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And if, perchance, the assessment [right to fix the prices] of lodgings is taken from you, or anything else is lacking, or an injury or outrageous damage, such as death or the mutilation of a limb, is inflicted on one of you, unless through a suitable admonition satisfaction is rendered within fifteen days, you may suspend your lectures until you have received full satisfaction. And if it happens that any one of you is unlawfully imprisoned, unless the injury ceases on a remonstrance from you, you may, if you judge it expedient, suspend your lectures immediately.

108. A Cessatio at Oxford (1209)

(Chron. Roger of Wendover (Rolls Series), 84, II, p. 51; trans. by Leach) This is an early example of the cessatio, and illustrates how vigorously the early universities contended with both Church and civil authorities for the right of freedom of internal government.

About the same time a clerk, who was studying the liberal arts at Oxford, by accident killed a woman, and when he found she was dead, sought safety in flight. But the bailiff of the town and others who came up and found the woman dead, began to try to find the murderer in his hostel, which he had hired with three other clerks, and not finding the criminal, took his three friends, who knew almost nothing about the murder, and threw them into prison. A few days afterwards, on the orders of the king of the English, in contempt of the liberty of the church, they were taken outside the town and hung. On this nearly 3000 clerks, masters and scholars alike, left Oxford, not a single one of the whole University remaining. Some of them went to study the liberal arts at Cambridge, some to Reading, but the town of Oxford was left empty.

109. England invites Scholars to leave Paris (Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, vol. 1, p. 119; trans. by Norton) In 1229 there were serious student riots at Paris, during a carnival, and several persons were wounded. The city authorities made reprisals, putting two students to death. For this a cessatio was declared, and the masters and students left the city, going to Angers, Orleans, Rheims, and other studia, at the first two of which rival universities were established. The bishop launched excommunications against the deserters in vain, and the university remained closed for two years. As a bid to obtain some of the striking masters and students, King Henry III of England issued the following urgent invitation. As the result of this many came and settled at Cambridge, virtually reviving

the institution after a period of quiescence covering fifteen years (1214-29).

The King; Greeting to the Masters and the whole body of scholars at Paris. Humbly sympathizing with the exceeding tribulations and distresses which you have suffered at Paris under an unjust law, we wish by our pious aid, with reverence to God and His holy church, tc restore your status to its proper condition of liberty. Wherefore we have concluded to make known to your entire body that if it shall be your pleasure to transfer yourselves to our kingdom of England and to remain there to study, we will for this purpose assign to you cities, boroughs, towns, whatsoever you may wish to select, and in every fitting way will cause you to rejoice in a state of liberty and tranquillity which should please God and fully meet your needs.

In testimony of which &c. Witnessed by the King at Reading, July 16. (1229)

110. Early Licensing of Professors to teach

(Bull of Pope Gregory IX, Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, vol. 1, p. 237; trans. by Compayre)

The universities being an evolution from the cathedral schools, the licensing to teach in them naturally came from the bishop, or his representative. In the cathedral schools this was the Scholasticus; in the universities this official evolved into a Chancellor, a term still used by a few of our universities instead of the modern designation of President. The Chancellor at Paris received the following charge, in 1231, in a Bull from Pope Gregory IX.

Future chancellors shall swear not to receive as professors of theology and canon law any but worthy men, able to do honor to their precepts, and they shall reject all who are unworthy, without respect either to persons or to nations. Before conferring the license, the chancellor shall allow three months to elapse, dating from the day the license was asked for, and during these three months he shall make inquiries of the professors of theology and other serious and instructed persons, in order to become acquainted with the life and manners, the knowledge, capacity, love of study, perfectibility, and other qualities needful in those who aspire to teach; and, these inquiries finished, he shall grant or refuse the license according to his conscience.

III. The Right to grant Licenses to teach

(Bull of Pope Nicholas IV, 1292; trans. by Norton)

Masters and Doctors of Paris, Bologna, and Oxford were early recognized as qualified to teach anywhere, without further exam

ination. Other universities gradually accepted the custom established at these university mothers. The right to grant such license, the jus ubique docendi, came to be regarded as the essence of a Studium Generale. The following Papal Bull, of 1292, formally grants this right to Paris.

Desiring, therefore, that the students in the field of knowledge in the city of Paris, may be stimulated to strive for the reward of a Mastership, and may be able to instruct, in the Faculties in which they have deserved to be adorned with a Master's chair, all those who come from all sides, we decree, by this present letter, that whoever of our University in the aforesaid city shall have been examined and approved by those through whom, under apostolic authority, the right to lecture is customarily bestowed on licentiates in said faculties, according to the custom heretofore observed there, and who shall have from them license in the Faculty of Theology, or Canon Law, or Medicine, or the Liberal Arts, shall thenceforward have authority to teach everywhere outside of the aforesaid city, free from examination or test, either public or private, or any other new regulation as to lecturing or teaching. Nor shall he be prohibited by any one, all other customs and statutes to the contrary notwithstanding; and whether he wishes to lecture or not in the Faculties referred to, he shall nevertheless be regarded as a Doctor.

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112. A University License to teach

(Document printed in Rashdall; The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, vol. II. part II, p. 734. Oxford, 1895)

The following form, reproduced by Rashdall, is dated 1710, but is considered by him as probably similar to the medieval forms used. A comparison of this form with a modern Ph.D. diploma reveals an interesting similarity between the two.

Inasmuch as you have been presented to me for examination in both (Civil and Canon) Laws and for the customary approval, by the Most Illustrious and the Most Excellent D.D. (naming the Promoters), golden Knights, Counts Palatine, Most Celebrated Doctors, and inasmuch as you have since undergone an arduous and rigorous examination, in which you bore yourself with so much learning and distinction that that body of Most Illustrious and Excellent Promoters without one dissenting voice, I repeat, without one dissenting voice, - have judged you worthy of the laurel, therefore by the authority which I have as Archdeacon and senior Chancellor, I create, publish, and name you, N. N., Doctor in the aforesaid Faculties, giving to you every privilege of lecturing, of ascending the Master's chair, of writing glosses, of

interpreting, of acting as Advocate, and of exercising also the functions of a Doctor here and everywhere throughout the world; furthermore, of enjoying all those privileges which those happy individuals, who have been so deserving in these fostering colleges, are accustomed to use and enjoy.

And I trust that all these things will forever result in the increase of your fame and the honor of our Colleges, to the praise and glory of Almighty God and of the ever blessed Virgin Mary.

113. Books required at Paris for the Arts Degree
(Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, vol. 1, p. 119)

The following books were prescribed for the A.B. and A.M. degrees at Paris by the Statutes of 1254. The list does not distinguish the books required for the baccalaureate degree only, but gives for both degrees together. It will be noted that books on some of the Seven Liberal Arts are missing.

The great preponderance of Aristotle in the list is noticeable, showing how completely Aristotle had been adopted by this time as the great authority of medieval Europe. In addition to having heard lectures on these subjects, the candidate must also have taken part in a number of disputations.

I. The "Old" Logic.

I. Introduction to the Categories of Aristotle (Isagoge),

2. Categories, and On Interpretation, Aristotle.

3. Divisions, and Topics except Bk. IV, Boethius.

II. The "New" Logic.

1. Prior and Posterior Analytics, Aristotle.

2. Sophistical Refutations,

3. Topics,

III. Moral Philosophy.

1. Ethics, 4 Bks.,

IV. Natural Philosophy.

1. Physics,

2. On the Heavens and the Earth,

3. Meteorics,


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1. On the Six Principles, Gilbert de la Porrée.

2. Barbarismus (Bk. 3, Larger Grammar), Donatus.
3. Grammar (Major and Minor), Priscian.

4. On Causes, Costa ben Luca.

5. On the Differences of Spirit and Soul (another translation of On Causes).

114. Books required at Leipzig for the Arts Degree

(Zarncke, Statutenbücher der Universität Leipzig, pp. 311-12)

The following books were prescribed for the A.B. and the A.M. degrees at Leipzig, in 1410. Contrasted with Paris, a little earlier (R. 113), it will be seen that Aristotle is less prominent, that the Seven Liberal Arts are better represented, and that the whole shows a much better balanced course. The time requirements for each subject are also given here, showing a course requiring from twenty-two and one half to twenty-eight and one half months for the A.B. degree, and from forty-two to sixty-six and one half months additional for the A.M. degree.

(a) Books required at Leipzig for the Degree of A.B. in 1410

I. Grammar.

1. Last two books of Priscian. (2 months.)

II. Logic.

1. Tractatus (Summula), Petrus Hispanus. (2 to 3 months.) 2. The "Old" Logic. (3 to 4 months.)

3. The "New" Logic, except Topics. (6 to 7 months.) III. Natural Philosophy.

1. Physics. (6 to 9 months.)

2. On the Soul. (2 months.)

IV. Mathematics.

1. On the Material Sphere (Sacrobosco). (5 to 6 weeks.) (b) Books required at Leipzig for the Degree of A.M. in 1410 I. Logic.

1. Logic of Heytisbury.

2. Topics, Aristotle. (3 to 4 months.)

II. Moral and Practical Philosophy.

1. Ethics. (6 to 9 months.)

2. Politics. (4 to 9 months.)
3. Economics. (3 weeks.)

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