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Dame. One, going for two.

Children. To Beccles! to Beccles !
To buy a bunch of nettles!
Pray, old Dame, what's o'clock ?

Dame. Two, going for three.

[And so on till she reaches, "Eleven going for twelve." After this the following questions are asked, with the replies.-C. Where have you been? D. To the wood. C. What for? D. To pick up sticks. C. What for? D. To light my fire. C. What for? D. To boil my kettle. C. What for? D. To cook some of your chickens. The children then all run away as fast as they can, and the Old Dame tries to catch one of them. Whoever is caught is the next to personate the Dame.]



[Children stand round in a circle, leaving a space between each. One walks round the outside, and carries a glove in her hand, saying:]

[blocks in formation]

So I sow beans, and so they come up,
Some in a mug, and some in a cup.
I sent a letter to my love,

I lost it, I lost it!

I found it, I found it!

It burns, it scalds.

[Repeating the last words very rapidly, till she drops the glove behind one of them, and whoever has the glove must overtake her, following her exactly in and out till she catches her. If the pursuer makes a mistake in the pursuit, she loses, and the game is over; otherwise she continues the game with the glove.]


[In the following, the various parts of the countenance are touched as the lines are repeated; and at the close the chin is struck playfully, that the tongs may be gently bitten.]

[blocks in formation]

Fox a fox, a brummalary,

How many miles to Lummaflary? Lummabary.

A. Eight and eight, and a hundred and eight. How shall I get home to night?

A. Spin your legs, and run fast.

[graphic][merged small]

[A Christmas custom in Lancashire. The boys dress themselves up with ribands, and perform various pantomimes, after which one of them, who has a blackened face, a rough skin coat, and a broom in his hand, sings as follows.]

HERE come I,

Little David Doubt;

If you don't give me money,
I'll sweep you all out.
Money I want,

And money I crave;

If you don't give me money,

I'll sweep you all to the grave!


[The following lines are said by the nurse when moving the child's foot up and down.]

THE dog of the kill,*

He went to the mill

To lick mill-dust:

The miller he came

With a stick on his back,-
Home, dog, home!

The foot behind,

The foot before:

When he came to a stile,
Thus he jumped o'er.


[The following lines are repeated by the nurse when sliding her hand down the child's face.]

My mother and your mother
Went over the way;

Said my mother to your mother,
It's chop-a-nose day!

* That is, kiln.




[The following is quoted in Parkin's reply to Dr. Stukeley's second number of Origines Roystonianæ,' 4to, London, 1748, p. vi.]

PETER WHITE will neʼer go right,

Would you know the reason why? He follows his nose where'er he goes, And that stands all awry.


O THAT I was where I would be,
Then would I be where I am not!
But where I am I must be,

And where I would be I cannot.

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