Three Lectures on Subject Connected with the Practice of EducationCUP Archive |
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Common terms and phrases
17 Paternoster Row ACCORDING TO ST amusing answer Assistant Master attention begin BENJAMIN HALL KENNEDY better Book boys Caius College CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge Warehouse Christ's College classics cloth construing lessons couplet course Crown 8vo Crown Octavo Demy 8vo Demy Octavo Demy Quarto difficulties Edited Editor English Notes English poetry epithet euphony examination exercises Fellow and Tutor Fellow of St Fellow of Trinity give GOSPEL ACCORDING grammar HEAD MASTER hexameters illustrate interest Ipswich School J. E. SANDYS Jesus College Latin poetry Latin Verse Composition lectures lines LL.D London M. T. Ciceronis Maps marks mathematical method metre mind mistake natural P. G. TAIT paper pentameter place-taking Price 25 prose pupils questions revised Rugby schoolmaster St Catharine's College St John's College stimulus style Syndicate teacher things thought translation Trinity College University of Cambridge words write young