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AGAIN in my chamber !

Again at my bed!

With thy smile sweet as sunshine,›

And hand-cold as lead!

I know thee, I know thee !

could find a tree large and strong enough for her highesthatpr; e vet da fit eoTHE DEMON LADY.
mast.19 Great Britain an ominous circumstance for the
superiority of British oak had the glory of bestowing
upon her a sufficient tree for that purpose; it was dis-
covered amid the recesses of Albion's forests by a swine-
herd! What is remarkable in the construction of this
gigantic vessel is, that her sentina, or sink, though large
and deep, was emptied by one man, by means of a pump
invented by Archimedes. Hiero, on finding that the
Syracusan was too unwieldy to be admitted with safety
into the harbours of Sicily, made a present of her to
Ptolemy, who changed her name to the Alexandrian.
We may add, as a panergon to this longs tale of a ship,
that Archimelus, the Greek epigrammatist, wrote a little
poem on the large vessel, which was rewarded by Hiero
with 1000 measures of corn-a premium proportioned, if
not to the poem, at least to the magnitude of the theme

Dollar Institution, I
Nov. 2, 1830. - §.



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750+ in e..



[This able and original communication was sent to us anonymously, but we have a shrewd suspicion it comes from our friend Motherwell, whom we consequently henceforth cease to designate as a" dour deevil."-ED.]

MANIFOLD and strange be the devices which, time out of mind, the arch-enemy of Adam's race hath resorted to for the purpose of entrapping our poor sinful souls. None, according to most veracious narratives, has been more successful than that of arraying some subordinate fiend in woman's apparel, and bestowing upon the wicked deWe could coy every attribute of feminine loveliness.

instange many examples wherein he has triumphed over human frailty by this gallant invention; but pretermit them for the present, lest we should be deemed tedious, contenting ourselves by throwing into something like metrical harmony one of the many stories of a like sort which now crowd upon our memory.

I&According to the slight adumbration of a narrative traced in the following lines, you will perceive that the unfortunate sinner who had precipitated himself head and heels into the embraces of a fiend, awoke, ere he died, to a bitter sense of his awful and fallen estate. While in articulo mortis he spurns the loathsome caresses of the 1 witch-woman for a time; but her endearments at length sovercome the counsels of the good angel within him, and he relapses once more into the most sinful abandonment, and dies a ripened spirit for eternal torment.

No ques

tion the devil would chuckle heartily when he gained this other recruit to his already crowded spirit land. The metre-monger forbears to mention how the demon lady eloped with her earthly paramour; but we believe she would evanish in a flash of fire, according to established usage in similar occurrents. And we much fear that the sounds of her departure would have little resemblance to the melodious twang" which Aubrey assures us fol[lowed the disappearance of a spirit with whom he seems to have been upon a most harmonious understanding. Sailors are the most susceptible of amphibious creatures; and hence the devil peoples every creek, bay, and river 3.with mermaidens or water-nymphs in marvellous abundance, and the poor fellows are caught in the meshes of their sunny locks by dozens. The hero of this piece ap>pears to have been the master of some rich argosy at the time he freighted his soul with so much sin as to sink sit into fathomless perdition. Deeply it is to be deplored that he did not insure his soul at the same time that he effected an insurance on his ship and cargo. These idle prolixities, however, are keeping you from the mournful metres which describe his latter moments. They are as ¿foilqwasiain and Co

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Nay, start not, my sweet,
These golden robes shrank up,
And show'd me thy feet.
These golden robes shrank up,
And taffety thin,

While out crept the symbols
19529 Of Death and of Sin!

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Bright, beautiful devil,

Pass, pass from me now;
For the damp dew of death

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Than the wreath-drifted snowston's stud“
And away with thy kisses;
My heart waxes sick,
A's thy red lips, like worms,
Travel over my cheek!

Ha, press me no more with

That passionless hand,
'Tis whiter than milk, or 3
The foam on the strand :
'Tis softer than down, or

The silken-leaf'd flower;
But colder than ice thrills

Its touch at this hour.
Like the finger of Death


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From cerements unroll'd,
Thy hand on my heart falls
Dull, clammy, and cold.2 nghika

Nor bend o'er my pillow

Thy raven black hair
O'ershadows my brow with
A deeper despair;

These ringlets thick falling

Spread fire through my brain,
And my temples are throbbing
With madness again.

The moonlight! the moonlight!
The deep winding bay!
There are two on that lone strand,
And a ship far away!

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In its silence and beauty,↓
Its passion and power,
Love breathed o'er the land, Tampere
"Like the soul of a flower.
The billows were chiming

On pale yellow sands; -
And moonshine was gleaming
20 On small ivory hands. :

There were bowers by the brook's brink,


And flowers bursting free;

** There were hot lips to suck forth *** A lost soul from me ! »

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• Belike she was a crow-footed lady. She devils, we believe, have generally bird claws at their lower extremities; male fiends are not so delicately limbed, and have to content themselves with clumsy hooves,

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I REMEMBER, when a boy, that I thought, "lead us not into temptation," meant neither more nor less than a direct allusion to the "teetotum" with which the fate of various large and small pins were determined! I have some recollection likewise of mistaking the phrase," he took up this parable, and said," for, "he took up the sparable, and said;" as if that small headless nail had been the thing taken up previous to the saying mentioned. The "chief priests of the Jews," I read the "thief priests;" and "he died in a good old age," was to me, he expired in a good old egg. Such things were to me in my infancy; but since I attained the age of manhood, I have never heard of such a mistake so firmly and pertinaciously supported as the following:

A conversation took place, in the presence of some divines, or established clergymen of the Church of Scotland, together with a sprinkling of learned and distinguished professors, respecting beards. It was alleged by a venerable and critical individual of the party, that Knox's beard must have been somewhat lengthy; but it was at the same time affirmed, that, long as it was, it was nothing to that of Aaron, which descended even to the skirts of his garments. An individual questioned immediately and directly the longitude of the beard mentioned, in consequence of which an appeal was made to the text.

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"Bishop's Bible, 1572," the same.

After long and warm altercation, an appeal was at last made to the original Hebrew, and to a learned professor of that language, whose written document in answer is couched in the following words: “unt 25

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“Dear Sir, I have examined, in the original, the passages to which you allude; it gives you no farther assistance than the English translation does, in determining the point. The term for ointment is masculine, and that for beard appears to be common to both genders; the for translated that, is indeclinable and common, and the verb is masculine. There appears, therefore, to be nothing in the grammatical structure of the passage determining precisely whether that refers to the first or to the last of the two terms. Yours, truly," &c.

Hereupon the advocate of “beards" assumed a new position, and began to crow accordingly, when the following reasoning on the nature of the passage was submitted

It is evident, that the length or breadth of Aaron's beard is not the subject of assertion or illustration, but the advantage and beauty of unanimity amongst brethren," in particular. This is illustrated by two comparisons; the first is "ointment," poured, according to the Jewish custom, on the head, and then flowing or descending over the whole person, "ad imos talos;" the second is the dew of Hermon," which descendeth upon Mount Zion, in consequence of which, a blessing is commanded God. In the next place, it is physically impossible that any beard whatever could grow so long as to reach the ground,

Now the text, according to the verse translation sung from the elevation of the chin of an ordinarily sized man, in our churches, is as follows:

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Vide Psalm 133.

It being evident from this version that it was not the beard, but the ointment, which reached the skirts of the garments of the chief priest, recourse was had to the prose translation in the Old Testament, which, as far as the beard is concerned, runs thus:" It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard; that went down to the skirts of his garments." Here a triumph was proclaimed by the advocate of beards, he very knowingly concealing the semicolon, which shows, at least, the opinion of Dr Hardinge, Dr Reynolds, Dr Holland, Dr Billy, Mr Smart, Mr Pratt, and Mr Farcelance, (translators, at Oxford, of the Hagiography,) upon this subject!

Being driven from this point, the advocate of five and a half feet beards took refuge in the " Septuagint," which runs thus:

In fact, beards, after shooting out to ten or twelve inches get roughened, and split in the extremities of the hairs: and no power of oil, or combing, will induce them descend farther. And, in the last place, bad Aaron beard (as his garments were flowing) descended to the skirts thereof, he must have provided himself (as they do in some countries with regard to the tails of sheep) with a little cart or waggon, with the view of pushing along this immense redundancy of chin ornament.

Now, Sir Editor, that you have heard the case stated, give your own opinion, or ask at Dr Brown of Eskdalegarments, or did it not?" I pause for a reply. I sens ANTIBARBATUS,

muir. "Did the beard of Aaron reach to the skirts of his


We have never, like the Emperor Julian, written a misöpögonsi we are neither professedly nor practically a beard-haler, yet we havg no patience with so preposterous a beard as our learned correspo dent's learned friend would give to the Jewish high priest. The scope of the comparison in the original is evidently to this effect, Th mutual friendship of brothers, is like the precious ointment with which the high priest was anointed, and which, being poured upair the head, flowed copiously down his beard, and dropped upon hi garments, communicating its agreeable odour to his whole person."

Thus Buchanan in his paraphrase:

balsamum, &c.

-imbre læto proluens barbam et sinus, Limbum pererrat aureum.

Thus also the French ;-"Une huile precieuse repandue sur la tête

Ως μυρον επι κεφαλὴν καταβαινον επι προγώνα τον πώγωνα qui descend sur la barbe d'Aaron, er qui découle sur l'ouverture τον Ααρων, Το καταβαινον, &c,

Here the accuracy of the Greek translation of the ancient Hebrew triumphed, with its " TO," over every doubt; but the enemy was not thus suddenly to be dislodged, so recourse was had to the Vulgate, which runs


"Sicut unguentum in capite quod descendit in barbam, barbam Aaron, quod descendit," &c.

de la-haut de ses vêtements." The Spanish, indeed, mentions,-* "barba muy crecida,” and has only a comma after Aaron; bat the Portuguese decidedly supports the common reading"?pien, kn cahe sobre toda a barba, &c. e vem descendo até à extremidade, Pres ra's Tr.) We need not quote Martini's Italian version, since it literal from the Vulgate, Diodati, the most faithful and elegant of fiahan translators, expresses himself decidedly against the beard advocates; "Come-l'olio eccellente, &c. il quale gli scende, &e, e poi cola hiškís al lembo, &c. &c. In short, all authority seems unfavourable to

n the beard. Nevertheless, since the Hebrew is doubtful, our friend's friend may possibly be right, though the general sense of mankind is against him. In justice to him, we may hint, that what our transla tion calls the "skirts of his garments," need not signify the lower extremities. Poole on the passage says, "per oram (this is the literal translation of the Hebrew word) intellige foramen illúd cui fuditur collum, vel supremam vestium partem, cui barba incumberet." On the beard supposition, therefore, this ornament of Jewish priesthood need have been of no such inadmissible length as our correspondent supposes. But our own ex cathedra opinion is for the ointment.


NON Monday, Nov. 15, 1830. LAST week introduced to us a new farce at each house, both of which were produced on the same evening, both were from the French, and both were well acted, and successful. Drury Lane's novelty was entitled "Tarning the Tables;" very pleasantly paraphrased by Mr #Poole, from Scribe's " Nouveau Parçeaugnac," in which Liston, Cooper, and Mrs Orger, as Jack Humphries, * Jeremiah Bumps, and Patty Larkins, were all admirable, and the applause was incessant whenever the laughter would permit it.' 'On the same night, Planche's "Ho fer," with Rossini's music to William Tell," was revived, with Misses Pearson and Russell as the very inadequate substitutes of Miss Stephens and Madame Vesstris, the latter of whom commences this evening at the Tottenham Street Theatre, and her sister Josephine, of King's Bench notoriety, at the Coburg! Drury Lane

has also produced a new divertissement, called "Les Trois Sultanes," to introduce a Mademoiselle Rosalia # Guet, as the principal danseuse. Both were, however, entirely unworthy of a Theatre Royal; and if Monsieur Simon, the new Ballet Master, have done his best in his recent specimens, the sooner he be cashiered the better for all parties.


*The new farce at Covent Garden was called "Hide and Seek," Anglicised by Mr Lunn from a French original, which, under the title of " The Secret," has gone the * round of all our Minor Theatres years ago. Miss Ellen Tree and Mr Keeley, who had the only characters of pany consequence, played excellently, and its repetition was announced without even one solitary hiss. Miss Kemble's Mrs Haller, in "The Stranger," is increasing popularity; and Miss Taylor's next character is to be Rosalind, to Charles Kemble's Orlando, în "As You Like It," on Thursday next.-Drury Lane is to have a new " dramatic tale," called the "Conscript, or, the Veteran and his Dog," also from a Gallic origin, on Wednesday; and there is a greenroom schism there between Macready and Mister Manager Wallack, which at present precludes the public from being amused by those gentlemen both at once. Cooper's naval novel of the "Water Witch, or, the Skimmer of the Sea," dramatised by Mr Bernard, is to be produced at the Adelphi this evening; and a newspaper contest between Mr Backstone, and a Mr Almar of the Surrey Theatre, is supplicating the public decision as to which is the te true man" and which the "thief," with regard to their respective burlettas; both stolen, by the by, from the same original, the second series of" Tales of a Voyager," published last season by Colburn.

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Come, Wintersince thou must come with thy snows And frosts though deem'd at all times mal à prop ; Doing sad execution on the nose,

That seema, like doom'd one, going by the drop; Bring, with thine ails-colds, rheumatisms, coughsTheir antidotesfires, flannels, mud-boots, muffs.

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Upon the price of coals, and the amounts Of servants' wages, taxes, house-rents, chase Each other, and us too; and his accounts— Many and long-each smiling dun presents, Mocking us with the season's compliments. Yet, Winter, thou hast consolations too,

And glimpses, not of sunshine, but of gas; When every thing except thy sky looks blue,

And not unpleasantly our time we pass,—
What with plays, concerts, Christmas and its cakes,
Its midday cordials, and its midnight wakes.

But preach not ye, who have the care of souls,
Of hell in winter, or your labour's lost;
For then we almost creep into the coals,

And fire no terrors hath in time of frost.-
And, while the nose is freezing on the face,
We're apt to think it not so bad a place.

But if within us you would wish to raise,
For sins and follies, salutary fears,
Then let "the day of reckoning" be the phrase,–
And, lo! each slumbering sinner pricks his ears
And sympathetic dread for debts unpaid,
Most timely comes to falling virtue's aid.


By Richard Henry Horne.

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THE morning dawns in silent beauty dim,
And bars the grey clouds with its misty gold;
The heaven-born skylark, soaring with its hymn,
Greets the bright day, whose glories wide unfold,
While melody from glen and grotto old,
Of waterfall and woodland song,
Or beat of timbrel humming long,
Fills the far groves with joyance wild and sweet.
But oh, less searching to the secret heart—
Home of deep memory and love's retreat;"
Less winning to the sense-forth-charming woe—
While beauty gilds the raptured tears that start—
Than thy sweet tones, which vibrate, swell, and glow,
And leave an echo that can ne'er depart.


We are happy to understand that Mr Sheridan Knowles's new play, "Alfred," which has been written for some time, but has been a good deal altered and improved of late, is likely to be brought out soon at Drury Lane, where Macready will sustain the part of Alfred. Mr Knowles, has also made considerable progress with a comedy, on which he is at present engaged.

The Widow and her Son, a Borough Tale of 1782, in four Cantos, by John Milne of Aberdeen, is announced for publication early in December.

The Death-Wake, or Lunacy, a Necromaunt, in three Chimeras, with other Poems, by Thomas Tod Stoddart, is in the press, and

will speedily appear. We are enabled to promise both originality and vigour in Mr Stoddart's volume.

A Novel, in three volumes, is announced, by Mr John Mackay Wilson, who is at present residing in Glasgow.

An Experimental Enquiry into the Number and Properties of the
Primary Colours, and the source of Colour in the Prism, by Walter
Crum, Esq. of Glasgow, will shortly be published, by Mr Atkinson,
This work is said to exhibit some striking results, and to evince ori-
ginal and powerful habits of investigation.

Remarks on a new and important remedy in Consumptive Diseases,
by John Humphreys Doddridge, surgeon, is announced.
The Life of Thomas Fanshawe Middleton, D.D., Lord Bishop of
Calcutta, by the Rev. C. W. Le Bas, M.A. is in the press.

The Schah of Persia has just published a collection of his poetical works, under the following title: "Poems of Him before whom all Nations prostrate themselves in adoration." He must needs be a bold man who will criticise this work. The autocrat of all the Russias may perhaps undertake it.

dry land, he was so fearfully exhausted, that had it not been for the
timely assistance of Dr Moir, who was instantly sent for, and wh
bled him on the spot, I doubt much whether Mr Hope would
not have had cause to repent of his ingenuity. Speaking of Dr Moir,
naturally leads me to tell you that literature is progressing very
slowly here. With the exception of the triangular bard, we have no
one to look to; and even with regard to him, how true is the
saying, that “a prophet is worshipped everywhere but in his owa
country!" Mr George Combe, your learned townsman, when pro-
posing Dr Moir's health at the public dinner held on the oceation of
our Riding of the Marches, very justly remarked, "that though
to the world he was known as the poet, yet here he might be only
singled out as the benevolent physician." Dr Moir, however, is
not the only member of his family who is addicted to the cacocties
scribendi; the second and youngest brothers have contributed, to my
certain knowledge, many interesting papers to not a few of the po
pular periodicals of the day.-Mr William Brooks, of this place, has
just published a poem on our last Riding of the Marches, in which
he gives us a sketch of all the leading characters in that splendid
procession. I send you one verse, as a specimen :

"The Magistrates and Councillors,
With Officers before,

Arranged their banners, and fell in

At Bailie Carse's door."

CHIT CHAT FROM EDINBURGH.-If there was any doubt as to the winter having commenced last week, there can be none now, for the Court of Session and the Theatre have opened. Of the introductory addresses, that delivered at the former house of entertainment struck us as the most original. In what regards the comic strength of the respective companies, we suspect the Theatre has the better of it-the more especially as the Liston of the other house is at present starring it in London.-A Medical Cyclopædia is talked of, to be got up here in emulation of Dr Lardner's Omnium Gatherum. The plan does not strike us as remarkably feasible.-We have been much interested within these few days by a visit to the studio of Mr Steele. We had been prepared, by one or two busts of his executing, which we had casually seen, to expect fine feeling and pure taste in his works, and we found more. He has at present in hands an excellent and characteristic likeness of Dr Gordon-the lower part of the countenance is real flesh;-a small model of a Hebe-a juvenile work, we understand-in which the goddess raises her cup with a fine mix-suppose he does not care much about trying, during the winter ture of devotional and convivial feeling;-a boy fishing, in which the action is not only true and lively, but the features (as far as we can judge from the scarcely-finished model) express completely the throbbing anxiety of the angler, as he feels the intermitting tugs of his stricken prey. A small model of Daniel in the Lion's Den is also a fine conception. But the work which Mr Steele is principally directing his attention to at present, is of more importance than any of these. It is a colossal group of Alexander taming Bucephalus; and, from the progress he has already made in it, as well as his talents, and enthusiasm in his art, there is good reason to believe that this work, when finished, will reflect honour on himself and his native city. Circumstances have prevented the completion of this piece of statuary so soon as Mr Steele anticipated; but we recommend to him the example of one with whose life and writings he is no doubt weil acquainted-Cellini. Manly perseverance and ready invention of resources add a dignity even to the character of an artist.

We have likewise had a very ingenious history of the ancient game of Golf, drawn up by a Mr Lees, a promising young lawyer, for the benefit of the Club; the pamphlet does him, credit.-A sough went, abroad lately that we were to have an Anti-Slavery Meeting, at which Dr Andrew Thomson was to hold forth; but, behold the sough has passed away, and here we are, and the House of Lords and Commons know not how we stand with regard to the great question. -We have been put about a little with a report that the Ex-King had taken a house at Inveresk; but it has turned out a mistake. I

CHIT CHAT FROM LEITH. A new periodical, to be entitled the Argus, is at present on the tapis, and will shortly commence in this place. The prospectus is not yet published, but the pages of the work will, I understand, be wholly devoted to the local politics of the town.-Roberts has been giving readings here, and Mr Fitzgerald has been making people laugh with ventriloquism and other things Our Mechanics' Institution has opened its fifth session. Mr Reid began the course with an excellent lecture on Chemistry.-Our shores are all deserted by bathers now, with the exception of one or two daring spirits. I had a dip the other morning in the "deep deep sea," with as much comfort and pleasure as ever I had in the warmest of the dog-days. For the more luxurious, we have got excellent baths, fitted up in a very superior style by Messrs Goodiet and Co., whose charges also are exceedingly moderate.

CHIT-CHAT FROM MUSSELBURGH.-As you seem anxious to have a few hints of what is going on everywhere, perhaps you will have no objections to spare a corner, just to let the world know all about the ancient town of Musselburgh. We are, every one of us, so fond of your periodical, that we have some little claim on your indulgence. Well, then, without farther circumlocution, we have had, every alternate evening for a fortnight past, a Mr Dickenson lecturing on Chemistry, in our Town Hall, and we have been all very much edified by his visit. We had a Bible Society Meeting on Monday week, at which not a few rather goodish speeches were delivered; the collection, however, at the conclusion of the meeting, I am afraid, will not go far to convert "India's dark daughters."-On Friday the 9th inst., a deputation from the Edinburgh Temperance Society held a public meeting in our Town Hall; but, as we are rather a thirsty race, from our unfortunate proximity to the sea, I suspect they made few converts. The humbug will not take in this quarter. Mr Robert Hope, of this place, has just invented a new apparatus for saving lives in cases of shipwreck; but I have not yet seen it, so can give you no description. The first attempt with it was rather an ominous one. Having bribed a poor man here of the name of Wilkie to trust himself in the watery element with his new invention, and a rope fastened round him, he pulled him in and out to such purpose, that the last time the unfortunate being touched

months, the air of the Montpelier of Scotland, as it is called.—I have not yet heard of any balls likely to be started among us this winter; but mayhap "the note of preparation" may be sounded in my next.

CHIT-CHAT FROM GLASGOW.-The winter courses of lectures in our Universities, the Pentland School of Medicine, and the Mecha nics' Institution, have opened, each with an attendance both “* numerous and respectable," to use the established phrase of paragraphmongers. We have no less than four new lecturers on philosophy, and half-a-dozen on medicine, &c., and I believe they are all acquits ting themselves well, although some of them are very young.—In the Andersonian University, the weekly soirees are about to be resumed on the plan of the social and scientific meetings at the Royal Institution.-Lord Kelburn is still master of hounds in the west countree, and a bolder or more skilful rider never crossed a saddle. The "field" is always, however, small, I learn, and the noble sport of fox-hunting does not seem to be popular in this most sedentary at districts. Indeed, it is seldom talked of,-But we have had no lack of gossip matters, and never were tea-table coteries more busy than at present.-Mr Alexander has re-opened his theatre with a company almost new, and, in some departments, excellent. He is to have Kean next week.-There are to be no subscription-concert this season.


CHIT CHAT FROM ABERDEEN.-A Monthly periodical is soon to be started in this city, under the title of The Aberdeen Mogazine first number is to appear early in January; Mr Lewis Smith is the spirited publisher.-The Aberdeen Independent has ceased to exist; and the Portfolio has never seen the light, except in the shape of a prospectus.-A sermon on "The Danger of Forgetting God," by the Rev. Mr Thorburn, of the Union Chapel of Ease, in this city, has been published; the profits arising from its sale, are to be given it aid of the Infant School which is intended to be built in Aberdeen. -Mr Joseph, the eminent sculptor, formerly of Edinburgh, and som of London, has finished an elegant marble bust of the late Prince pal Campbell of Aberdeen, which is to be placed in Marischal Col lege, when the subscription is completed.-A number of the tenantry on the Southesk estates gave a dinner, a few weeks ago, to their landlord, Sir James Carnegie, Bart. M.P. for this district of burghs, in the Farmers' Hall, adjoining the Swan Inn, Brechin; Mr Lyall, Carcary, in the chair.-Mr Barclay of Ury's annual sale of sheep and cattle was lately held, and was numerously attended by agriculturists, from distant as well as from the adjoining districts of the country. Our new Suspension Bridge is attracting, crowds af visitors; it is rather romantically situated, about midway between the bridge of Dee and the Waterloo Quay, and commands an extensive prospect of the city, the bay, harbour, shipping, &c. The span of the bridge is 215 feet.-Ducrow's Royal Amphitheatre closed on Wednesday the 9th insant. Mr Ducrow gave, a perforisancO AN Saturday last for the benefit of the Poor's Hospital in, Alarder. He has now gone to Edinburgh, with his company and stud, for the winter. We have got no military to replace the depot of the Trib Highlanders in our barracks, which seems to imply that we are comsidered to be peaceably inclined.





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The Practical Planter; containing Directions for the Planting of Waste Land, and Management of Wood; with a New Method of Rearing the Oak. By Thomas Cruickshank, Forester at Careston. William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and T. Cadell, London. 1830. A Series of Facts, Observations, and Experiments on the different Modes of Raising Young Plantations of Oaks, for future Navies, from the Acorn, Seedling, and Larger Plants; showing the Difficulties, &c. &c. By William Billington,

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THERE is perhaps no given subject, agriculture excepted, in which so many and such various persons are interested, as the CULTIVATION OF WOOD. Besides its vital importance and utility to Great Britain as a Naval power, it is more generally attractive even than agriculture, from the unequalled beauty and variety of its productions.

In the present advanced condition of planting as a practical art, it has long appeared to us, that neither those who practise it, nor those who make it the subject of their writings, adopt the best means for its permanent improvement. Arboriculture, in as far as the operative part is concerned, was carried to a considerable height by the ancients. It has, within the two last centuries, made great strides towards excellence among the nations of modern Europe, and in none more conspicuously than among ourselves. From the time of Evelyn, the venerable father of English plauting in the 17th century, it has always been among the most favourite pursuits of the British landowner. Whole libraries of books and treatises have accordingly been composed on so pleasing an art, and the best rules laid down for its practice. Yet it is truly singular, amidst so immense a body of facts and experiments thus brought forward, that no general principles have been deduced, for regulating its progress; principles, on which alone the practice of every art really important should rest as a basis. There is but one way, as we conceive, in which it can be carried to a higher degree of dignity as well as utility; and that is, by calling in the aid of Physiology, and partly also of Chemistry, for its improvement, and bringing those sciences to bear upon it with effect.

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It was therefore with unfeigned satisfaction, that, nearly three years since, we hailed the first attempt towards this object, that has been made in any language, by the appearance of "The Planter's Guide," by Sir Henry Steuart (see our 1st Volume, No. 67); of which the design is, to send planters for instruction to the works of Nature herself, and to the study of her laws, as they are set forth in the anatomy of plants, and the developement of their functions; which course, if pursued with industry and a scientific spirit, will, ere long, render arboriculture wholly a new art in modern hands. But if principles of science are slowly deduced from facts and experiments, their only true and genuine source, we regret to perceive, that, however they may be abstractly incontrovertible, they are still more slow in influencing


general practice. Among the most able, and certainly by far the most scientific, of our contemporaries, the Westminster Reviewers, in their XXVth Number, have touched this subject with their usual discrimination, respecting the progress of science.

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"The slowness," they say, "with which principles, well known, and, one should think, capable of the most obvious application to purposes of utility, come to be so applied, is not a little remarkable. The clear perception of the use to be made of a principle, and the intellectual vigour adequate to demonstrate the use by the application, would seem to be an endowment almost as rare, and nearly as important, as the faculty of tracing that link of connexion between similar, and apparently dissimilar, though related phenomena, which leads to the discovery of new principles. An hundred thousand minds had observed the force of Steam, before it occurred to a single one that it might be applied to save muscular exertion, and to produce results that no muscular exertion can accomplish; and even this thought had probably been conceived by many thousands, before it engaged the attention of one, that was capable of giving the actual demonstration of the fact, by the invention of the steamengine. The wonderful actions that take place, between certain physical agents and certain vital fluids, in some of the processes of life, which chemistry clearly and beautifully discloses, were long known to be invariably present, wherever the functions of animal life are performed, before analogous actions were discovered in the living plant. And, when discovered, it was still longer before the great practical facts, which they brought to light, were applied to the improvement of agriculture; and even, when at last applied, with the most surprising advantage to that art, they have not been, to this hour, generally applied to Arboriculture; although there is no department in the vegetable economy, in which the effects of their application would be more striking, or the fruit more precious, or more abundant.-We have thus taken some pains to prepare the reader for the full understanding of this fact, conceiving it to be one of great interest, no less on account of the purposes of utility to which it may be applied, than of the beauty of which it may be made the source. For the power of affording a full illustration of it, we are indebted to the author of THE PLANTER'S GUIDE,' who has done for Arboriculture, by means of Physiology, what had been already accomplished for agriculture, by means of chemistry."

These are just and ingenious remarks; and it is curious enough, in consonance with them, to observe, that it is not much more than ten years since science has, by universal practice all over the island, been acknowledged to be all-efficient in agriculture, and yet it is nearly forty since the ingenious Earl of Dundonald wrote, and showed that it should be so. In the same way, the work of Sir Henry Steuart has been about three years before the public, in a country which boasts of being the birthplace of vegetable anatomy and physiology, and yet practical men of the first reputation (whose names stand at the head of this article) are as completely ignorant of what scientific tree-culture means, as if they had lived in the days of Evelyn and

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