell!

"There's nonpareil, and parallel,
Compel, expel, and sell,

Rebel, and snell, impel, and yell,-
And more that rhyme with Bell!
"Whene'er friends come to visit us,
If I should say a word,

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My aunt observes, (quite in a fuss, }
Bell's tongue too loud is heard!**y to toga
"Quite angry, I then silent sit,
Nor let them hear a tone,
Then some one says, with teasing wit,
You're quite a dumb-bell grown!"

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exertions he contrived to maintain his credit with the people; but his debts still pressing on him, and other circumstances making it expedient, he espoused Princess Caroline of Brunswick, with whom he lived in conjugal comfort for a very short time; and a separation being deemed necessary on both sides, the lady, after having given birth to a daughter, took her departure for the continent. He was soon afterwards raised to the Regency, in consequence of the mental malady which attacked his father; he was the witness of many extraordinary events on the continent, among which, the French Revolution, and the rise and progress of Bonaparte, were the most prominent. On his succeeding his father on the throne, he visited Hanover, Ireland, and Scotland; and was also not a little annoyed by his wife, whose character was abundantly problematical, but who fortunately died after she had fallen into considerable disrepute. He

had the merit of establishing, or of allowing to be established, the Liverpool, the Canning, and the Wellington administrations; and, with the assistance of Lord Exmouth, he taught the Algerines to respect the British flag. He died on the 26th of June of the present year. He was, on the whole, a very creditable king, the more so, that in his personal manners he was allowed to be one of the best bred men in Europe. It is always of importance to have upon the throne one who knows, almost as well as Mr Peter Buchan of Peterhead, what a "gentleman ought to be."

Mr Croly's "Life and Times" are, as we have said, very sketchy and desultory. Good remarks of his own are interspersed among plentiful clippings from old newspapers and magazines. Nothing like a comprehensive or profound view is attempted of any one subject. The book is a sort of steam-boat companion; calculated to be read without any fatigue, and when the mind is in that half squeamish condition, when exertion of any kind is disagreeable. We shall give one specimen of the style, which is scarcely sober enough, but is, nevertheless, tolerably pleasant to read:

The Life and Times of his late Majesty, George the Fourth With Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons of the last Fifty Years. By the Rev. George Croly, A. M. London. James Duncan. 1830. 8vo. Pp. 552. THIS is the hasty production of a clever man,―amusing, but very flimsy. Since Croly has taken to writing whack-which means, volumes at the rate of a hundred or a hundred and fifty pounds each he has done nothing worthy of the reputation which some of his earlier and more vigorous productions obtained for him. In the book before us, he has collected from the most obvious sources, and hastily strung together, an account of some of the leading incidents which occurred during the life of George IV. As a Biographical Memoir of that Monarch, the volume has no pretensions whatever. It contains less of the personal history of the King than of almost any other thing. Many of the events it narrates are connected with George IV., merely because he happened to live when they took place. Neither can we admire the style which Mr Croly has adopted. It is inflated, and there is a continual straining after fine writing, which detracts materially from the simplicity and distinctness requisite in biography. Nevertheless, "It becomes an interesting question, whether this sinthe work contains proofs that it emanates from a mind gular prosperity does not contain within itself the seeds of decline? But we have a right to distrust those prophets of of considerable vigour and originality. There are a good evil, who exert their sagacity only in seeing the seeds of number of errors and foolish opinions in it, but there is ruin in the most palmy state of national fortune. It all the no downright drivel; on the contrary, though it appears leading commercial powers have fallen, England has been evidently to have been composed against time, the author placed in a condition distinct from them all. All those seems to have been anxious to infuse as much intellect states were exclusively commercial: they had no foundainto it as his hurry would permit. This is all that a tion in the land. Tyre, Carthage, Venice, Genoa, Holclever writer can do when circumstances induce him to land, had no territory extensive enough to give them a national existence independently of the sea: they were strips write whack;—it is all that Sir Walter Scott does, and he of territory, inhabited by men whose natural dwelling was has written a good deal of whack, which is got up much on on ship-board; they had no population that could meet the the same principle as the pedlar's razors--for sale, not for attack of the military powers that pressed on them by land: use. The Annuals are filled with whack ;-the Family their whole armour was in front; their backs were naked. and Useful Knowledge Libraries are filled with whack; All the maritime states were thus compelled to the perilous -the Magazines and Reviews are filled with whack. It expedient of employing foreign mercenaries. The mercanis the very age of whack. We know of only one work tile jealousy that uniformly refused the rights of citizenfrom which it is excluded,―need we mention the EDIN-in his day of danger. The French cavalry insulted the ship to the neighbouring states, left the merchant helpless BURGH LITERARY JOURNAL?

There was just as much romance in the lot of George IV. as usually falls to the lot of princes. He was born under favourable auspices, being the first child of a king and queen who were much respected; he received a good classical education in private under Markham, Cyril Jackson, and Hurd; at eighteen, he was declared of age, and provided with an establishment suitable to the heir apparent; he plunged at once into the heart of every species of fashionable pleasure, and the consequence was, he soon found that he had exceeded his means, and was involved in debt to an enormous amount; his embarrassments became the subject of parliamentary investigation, and they, together with his imprudent connexion with Mrs Fitzherbert,

served to alienate from him the affections of his father. He had powerful friends, however, in such men as Fox, Sheridan, Burke, Curran, and Grattan, and by their


gates of Amsterdam at pleasure; the Austrians seized Genoa, and besieged Venice, when an Austrian cock-boat dared not appear on the Adriatic. In older times, the Mountaineers of Macedon tore down the battlements of the Phoenician cities, when their ships were masters of all from Syria to the Pillars of Hercules. Scipio found but a solitary force of mercenaries between the shore and the walls of Carthage.

"From the catastrophe of those small, jealous, and tyrannical states, what argument can be drawn to the fate of the extensive, the generous, the enlightened, and, above all, the free?

"The population of the British isles is worthy of a great dominion. It probably amounts to twenty millions; and that immense number placed under such fortunate circumstances of rapid communication and easy concentration, as to be equal to twice the amount in any other kingdom. Facility of intercourse is one of the first principles of civilized strength. The rapid returns of merchandise are not

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