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simply by a wish for greater consistency and accuracy, even where the complete attainment of these excellences seemed, at least for the present, out of reach. And may I remind them that, unless a beloved convention in this matter had sometimes been set at defiance in the past, we should not enjoy even that very imperfect measure of accuracy on which we usually insist as a minimum to-day. Would those scholars who are offended with my ' Pilatus and' Plinius' and' Hadrianus 'like to go back to the days of ' Ponce Pilate' and 'Tully' and 'Anthony Pie '?

A word may be added in regard to the relation of this work to my former book, The Early Christian Attitude to War, published by Messrs. Headley Bros. in 1919. The materials of that book are included within the present work, but they are arranged on quite a different plan. Further, not only was the earlier book very much narrower in scope than the one now presented to the public, but the latter, even in those sections that deal specifically with war, contains some matter not to be found in the former. I desire to express my thanks to Messrs. Geo. Allen & Unwin, the publishers now responsible for The Early Christian Attitude to War, for their kindness in leaving it open to me to republish the material in another form, and for their explicit permission to reproduce from the book the tabular statement given below on pages 432f.

It would be impossible to enumerate the names of all those friends from whom I have received personal help in the preparation of this work. To all such I am sincerely grateful. But I should like to make special mention of two. Dr. Vernon Bartlet, of Mansfield College, Oxford, was my first teacher in Church-History, and to him I owe-besides abundant and kindly help on specific points-a deep reverence for the spirit and ideals of Christian scholarship. Dr. A. J. Carlyle, of University College, Oxford, I have to thank for the close personal interest he took in my task when I was engaged on it as a member of his seminar on 'Church and State,' and for the valuable advice and encouragement he gave me again. and again in the pursuit of it.



April 1925.



Other ethical principles




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