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Nomination and election.

Two Additional ProProctors.

Date and mode of appointment.





Duties and powers.



Procuratorum officio fungantur; et ut ordinationes de hac institutione modo
lectæ vestra auctoritate ratæ sint, et in Procuratorum libris inscribantur.

Placeat vobis ut Relationis Syndicorum Procuratorum potestati tuendæ
constitutorum, 31mo Januarii 1863 datæ, pars prima in qua novus quidam
ordo eligendi Proprocuratores commendatur suffragiis vestris confirmetur.

The Syndicate recommend (Jan. 31, 1863):

That at the last congregation in May in every year the Senate elect two Pro-Proctors, who shall be nominated by the Colleges according to the cycle of Proctors: each College having the right of nominating a Pro-Proctor the year next before that in which it has the right of nominating a Proctor.

That such nominations shall be submitted in writing to the Vice-Chancellor not later than May 15 in every year.

Additional Pro-Proctors.

Report 17 May 1878. Grace 6 June 1878.

The Proctorial Syndicate recommend :—

1. That two additional Pro-Proctors be appointed in each year to assist the Proctors in the maintenance of discipline, who shall be Masters of Arts or of Law of not less than three years standing.

2. That they be appointed by Grace of the Senate in the month of October in each year on the nomination of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors to hold office for one year.

3. That each of the additional Pro-Proctors shall appoint two men who shall be sworn as Constables.

4. That each of the additional Pro-Proctors shall receive an annual stipend of one hundred and twenty pounds. 5. That each of the additional Pro-Proctors' men shall receive an annual payment of twenty-five pounds.

6. That the duties and powers of the additional ProProctors shall be the same as those of the Pro-Proctors.

7. That wherever in the Regulations for the Previous, General, and Special Examinations the presence of a Proctor

Sect. 4.

Feb. 23,


Sect. 4-6.

is required, the presence of either a Proctor or a Pro-Proctor Examinashall suffice.

8. That wherever in the Regulations for the Previous, tions. General, and Special Examinations the presence of Proctors' men is required, the presence of either Proctors' or ProProctors' men shall suffice.

Jun. 3, 1858.

SECT. 5. Election of the other Officers.

SECT. 6. Admission to office.

Note. For the form of DECLARATION, see Statutes of the University of
Cambridge, ed. 1882, pp. 34, 35.

Placeat vobis ut formula admittendi ad officia, a Concilio Senatus 21° Form of Mail edita, suffragiis vestris comprobetur.

Auctoritate mihi commissa admitto te ad officium in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.


to offices.



Offices. Sect. 1, 2.

cellor to
preach at
Burwell on
some Sun-
day during
his year of
to grant
wine Li-


Assessor to the ViceChancellor,




SECT. 1. Offices of Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

Cum Procancellarius vester Burwellæ concionari in Quadragesima media, vel die Parasceues, Senatus consulto jam teneatur; placeat vobis ut in posterum sufficiat, si ipse aliquo uniuscujusque anni die, dum sit dies Dominicus, ibi concionetur.

Cum Dominus Procancellarius, Doctor Milner, Magistri Hunt, Chapman et Wood, Syndici constituti ut œnopolas vestris suffragiis eligendos proponerent, Edvardum Mills. ... præ ceteris probaverint; placeat vobis ut licentia concedatur vinum intra limites Academiæ vendendi non solum supra nominatis sed etiam quibuscunque Procancellario visum sit1.

Cum Procancellarii vestri munus, magno sumptui atque multis laboribus expositum, compensatur stipendio admodum parvo; placeat vobis ut in annuum ejus stipendium quadringentæ libræ e Communi Cista erogentur.

Placeat vobis ut in locum Magistri Hunt defuncti eligatur, qui Domino Procancellario in causis forensibus, quotiescunque eidem Procancellario videatur, assideat, et qui eum, si quid ad summum Regni concilium relatum sit, quod ad rem Academiæ spectare judicet, certiorem faciat ; atque ut viginti libras pro stipendio annuatim e Cista Communi recipiat, durante beneplacito Academiæ; ut denique electio fiat secundum morem in electione burgensium usitatum.

Mart. 17, 1809.

Maii 20, 1812.

Maii 3, 1815.

May 5,


SECT. 2. Office of Orator.

1 See Cambridge Award Act, 1856. Sect, 11 and 12,


Sect. 3-5. SECT. 3. Office of Registrary.

Report1 17 Mar. 1884. Grace 27 Mar. 1884.

1. That the present Registrary be authorised to appoint an additional Clerk whose duties and hours of attendance shall be defined by the Registrary, at a salary of £100 a year, and be further authorised to appoint, with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor, a Member of the Senate at a stipend of £50 a year, who shall assist the Registrary as occasion may require, and be under his general direction; and that such Member of the Senate so appointed be removeable in like manner by the Registrary, with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor, and that the appointment of such person shall terminate with the tenure of office of the present Registrary.

2. That the stipend of the present Registrary be increased to £500 a year, beginning with Christmas, 1883, the Registrary continuing to collect the Matriculation and Examination fees, and to perform such other duties as have been, or may be, from time to time imposed upon him by Grace of the Senate.

SECT. 4. Office of Librarian.

Note. For the stipend of the Librarian, the constitution of the Library Syndicate, and the Graces of the Senate and the other Rules and Orders affecting the University Library, see pp. 208, &c.

Maii 20,


SECT. 5. Office of Esquire Bedell.

Stipends of Public Orator, Registrary, Esquire
Bedells, Proctors, and Pro-Proctors.

Placeat vobis ut relationis, a Concilio Senatus 17° Maii 1858 editæ, clausulæ primæ pars litera (a) notata suffragiis vestris comprobetur.

Idem conceditur de clausulæ ejusdem partibus literis (b), (c), (d) et (f) notatis et de clausula 2.

The Report of the Council will be found in the Cambridge University Reporter, March 18, 1884, pages 528-530.

2 The Registrary has not appointed an additional Clerk, but has raised the payment to his Clerk (see p. 156) to £80 a year,



Registrary and clerk.




The Council of the Senate recommend (May 17, 1858):

1. That, in lieu of all fees, allowances, and emoluments whether prescribed by Grace of the Senate or any other authority, or determined by custom, fixed salaries be paid out of the Common Chest to the officers of the University, hereafter mentioned, as follows, viz.:

(a) To the Public Orator in every year - £150

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together with £30 for the services of a clerk1.


For the Stipend of the present Registrary, and the payment to his Clerk,
see p. 155.

(c) To each Esquire Bedell

(d) To each Proctor



the Proctors being no longer required to provide livery for
their men, but the cost of such livery being paid out of the
Common Chest.

(f) To each Pro-Proctor


such salaries to be paid by the Vice-Chancellor by four equal
payments on the usual quarter-days.

For the Stipends of the Additional Pro-Proctors see p. 152.


Sect. 5, 6.


and time of


SECT. 6. The Annual Audit.

Placeat vobis ut pecuniarum Academiæ nomine receptarum et expensarum Computus initium habeat singulis annis die quovis primo die Februarii non posteriori; placeat item vobis ut rationum Examinatores sint Dominus Procancellarius et tres, suffragii jus habentes, Gratia Senatus ante terminum sancti Michaelis divisum separatim eligendi; et ut rationum compendium, nominibus Examinatorum subscriptum, quotannis imprimatur, atque inter suffragii jus habentes, qui in Academia commorantur, distribuatur.

Note.-For Graces as to University Bankers and Monies, see p. 312.

1 Increased to £50 by Grace 26 Oct. 1876.

Oct. 28,


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