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the Epistle of (?) Paul to Titus [?63 A.D.-but see below, p. 69].

the first and second Epistles of (?) Paul to Timotheus [763-64 A.D., but see below, p. 69].

Tatianus' Oratio ad Graecos, or #pòs "EXλnvas [155 A.D.]. I have usually added in brackets to the chapter-number the number of Otto's page as given in the inside margins of Schwartz (TU IV. 1).

Tatianus' Fragments [155 A.D.]. The first number is that of the frag. in Schwartz (TU iv. 1), and the second (in brackets) is that in ANCL iii. (46ff). Tertullianus' de Anima [208-213 A.D.].

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Tertullianus' Apologeticus [197 A.D.].

Tertullianus' de Baptismo [198–203 A.D.].

Tertullianus' de Carne Christi [208-213 A.D.].
Tertullianus' de Exhortatione Castitatis [203-206


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Tert. Praescr.

Tert. Prax.

Tert. Pudic.

Tert. Res.

Tert. Scap.

Tert. Scorp.
Tert. Spect.
Tert. Test.

Tert. Ux.

Tert. Val..

Tert. Virg.


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The numbers in brackets indicate the volume and page in Oehler's edition (1853); but here and there I have actually followed the text and punctuation given in Migne.


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Tertullianus' aduersus Judaeos [198–203 A.D.].
Tertullianus' aduersus Marcionem [208-213 A.D.].
Tertullianus' ad Martyres [197 A.D.].
Tertullianus' de Monogamia [218–219 A.D.].

Tertullianus' ad Nationes [197 A.D.].

Tertullianus' de Oratione [198-203 A.D.].

Tertullianus' de Paenitentia [198-203 A. D.].

Tertullianus' de Pallio [209-210 A.D.].

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Tertullianus' de Patientia [198-203 A.D.].

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Tertullianus' de Praescriptione Haereticorum [198-
203 A.D.].

Tertullianus' aduersus Praxean [213–218 A.D.].
Tertullianus' de Pudicitia [220 A.D.].

Tertullianus' de Resurrectione Carnis [208-213
A. D.].

Tertullianus' ad Scapulam [212 A.D.].

Tertullianus' Scorpiace [213 A.D.].

Tertullianus' de Spectaculis [198-203 A.D.].
Tertullianus' de Testimonio Animae [197 A.D.].
Tertullianus' ad Uxorem [198–203 A.D.].

Tertullianus' aduersus Valentinianos [207-208 A.D.].
Tertullianus' de Virginibus Velandis [203-206 A. D. ].,'

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Testaments of the XII Patriarchs, in Charles APOT (ii. 296ff) [100 B.C., but see below, p. 205].

The Testament of Hezekiah [88-100 A.D.], being iii. 13b-iv. 18 of AI (q.v.).

the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians [50 A.D.].

the (doubtful) Epistle of Theonas, bishop of Alexandria,
to Lucianus (see below, p. 458). The numbers indicate
the section and then (in brackets) the vol. and page in
Routh (q.v.).

Theophilus of Antioch's three books ad Autolycum (πpòs
Αὐτόλυκον) [182 A.D.].

Traditions of Matthias [120 A.D.] The first number
gives the fragment, the second (in brackets) the page in
Preuschen (q.v.).

Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen und Gruppen, by Ernst Troeltsch. Erste Hälfte. Tübingen (Mohr, 1912) 1923.

Texts and Studies: contributions to biblical and patristic literature, edited by J. Armitage Robinson. Cambridge (Univ. Press) 1891ff.

Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, herausgegeben von Oscar von Gebhardt und Adolf Harnack. Leipzig (Hinrichs) 1883-1897. Neue Folge (NF), 1897ff.

The Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism, by G.
Uhlhorn. London (Sampson Low) 1879. ET from
3rd German edn.

Christian Charity in the Ancient Church, by G. Uhlhorn.
Edinburgh (Clark) 1883. ET from the German.

The Vision of Isaiah [100 A.D.], being vi.—xi. 40 of AI

Victorinus, bishop of Petavium [± 290 A.D.].

Victorinus' Commentary on the Apocalypse [± 290 A.D.].
The chapter, section (and page) in Haussleiter (q.v.)
are given.

Die Stellung des Urchristentums zum Staat, by H. Weinel.
Tübingen (Mohr) 1908.

Die Religion

Biblische Theologie des Neuen Testaments.
Jesu und des Urchristentums, by H. Weinel.
(Mohr) 1921 (3rd edn.).



The Teaching of Jesus, by H. H. Wendt. 2 vols.
burgh (Clark, 1892) 1898, 1896. ET from the German
of 1890.

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The Epistles of St. John, by B. F. Westcott, containing
(247-282) an essay on The Two Empires: The Church
and the World. London (Macmillan, 1883) 1902.
The Two Empires: The Church and the World, by the
late B. F. Westcott. London (Macmillan) 1909. This

is a volume of lectures on Church History, edited by
the Author's son, and rather unfortunately given the
same title as the quite distinct essay in the Commentary
on the Johannine Epistles. The eighth lecture (170-
181) is by the editor.

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, by E. Westermarck. 2 vols. London (Macmillan) 1906, 1908.

A History of Philosophy, by W. Windelband. New York (Macmillan) 1907. ET from the German.

Persecution in the Early Church: a chapter in the history of renunciation, by Herbert B. Workman. London (Kelly) 1906.

Geschichte der christlichen Ethik, being the 2nd part of Geschichte der Ethik, by Theobald Ziegler. Strassburg (Trübner) 1886.

Der Dienst der Frau in den ersten Jahrhunderten der christlichen Kirche, by L. Zscharnack. Göttingen (Vanderhoeck und Ruprecht) 1902


Generally speaking, Roman and Arabic numerals stand respectively for book and section in an ancient work, and for vol. (or-when bracketed-chapter) and page in a modern work.

Large and small Roman numerals are used when further subdivisions have to be indicated.

[blocks in formation]

f, (ff) = 'and the following verse (verses)' or 'chapter(s),' etc.

[I, ||s = ‘the parallel passage(s) in the other Gospel(s).'

CROSS-REFERENCES.-The use of the initials 'p.' (page), ‘pp.’(pages), is, for the sake of convenience, confined to cross-references to other parts of this work, the pages of other books referred to being indicated simply by numbers.

A reference to a footnote of this work includes a reference also to the portion of text to which that footnote is attached.

A reference to a footnote in this work, indicated simply by the letter 'n' with no number following, refers to the latter portion of the footnote continued from the page preceding the page indicated.

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PECULIAR difficulties beset the path of him who attempts in these days to put forward anything constructive or positive in regard to the historical Jesus. The scantiness and peculiar character of the records of his life and teaching, the endless diversity of opinion as to the tests for arriving at his ipsissima verba, as to the interpretation of them when found, and in particular as to the nature of his views concerning the Last Things, and the enormous output of scholarly work in recent years on all these questions-are factors that might seem to put the hope of a reasonable certainty as to the words and thoughts of the Founder of Christianity wellnigh out of reach. At the same time, the determination of those words and thoughts is a matter of the first importance for the history of the Church during the early centuries of our era, as well as for the duty of the Christian disciple of to-day. The reader will naturally look elsewhere for the discussion and treatment of these literary and historical difficulties. For the purpose of the investigation before us, however, some provisional answer at least must be given to the great questions that criticism has raised about Jesus, though of course many of the more ultimate details of the problem will have little or no bearing on our results.

In writing the following pages, then, I have been content to take the Synoptic records as giving us in the main a faithful account of what Jesus said and did, trying to make some allowance for the special features stamped upon the Gospels by the minds that contributed to their composition, and for the impossibility of two conflicting versions of the same saying being both equally accurate. I am painfully aware that these simple canons are very imperfect

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