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took; the long Series of their good Fortune made them arrogate to themselves the Titles of Intrepid and Invincible; but the deftin'd Time came, and they were to their Cofts as fully convinced of their Mistake by the Brave. ry of the British Troops, under the Conduct of her Majefty's late General, the great Duke of Marlborough.

As this wonderful Inftrument of Providence carried in his Fortune the Fate of the British People, who can forbear to run over the good Events that happened under him, and the Honours paid to him; both which are recited not as they are perfonal to himself, but as they concern the British Name and Nation, which he represented.

The first thing that meets my Imagination is, the French Army broken, routed, flying over the Plains of Blenheim, and chufing rather to throw themselves headlong into the Danube, than face about upon their Conqueror. I fee the juft Honours done him by the Emperor and the whole Empire: I hear him with loud Acclamations acknowledged the Deliverer of Europe. He is introduced into the College of Princes, and takes Poffeffion of the Principality of Mindelbeim. Triumphant Columns are erected in the Plains of Blenheim, recording the seasonable Affistance of the British Arms, and the Glories of that immortal Day.

The British Leader returns from the Danube to the Rhine; he and his brave Companions are the Delight of the Nations through whom they march, and are ftiled their Good, their Guardian Angels. After paffing fo many different Nations in a triumphant manner, he lands in his own Country, an humble, unat

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tended Subje&; honouring and adorning his. Nation by Privacy and Modesty at Home, much more than by the highest Triumphs and Oftentations Abroad.

The Queen and Senate pass in Religious Pomp to thank the Almighty for Victory over the then Common Oppreffor. But the Prospect does not end here; the Plains of Ramillies are a new Scene of Glory to the Confederate Arms; and a fecond happy Day ends the Bondage of many Cities!

His Moft Chriftian Majefty conceives new Hopes from changing his Generals, and from the Conduct of Vendofme, promises himself to repair the Diminution of his Glory by Ville roy

The Branches of his Royal Family, the Dukes of Burgundy and Berry, are to animate the Soldiery by their Prefence; by Vendofme,Bur gundy and Berry, one not ftrong enough for the Genius of the Duke of Marlborough at Oudenard.

The French ftill change their General, and Villars is in Command. He foon fhares the fame Fate with his Predeceffors, by being beaten out of his Camp by an inferior Number of Troops. A Camp fo ftrong by Nature and Art, that as none but the Duke of Marlborough would have attempted it, fo none but that con fummate Captain at the Head of his brave Countrymen could have fucceeded in it. In fhort, methinks I fee Oftend, Menin, Lifle, Tournay, Mons, Aire, Doway, and innumera ble other Fowns held impregnable, all befieg ed, taken and restored to their lawful Prince and Ancient Liberties.

The English General, during the Courfe of ten Campaigns, befieged no Town but


what he took, attacked no Army but what he routed, and returned each Year with the Humility of a private Man.

If beating the Enemy in the Field, and being too vigilant for their Councils in Foreign Courts, were effectual Means towards ending the War, and reducing them to a Condition too iow for giving fresh Disturbance to Europe; the Duke of Marlborough took juft Measures; but, however unaccountable it may appear to Pofterity, that General was not permitted to enjoy the Fruits of his Glorious Labour; but as France changed her Generals for want of Succefs in their Conduct, fo Britain changes hers after an uninterrupted Series of Conqueft, The Minds of the People, against all common Senfe, are debauch'd with Impreffions of the Duke's Affe&tation of prolonging the War for his own Glory; and his Adversaries attack a Reputation, which could not well be impaired without fullying the Glory of Great Britain it felf; his Enemies were not to be foftned by that Confideration; he is difmiffed, and foon after a Suspension of Arms between Great Britain and France is Proclaimed at the Head of the Armies. The British, in the midst of the Enemies Garrifons, withdraw themselves from their Confederates. The French, now no longer having the Britons, or their great Leader to fear, affe&t no more ftrong Garrisons and fortify'd Camps; but attack and rout the Earl of Albe marle at Denain, and neceffitate the brave Prince Eagene to abandon Landrecy, a Place of fuch Importance that it gave Entrance into the Heart of France, of which the French King was fo fenfible, that before he was recovered from his Fright, he acknowlegded he a



manner owed his Crown to the Sufpenfion of Arms between him and Great Britain. The Sufpenfion is followed by a Treaty of Peace at Utrecht. The Peace is concluded between Great Britain and France; and between France and the States General. The Emperor and the Empire continue the War! I fhall not prefume to enter into an Examination of the Articles of Peace between us and France; but there can be no Crime in affirming, (if it be a Truth) that the House of Bourbon is at this Juncture become more formidable, and bids fairer for an Univerfal Monarchy, and to engrofs the whole Trade of Europe, than it did before the War.

All the World knows with what Frankness the Dutch have been treated to deliver up Traerbach to the Imperialifts, as an Expedient for the French to beliege it; because, forsooth, it lay convenient for their Incurfions upon the Empire. This extravagant Demand must give a melancholly Profpect to other Nations.

The most important Article between France and England is the Demolition of Dunkirk, which they have begun Contemptuously and Arbitrarily, their own way: The Mole and Harbour, which only are dreadful to us, are yet untouched, and just Suspicions given that they ever will be.

Landau and Fribourg are taken; and in case there is no intermediate Peace, which may ftill be more immediately fatal to us, Two hundred thousand French may be ready in the Spring to invade the Empire, and reftore the Duke of Bavaria to his forfeited Dominions.

These Incidents happen, when the Capital Auftria, the Refidence of his Imperial Majefty,

jefty, is visited with the Plague. The Male Line of that Houfe is likely to terminate in himfelf; and should it please God to take him off, and no King of the Romans chofen, a Prince of the Houfe of Bourbon would probably bid fair for the Imperial Dignity; after which Day farewel Liberty, Europe would be French.

But the Scene is not yet clofed. Portugal, which during the War fupplied to us the place of Spain, by fending us vaft Quantities of Gold in exchange for our Woollen Manufactures, has only at prefent a Sufpenfion of Arms for its Protection, which Sufpenfion may poffibly laft no longer than 'till the Catalonians are reduced; and who knows but the old Pretenfions of Spain to Portugal may be then revived. I mention the Catalonians, but who can name the Catalonians without a Tear! Brave unhappy People! drawn into the War by the Encouragement of the Maritime Powers, from which only a Nation encompaffed by Land by France and Spain could hope for Relief and Protection, now abandoned and expofed to the Refentment of an enraged Prince, whofe Perfon and Intereft they have always oppofed; and yet still fo fond of their Ancient Liberties, that tho' hemmed up in a Nook of Land by the Forces of the two Crowns, and clofely befieged in Barcelona, they chufe rather, like their Countrymen, the famous Saguntines of old, to perish with their Wives and Children, than live in Slavery. Did the French King, with a Conquering Sword in his Hand, ever abandon the leaft and moft inconfiderable of all his Allies? No. When thefe very Catalonians had affifted him against the King of Spain, 1.2


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