ΤΟ ENTERED ACCORDING TO AUT OF CONGRESS IN THE YEAR 1858, BY IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE YRABEL: JOHN A. GRAY, Printer and Stereotyper, 16 and 18 Jacob Street, New-York. INDEX. 'DOLORES': a California Poetical Venture,' 19 EDITOR'S TABLE: Festival of the Saint Nicholas Society, 84; The Bloody Scul- lion of Skedink': a Novel, 200; The 'Good Time Coming' for Jackasses, 202; Correction: by a Michigan Corre- spondent, 203; The Autocrat' on Facts: The Old Man Dreams,' 204; The Amours of Warren Hastings, 313 Story of a Detective 'Expert,' 817; America by River and Rail, 322; Some Thoughts about Fancy-Fairs, 418; The late Henry Cary: John Waters,' 422; The late Henry Cary, Esq. : 'John Waters' of the KNICKERBOCKER, 520; Interesting Facts in Science and Art, 'Mid-Night.' By HELEN EARLE,....160 "The Fisherman's Child,'. 182 .192 227 .228 .278 'In Captivity,', .294 LITERARY NOTICES: Guy Livingstone, or Tho- 244995 |