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medical education in the United States, II, '92/93 (pt. 2) 5, notes by foreign delegates, II, '92/93 (pt. 2) 6, notes by John Eaton, II, '92/93 (pt. 2) 10, papers prepared, II, '92/93 (pt. 2) 9, technological schools (Riedler) II, '92/93 (pt. 2) 7; Jamestown, 1907 (Smith) II, '07, 9; Louisville, Ky., 1883, Southern exposition, articles from museum, U. S. Bureau of education, V (52); Milan, 1894 (Parks) II, '93/94 (pt. 2) 17; 1906 (Monroe) II, '06, 4; Nashville, Tennessee centennial and international exposition, 1897 (Boykin) II, '96/97, 21; New Orleans, 1884-'85, World's industrial and cotton centennial exposition, circular respecting education, V (53); educational exhibits and conventions, V (60); Omaha, Trans-Mississippi and international exposition, 1898, II, '97/98, 38; Paris, 1878 (Philbrick) III, '79, 2; 1900, education, II, '99/00, 30; 1900, sociology (Ward) II, '99/00, 28; Philadelphia, Centennial, 1876, American education (Buisson) III, '79, 5; collections to illustrate history of colleges, universities, professional schools, and schools of science, V (10); education, III, '75, 1; history of American education, V1(12); international conference on education, V (26); schedule for preparation of students' work, III, '75, 8; suggestions respecting exhibit, III, '75, 5; St. Louis, Louisiana purchase exposition, 1904, art schools, II, '04, 15; education (Gay) II, '04, 14, 15, 21, 22; 1904, exhibit of the Bureau of education, II, '03, 23; exhibit (Smith) II, '04, 14; foreign countries, II, '04, 22; public schools, II, '04, 14; technical schools, II, '04, 15; universities and colleges of the United States, II, '04, 21; Santiago, Chili, 1875, V (11); Vienna, 1873, American education, III, '72, November. See also Associations, educational; Congresses, international; Conventions, educational.

Eyesight, defects in public school children, II, '02, 46; effects of student life (Calhoun) III, '81, 6. Fay, E. W., The history of education in Louisiana, III, '98, 1.

Federal aid to education. See National aid to education.

Federal and state aid, higher education (Addis) II, '96/97, 23.

Feeble-minded (Lincoln) II, '02, 47.

Fellowships, colleges and universities, II, '88/89, 21.
Ferry, Jules, Educational towns in France, V (33).
Ficker, A., Educational statistics, III, '70, August.
Fine arts, instruction (Bailey) IV, '09, 6.
Finland, education, II, '88/89, 7; (French) II, '93/94
(pt. 1) 9; (Heikel) III, 77, 2.

Firth, J. B., The Bodleian tercentenary, II, '02, 24.
Fisher, Laura, The kindergarten, II, '03, 16.
Fiske, A. S., Relation of education to crime, II, '71,

Fletcher, Alice C., Indian education and civiliza

tion, a report prepared in answer to Senate resolution of February 23, 1905, V (61).

Flint, Weston, Statistics of public libraries in the
United States and Canada, III, '93, 7.
Florida, education (Bush) III, '88, 7.
Foochow, China, education (Arnold) II, '07, 6.
Foos, C. S., State educational associations, II, '09, 3.
Forestry, education, II, '05, 12, (Parks) II, '93/94
(pt. 2) 2; Schools (Hough) III, '81, 3.
Formosa, education (Arnold) IV, '08, 5.

France, agricultural education, II, '95/96, 24, '05, 5; civil service, schools for recruiting (Willoughby and Willoughby) II, '91/92, 11; commercial education (James) II, '95/96, 15; comparison of schools of, Germany, and United States, II, '88/89, 2; conscripts, education, III, '70, August; education, review, II, '98/99, 21, '99/00, 31, '00/01, 24, '02, 15, '03, 13, '05, 4, '06, 2, '07, 4, '08, 7, '09, 9; III, '81, 4; (Ferry) V (33); (Smith) II, '90/91, 3, '91/92, 3, '92/93 (pt. 1) 5, '93/94 (pt. 1) 6, '94/95, 8, '95/96, 11, '96/97, 2, '97/98, 16; educational system, II, '88/89, 4; (Smith) II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 7; illiteracy and crime, V (36); maternal schools, III, '82, 5; summer schools (Adams) II, '97/98, 2; technical education, III, '82, 6.

France, J. M., Report on the systems of public instruction in Greece, III, '72, February. Franklin, Benjamin, and the University of Pennsylvania (Thorpe) III, '92, 2; influence in American education (Thorpe) II, '02, 2. Free-school policy, land grantees, V (5). Freedmen, education, work of northern churches (Mayo) II, '02, 5. See also Negro.

Freedmen's bureau, general condition of schools under supervision, II, '70, 2.

French, Frances G., Education in Denmark, II, '96/97, 3; Education in Norway, II, '96/97, 4; Education in Russia, II, '90/91, 8; Education in Russia and Finland, II, '93/94 (pt. 149; Education in Sweden, II, '91/92, 12; Education in Sweden and Iceland, II, '95/96, 20; Education in Uruguay, II, '92/93 (pt. 1) 9; Educational status of women in different countries, II, '94/95, 18; Educational system of Denmark, II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 15; The educational system of Japan, II, '90/91, 9; The educational system of Norway, II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 14; The status of women from the educational and industrial standpoint, II, '97/98, 14.

Freshman class, requirements for admission, colleges, universities, and schools of technology, II, '96/97, 11.

Fryer, John, Admission of Chinese students to American colleges, IV, '09, 2; The educational reform in China, II, '09, 12.

Fulcomer, Daniel, Instruction in sociology in institutions of learning, II, '94/95, 27.

Gade, Gerhard, Report on the system of public instruction in Norway, III, '71, July. Gallaudet, E. M., Education of the deaf and dumb, II, '70,7; The instruction of deaf mutes, II, '73, 6. Gang, E., School gardens, II, '98/99, 20. Garfield, James A., speech on a bill to establish a national Bureau of education, III, '67/68, 2.

Gay, G. E., Education at the Louisiana purchase exposition, II, '04, 14, 15, 21, 22.

Gayley, C. M., An account of the proceedings of the International congress for the reproduction of manuscripts, Liège, August 21-23, 1905, II, '05, 8. Geddes, Patrick, International association for the advancement of science, arts, and education, II, '00/01, 6.

Geography, applied (or economic), II, '98/99, 25; teaching in Central Europe, II, '92/93 (pt. 1) 7; teaching in foreign countries, II, '96/97, 30; third international congress, Venice, 1881, V (36). Geology, teaching, colleges and universities of the United States, II, '93/94 (pt. 2) 3.

Georgia, early educational life in middle (Johnston),
II, '94/95, 42, '95/96, 16; public schools (Mayo) II,
'04, 16.

German language, instruction in American schools
(Viereck) II, '00/01, 14; teaching, II, '70, 20.
Germany, auxiliary schools (Maennel) IV, '07, 3:
commercial education (James) II, '95/96, 15,
(Jastrow) II, '05, 6; comparison of schools of,
France, and United States, II, '88/89, 2; domestic
economy, girls (Meyers) II, '73, 7; education, re-
view (Klemm) II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 9; industrial
education, II, '95/96, 25; industrial training of
girls, II, '73, 7; juvenile crime (Loening) II, '04,
9; music schools, II, '95/96, 5; school system
(Nohle) II, '97/98, 1; schools, bird's eye view, II,
'88/89, 5, courses of study, II, '03, 26; secondary
instruction (Jacobson) III, '74, 3; teachers'
insurance, II, '04, 3; teachers' training, III, '78, 1;
universities, foreign students. II, '98/99, 35, (Jacob.
son) III, '72, January, (Lexis) II, '91/92, 10.
Gibbs, J. W., biographical notice, II, '03. 31.
Gilman, D. C., National schools of science, II, '71, 4;
Report on the national schools of science, V (6).
Girls, education, 1II, '67/68, 8; high schools, Sweden,
V (44). See also Women.

Goldsmith, Evelyn M., Schools for crippled children
abroad, II, '09, 11.

Goodnough, W. S., The aesthetic element in manual
training, II, '95/96, 29.

Goodwin, W. W., Report of the director of the
American school of classical studies at Athens for
the year 1882-83, V (54).

Goodyear, W. H., Some principles of decorative art,
II, '95/96, 29.

Gordy, J. P., Rise and growth of the normal-school
idea in the United States, III, '91, 8.

Gove, Aaron, The public school systems of the
United States, II, '03, 7; Trail of the city superin-
tendent, II, '99/00, 8.

Graded schools, classification (Harris) II, '91/92, 15;
development of short interval system, St. Louis
(Harris) II, '98/99, 7.

Grading, Elizabeth plan (Shearer) II, '98/99, 7.
Graduates, college, vital statistics (Warren) III,
'72, March.

Graduation, college, changes in age (Thomas) II,
'02, 48.

Great Britain, education, II, '98/99, 1, '99/00, 18,
'00/01, 19, '02, 25, '03, 3, '04, 12, '06, 1, '07, 3, '08,
6, '09, 8, (Smith) II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 5, 95/96, 3,
'96/97, 1, '97/98, 3; elementary education,, II,
'92/93 (pt. 1) 4, (Smith) II, '91/92, 4; technical
education (Smith) II, '90/91, 5; university exten-
sion (Adams) II, '98/99, 18.

Greece, education, V (49), (Quinn) II, '96/97, 8; lan-
guage question (Quinn) II, '99/00, 23; public in-
struction, report (France) III, '72, February.
Greek, pronunciation, in this country (Boise) II,
'76, 4.

Greenwood, J. M., Notes on the history of American
text-books on arithmetic, II, '97/98, 17, '98/99, 15;
Verbatim reports of recitations in arithmetic and
language in the schools of Kansas City, Mo., II,
'93/94 (pt. 1) 14.

Greer, J. N., The history of education in Minnesota,
III, '02, 2.

Growth of children (Boas and Wissler) II, '04, 2.

Gymnastics, Swedish (Hough) II, '98/99, 26; (Put-
nam) II, '89/90 (pt. 2) 14.

Hadley, A. T., Facilities for study and research in
the offices of the U. S. Government at Washing-
ton, IV, '09, 1.

Hailmann, W. N., German views of American legis-
lation, with particular reference to industrial de-
velopment, etc., IV, '06, 2; History and status of
public kindergartens and écoles gardiennes in sev-
eral European countries, II, '90/91, 19.

Hall, E. W., History of higher education in Maine,
III, '03, 3.

Hampton normal and agricultural institute, work
and influence, II, '04, 6.

Harper, W. R., The educational progress of the year
1901-02, II, '02, 14; Ideals of educational work, II,
'95/96, 29.

Harris, W. T., The age of withdrawal from the pub-
lic schools, II, '91/92, 14; Art education the true
industrial education, II, '04, 18; Bird's-eye view of
the St. Louis public school system in 1880, II,
'98/99, 19; Classification in graded schools, II,
'91/92, 15; A definition of civilization, II, '04, 18;
The development of the short-interval system in
St. Louis, II, '98/99, 7; Educational statistics-
report made to the Department of superintend-
ence of the National education association, II,
'90/91, 28; Educational values, II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 15;
Establishment of the office of the Commissioner of
education of the United States, and Henry Bar-
nard's relation to it, II, '02, 22; Henry Barnard's
services to education in Connecticut, II, '02, 22;
Horace Mann, II, '95/96, 17; The intellectual value
of tool work, II, '04, 18; Oxford university and the
Rhodes scholarships, II, '02, 24; The place of uni-
versity extension in American education, II,
'91/92, 21; Report on school statistics, II, '97/98, 29,
'02, 49; The reports of the Mosely educational com-
mission, II, '05, 1; The study of art and literature
in schools, II, '98/99, 12.

Harris, W. T., list of writings (Evans) II, '07, 2.
Hartwell, E. M., Physical training, II, '97/98, 12,
'03, 17.

Haskins, C. H., and Hull W. J., A history of higher
education in Pennsylvania, III, '02, 4.

Hawaii, education, II, '99/00, 29, '03, 46, '07, 14, '09,
4; (Eaton) II, '96/97, 32; (Lyons) II, '72, 7.
Hays, W. M., Agricultural education in high
schools, II, '03, 30.

Hearing, defects in public-school children, II, '02, 46.
Hebrews. See Jews.

Heikel, Felix, Report on the system of public in-
struction in Finland, III, '77, 2.

Herbartianism, bibliography, II, '92/93 (pt. 1) 11.
High schools, free, for rural pupils (Corbett) II,
'99/00, 12; girls, Sweden, V (44); (Holcombe) II,
'86/87, 21; justification (Morgan) II, '99/00, 11;
raison d'être of (Stewart) II, '86/87, 21. See also
Academies; Secondary education.

Higher education (Compayré) II, '95/96, 22; Eng-
land, law of 1902, II, '04, 13; Federal and state
aid (Addis) II, '96/97, 23; Northwest territory
(Knight) II, '87/88, 20; Poland (Schoenfeld) II,
'94/95, 15; relations of National government (Wal-
cott) II, '00/01, 22; Spanish-America, II, '08, 5;
statistics, V (41). See also Colleges and universi-
ties; Names of countries and states.

Hilder, F. F., Education in Mexico and Central America, II, '95/96, 12; Education in the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Brazil, II, '97/98, 22. Hill, F. A., biographical notice, II, '03, 31. Hinsdale, B. A., Documents illustrative of American educational history, II, '92/93 (pt. 3) 1; Notes on the history of foreign influence upon education in the United States, II, '97/98, 13; Public instruction in Italy, II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 8; The Western literary institute and college of professional teachers, II, '98/99, 13.

Hinsdale, Mary L., A legislative history of the public school system of the state of Ohio, II, '00/01, 2. Hinton, L. J., Education of artisans, II, '71, 12. Hinton, R. J., The relations of education to labor, II, '70, 21.

History, American, English methods of teaching, II, '94/95, 44.

Hlingit language (Kelly and Willard) II, '04, 10. Holcombe, J. W., The high school question, II, '86/87, 21.

Holden, E. S., The teaching of astronomy in the primary and secondary schools and in the university, II, '97/98, 18; The United States military academy at West Point, II, '91/92, 24; The United States naval academy at Annapolis, its organization and methods of training, II, '98/99, 14. Home training, results (Schöberle) II, '91/92, 8. Hopkins grammar school, New Haven, Conn. (16601900) history (Willard) II, '99/00, 22.

Hopkins, T. C., Geology in the colleges and universities of the United States, II, '93/94 (pt. 2) 3. Hough, F. B., An address on our schools and our forests, III, '81, 3; Historical sketch of Union college, V (17); Planting trees in school grounds, V (57); Constitutional provisions in regard to education in the several states of the American union, III, '75, 7.

Hough, Theodore, A review of Swedish gymnastics, II, '98/99, 26.

Howison, G. H., On the correlation of elementary studies, II, '95/96, 18.

Hoyt, J. W., History of the University of Oxford, II, '02, 24; The University of Paris in the Middle Ages, II, '04, 5.

Hulbert; H. W., English rural school, III, '80, 5. Hull, W. J., and Haskins, C. H., A history of higher education in Pennsylvania, III, '02, 4. Hungary, schools, bird's-eye view, II, '88/89, 5. Hunt, Caroline L., The daily meals of school children, IV, '09, 3.

Hunt, Mary H., Temperance physiology, II, '99/00,


Hygiene, means for spreading knowledge among the people (Burgerstein) II, '97/98, 7; school, impaired hearing (Sexton) III, '81, 5; Second international congress, London, II, '07, 10.

Iceland, education (French) II, '95/96, 20. Illiteracy, II, '70, 23, '02, 52, III, '70, August, (Summers) II, '92/93 (pt. 1) 2; voting population (Dabney) II, '02, 18; (Warren) III, '84, 3. Illiteracy and crime, France, V (36). Imber, N. H., Education and the Talmud, II,

'94/95, 46; The letters of Rabbi Akibah, or the Jewish primer as it was used in the public schools two thousand years ago, II, '95/96, 14. Imitation, study (Smith), II, '96/97, 13.

India, education, II, '92/93 (pt. 1) 6, (De Riemer) '97/98, 10. See also British India.

Indiana, higher education (Woodburn) III, '91, 1. Indians, civilization and education V (24); education, II, '70, 3, (Morgan) V (70); education and civilization (Fletcher) V (61); schools, Carlisle (Warren) V (29).

Industrial art, schools (Leland) III, '82, 4. Industrial education, V (47), (Addis) II, '88/89, 16; American, what shall it be? II, '00/01, 4; Argentine Republic (Zubiaur) II, '04, 39; Austria, II, '95/96, 25; Central Europe, II, '90/91, 7; (Clarke) V (62); Europe, V (30); Germany, II, '95/96, 25; girls, Germany (Meyers) II, '73, 7; (Hailmann) IV, '06, 2; in the South (Mayo) III, '88, 5; public schools (Clarke) V (63); relation to apprenticeship system (Wright) IV, '08, 6; Switzerland, II, '95/96, 25; technological schools (Clarke) V (65); typical institutions offering (Boykin) II, '95/96, 21; voluntary associations and endowed institutions (Clarke) V (64); (Woodward) II, '03, 19. Industrial schools, II, '94/95, 21; III, '75, 6. Inhibition (Curtis) II, '00/01, 9. International association for the advancement of science, arts, and education (Geddes) II, '00/01, 6. International congress for the reproduction of manuscripts, Liège, 1905 (Gayley) II, '05, 8. International congress on technical education, 1897, (Brooks) II, '97/98, 9.

International prison congress, Paris, fifth (Randall) II, '95/96, 13; Rome, III, '84, 1; St. Petersburg, fourth (Randall) III, '91, 2.

Iowa, higher education (Parker) III, '93, 6. Ireland, education, II, '98/99, 1, '99/00, 18,'00/01, 19, '02, 25, '03, 3, '04, 12, '06, 1, '07, 3, '08, 6, '09, 8, (Smith) II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 5, '95/96, 3, '96/97, 1, '97/98, 3; educational system (Smith) II, '90/91, 6; elementary education (Smith) II, '91/92, 4. Italy, education, V (49), (Monroe) II, '06, 4, (Oldrini) II, '90/91, 10, '98/99, 16, (Rossi) II, '94/95, 12; kindergarten (Peabody) III, '72, July; progress of public education (Suzzara-Verdi) II, '02, 17; public instruction (Hinsdale) II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 8; school system, II, '88/89, 6; superior education, reform (Oldrini) II, '02, 17; technical education, III, '72, February.

Ives, H. C., Art education an important factor in industrial development, II, '05, 10.

Jackson, Sheldon, Education in Alaska, II, '77, p. xxxi-xxxii, '78, 1, '79, 1, '85/86, 13, '87/88, 6, '88/89, 24, '89/90 (pt. 2) 17, '90/91, 25, '91/92, 28, '92/93 (pt. 3) 9, '93/94 (pt. 2) 12, '94/95, 33, '95/96, 34,' 96/97, 35, '97/98, 40, '98/99, 31, '99/00, 32, '00/01, 31, '02, 32, '03, 44, '04, 36, '05, 13, '06, 10, V (67) (75); introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska, II, '97/98, 41, '98/99, 32, '99/00, 33, '00/01, 32, '02, 33, '03, 45, '04, 17, '05, 14; V (72) (80).

Jackson, W. R., The present status of the certification of teachers in the United States, II, '03, 10. Jacobson, Herman, German and other foreign universities, III, '72, January; History of secondary instruction in Germany, III, 74, 3.

James, E. J., Commercial education in Europe, particularly in Austria, France, and Germany, II. '95,96, 15.

Jamestown exposition, 1907. See Exhibitions, educational.

Japan, education, III, '75, 2, (Lewis) II, '98/99, 6;
educational system (French) II, '90/91, 9; legal
education, II, '90/91, 15; public instruction, sta-
tistics, III, '72, February.
Jarvis, Edward, The value of common-school edu-
cation to common labor, II, '72, 8; III, '79, 3.
Jastrow, J. J., Higher education for business men
in the United States and Germany, II, '05, 6.
Jewell, J. R., Agricultural education, including
nature study and school gardens, IV, '07, 2.
Jews, ancient primer (Imber) II, '95/96, 14; educa-
tion (Noah) II, '70, 5.

Johnston, R. M., Early educational life in middle
Georgia, II, '94/95, 42; '95/96, 16.

Johnston, W. P., work for a new South (Mayo) II,
'98/99, 30.

Jones, A. J., The continuation school in the United
States, IV, '07, 1.

Joynes, E. S., Letter concerning the establishment
of a normal school for the women of Virginia, II,
'00/01, 12.

Juvenile crime, Germany (Loening) II, '04, 9.
Juvenile offenders, reformation (Addis) II, '89/90
(pt. 2) 12.

Kansas, higher education (Blackmar) III, '00, 2.
Kansas City, Mo., recitations in arithmetic and lan-
guage (Greenwood) II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 14.
Kelly, J. W., Ethnographical memoranda concern-
ing the Arctic Eskimos in Alaska and Siberia,
III, '90, 2.

Kelly, J. W., and Wells, Roger, Jr., Eskimo vo-
cabularies, II, '96/97, 26.

Kelly, W. A., and Willard, Frances H., Grammar
and vocabulary of the Hlingit language of south-
eastern Alaska, II, '04, 10.

Kentucky, higher education (Lewis) III, '99, 3.
Kindergarten, III, 72, July; culture (Peabody)
II, '70, 4; (Fisher) II, '03, 16; (Masson) III, '72,
July; objects (Peabody) II, '71, 13; philosophy
and methods (Bülow) III, '72, July; public,
Europe, history and status (Hailmann) II,
'90/91, 19; public and private, statistics, II, '02,
51; St. Louis, early history, II, '96/97, 19.
Klemm, L. R., Brief statement of the school system
of Austria, II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 13; Brief statement of
the school system of Prussia, II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 12;
Education in Austria-Hungary in 1889-90, II,
'89/90 (pt. 1) 11; Education in Europe and Amer-
ica, II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 16; Education in Germany,
II, '89/90 (pt. 1) 9; The Swiss school system; an
historical and statistical review, II, '91/92, 7;
Training of teachers in Germany, Austria, and
Switzerland, II, '91/92, 6.

Knight, G. W., Higher education in the Northwest
territory, II, '87/88, 20.

Knight, G. W., and Commons, J. R., The history
of higher education in Ohio, III, '91, 5.
Knowledge, worth of (Butler) II, '95/96, 29.
Korea, education (Soh) II, '90/91, 11.
Kovalevsky, E., Education in Russia, II, '02, 28.
Krohn, W. O., Facilities in experimental psy-
chology in the colleges of the United States, II,
'90/91, 31; Minor mental abnormalities in children
as occasioned by certain erroneous school meth-
ods, II, '98/99, 10.

Labor and education, II, '70, 22, III, '72, April;
(Hinton) II, '70, 21; (Jarvis) II, '72, 8, III, '79, 3.

Land grant colleges. See Agricultural and mechan-
ical colleges.

Land grants, education, III, '67/68, 6; tables ex-
hibiting, III, '67/68, 3.

Lane, J. J., History of education in Texas, III, '03, 2.
Languages, Greece, diversity (Quinn) II, '99/00, 23.
Latin, pronunciation (Richardson) II, '76, 5.
Laveleye, Emile de, The progress of education in
Russia, III, 75, 3.

Law, education, II, '90/91, 13; Australia, II, '90/91,
15; bibliography (Addis) II, '90/91, 16; Canada,
II, '90/91, 15; China, II, '90/91, 15; Europe, II,
'90/91, 14; Japan, II, '90/91, 15; Spanish America,
II, '90/91, 15.

Legislation, educational, II, '08, 2; England (Smith)
II, '95/96, 2; 59th Congress, II, '06, 26; 60th Con-
gress, second session, II, '09, 2; state school sys-
tems (Elliott) IV, '06, 3, '08, 7, '10, 2.
Leipzig, University of (Steuart) III, '77, 2.
Leland, C. G., Industrial art in schools, III, '82, 4.
Le Rossignol, J. E., History of higher education in
Colorado, III, '03, 1.

Levasseur, E., Comparative study of popular edu-
cation among civilized nations: administration of
popular education, II, '95/96, 10.

Lewis, A. F., History of higher education in Ken-
tucky, III, '99, 3.

Lewis, R. E., state education in Japan, II, '98/99, 6.
Lexis, W., German universities, II, '91/92, 10.
Liberia, education (Ellis) II, '05, 7.
Libraries, Bodleian tercentenary-(Firth) II, '02, 24;
buildings, construction (Poole) III, '81, 1; cata-
logue of "A. L. A.," V (77); college, as aids to in-
struction, III, '80, 1; and education (Dewey) II,
'87/88, 20; history and condition (Warren and
Clark) V (18); legislation (Presnell) II, '95/96, 9;
National education association, report on public,
and public schools, II, '99/00, 13; organization and
management (Poole) V (19); and public schools,
II, '97/98, 15; public, society, and school
(Summers) II, '95/96, 8, '99/00, 17, '03, 18, IV, '09,
5; public, statistics, II, '84/85, p. ccxxix-ccxxx,
691-782, (Flint) III, '93, 7; Rochester university
(Robinson) III, '80, 1; teacher's professional, IV,
'09, 8.

Library aids, V (37).

Lincoln, D. F., The education of the feeble-minded
in the United States, II, '02, 47.

Lindsay, S. McC., Inauguration of the American
school system in Porto Rico, II, '05, 15.
Ling gymnastics. See Swedish gymnastics.
Literature, study, in schools (Harris) II, '98/99,


Loening, Edgar, Juvenile criminality in Germany,
II, '04, 9.

London, education, administration of school board,
II, '03, 4; elementary education (Smith) II, '89/90
(pt. 1) 8, III, '78, 2.

Lopez, Ernestina A., Old and new methods of
teaching, II, '04, 39.

Louisiana, education (Fay), III, '98, 1.

Louisiana purchase exposition, 1904. See Exhibl-
tions, educational.

Lyons, C. J., Education in the Hawaiian islands,
II, '72, 7.

Lyte, E. O., The state normal schools of the United
States, II, '03, 22,

MacDonald, Arthur, Abnormal man, being essays on education and crime and related subjects, with digests of literature and a bibliography, III, '93, 4; Child study in the United States, II, '97/98, 25; Criminological studies, II, '93/94 (pt. 2) 14; Experimental study of children, including anthropometrical and psycho-physical measurements of Washington school children, II, '97/98, 21; Psychological, criminological, and demographical congresses in Europe, II, '93/94 (pt. 2) 15. McIver, C. D., educational services (Coon) II, '07,


McLaughlin, A. C., History of higher education in Michigan, III, '91, 4.

Maennel, B., The auxiliary schools of Germany, IV, '07, 3.

Maine, higher education (Hall) III, '03, 3.
Malta, education, V (36).

Manchester, A. L., Music education in the United States; schools and departments of music, IV, '08, 4.

Manitoba school case (Smith) II, '94/95, 7. Mann, Horace, and the revival of the common school (Mayo) II, '96/97, 15; (Harris) II, '95/96, 17. Mansfield, E. D., The relation between crime and education, II, '72, 9; The relation between education and pauperism, II, '72, 10. Manual arts, instruction (Bailey) IV, '09, 6. Manual training, V (66); (Addis) II, '88/89, 16; aesthetic element (Goodnough) II, '95/96, 29; high schools, courses of study, V (81); limitations to artistic (Richards) II, '95/96, 29; public schools (Clarke) V (63); relation to art education (Bennett) II, '95/96, 29; relation to body and mind, III, '89, 2; relation to certain mental defects (Walker) II, '96/97, 14; rise and progress (Woodward) II, '93/94 (pt. 2) 5; typical institutions (Boykin) II, '95/96, 21; (Woodward) II, '03, 19.

Marble, A. P., Sanitary conditions for schoolhouses, III, '91, 3.

March, F. A., The spelling reform, III, '80, 7, '93, 8; The study of Anglo-Saxon, II, '76, 3. Marenholtz-Bülow, Baroness, The philosophy and methods of the kindergarten, III, '72, July. Martin, W. A. P., Report on the system of public instruction in China, III, '77, 1. Maryland, education (Steiner) III, '94, 2; public school system (Mayo) II, '03, 9. Massachusetts, higher education (Bush) III, '91, 6. Masson, Octavie, Kindergarten in Belgium, introduction to practical treatise on kindergarten, III, '72, July.

Maternal schools, France, III, '82, 5. Mathematics, teaching and history (Cajori) III, '90, 3.

Mayes, Edward, History of education in Mississippi, III, '99, 2.

Mayo, A. D., The American common school in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania during the first half century of the Republic, II, '95/96, 6; The American common school in the southern states during the first half century of the Republic, 17901840, II, '95/96, 7; The American school in New England from 1790 to 1840, II, '94/95, 39; Building for the children in the South, V (55); The common school in the Southern States beyond the Mississippi river, from 1830-1860, II, '00/01, 10; The de

velopment of the common school in the Western States from 1830 to 1865, II, '98/99, 8; Education in southwestern Virginia, II, 90/91, 24; Education in the Northwest during the first half century of the Republic, 1790-1840, II, '94/95, 38; The final establishment of the American common school system in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, 1863-1900. II, '04, 16; The final establishment of the American common school system in West Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware, 18631900, II, '03, 9; The future of the colored race, II, '98/99, 27; Henry Barnard, II, '96/97, 16; Henry Barnard as first U. S. Commissioner of education, II,'02, 22; Horace Mann and the great revival of the American common school, 1830-1850, II, '96/97, 15; Industrial education in the South, III, '88, 5; The organization and development of the American common school in the Atlantic and central states of the South, 1830-1860, II, '99/00, 7; The organization and reconstruction of state systems of common-school education in the North Atlantic states from 1830 to 1865, II, '97/98, 11; Original establishment of state school funds, II, '94/95. 37; Public schools during the Colonial and Revolutionary period in the United States, II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 16; Robert Charles Winthrop and the Peabody education fund for the South, II, '93/94 (pt. 1) 17; Southern women in the recent educational movement in the South, III, '92, 1; William Preston Johnston's work for a new South, II, '98/99, 30; The work of certain northern churches in the education of the freedmen, 1861-1900, II, '02, 5. Mead, E. D., The Old South work, II, '99/00, 16. Meals, daily, of school children (Hunt) IV, '09, 3. Medical colleges. See Medicine, colleges. Medical inspection of schools, II, '97/98, 30; abroad (Burgerstein and Netolitzky) II, '02. 11. Medicine, colleges, V (34) (38); education, II, '92/93 (pt. 2) 5, (Miller) II, '92/93 (pt. 3) 7, (Toner) V (8), (Warren) II, '86/87, 21; history of medical education (Davis) V (25); schools (Baudouin) II, '94/95, 29.

Mental fatigue, II, '95/96, 23. See also Overpressure. Merriam, L. S., Higher education in Tennessee, III, '93, 5.

Metallurgy, contributions to the curriculum of agricultural and mechanical colleges (Addis) II, '96/97, 20.

Mexico, education, II, '07, 8; (Hilder) II, '95/96, 12. Meyers, J. F., Educational methods in Germany, II,'71, 9; Industrial training for girls, with practical lessons in household economies, as taught in Germany, II, '73, 7.

Michigan, higher education (McLaughlin) III, '91, 4. Milan, International exposition, 1894, 1906. See

Exhibitions, educational.

Miller, A. E., Medical education, II, '92/93 (pt. 3) 7; professional education, II, '93/94 (pt. 2) 7, '94/95, 28. Miller, Kelly, The education of the negro, II, '00/01,


Mining engineering, instruction, II, '00/01, 45.
Minnesota, education (Greer) III, '02, 2.
Mississippi, education (Mayes) III, '99, 2.
Missouri, higher education (Snow) III, '98, 2.

Missouri, University of, V (46).

Modern language association of America, committee of twelve, report, II, '97/98, 26.

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