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degree. Why then would they fufpend their Good-nature and Generofity, as Englishmen, the natural bent of their Country, of running to the Aid of the Afflicted, to be made Tools, and form a Poffe, to affift the Meffengers of the Treafury against their Fellow Member?

No Man could help plainly feeing, that Mr. Steele in thefe Writings had gone as far as he could with any Safety to his Liberty or Life, and that he got into the Houfe of Commons, for no Reafon but to fay more for the Good of his deluded Country: And muft the House of Commons fruftrate this Design?

There are many Instances of Punishments in the Houfe for being too obfequious to the Court against the People; but Mr. Steele is the first that fell there for being Audacious towards Minifters, in behalf of his Country.

But be all that was done against him forgot ten, and the Names of the Actors in it, except the Meffengers themselves, never mentioned with this Circumftance of their Lives; but let those who were for an oppreffed Gentleman, their Fellow Citizen, against as high an Infolence as ever was offered to the Legiflature, be had in everlasting Remembrance. Many of them have taken care of that for themselves, by illuftrious A&tions; many of them, with the Affiftance of perfonal Accomplishments, as well as Youth, Birth, and Fortune, are bloo ming and growing in the Purfaits of Virtue, and Honour; the rest of them are Men of the greatest Fortunes in this Realm, who are come to the Evening of honourable Days, and have nobler Profpects in View, than to follow Mercenaries

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cenaries with their Vote against an Impotent. Patriot; who attempted, from the irresistible. Force of the Love he bears Mankind, with Poverty and Difgrace ftaring in his Face, to roufe his Country out of a Lethargy; a Lethargy from which he has awaked only to behold Her Danger, and upon feeing it too great has only fighed, folded her Arms, and returned to her Trance.





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