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ment it is the same with that which is here produced in Old. It is a place (in the largest acceptation) that contains in it all the Plantations of the English upon that coast of America, that lie between the Dutch Plantation on the West, and the French on the East, and extends itself upon the Seacoast above one hundred leagues. In it is contained the four Colonies, which call themselves the united Colonies, The Colony called by the name of the Province of Providence Plantations lying on the South and South East thereof, and two or three more lying on the East or North East in Agamenticus, Saco, Casco Bay and Pemaquid, where is that Treasure of Masts for Ships. The names of the united Colonies are these, in point of precedency first Matatusetts, but in point of antiquity first Plymouth, then the Matatusetts, then Conectecot, and last Quinipiuck. The chief Towns of these Colonies, and seats of their Government are these, Boston of the Mathatusetts, Plymouth of Plymouth, Hereford of Conectecot, and of Quinipiuck, New Haven.

Now as the name, New England, in the largest and truest acceptation extends to all the Plantations of the English between the French and the Dutch, so in a scanty and improper acceptance of the word (especially when it makes for advantage) it is taken for these four united Colonies, by reason of the precedency they have of others, and for the same cause, and upon the point as well, it may be taken for the Mathatusetts, and the Town of Boston therein. When I speak of New England, understand it of that part which hath got the precedency (by reason of shipping) and start of the rest, sci. the Mathatusetts, as both in my Epistle and Narrative is plain to be seen, which I have here also inserted for fear of mistake.

In the Colony of Providence Plantations in point of antiquity the Town of Providence is chief, but in point of precedency Rode Iland excels. This land lieth in the Narragansett Bay, being fourteen or fifteen miles long, and in breadth between four and five miles at the broadest: It began to be planted by the English in the beginning of the year 39, and by this hand of providence. In the year 1637 I left my native land, and in the ninth moneth of the same, I (through mercy) arrived at Boston. I was no sooner on shore, but there appeared to me differences among them

touching the Covenants, and in point of evidencing a mans good estate, some prest hard for the Covenant of works, and for sanctification to be the first and chief evidence, others prest as hard for the Covenant of grace that was established upon better promises, and for the evidence of the Spirit, as that which is a more certain, constant and satisfactory witness. I thought it not strange to see men differ about matters of Heaven, for I expect no less upon Earth: But to see that they were not able to bear each with other in their different understandings and consciences, as in those utmost parts of the World to live peaceably together, whereupon I moved the latter, for as much as the land was before us and wide enough, with the proffer of Abraham to Lot, and for peace sake to turn aside to the right hand, or to the left. The motion was readily accepted, and I was requested with some others to seek out a place, which accordingly I was ready to do; and thereupon by reason of the suffocating heat of the Summer before, I went to the North to be somewhat cooler, but the Winter following proved so cold, that we were forced in the Spring to make towards the South; so having sought the Lord for direction, we all agreed that while our vessell was passing about a large and dangerous Cape, we would cross over by land, having Long Island and Delaware Bay in our eie for the place of our residence; so to a town called Providence we came, which was begun. by one M. Roger Williams (who for matter of conscience had not long before been exiled from the former jurisdiction) by whom we were courteously and lovingly received and with whom we advised about our design: he readily presented two places before us in the same Narragansett Bay, the one upon the main called Sow-wames, the other called then Acquedneck, now Rode Island: we enquired whether they would fall in any other Patent, for our resolution was to go out of them all: he told us (to be brief) that the way to know that, was to have recourse unto Plymouth; so our vessell as yet not being come about, and we thus blocked up, the company determined to send to Plymouth, and pitched upon two others together with myself, requesting also M. Williams to go to Plymouth to know how the case stood. So we did, and the Magistrates thereof very lovingly gave us a meeting. I then informed them of the cause of

our coming unto them, and desired them in a word of truth and faithfulness to inform us whether Sow-wames were within their Patent, for we were now on the wing, and were resolved through the help of Christ to get cleer of all, and be of ourselves, and provided our way were cleer before us, it were all one for us to go further off, as to remain neer at hand their answer was, that Sow-wames was the garden of their Patent, and the flower in the garden: then I told them we could not desire it; but requested further in the like word of truth and faithfulness to be informed, whether they laid claim to the Ilands in the Narragansett Bay, and that in particular called Acquedneck? They all with a cheerfull countenance made us this answer, it was in their thoughts to have advised thereto, and if the provident hand of God should pitch us thereon they should look upon us as free, and as loving neighbors and friends should be assistant unto us upon the main, &c. So we humbly thanked them, and returned with that answer: So it pleased the Lord, by moving the hearts of the natives, even the chiefest thereof, to pitch us thereon, and by other occurrences of providence, which are too large here to relate. So that having bought them off to their full satisfaction, we have possessed the place ever since; and notwithstanding the different understandings and consciences amongst us, without interruption, we agree to maintain civil Justice and judgement, neither are there such outrages committed amongst us as in other parts of the Country are frequently seen."

Clark seems very fond of the number four, since, besides his Proposals to Parliament and Conclusions touching the Gospel, he uses the same division for his Narrative, which declares: "1. How those three strangers were apprehended, imprisoned, sentenced and for what: 2. How the motion was made for a publique dispute, often repeated and promised, and yet disappointed: 3. How two escaped, and the third was cruelly handled: 4. How two, for taking him but by the hand after his punishment, were apprehended, imprisoned, and sentenced to pay forty shillings or be whipped." The statement of the points in the four Conclusions may here be undesirable; nor would it be expedient to add more than the heading of the first part of the Narrative: “A Faithful and True Relation of the Prosecution of Obediah

Holmes, John Crandall, and John Clarke, meerly for Conscience towards God, by the principall Members of the Church, or Commonwealth of the Mathatusetts in New England which rules over that part of the World; whereby is shewn their discourteous Entertainment of Strangers, and how that Spirit by which they are led, would order the whole World, if either brought under them, or should come in unto them: Drawn forth by the aforesaid John Clarke, not so much to answer the Importunity of Friends, as to stop the mouthes, and slanderous reports of such as are Enemies to the Cross of Christ. Let him that readeth it consider, which church is most like the church of Christ (that Prince of Peace, that meek and gentle Lamb, that came into this World to save Mens lives, not to destroy them) the Persecuted, or Persecuting." My excuse for not transcribing more is that the tract fills 76 close printed pages; and I hope our friends in Rhode Island will reprint the work exactly, and so correct some casual errors in spelling, if any occur in my copy.

Strength out of Weakness, Progress of the Gospel. 6 of DXXXIX. 4 Aug.

The civil Magistrate's power in matters of religion. No. 2 of DLIII. 15 Febr. Six pages of grievous dedication beginning "To the Right Honorable Oliver Cromwell, Captain General of all the forces of the Commonwealths of England, Scotland and Ireland, Grace, Mercy and Peace be multiplied," and ending with the date and signature, "Lynne in New England this 4th of the 8th 52 Your Excellencies' humbly devoted servant Thos. Cobbet," are followed by four pages of address to the Reader, with signature again, and the residue of the work is 108 pages.

A brief answer to a scandalous pamphlet, called Ill News from New England written by, &c. 3 of DLIII. 15 Feb. This work, appropriately bound up with the last mentioned tract, fills 52 pages. It begins: "Since my composing the former Discourse about the civil Magistrate his coercive power in matters of Religion, &c." showing, that its author was Cobbet. There is a P. S. defending Winslow, and giving a minute detail of curious particulars in proceedings of Newman's church at Rehoboth. Rich's Catalogue notices a copy in the Philadelphia Library.

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A Platform of church Discipline, &c. Synod of Cambridge in New England. 7 of DLVIII. 24 April.

Tears of Repentance. The sixth tract about evangelizing our Indians, 16 of DLXIII. 21 May. Of the seventh publication, that came out in 1655, no minute was taken by me. A brief Description of the Fifth Monarchy. 8 of DLXXIV. 1 August. This did not occupy me a minute, because sufficient account of the work is in a note to Winthrop's History of New England 1. 33.

A history of New England from the English planting in 1628 until 1652 (i. e. Wonderworking Providences). 4 of DLXXXVII. 29 Novr. 1653.

The Orthodox Evangelist. 9 of DC. 9 May 54.

A treatise of the Sabbath, &c. by William Pynchon. 5 of DCXXIII. 7 Novr.

Holy time, or the true limits of the Lord's day, by William Pynchon. 6 of DCXXIII. 7 Novr.

Samuel Vassall of London his Petition to the Parliament. 5 of DCCXLI. 23 Jany. 57, reciting, that he endured imprisonment in several prisons for about 16 years, for opposing the illegal taxes laid by the late King, and his goods were taken away, and that the consideration of his case being referred to a Committee, on their Report the House voted him £10445, 12, 2 for his damages, and would farther consider his case; that he had received not one penny; that £2591, 17, 6 also were lent to the Parliament by him in Ireland in their great straights, and that also for one of his ships service £3328, 2, 7 were due, and for part of three other ships in service, and he makes up the whole to be £20010, 19, 8. Besides all which, another ship of his, the Mayflower, laden, manned with sixty men for the Streights, was taken, by order of the Committee of Safety, for public service, and after being returned and fitted for another voyage, taken again from him, to prevent some design of the enemy, to the overthrow of his voyage, and his great losse. Abel being dead yet speaketh. Life and death of John Cotton by John Norton 6 of DCCXLIV. 14 April.

America painted to the Life. By Ferdinando Gorges, Esq. is Vol. DCCLXXVI. 2 Mar 58.

A dissertation concerning Church members and their children by Assembly of Divines at Boston in New England. 3 of DCCXCIV. 17 June.

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