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that loan-office paper is no more like money than a poor, starveling, singed cat is like unto a full grown "ring tail panther;" and they do most humbly beg, that this knowledge may be speedily removed far from them.

Your petitioner craves leave to refer your honourable bodies to the Osages, the Shawnees, the Pattawatamies, the Flat-heads, and other tribes of our red brethren, to illustrate and enforce the course of reasoning which he has pursued. Behold, in what happy ignorance of the endless perplexities of our vile institutions, they spend their days, troubled by no birchen rods in boyhood, no sharp corners of the law, no innumerable provisions of statutes in the business of the middle age, and driven to a premature death by no failures of banks, and fluctuations of trade.

Your petitioner desires that the wisdom of the legislature may be shown in the prohibition of all that tends to increase the evils and perplexities with which he is surrounded; and that schools may be forbidden by statute, pedagogues kicked out of the state, and boys turned loose to sport in the prairies, as is fit and becoming among the wise men of the great state of Missouri--and your petitioner will ever pray, &c.


[Morning Chronicle. Baltimore.]

THE following pathetic and humorous petition was actually presented to the legislature of Maryland, on the 20th December, 1805.


THE humble petition of poor John Clarke, of the city of Baltimore, shewing to your honours that your unfortunate petitioner, while ploughing the domains of old Neptune, having carried rather taught sails in a stormy weather, the gales of misfortune blowing hard, he overran his reckoning, the watch on deck keeping a bad lookout, he was stranded on the shoals of poverty; soon after, overhauled and made prisoner by the commander

of a press-gang, called the sheriff of Baltimore, and he now lies locked under the hatches in limbo, to the grief of darling Poll, and his sweet little crew, who, since his imprisonment, have been on short allowance. Therefore, your petitioner prays, that your honours will order the hatches to be unbarred by act of insolvency, that his fasts may be cut, he again put to sea on a cruise, in hopes that fortune may prove kind in the distribution of prize-money, and poor Jack once more enabled to cheer the hearts of his darling Poll and her sweet babesAnd your petitioner will ever pray.


[Inquirer. Nantucket.]

IMPOSTORS and pretenders have swarmed in every age, and will probably continue to be in vogue so long as mankind are determined to pay for being imposed upon.

The present age is not a whit behind any former one in the production of charlatans and mountebanks of every profession. We begin to believe that there is in human nature, some inherent property, which, as it has hitherto preserved, will forever perpetuate, the existence of such illusions. This principle may be discovered in that violent smack for the marvellous which most men naturally possess; and in that consequent readiness to enrich a jack-pudding, who offers some short cut to health, wealth or knowledge, rather than to bestow the slighest encouragement on a man of genius and science, who points out the more certain, though less speedy means. So long as this taste for the astonishing prevails, the "trade and mystery" of quackery will flourish; the Solomons will grow fat on " Balm of Gilead ;" the Wards will line their nests with Asaitic down, and pseudo-politicians, sham-lawyers, and counterfeit-teachers will find ample scope for the display of their sundry crafts.

Another reason for our conclusion aforesaid may be found in the fact that a great portion of mankind are extremely jealous of those whose superior faculties and attainments elevate them an inch above the common level. They cannot, either through envy, or some equally vile

feeling, relish the fruits of learning; but would prefer to associate with kindred ignorance-like the countryman, who fainted at the smell of perfumery, but recovered on having his nose rubbed with horse-dung!

Moreover, the present is a grand labour-saving period; things go by steam-and machinery is contrived. to save both manual and intellectual friction. We shall soon have steam grammar and cast iron arithmetic. Professors of all sorts of occult arts are peregrinating the country, pointing out the turnpike to universal knowledge, and flourishing their diplomas, certificates, and testimonials from Hagag, Hugag and Scanderbeg. Yesterday, we had a visit from an instructer of the Arosaguntakuk language, who teaches that useful acquirement in three lessons, at only a shilling each. To-day, we have a cheap teacher of penmanship, who is so busy that he procures an influential friend to write his advertisements. Here is one who proposes, like Dr. Pangloss, to improve our cacology, and who, in short, can make us perfectly acquainted with stenography in half a lesson. Here is another practitioner, with M. D. and A double S at the fag-end of his other names, who will wrench all the grinders from your jaws for almost nothing. Another offers to make us thorough proficients in our mother tongue, by means of a grammar machine, which will grind a noun into adjectives, or a verb into participles, in less than no time. Another exhibits a grammar-map, delineating the whole perambulations of the nominative case, through its crooked verbal passages, into the case objective. Tomorrow, we expect a still greater genius, who will show us "the mode of catching gulls" by means of the viscus of impudence; and how to strip off a sheep's fleece by the bare application of a charm called a RECOMMENDATION."


All these masters of arts are generally well paid, while the modest, unassuming man of genuine knowlege, having become an every-day acquaintance, ceases to claim our favour. He may exhaust his time, his property, his genius, in attempts to add something to the general stock of science, and he meets no praise, no support, no recompense.


[Gazette. Washington.] "He who fights and runs away,

"May live to fight another day."

THE attention of the good people of this metropolis, has been considerably excited by an "affair of honour," which lately took place in this vicinity, and which the fates had decreed to be less bloody than was to be expected; "all conquering love" was supposed by many, and confidently believed, to have been the prime cause of the ruthless contention. Discord and love seemed to have conspired to send two fearless rivals to the Stygian shades, and fame had already sharpened her pen to record their "deeds of arms," when it was supposed by many, that Pallas dropt down from her etherial realm and turned the "whizzing deaths" aside, unwilling that the services of two of her most hopeful children, should be thus lost to mankind.

More discriminating wiseacres, however, have derived another cause, and fearlessly assert that the quarrel has a "political complexion," and the knowing ones have hinted, rather obscurely, that the next presidential election depended in a great measure, upon the issue of the rencontre. This question, however, we shall leave to the sagacity of those, whose peculiar province it is, to pry into the dark recesses of political intrigue, and "drag the struggling monsters forth to-day."

The parties were two" highly respectable" coloured gentlemen, Quashee and Sambo, both of whom were particularly distinguished in the way in which their respective geniuses led them. Quashee, had rendered himself famous as a powerful " bruiser," and Sambo was not less famous for his untiring loquacity and exhilirat ing powers of oratory. Often in council, had he stood first among the foremost, while the thunders of Demosthenean eloquence poured from his lips, like a resistless torrent, striking his impotent adversaries dumb, and carrying unqualified conviction in its course.

Whatever might have excited the resentment of Quashee, he doubtless felt that his honour had received a stain which could only be erased by the blood of Sam

bo, "though in the trade of war he had slain men," yet, in the true spirit of chivalry, he wished to take no undue advantage of his antagonist, and therefore challenged him to meet him, in single combat, six months from that day, that he might be duly prepared for the conflict; but in the mean time, the fact must remain a profound secret except to the intimate friends of the parties. It was feared in the interim that the fact had leaked out; but the eventful day at length arrived, and in spite of their friends, they met-they fought. They were armed in a genteel and fashionable manner, that is to say, with "hair-triggers," Quashee, disdaining to avail himself of his superior physical force, by giving him what is vulgarly called a sound, drubbing, as those less sensible to the dictates of honour would have done.

The parties took their positions, and the word was given to fire. Sambo, knowing the prowess of Quashee, and feeling, in the present case, that "delays are dangerous," in his eagerness to have the first shot, turned about with such rapidity, that he whirled too far by about ninety degrees, and, mistaking his second for his opponent, fired instantly, and had his skill been equal to his intrepidity, it is probable the shot would have been fatal; but he luckily escaped unhurt, the ball having only demolished a glass bottle which stood on the ground near his feet, containing some cordials, which had been provided in case they should be called for by any emergency.

Quashee finding himself unhurt, now put in requisisition his collected energies, and with the determined coolness and valour of the Telamonian Ajax, with cer tain vengeance in his grasp, (having Sambo like the Lemnean hydra beneath the club of Hercules,) took his accustomed sure unerring aim-and Sambo fell. Quashee felt puissant as the Olympian lover, but he was acquainted with the chances of war and like Ulysses, he was not less prudent than brave; he therefore determined like a good general, not to lose any favourable opportunity, and he resolved to have another shot at Sambo before he had time to rise, through fear that the first had been ineffectual. It might be urged, to the discredit of

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