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By levying and keeping up a ftanding Ar my in Time of Peace, without Confent of • Parliament, and maintaining them upon free • Quarter.

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By employing the Officers of the Army as Judges throughout the Kingdom, by whom the Subjects were put to Death without legal Tryal, Jury, or Record.

By impoting exorbitant Fines to the Value of the Parties Eftates, exacting extravagant • Bail, and difpofing Fines and Forfeitures before any Procefs or Conviction.

By imprisoning Perfons without expreffing the Reason, and delaying to bring them to • Tryal.

By caufing feveral Perfons to be profecuted, and their Eftates to be forfeited upon Stretches of old and obfolete Laws, upon weak and frivolous Pretences, and upon lame and defective Proofs; as particularly the late Earl of Argyle, to the Scandal of the Justice of the Nation,

By fubverting the Rights of the Royal Bo'roughs, the Third Eftate of Parliament, impofing upon them not only Magiftrates, but alfo the whole Town Council and Clerks, contrary to their Liberties and exprefs Charters, without any Pretence of Sentence, Surrender, or Confent; fo that the Commiffioners to Parliament being chofen by the Magiftrates and Councils, the King might in Effect as well nominate the Eftate of Parlia ment: Befides that, many of the Magiftrates by him put in were Papifts, and the Boroughs ⚫ were forc'd to pay Money for the Letters impofing thofe illegal Magiftrates upon them.


• By

By fending Letters to the chief Courts of Justice, not only ordering the Judges to stop fine Die, but also commanding how to proceed in Cafes depending before them, contrary to the exprefs Laws; and by changing the Nature of the Judges Patents ad Vitam or • Culpam, into a Commiffion de bene placito, to difpofe them to a Compliance with arbitrary Courses, and turning them out of their • Offices if they refufed to comply.

By granting perfonal Protections for Civil Debts contrary to Law.

All which Mifcarriages of King James, • were utterly and directly contrary to the known Laws, Freedoms and Statutes of the Realm of Scotland. Upon which Grounds and Reafons the Eftates of the Kingdom of • Scotland did find and declare, that the faid King James had forfeited the Crown, and the • Throne was become vacant.

Therefore in regard His Royal Highness ⚫ then Prince of Orange, fince King of England, whom it hath pleafed God to make the glorious Inftrument of delivering thefe Kingdoms from Popery and arbitrary Power, by Advice of feveral Lords and Gentlemen of the Scots Nation then at London, did call the Estates of this Kingdom to meet upon the 14th of March laft, in order to fuch an Establishment as that the Religion, Laws, and Liberties might not again be in Danger of being fubverted; The faid Eftates being then affembled accordingly, in a full and free Reprefentative of the Nation, did in the firft Place, as their AnceAtors in like Cafes had usually done for vin

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• dicating

⚫dicating and afferting their ancient Rights and Liberties declare,

That by the Law of Scotland no Papist could be King or Queen of the Realm, nor ⚫ bear any Office therein; nor that any Proteftant Succeffor could exercife the Regal Power, 'till they had fworn the Coronation Oath.

That all Proclamations afferting an abfo. lute Power to null and difable Laws, in or⚫der for erecting Schools and Colleges for Je'fuits, converting Proteftant Churches and Chappels into Mafs-houfes, and the allowing Mafs to be faid; and the allowing Popish Books to be printed and difperfed, was contrary to Law.

That the taking the Children of Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, and keeping them • abroad to be bred Papists;

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The making Funds and Donations to Popifh Schools and Colleges, the bestowing Penfions on Pricfts, and the feducing Proteflants from their Religion by Offers of Places and Preferments, was contrary to Law.

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That the difarming of Proteftants, and em⚫ploying Papifts in the greatest Places of Truft both Civil and Military, was contrary to Law.

That the impofing an Oath without Authority of Parliament, was contrary to Law. That the raifing of Mony without Confent of Parliament or Convention, was contrary to Law.

That employing the Officers of the Army as Judges, was contrary to Law.

That the impofing extraordinary Fines, &c. was contrary to Law.

That the imprifoning of Persons without expreffing the Reasons, was contrary to Law..

• That

That the profecuting and feizing Men's Estates as forfeited upon Stretches of old and 'obfolete Laws, &c. was contrary to Law.

That the nominating and impofing Magi'ftrates, &c. upon Boroughs, contrary to their 'exprefs Charters, was contrary to Law.

That the fending Letters to the Courts of 'Juftice, ordering, the Judges to defift from 'determing of Caufes, and ordering them how to proceed in Caufes depending before them, &c. was contrary to Law.

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That the granting of Personal Protections, &c. was contrary to Law.

That the forcing the Subjects to depofe a• gainst themselves in capital Causes, however the Punishments were reftricted, was contrary to Law.

That the ufing Torture without Evidence, or in ordinary Crimes, was contrary to Law.

That the fending of an Army in a warlike • Manner into any Part of the Kingdom in • Time of Peace, and exacting Locality and Free Quarters, was contrary to Law.

That the charging the Subjects with LawBoroughs at the King's Inftance, and impofing Bonds without Authority of Parliament, ⚫ and the fufpending Advocates for not appearing when Bonds were offered, was contrary to Law.

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That the putting Garrifons into privaté Houfes in Time of Peace, without Authority * of Parliament, was illegal.

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That the Opinions of the Lords of the • Seffion in the two Cafes following, were llegal; (viz.) That the concerting the Deinand of the Supply of a Fore faulted Perfon,


although not given, was Treafon; and that 'Perfons refusing to discover their private Thoughts in relation to Points of Treason, ' or other Mens Actions, are guilty of Trea'fon.

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That the fining Husbands for their Wives withdrawing from Church, was Illegal.

That Prelacy and Superiority of an Office in the Church above Presbyters, is, and has been a great and unfupportable Burden to this Nation, and contrary to the Inclinations of the Generality of the People ever fince the Reformation, they having reformed Popery · by Presbytery, and therefore ought to be a bolished.

That it is the Right and Privilege of the Subject, to proteft for Remedy of Law to the King and Parliament, against Sentences. · pronounced by the Lords of the Seffions, ' provided the fame do not ftop Executions of 'the faid Sentences.

That it is the Right of the Subject to petition the King, and that all Profecutions and • Imprisonments for fuck petitioning, were contrary to Law.

'Therefore for the Redrefs of all Grievan⚫ces, and for the amending, ftrengthening, and 'preferving the Laws, they claimed that Par

liaments ought to be frequently called, and al'lowed to fit, and Freedom of Speech and De'bate allowed the Members; and further claimed and infifted upon all, and fundry the Premifes, as their undoubted Rights and Liberties; and that no Declaration, or Proceedings, to the Prejudice of the People, in any the faid Premifes, ought in any wife to be drawn 'hereafter

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